Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 103:47:23
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Angela Raspass hosts wholehearted conversations with women around the world who are stepping into their Next Chapters for fulfillment and connection in business and life. Listen in for inspiration and practical wisdom from women just like you who are giving themselves permission to listen to their hearts and explore new possibilities with curiosity, courage, and joy. Its your time now - what will unfold in Your Next Chapter?


  • 39 with Tanya Geisler: Owning your Authority

    26/10/2016 Duração: 01h19min

    The most reassuring and empowering message I heard from Tanya Geisler in this most wholehearted conversation was “if you experience the Imposter Complex that means you’re high functioning with strong values of integrity and mastery”. Because REAL imposters, actual frauds, they don’t feel self-doubt at all as they barge forward with low capabilities but high confidence! But you, me and so many other women stepping into our next chapters, we can get ourselves trapped by perfectionism, leaky boundaries, people-pleasing and diminishing of our accomplishments. And when we do that, all roads lead to the Imposter Complex. It’s pervasive and demoralising. So, what’s the solution? Good old-fashioned awareness. Once you are aware of your patterns you can disrupt them and make new choices. Talk to yourself in a new way. Open up and embrace healthy fear and keep moving steadily towards purpose and own your unquestionable authority in Your Next Chapter. An amazing conversation, an inspiring woman, this is a recipe for you

  • 38 with Karen Gunton: Let your Mission be your Message

    12/10/2016 Duração: 49min

    Karen Gunton is in her element right now, helping women to “build their lighthouses, and to shine their unique light brightly into the world”. Originally a teacher by trade, Karen has evolved over the years, changing not only professions, but countries, moving from Canada to Adelaide in South Australia. “When as I look backwards at the road so far and it gives me ideas about where I need to go next, but I often say that I accidentally started a business!. We can’t see everything that coming next, so we do need to accept it’s an evolution, a spiral, rather than a straight line”. Karen and I talk about working on purpose, the inner work we all need to do, how to keep yourself buoyant and the absolute importance of having a mission rather than “just selling a thing”. Don’t just build a business, build a Lighthouse instead. If you have a desire to contribute, to give back and make a difference on a large or small scale wit your unique skills and experience, you will love this conversation. If you are enjoying thi

  • 37 with Erin Elizabeth Wells: How to take charge of your business and life

    05/10/2016 Duração: 01h07min

    When you first meet Erin, the thing that you notice almost instantly is her certainty, an air of confidence and focus that is overlaid with a deeply generous soul – she really wants you to have a life that feels expansive, satisfying and easeful and is eager to share her experiences and insights to help you along that path. Her energy is contagious and inspiring and this is one of THE most enjoyable interviews I’ve had the pleasure of hosting on this Podcast. But, like most of us, the path to this place was not linear and was not without its challenges and as Erin points out, she is still “very much on the growth journey”. She, like me, sees this Next Chapter as an evolution, not a revolution. An entrepreneur straight out of college. Erin has an organisers heart, establishing “Living Peace” a professional organizing business in Massachusetts when she was just 23. She grew Living Peace into a significant and successful entity before an intense project had her burn out, hit a wall and experience a breakthrough…

  • 36 with Angela Raspass: Wholehearted Sales Success

    27/09/2016 Duração: 22min

    If you are in business, you are in sales and that fact can be decidedly intimidating for many women,. In this episode I briefly cover 6 steps that can help take you from uncertainty and nervousness to clarity and confidence, into the world of Wholehearted Sales Conversations! Why is it that sales can be so tricky for us? I believe there are a few key reasons… Sometimes it’s because we entwine our self-worth with the service we provide and that can tie us up in knots when we need to “sell ourselves”.  Sometimes it’s because we’re not talking to the right people, our most aligned clients, and there is simply not a match between what is needed and what we can offer. Sometimes it’s because we lack a clear structure to guide us through a conversation and so we end up giving so much great advice on the call that there is then no motivation for our client to take the next action, because they’re full! And sometimes it’s because we’re not coming to the call as an Advocate for our potential clients greatest good and a

  • 35 with Rebecca Flansberg: The Frantic Mommy’s Wake Up Moment

    12/09/2016 Duração: 55min

    Rebecca Flansberg was in the Office products industry for 30 years, working for two different companies from a pretty young age. It was a good career, solid and dependable. But she was beginning to feel not only stuck and dissatisfied, but also powerless, trapped by the belief that these were the only skills that she had. The Golden Handcuffs of a well-paid job where she was the major breadwinner for her family, were firmly in place. Until one day a window opened. Becky attended a conference where a new possibility opened for her. There was a moment when she saw the skills she did have could be repurposed, when she heard about a blossoming new industry – being a VA, an Online Virtual Assistant.  “I realised that whatever knowledge you have in your brain, whatever experience you have in your life, there is someone in the world willing to pay you for that! Just start by making a list of everything you know and then begin to focus in on the ideas that light you up. I decided to combine my love of blogging and so

