Transform Your Mind

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 126:19:57
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Myrna Young, Life Coach, interviews experts and thought Leaders every week and offers solo coaching sessions, to Transform your Mind so you can Transform your Life. The bible teaches that we must be transformed by the renewing of our mind. Each success or failure begins in the mind. The Transform your Mind podcast helps you renovate your mind and increase your capacity for success. So tune each week in to strengthen your mind, body connection and Live your best life now!


  • How to Flow with Desire

    11/06/2018 Duração: 42min

    How to Flow with Desire: Welcome to the Transform your Mind Radio show and podcast my name is Myrna Young Certified Professional Coach, Author and your Host, each week I bring you an inspiring guest or a solo coaching message to Help you Live your Best Lives Now by Transforming your Mindset.Thanks for tuning in today and I hope that this segment meets you at your point of need. Sponsor an Episode for as little as $20.00 per episode:Get your message out to the #1 Podcast in my category on iTunes 01:05Today we are concluding our series on the Alchemy of Desire with a solocoaching session, today it's just gonna be you in me. I will be sharingwith you an excerpt from one of my previous interviews; but for the mostpart it's going to be you and me because I wanted this to be a coaching session on now that you have gotten what you desired. How to Flow with Desire. In our previous five episodes of teaching you how to use the fantasticand magical transformation of the word Alchemy to get your most desired thing. Wh

  • How to Play to Win with the Cards you are Dealt in Life

    29/05/2018 Duração: 58min

    Are you a #meToo survivor? Dealt some bad cards in life? Find out "how to play to win" by tuning in to this podcast to learn How to play with the cards you were dealt in life. We are live on location at the Main Broward Library in Fort Lauderdale. I will be discussing my book “Out of the Snares, a story of hope and encouragement.You will also hear from a panel of speakers as we discuss the topic “How to play with the Cards you were dealt in Life.” I wrote this book with the intention of drawing life lessons from various aspects of my Life. For example the first life event that I introduced in my bookis as a victim of childhood sexual abuse and being born into poverty. The life lesson I share here is that You don't have to be a victim in life; instead become a player. Just like in the game of blackjack, if the dealer isshowing a picture card and you only have small cards, you don't chuck your hand in and say there's no way that I can win. All you need is the intention to win and guess what, your hand is

  • 9 Steps to Effective Advocacy

    16/05/2018 Duração: 57min

    Can Advocacy build successful bridges? It sure can. My guest today shares 9 Steps to Effective Advocacy. Latisha Atkins is the founder of Building Bridges to Success, Inc. Show notes: Tell me about yourself. How did you create your company Building Bridges to Success and become an Advocate? 1.What is Advocacy?: What it is and why it is important? 2.What are some of the ways people can get involved locally and nationally with Advocacy. 3.What are some pointers you can give our audience on how to advocate. 4.How do people and communities move from problem-solving in their personal lives to advocacy?5.What are some barriers to getting involved with advocacy?6.How does BRIDGES advocate for your community?7.What are some examples of advocacy?8.Is there a difference between advocacy and lobbying? 9.How can BRIDGES help others become advocates for their communities?10.Does advocacy lead to real change?11.Can anyone be an advocate?Check out more on Adcocacy and How it can build bridges to success @ Bridges2you

  • How to Heal your Body Holistically

    02/05/2018 Duração: 47min

    In today's episode of the Transform your Mind with coach Myrna, I interview Ms Taeneka Brooks, founder of Hands of Sage IncTaeneka will teach us How to Heal your body Holistically with the use of special blends of teas. Taeneka always wanted to help people and when her son was diagnosed with Asthma, she decided she wanted to learn how to heal him holistically instead of using prescription drugs. With her holistic approach, her son is now cured of asthma. Hands of Sage most popular product is called the Sage Moon Box:The Sage moon Box is the holistic approach of healing women both mentally and physically on their monthly menstrual cycle.It includes: Organic natural bathsaltsSage Moon Tea to boosted fertility Tampons/padsWipesTea InfuserHer holistic teas also help with bloating or crampsHer detox teas help cleanse the full body, increase metabolism and burn fat Some of her teas cleanse all the way down to the cellular level.Taeneka also educates her clients on how to live Holistically Check out Taeneka on her

  • The Alchemy of Desire Episode 5- The long term relationship dance

    23/04/2018 Duração: 56min

    Today on Mindset Transformation Radio and podcast, we are continuing with our series on the The Alchemy of Desire Episode 5- The Long Term Relationship Dance. My co -host for this series is my girl pal the fabulous Ms Margo Blake. Margo is a One Taste Intimacy Coach and, I am a Mindset Coach. Together we want to share our knowledge on this Topic “The Alchemy of Desire and Intimacy”What is Desire – Desire can be called the feminine face of God! Desire is what God places in your spirit to lead you to your purpose. It is the key that unlocks what God placed you on this earth to do.We all Desire to be in loving fulfilling relationships with our Partners, our children, our friends and co-workers. We desire to have successful careers, some of us desire to procreate and have children, we desire to be emotionally and physically healthy, we desire to be wealthy, and today we are going to touch on the desire for flow in our relationships and not ebb.The Dance of Intimacy Anyone in a long-term relationship knows th

