Wired For Success Tv

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 84:16:27
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Staying Wired For Success is easier than you might think. For the most part it simply requires an understanding of how you can re-educate the voices in your brain that can in an instant either empower you, or create weakness, limitation, fears and stop you believing in yourself. This is the point at which life could become repetitive, predictable even boring, thus tarnishing your wiring for success.Instead, wed like to invite you on an adventure that is in no way predictable - because it can become anything you want it to be.Enjoy!


  • The Suitcase Entrepreneur: Natalie Sisson

    06/12/2012 Duração: 48min

    The Suitcase Entrepreneur is how Natalie Sisson is better known by her many followers.  An iconic business woman with a strong online and offline business pedigree under her belt, she is walking her talk by rapidly growing her laptop business, whilst travelling the world.  Her aim was to achieve the freedom to live out of a suitcase and she is certainly achieving that having travelled to 23 countries over 4 different continents in the last year! Passionate about her topic, Natalie coaches her clients to build a brand with the help of social media and use all the power of the internet to leverage towards a big dream business. This sassy business woman majors on the mindset to be able to take your business global and be portable.   At the cutting edge of where 'On Line' business, and a keen follower of the upcoming trends in business, Natalie shares her knowledge with an unparalled generosity of spirit.  Tips and tricks that really shortcut business for you abound in this session, so be sure to listen in! 

  • Occupy Wall Street - Strike Debt

    06/12/2012 Duração: 36min

    The Occupy Wall Street Movement has been a powerful force in representing the 99% who are controlled by the 1%. Strike Debt is an off shoot group who have taken it upon themselves to highlight the gross inadequacies of a system that requires people to go into debt to pay for basic human needs such as housing, education and medical care.  Disgusted by the stories of personal debt that they heard during their time occupying parks in New York, this group of volunteers decided to circumvent the system and began investigating how they could take positive action and make a positive difference to people's lives.  Rolling Jubilee is a very successful initiative managed by the Strike Debt group to help people become free of the burden of debt. Recognising that debt is what bonds 99% of Americans and that by joining forces, with everyone donating a little, large amounts of debt can be bought and literally written off.   Aaron Smith is representing the Strike Debt group in the following interview.  A young man passionat

  • Leave Law Behind with Casey Berman

    05/12/2012 Duração: 43min

    Attorney Casey Berman followed on in his grandfather's footsteps to enter the legal profession.  A few years of law practise left him empty and unfulfilled.  He envied those who were pushing the boundaries in business, creating deals and making things happen.  Whereas Casey found his world of law to be about playing it safe, protecting assets and pointing out what could go wrong.   So he embraced his 'inner entrepreneur' and stepped into the world of business where he could be creative and forward thinking.  Casey is now in his 'natural habitat', running more businesses than he has confessed to his wife(!) and coaching others who are ready to dip a toe in the waters of leaving law behind.  His upbeat personality, 'can-do' attitude, and love of people, along with a healthy dose of realism absolutely lends itself to his new vocation.  With Casey by your side, all of your 'success wiring' can light up!   Join us for this very positive interview as we explore with him how he made 'his' transition and how he helps

  • Spiritual Awakening: The Big Transition

    04/12/2012 Duração: 50min

    Spiritual Awakenings taking us into a life transition are happening all around us.  As the planet goes through a transition then so do we as a society, and as individuals.  Steve Nobel has for 12 years been a Director at 'Alternatives' in London, a non for profit organisation hosting regular international speakers such as Deepak Chopra and Byron Katie.   However in 2010 his life started to show signs of collapse.  Things were not as they had once been, how he had known and loved them.  Over the following two years he had to draw on all of his learnings to see him through this massive spiritual awakening.   Steve talks very candidly about this difficult time, his dark night of the soul and how he struggled to find his way forward through his despair.  And yet, it is a story that is so common amongst many of us and there is great comfort in listening to his journey and his learnings about life, himself and what he has found on the other side of this awakening.   As an established author, Steve is ideally placed

