Taking you into the hidden world of hidden agendas of the elite, conspiracies, ancient and occult knolwedge, true history and other things suppressed things that the elites do not want you to know.
Birds Drop From Sky
17/02/2022 Duração: 29minBirds Drop From Sky ( 30 Mins Duration)A few days ago... We a strange Phenomena when of Flocks of Birds fell out of the Sky for no apparent reason. The Scientific Boffins claim they are baffled yet again... But we are not!Donate Here If You Wish: Support the show
Trudeau Truth Bomb
13/02/2022 Duração: 32minTrudeau Truth Bomb (32 Mins Duration)If not much is making sense to you lately... Its because things are moving at a pace behind the scenes as the take down of the Khazarian Mafia and their 'so called' Elite stool pigeons and scapegoats moves up another gear. Like Castro Trudeau fro instance... Support the show
Poison Dwarf Cop Boss Fired
11/02/2022 Duração: 35minPoison Dwarf Cop Boss Fired (35 Mins Duration)The Poison Dwarf Police Commissioner Cressida Dick-Head has been fired for her Nazi style attitude to Policing Britain and paranoid Macron refuses Russian Covid Test which speaks volumes if you read between the lines.Get The Uncanny Book Of Predictions Click Here:Or...... Donate Here If You Wish:Support the show
Secret Rulers Fabians & Masons
10/02/2022 Duração: 35minSecret Rulers - Fabians & Masons (35 Mins Duration)The Puppet Masters controlling our Governments and the New World Order (aka The Great Reset) Support the show
A Lucky Escape
07/02/2022 Duração: 45minA Lucky Escape (45 Mins Duration)Well what can I say my friends... except the End Game is now well and truly in sight. And so far at least... the path of intuition about what is next to come over the horizon has been pretty much bang on the nail and indeed against all odds at times.Get The Uncanny Book Of Predictions Click Here:Or...... Donate Here If You Wish:Support the show
They’re All Insane.. Told You So!
06/02/2022 Duração: 42minThey're All Insane.. I Told You So (42 Mins Duration)Does anyone know which Planet am I on... Anybody? Hey guys, I have a sneaky feeling that I'm on Planet Pandora where the Pandora Papers originated from.Get The Uncanny Book Of Predictions Click Here:Or...... Donate Here If You Wish:Support the show