  • How does Infidelity Affect Intimacy and Desire for Our Partner

    16/04/2018 Duração: 01h05min

    Today on WDJY 99.1 FM straight talk radio our topic is “How does Infidelity affect Intimacy and Desire for our Partner ” We all Desire to be in loving fulfilling relationships with our Partners, our children, our friends and co-workers. We desire to have successful careers, some of us desire to procreate and have children, we desire to be emotionally and physically healthy, we desire to be wealthy, and today we are going to touch on our desire for our partners to be faithful to their commitment to us.But what happens when they don’t? Statistics show that as much of 70% of men and women cheat on their spouses and committed partners. My co -host for this episode is my girl pal the fabulous Ms Margo Blake. Margo is a One Taste Intimacy Coach and, I am a Mindset Coach. Together we want to share our knowledge on this Topic “How does Infidelity affect Intimacy and Desire for our partner”What is Desire – Desire can be called the feminine face of God! Desire is what God places in your spirit to lead you to your

  • The Alchemy of Desire Episode 3- The Power of Attention

    30/03/2018 Duração: 53min

    The Alchemy of Desire is the magical process of the transformation of your desires to reality. This transformation happens faster if we empower it with Attention. In this episode we are going to teach you how to use the, Power of Attention, to manifest all your dreams and desires. What is Desire – Desire can be called the feminine face of God! I love this sentence! Desire is what God places in your spirit to lead you to your purpose. It is the key that unlocks what God placed you on this earth to do.We Desire for our partners physically and spiritually, we desire our careers, we desire to procreate and have children, we desire to be emotionally and physically healthy, we desire to be wealthy but most of all we desire to fulfill our purpose on this earth and leave it a better place then we found it. In our first blog on this topic, we talked about how to manifest the Desires of your Heart. The first step is knowing what you want. The second step is adding emotions to it. In our second blog post on the Alc

  • How to Use the Energy of Desire to Create Something Magical

    16/03/2018 Duração: 44min

    Today on Mindset Transformation Radio and podcast, we are continuing with our series on the Alchemy of Desire. How to transform the Energy of Desire to Create Something Magical inside and outside of the Bedroom. My co -host for this series is my girl pal the fabulous Ms Margo Blake. Margo is a One Taste intimacy coach. And of course I am a Mindset coach. Together we want to share our knowledge on this Topic “the Alchemy of Desire”What is Desire? – Desire can be called the Feminine face of God! I love this sentence! Desire is what God places in your spirit to lead you to your purpose. It is the key that unlocks what God placed you on this earth to do.We Desire for our partners physically and spiritually, we desire our careers, we desire to procreate and have children, we desire to be emotionally and physically healthy, we desire to be wealthy.Let me share with you the meaning of Alchemy. The dictionary calls Alchemy a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination. That includes. "fin

  • The Alchemy of Desire

    06/03/2018 Duração: 54min

    What is the Alchemy of Desire? – Desire can be called the feminine face of God! Desire is what God places in our spirit to lead us to our purpose. It is the key that unlocks what God placed you on this earth to do.We have Desire for our partners physically and spiritually, we desire our careers, we desire to procreate and have children, we desire to be emotionally and physically healthy, we desire to be wealthy.So why the topic the Alchemy of Desire you ask again? My co-host today is Margo Blake, a One Taste coach. One Taste has a coaching workshop called the Alchemy of Desire. This workshop focuses on sexual desire; and I wanted to expand that Alchemy of sexual desire to encompass all desires. Let me share with you the meaning of Alchemy. The dictionary calls Alchemy a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination. That includes. "finding the person who's right for you requires a very subtle alchemy"The book the Alchemy of Desire was made famous by by Tarun J. TejpalIn his book Mr

  • How to set Strong Goals

    21/02/2018 Duração: 53min

    As Millennials graduate from high school, graduate from college, or get engaged to be married, A formula on How to Set Strong Goals should be prominent their minds. In each stage of life, we should have short term goals and long-term goals. Short term goal are goals you would like to achieve within the year and long-term goals are goals you would like to achieve in let’s say 10 years.So if we were to pick up goals at a Millennial graduation from College, her short term goals would probably be either get a job and start supporting herself or enroll in higher education. How to Set Strong Goals like a Champion: Tom BradyTom Brady says, The key to success lies in setting goals and taking massive action towards the attainment of these goals. A hundred years of psychological research has taught us that setting strong goals matter, if you want to improve your chances of succeeding.A goal is a map to your destination. It is like a seed! Plant strong goals in your mind and it will be the most important decision y