  • The Eat, Art and Travel Team

    01/12/2012 Duração: 53min

    Travel the world on an adventure to explore local cuisine, art and a wealth of creative characters! This is what self-styled 'captains' Melissa Rachel Black and Hannah Rowbotham set out to do.  Their mission was to find, unite, and expose the world’s great upcoming chefs, artists, entrepreneurs and other creative minds and bring the fruits of their labor into your home in the form of a cookbook stuffed full of original graphics and yummy recipes that they heard about and often tasted, along the way.  In each city they sought out local 'creatives' learning about their craft and favourite local dishes as they gathered their stories for their own work of art. A mega experience of 'being in the now' these two feisty young women learned much about people, life, each other, but mostly themselves as they wended their way from New Zealand, Australia through Asia and back to the US.  Now about to publish their inspirational narrative they share with us their top travel tips, their highs and lows and everything in betw

  • How To Create A Business From Mountain Biking

    30/11/2012 Duração: 40min

    Mountain Biking through the San Francisco mountains and being paid for it must be a dream come true! A dream which filled many hours for Mark Baeder, until he finally walked away from a corporate finance job to create a 'business start up' from his passion for mountain biking.  Mark was one of the many people who are finding corporate life is not all it is cracked up to be and set aside some time to allow in a little fresh thinking.   It is said that whatever the mind can conceive, then it can achieve.  This was definitely true for this young man.  Being unprepared to sell his soul to corporate life in exchange for a few years in retirement, Mark decided instead to saddle up and head out on a new trail, figuratively and literally.  With careful planning and due diligence done, plus a large dose of trust, Mark began his new life running his San Francisco-based Mountain Bike business.   Hear how he literally pedalled his way into a new life...

  • The Empowerment of Breakthrough Free Energy

    22/11/2012 Duração: 50min

    Free Energy is about to change the face of our lives forever...  imagine no more energy bills!  Your domestic energy, your car, travel of all kinds, including anti-gravity space travel - all of this will be available to us within a few months or maybe a year.  Sceptical?  Well the main stream media have done their very best to suppress this technology, often in dark and sinister ways but also by ridiculing anyone who thought it is possible.   Sterling D. Allan is the CEO of Pure Energy Systems (PES) Network, the premier news, directory, and networking service whose mission is to find and facilitate the best exotic free energy technologies.  Here he shares what free energy is, how close we are to having it in our own homes, the costs, and most importantly the impact on society as we no longer are slaves to oil and thus to the cabal who run the world.     Sterling believes that each of us has the ability to contribute in some way towards heralding in technologies that will be even more impactful on our lives th

  • Mobile Medicine for the Modern Entrepreneur: Cory Annis MD

    20/11/2012 Duração: 52min

    Entrepreneurs are used to getting things done, pronto!  Not for them hanging out in a doctor's waiting area - time = money.  Cory Annis, MD has a heavy dose of the Entrepreneur in her DNA.  She decided to buck the system, a system that she admits does not always serve patients well, and create a health service that could be easily accessed by her globe trotting patients.   Better still, Cory LOVES Entrepreneurs!  She loves that they have a 'can do' attitude, it lights her fire and she is passionate about helping those who are 'out there' helping to grow the economy.   So arming herself with the latest communication technology, Cory is offering this special group of patients their very own doctor, health coach and confidante - all rolled into one.  And remember this is all accessed via your smart phone.   

  • Holistic Healing with Arielle Essex

    17/11/2012 Duração: 46min

    Holistic healing was fortunately, very familiar to Arielle Essex when she was diagnosed with a brain tumour.  As a complementary health practitioner Arielle set out on a journey to discover the message that this 'dis-ease' had come to deliver. Eagerly she signed up for all manner of courses, including NLP, which might offer enlightenment as to what this message was offering. What unfolded for this feisty woman was a path of understanding of why she had been visited by this tumour and what steps she could take to manage, and eventually heal from it.   A very determined Arielle, travelled far and wide to learn as much as she could about 'mind-body' healing and was overwhelmed by the tremendous amount of love and sharing of information that she encountered along the way.  Her extensive training and knowledge has now been distilled into her teachings through workshops and one to one coaching programmes as well as her writings - including her soon to be published latest book, 'Practical Miracles: Choices that Heal

