Shaykh Muhammad West spent most of is youth growing up in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Muhammad West went on to complete a degree in Islamic theology and dawa at the Islamic University of Madina while studying a degree in accounting science through the University of South Africa via correspondence concurrently.Muhammad West returned to Cape Town in 2011 where he qualified as a charted accountant of South Africa.Muhammad West is a married father of 3, the resident imam of the Boorhaanol Islam mosque and senior accountant at one of the worlds largest clothing retailers.
Parenting #07 - Adolescents Brain
26/04/2021 Duração: 22minMysterious Workings of the Adolescent Brain The brain has a major revamp during the adolescent years. The adolescent experiences a greater sense of self as an individual along with a heightened emotional state. During the baby and toddler stage, parents teach through play; primary children learn and follow examples. But for the adolescent years, parents need use advice and reasoning. Allow them a safe environment to practice their newly found independence. Have open discussions about “awkward topics”Remember, while you can’t always “protect them from making bad decisions”, the Prophet (S) put a lot of trust in young talent.
Parenting #06 - Raising a Special Needs child
26/04/2021 Duração: 25minRaising A Special Needs Child To be tested in ones children is of the hardest tests: Adam AS, Nuh AS, Ebrahim AS, Yacoub AS, Ayub AS, Muhammad (S). It comes with constant need for support and care. Your child may never be fully independent of you. You have much fear, anxiety and frustration, even feeling of hurt at their struggles. A disability is only one characteristic of a person. People have many facets: likes and dislikes, strengths and challenges. Children with disabilities are like all children in that they want friends, respect and to be included.
Parenting #05 - Q&A All about children
26/04/2021 Duração: 32minQ & A - All About Children What are the stages of development? What are the golden rules for young children? Is assisted pregnancy permissible? What do you know of breastfeeding in Islam? Cleaning a nappy nullifies wudu? Dolls and toys- are they permitted? Who gets custody in case of divorce?
Parenting #04 - Early Childhood Development
26/04/2021 Duração: 34minEarly Childhood Development Give the children plenty of love and affection. Teach them through play and imitation. Engage with the child on their own level and teach them right from wrong. Teach them of Allah’s Love, Mercy and Kindness; to love and respect others. Tell them stories of the prophets. Educate them on personal hygiene and their bodies. Inculcate good habits including Islamic habits. Join you in doing good deeds. Teach them communication skills and also about dangers and harmful things and explain why things are bad. Children learn through physical stimulation.
Parenting #03 - Pregnancy and birth
26/04/2021 Duração: 31minPregnancy, Birth and Doekmal Learn about pregnancy, hardship during pregnancy, labour, miscarriage, abortion, doekmal and naming your baby.
Parenting #02 - Making a baby
26/04/2021 Duração: 32minMaking A Baby Duty as a parent Marriage Love Intimacy Contraception Children Dua for children
Parenting #01 - Greatest Amaanah
26/04/2021 Duração: 23minPARENTING - THE GREATEST AMAANAH Learn about the Islamic perspective of being a parent, that parenting is our road to Jannah and the daunting task of parenting.
Miracles of the Quran #4 - 22 May 2020
26/04/2021 Duração: 53minMIRACLES OF THE QURAN #4 Quran is greatest sign and miracle of Allah Miracles of the Quran - Part A - Literature Miracles of the Quran - Part B - Science Miracles of the Quran - Part C - Prophecies Miracles of the Quran - Part D - Prophet Muhammad was unlettered Simple evidences Guidance for humanity Arabs before the Quran Miracle of Miracles Conclusion
Miracles of the Quran #3
Miracles of the Quran #2 - Friday 08 May
26/04/2021 Duração: 42minMIRACLES OF THE QURAN #2 Miracle of the Quran - Science Miracle of the Quran - Prophecies
Miracles of the Quran #1
26/04/2021 Duração: 37minMIRACLES OF THE QURAN #1 Introduction Quran is the greatest miracle Miracle of the Quran - Literature
Muslims for Jesus Christ (AS)
26/04/2021 Duração: 21minMUSLIMS FOR JESUS 9 things you did not know about Islam and Christianity Reflections on 2020
Mosque Opening - May 2020
26/04/2021 Duração: 51minMOSQUE OPENING A test of our taqwa Post Ramadhan The need for taqwa Major Crisis Differences are a reality Differences are a blessing Establishment of salah 1 life is too much Principles of Deen vs Life Factors taken into account Disagree with knowledge Putting differences into perspective Extremism, dealing in absolutes Do not think too highly of yourself Evil labels and titles Judging the niyyah of others Leniency even when wrong What is important in the end
Hope during Lockdown
26/04/2021 Duração: 47minHOPE DURING LOCKDOWN Covid 19 & Easter We have sinned a lot Istighfar and Tawbah How to make tawbah Do good Supplication Good deeds for others Calamities Prophet's s.a.w intercession Intercession of angels Intercession of your good deeds Intercession of martyrs Wrongs done against you Minor punishment Allah's Mercy
Happiness Guide #7
26/04/2021 Duração: 21minHAPPINESS GUIDE #7 Deals with managing toxic relationships Rewiring the brain to be happy Dealing with sadness Dealing with suicidal thoughts.
Happiness Guide #6
26/04/2021 Duração: 19minHAPPINESS GUIDE #6 Discover how to - The No 1 secret to being happy Rewire your brain to be happy How to beat sadness How to beat suicidal thoughts
Happiness Guide #5
26/04/2021 Duração: 30minHAPPINESS GUIDE #5 Mental disorder Symptoms When to get professional help Self help remedies Spiritual help
Happiness Guide #4
26/04/2021 Duração: 22minHAPPINESS GUIDE #4 Happiness and Wealth - Can money buy happiness?
Happiness Guide #3
26/04/2021 Duração: 30minHAPPINESS GUIDE #3 What are the fiqh rulings on suicide? What can we do for those with suicidal thoughts? How did the Prophet s.a.w deal with sadness? What is the message to those struggling? What to do when all else fails? What can you do with those suicidal thoughts?