  • How to Embrace Your Goddess in the Bedroom

    13/02/2018 Duração: 54min

    How to be sexually confident by embracing your Goddess in the Bedroom. That is our topic today on the Mindset Transformation Radio show and podcast. Coach Myrna interviews Intimacy and Orgasmic Coach, Margo Blake. Margo is going to teach you How to Embrace Your Goddess in the Bedroom by being sexually confident. As a teen mom Margo was forced into developing her sexuality at an early age. At 48 years old she decided to learn the secrets of the intimacy that had always eluded her. Even though she was always sexually confident, She wanted to know more about the RAW, Vulnerable parts of herself that she always held back from men. She wanted to find out for herself and also to teach other women to embrace that part of themselves. So, she became an intimacy coach teaching women How to be sexually confident and How to embrace their Goddess in the bedroom. in celebration of the movie "50 Shades Freed" and Valentines Day, I wanted to give my listeners a gift. A gift of Awakening along the lines of the Awakening

  • How to be Rich and Wealthy: the 90/10 Rule

    23/01/2018 Duração: 45min

    Change your mind, change your life podcast - How to be Rich Rich and Wealthy: the 90/10 Rule In today's episode I want to coach on money, specifically The 90/10 rule. If you are having the goal of increasing your earning power in 2018, then you need to understand the basics of money - Economics The reason that 10% of the population earn 90% of the wealth in this country, is because the rich understand the fundamentals. They understand the fundamentals of money. So, let's review Money or currency, is anything used as a means of exchange.Hence the rise of bitcoin and trading also called bartering. Money circulates in the economy through the Federal Government. The Federal government’s main customer is the U.S Treasury.The Federal government collects tax payments and deposits into the US treasury. The US treasury then pays the government’s bills e.g social security checks, interest payments on treasury bills and bonds and oversees the operations of the nation’s commercial banks. But the main job of the Federal

  • How do you define success panel discussion William Howell, Darrell Sirmon, Joe Johnson, Bim Mathis

    19/12/2017 Duração: 59min

    How do you define success? Do you define success by your bank account? Your tittle or by how purpose driven you are in life? Tune in for a panel discussion from successful executives on how they define success. My panel guests areWilliam Howell – Marketing Executive with iMarkets LiveDarrell Sirmon – Marketing Executive with iMarkets LiveJoe Johnson – Entertainment Manager and CEO of CAMP5 Entertainment and sports BiM Mathis - Recording Artist under CAMP5 label Make your life extraordinary with Tony Robbins Personal Achievement productsTurn your dreams into reality 1: How do you define success?As successful musicians, would you define success by how far you have come in your career or do you feel that success has to do with how happy we are? Joe: I define success as the simple act of making a goal and working towards it. I believe that we should make both short term goals and long term goals i.e make 6 month goals so we can check them off

  • How to Fly like an Eagle above the Storms of Life

    05/12/2017 Duração: 48min

    Did you suffer from Childhood sexual abuse or sexual harassment as an adult? Today on Mindset Transformation radio and podcast, I share my journey from being sexually abused as a child and how I used that experience to elevate my life. I teach how you too can use the winds from the storms of life to elevate your life to greater heights. In this episode, we will study the Eagle and how the Eagle looks forward to the storm because the eagle knows that only by using the winds of the storm can she elevate to greater heights. Without the storm, she can never fly above the clouds. Familiarly, in life we need challenges, hurts and disappointments to get us out of our comfort zones and stretch us. Without the storms of life we would become complacent. Learn more Here are some characteristics of the Eagle: Eagles fly’s above the storms The crow that picks and picks at the ground, can’t rise to the heights of the eagle or is not conditioned to rise about the ground. It's mindset is to stay on the ground and peck for

  • How to Create the Freedom Lifestyle through Real Estate Investments.

    17/11/2017 Duração: 57min

    Would you like to learn the secrets of creating a Freedom Lifestyle with Real Estate investments? Then listen to this weeks podcast as I interview Mike Wolf, Real Estate Investor. •Mike Wolf has been a real estate investor for over 28 years. Over the years he’s gone from being a workaholic who would put in 15 hour days 7 days a week to being someone who works smarter not harder. He regularly travels the globe doing humanitarian projects and also seeking sun and sand while living off the passive income that he has created through real estate.But before I share Mike's advise with you, let me give you my tip of the week. Because I know you really want to know how to get rich!!You can read the full article here: 7 Steps to become RichHow To Get Rich: A 7-Step Blueprint For SuccessStep #1 -- Add Massive Amounts Of ValueGo out there into the world with the desire to add massive amounts of value?.Step #2 -- Be GratefulIt's really easy to look at certain strategies and techniques in business or in life that will h