  • How To Live Your Dream

    15/11/2012 Duração: 47min

    Living his dream life seemed the most impossible thing Izzy Arkin could think of!  Highly educated, late 20's, successful teacher, Californian lifestyle - he had it all...or so it appeared to others.  For Izzy it became like a living death.  In his head was a thought that just would not go away -  'I want to be a Ninja!'.   So despite all the obstacles, Izzy set his compass on course for Japan and by developing a powerful mindset and taking action in small steps, he arrived in this foreign land.  Thinking this was the end and he had achieved his goal, it turned out to be only just the beginning and a whole new set of learning ensued.   Izzy shares his highs and lows, his deepest insights into what it takes to live a dream - no matter what that dream is.  He lifts the lid on how it is done and exposes the secrets behind his success.  Sharing his knowledge has become a driving passion for him and we are privileged to bring you his story, the story of a real life Ninja.  

  • Autism: Busting Loose From The Limitation Game

    13/11/2012 Duração: 52min

    Autism is an issue for many children and their families and the truly inspiring Suzy Miller has dedicated her professional life to pushing the boundaries on how to help these children and their carers.  An author, speaker and trainer, Suzy has teamed up with Dr. William Tiller of Stanford University to pioneer the implementation of some cutting edge science and technology (Quantum Physics) to transform the lives of those labeled as Autistic, and those of their families.  Their joint project creating the 'Autism Intention Experiment' works with consistent and coherent intention to support the integration of children diagnosed with Autism.   Despite a conventional training as a Pedeatric Speech and Language Pathologist, Suzy had some unusual and life-changing experiences whilst working with a  4 yr old patient.  The way she worked changed forever.  Telepathy as a means of communication with these children became quite usual for her.  Gradually she came to view these children as having a very special message for

  • Transformational Renegade

    12/11/2012 Duração: 01h27min

    Personal Development and Self-Help don't usually come packaged in this way!  Transformational Renegade, AE Gix has written about all things 'Metaphysical' in his book 'Attack On All Fronts'.   Life is not too be taken too seriously, according to AE Gix - and certainly we shouldn't take ourselves too seriously either. Full of humour and the push to take a look at life from a new perspective is where you will be taken with Mr. Gix!  This interview delves into the rocky terrain of his own life, an immigrant child, being bullied and then becoming a trainee renegade!  It all led to him questioning everything from the Big Bang to Law of Attraction.  Influenced by diverse sources such as Tony Robbins, David Icke, Abrahm Hicks, Bashar and 'The Secret', AE Gix has reduced and distilled the essence of these teachings into his unique and compelling style that will challenge your thinking about what is real, what is true and who you really are.

  • Adventures for Introverts

    11/11/2012 Duração: 40min

    Benjamin Jenks of 'Adventure Sauce' is a modern day adventurer who is passionate about helping others to ‘wake up’ to see that they can be the hero of their own adventure.   Describing himself as a Swagger Coach, he is also a video artist, author,  and calls himself  'a dude with a Monster Beard'!  A true leader, Ben leads by example.  He came to terms with some of his fears by going on his own 'hairy adventure' and hitchhiking 23,000 miles across America twice…..!  and included Canada on his walkabout too!  However…Ben didn’t come out of the womb as an Adventurer.  He had a slow and torturous journey from being a painfully shy college kid - too shy to even get a date, to the pioneer he is today.  Passionate about helping other shy, introverts who are hesitant to step into their own greatness……he shares with us how he has come to understand and live a life of meaning and purpose and how he is devoted to quickly growing a 'posse' of like minded, shy, would-be adventurers whom he is inspiring to live a life whe

  • Art As Therapy

    11/11/2012 Duração: 44min

    Art Therapy and Art Healing are relatively new to Nina Heaton.  Wonderfully gifted, she shares her recent realization that her art is a source of healing and transformation for her clients -  moving them from where they are (or don’t want to be) and transporting them to where they need to be -  so they can continue to evolve and  lead more successful and vibrant lives. In essence, her paintings are a powerful and yet gentle way to encourage others to step into their truth.  Trust (let go), accept that there are things bigger than us that will facilitate us, we do not have to be in control 100% -  infact if we loosen the reins for more movement and explore more, great and unexpected things will happen.  