  • 34 with Micaela Becattini: Graceful transitions through adversity

    05/09/2016 Duração: 43min

    Micaela Becattini is, in her own words “devoted to growth and evolution”, especially in the midst of significant challenge, something that she has rather a lot of first hand experience with! In 2004 Micaela moved to Australia from Italy and found moving countries to be an intense and challenging, especially the adaptation to a new culture and a new language. This Next Chapter in her life was disorientating, and she was concerned that she had bitten off a bit much as she struggled to find her feet, make new friends, and in fact, redefine her own identity.. Shortly afterwards the challenges increased when she developed Crohns Disease, an immune disease that is invisible, but debilitating and this further reinforced her sense of social isolation. But Micaela is a fighter! She shook off “my victim mentality”, let go of the feeling of shame and embarrassment and started a support group in her area for others. And that was just the beginning of her own graceful transition, as she embraced her personal power. Today,

  • 33 with Suzanne Scarrow: Returning to your dreams

    22/08/2016 Duração: 38min

    Suzanne always knew she wanted to be a counselor, to help people, but when she shared that desire with someone important as a little girl, the negative reaction she was met with led her to bury that desire. It wasn’t until her late 30’s after a divorce that Suzanne reconnected with that buried dream and returned to University to study psychology. “It really wasn’t easy, with 3 kids and aging parents it was a struggle. But I simply focused on each small step and I knew from the underlying feeling that this was right for me. I was in alignment I was in flow”. After graduating and in private practice Suzanne continued to rely on my her intuition to follow her new direction and when she discovered the work of Gary Craig, who is considered the founder of the Emotional Freedom Technique, EFT or as it is commonly known, Tapping, she was excited by what this could mean for her clients and studied to become a practitioner. “I believe all of our negative emotions are caused by a disruption in the body energy systems, o

  • 32 with Samantha, Carolyn and Angela: Entrepreneurs, it's our TIME

    08/08/2016 Duração: 01h27min

    Are you a woman who’s feeling a little disillusioned by the way the business world is today? When you take a rare moment to slow down, to pause, are you aware of feeling increasingly disconnected from yourself, from community, from nature? And has the thought crossed your mind that there must be a better way? That there’s ample evidence that classic capitalism and our patriarchal society just aren’t working? Notions of scarcity, competition, power, money and fear are limiting us. There’s scope for so much more when we welcome feminine energy with its core of creativity, collaboration, abundance and love to rise up and take its place right alongside the masculine. It’s time for change. These thoughts shared by myself and my friends and colleagues Carolyn Tate and Samantha Nolan-Smith and so we got together and had a wholehearted conversation in late June of 2016. We hope that it connects wit your heart and perhaps inspires some new ideas, a desire for change, recognition of the power you have and the knowledge

  • 31 with Christine Weston: The Business of Divorce

    25/07/2016 Duração: 54min

    In 2008 Christine Weston was lost and flummoxed. She hadn’t anticipated her marriage ending and was not sure of what she was going to do next - she had been out of the workforce for fifteen years as she focused on her role as a Mother.  “I needed to create an income, but fear and a lack of confidence were my biggest challenges and I became painfully aware that for women, there is equally a cost in not having gone to work as having gone to work during our Mothering years”. Christine drew of deep reserves of courage and experience in moving between 3 countries and became a relocation consultant –“but I did not like being at the beck and call of someone else, not making enough money to really make ends meet and having no time at all for my kids”. Something had to change. Christine started down the path to personal development and as she attended workshops and mixed with new people, she began to rediscover the confident person that she used to be. “I worked out what I wanted my new life to look like and worked ba

  • 30 with Loralee Hutton: Creating Brand YOU

    11/07/2016 Duração: 46min

    Loralee Hutton was treading the path of corporate success in the dot com era. Immersed in eighty hour work weeks, she was part of the work hard and play hard team and thrived on the camaraderie and sense of achievement. Her experience and expertise then paved the way to starting her own business in software training and she welcomed the anticipated freedom, flexibility and change of pace. Only it didn’t quite work out that way. “My new business grew substantially over the next 4-5 years but I got to the stage where I wished I could fire myself!” says Loralee. That growth had taken her in a direction that she did not really want, and she began to realise how much she missed consulting and client contact. Before she could really unpack this realisation, a significant health challenge changed everything. Sometimes clouds do indeed have silver linings and from this unexpected challenge, a doorway opened on a new direction. Loralee asked herself the question “why can’t I start a business that is just me?”. www.Lor