  • How to Become Lifted by Your Purpose

    10/11/2017 Duração: 56min

    Are you lifted by your purpose? This week on Mindset Transformation Radio and Podcast, I interview Ms Arifah Yusuf who is not only lifted by her purpose but founded a company called Lifted By Purpose where she helps youths in Toronto, Canada to become lifted by their purpose. As Arifah was working with the youth she noticed their tattoos and decided to have a spin off company called Tattoo Stories. She used the tattoos stories to help her clients share their stories through the images they permanently put on their bodies. That brought me to my tip of the week: How we perceive images can link us to our purpose. How you react to an image can tell you a lot about you, including your life’s purpose.Art speaks to us because it’s about us. It’s about our collective and individual journeys in this wondrous, immeasurable universe. As Chuck Klosterman said, “Art and love are the same thing: It’s the process of seeing yourself in things that are not you.”Images stir up numerous emotions in the beholder: awe, shock, s

  • Is the Secret to Love, Sex?

    07/11/2017 Duração: 49min

    Is the secret to Love, Sex? This week on Mindset Transformation Radio Podcast, I interview Love Coach James Green. James answers the question "Is Sex the most important factor in a relationship? Tune in to find out the answer. So, let me ask you. What do you think is the most important factor in a relationship? In my research for this interview. I found this articleon the secret to a long marriage. Hint it was not Sex! Secret to a long MarriageA couple was celebrating their golden wedding anniversary. Their domestic tranquility had long been the talk of the town. A local newspaper reporter was inquiring as to the secret of their long and happy marriage. "Well, it dates back to our honeymoon," explained the man. "We visited the Grand Canyon and took a trip down to the bottom on the canyon by pack mule. We hadn't gone too far when my wife's mule stumbled. My wife quietly said, 'That's once.' We proceeded a little further and the mule stumbled again. Once more my wife quietly said, 'That's twice.' Hadn't go

  • How to Become an Open Communicator

    24/10/2017 Duração: 56min

    This week on Mindset Transformation radio and podcast with Coach Myrna Young, I interview Leadership Coach and Trainer, Gail Green. Gail teaches us How to Become an Open Communicator. Gail is the founder of GoGreen Learning. To receive her Free Gift of 3 Go Cards send her an email from her web site www.gogreenlearning.comHere is a brief Biography of my guest Gail Green. • Gail is a leadership coach and trainer and her topic today is "How to find out if you are an open or closed communicator" in your business environment. Gail is a leader who connects individuals and teams to their truth, helping them to discover their full expression of courage, joy and fulfillment. Gail works with all sizes of companies, as well as individually with leaders, and do life coaching with individuals from all walks of life.•Gail’s primary work is in leadership development, teambuilding, stress management and all forms of communication skills. Why is being a closed communicator bad? Because as a closed off person, you become

  • Life Coaching part 1: Who am I

    05/10/2017 Duração: 46min

    In today's episode I want to share with you Life Coaching Part 1: Who am I? from my 6-week Life coaching workshop. We can never become who we were meant to be unless we can first recognize who we are. To know thyself is to grow thyself So let’s dive right in. First a little about Who I am.I am a certified Life coach specializing in Mindset and consciousness. In 2012 I wrote my first book “Becoming conscious, my awakening” because I started to understand Who I was. In this episode I will take you through the process of discovering Who you are. If you like this content please share with your friends and remember to rate, review and subscribe to the podcast. Thank you Question #1 What are my deepest and truest values?Your deepest values are the ones no one can move you off of. Your deepest values are the ones that if not met, hurt the most. Your truest values are the ones that make you cry. Your deepest value could be that you would never hit your child. You were abused as a child and you vowed never to hit yo

  • How to Become a Life Coach

    25/09/2017 Duração: 42min

    Do you feel that you are called to make a difference in the lives of others? Do any of these statements sound like you?•I want to help others and make a difference in the world.•I want to have a life purpose beyond what I am currently doing.•I want to be happier, satisfied and fulfilled with my life.•I want to get unstuck and feel more in control of my life.•My friends all tell me that I should be a coach!Becoming a Life coach is both a rewarding career and a financially viable career.Life coach’s life Tony Robbins make millions of dollars per year.Top Executive coaches can charge up to $3000 for a 45-min session to coach top CEO's of major corporations. As a starting Life coach, here is the statistics of what you can make in the first year of business.Average coaching salaries according to Sherpa: Executive Coaches make $325 per hour. Business Coaches make $235 per hour. Life Coaches make $160 per hour.A Life coach is the umbrella that all other coaching fall under. A top CEO for example is coached on how to

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