  • Personal Fitness - More Than Just A Great Body

    09/11/2012 Duração: 45min

    Justin Miller of Limitless365 is a charismatic young personal fitness trainer, who is ‘passionate’ about coaching people to take a serious and really honest look at their health and vitality. He avidly believes that if we take control of our nutrition and implement a bespoke exercise regime, then we can kick-start an enriching life ‘without limits’.    Justin knows that deep inside each of us is a fit and energetic person struggling to get out, demonstrate their magnificence and live a thrilling life.  He believes that….. ‘As human beings we may have our limits, but our spirits are truly limitless’  A natural leader, he knows that clients can do so much more than they ever dream possible.  He loves getting them starting with baby steps that guide them into becoming a truly magnificent being, in mind as well as body.   His clients get insights into how they can channel their new found vitality into finding more passion, and purpose in their lives - way more than just a great body!   

  • Friends of Uradi Paradise

    05/11/2012 Duração: 42min

    " We can all make the world a better place, because l believe there's a drop of paradise in each of us - let it show!" ...is a quote from Father Opiyo Benard Didacus (Father Ben), a remarkable young man with an extraordinary vision.  A Kenyan Catholic Priest, he is instigating inspiring changes in the education of girls in his homeland.  In 2008 he became aware that young girls were dropping out of formal Kenyan education.   Deeply concerned by this, he drew on his passion for personal development, and recognized that these girls were missing out on opportunities to maximise their true potential, access their inner and limitless resources, and so grow up to create choice and enrichment in their lives, and be 'wayshowers' for others...  And so Father Ben was inspired to build a school with a difference, especially for these girls.  His determined efforts have been rewarded by nearly 100 girls attending this school at present with great plans for the future, so fund-raising and donations are crucial.  A small t

  • Music Medicine from 'SacredFire' (previous 'Chants & Drums')

    03/11/2012 Duração: 39min

    Musical artists, Marie Josee (aka MJ) and Dean, of  'SacredFire' are unique in their approach to music.  A blend of their talents as healers, teachers and musicians brings the listener to a space where they can let go of that which stops them from connecting with their higher purpose and stepping out to live it.  They refer to their spontaneous improvisations as music medicine.  Their heart-centred intuition fuels the powerful and beautiful sounds they produce in the form of chanting, drumming and a myriad of instruments.    Perfect examples of living their purpose, this couple are inspiring to listen to both when talking about their own lives and when sharing their moving sounds.  To be in their presence is an absolute delight and privilege.  You cannot help but feel the vibes of their love for each other, and for what they share with the world.  You are in for a treat!

  • Creativity: The Spine of Learning

    03/11/2012 Duração: 54min

    Musical pioneer and genius, Lawrence Ball take us on a journey of exploration into his world of composing music to stimulate creativity and the raising of consciousness.  Dance, orchestras, film and choir are all areas which have benefited from Lawrence's unique work.  A sought after Maths tutor, Lawrence shares his thoughts on how we can be in the best state to enhance learning. Free energy, including the work of Keshe, is a passion of his and we learn of new and exciting ideas in the free energy arena that are about to be shared with the masses. 

  • Choose Your Own Adventure

    30/10/2012 Duração: 42min

    Breaking out of the 9-5 and creating a lifestyle that is funded by a laptop business often sounds like something only ‘others’ can achieve.  Kelly Dunning and Lee Carter are living this dream lifestyle, travelling the world on a schedule of their own choosing whilst running their online business from beach fronts, buses, planes or boats. This 20 something couple have chosen not just a gap year but a gap decade.  Hear how with planning and organization, it is not so very difficult to create.  If you have a yearning to travel and are wondering how to fund it then listen in as we caught up with them in Borneo, to find out exactly 'how' it can be done.   

  • Smart Media Marketing to Grow Your Business

    30/10/2012 Duração: 41min

    Calling all SME's!  Social Media is a quagmire of information that is easy to get sucked into and watch it eat up hours of our day for questionable return.  Entrepreneur and million pound business builder, Jane Frankland unwraps her secrets of why small businesses must 'strategize' their social media activity to support their brand, boost their sales and save hours of valuable time.  Join Jane as she shares her highs and lows of building a 'sustainable' business.

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