  • 29 with Maya Broers: Taking action on Opportunity

    28/06/2016 Duração: 42min

    Maya had an energetic career in film and TV casting and as a professional singer in New York and Asia before stepping into fulltime motherhood,. After almost 8 years in this life role, she realised that she was ready for more again and wanted a business she could build and manage from home. She didn’t know what that was going to be and so she “put it out to the Universe” and began the research journey into options. The beauty of an open mind and heart is such that “when the entrepreneur is ready the opportunity appears”. An opportunity did tap on her door and it ticked the boxes of being something she was passionate about and really believed in and Maya soon found herself as the exclusive Australian Representative for Fuelboxes – an intriguing and important product that brings heart to heart and face to face conversations back to centre stage in an increasingly technology driven and disconnected world. Now that the business opportunity was here, the adventure began – there was so much to learn in the online a

  • 28 with Maria Allyn: Become your own SheRo

    21/06/2016 Duração: 41min

    Maria Allyn was feeling the impact of menopause significantly. It felt like a reckoning of sorts where a cloud descended for some time both physically and emotionally.  She realized the roles she had been playing throughout her life, the roles of wife and mother and employee had buried her authentic self and that is was time to take the steps to reclaim who she was. Midlife was triggering this evaluation, and what do you do when the life you’ve been living is not the life you want? You re-imagine your possibilities and become your own SheRo of course! “There was something internal that was begging to be heard”, says Maria “and so I had to  disconnect, get quiet and reacquaint myself with me”. It was time for a whole new set of beliefs about what was important and what was possible. For Maria this included leveraging her past experiences, upskilling in coaching and creating a business that helps other women step into this new phase of life with clarity, courage and conviction – Midlife mastery was born. This u

  • 27 with Angela Raspass: Busting the 7 core Money Myths

    14/06/2016 Duração: 39min

    I am a HUGE book fiend, usually with 3 or 4 on the go at once and I’ve decided that I’d like to provide a review of some of my favourites here on the Podcast each month that I strongly feel will make a contribution to your Next Chapter Business and Life. This month I’m sharing “The Abundance Code” – How to bust the 7 Money Myths for a rich life now by Julie Ann Cairns. I listened to an interview with Julie Ann on the Hay House Summit and, recognising that money myths and blocks have played, and still play, a big role in my own entrepreneurial journey, decided that this was a book that needed to be in my  world. In this enlightening and empowering book, Julie talks about the 7 money myths that can hold us back from creating the wealth and abundance that we seek and how it is the interplay of Desire, Knowledge and Belief that determines the level of success that we will experience. She talks us through how to become aware of the blocks we have based on the level of frustration and lack of flow we may experience

  • 26 with Caroline Silk: The Keys for Transformation

    07/06/2016 Duração: 43min

    Caroline was waiting for the lightbulb moment– “I was searching for that magical space between passion and purpose, but I just kept hitting brick walls until I realised that it doesn’t have to be a HUGE moment – all I had to do was become aware of what kept drawing me in and follow that. But what an emotional roller coaster it was until then!”. In this wholehearted conversation Caroline and I explored the parallels between her own Next Chapter journey into a fulfilling and successful business and the journey into successful weight loss that she takes her clients on. The connecting threads? Letting go of the should’s and must’s and moving from chaos to calm by stopping, breathing and getting into a relaxed headspace so you can become calmer, more confident and in control. Your mindset is pivotal and action is essential – when you have both in harmony, the results are quite incredible. Take time to listen into this illuminating discussion – you are bound to feel inspired and motivated! If you are enjoying this

  • 25 with Sonja Keller: The benefits of Mastering Mindfulness

    31/05/2016 Duração: 47min

    “Mindfulness is like turning a light on in a dark room. Once you have, it makes a lot of other things possible”. That’s a quote from Dr Craig Hased that Sonja Keller shares with us in this weeks wholehearted conversation and as we dug down into this simple but powerful concept, I began to more deeply appreciate the impact the practice of Mindfulness can have on all aspects of our business and life. Sonja has, in her own words, lived a few lifetimes in her career and personal life – chapters galore! She has been a professional violinist, a Music Teacher, worked within the Juvenile Justice System, in Mental Health and Child Protection Services. Her demanding roles saw her seek to understand how to better work with people who were in distressing situations.  This led to the discovery of Mindfulness and when she saw the way it helped people become calmer, more resilient and to handle stress much more easily, Sonja was delighted and hooked. She credits the practice with allowing her stay in Child Protection for 10

  • 24 with Liz Scully: Why are Masterminds so powerful?

    24/05/2016 Duração: 49min

    When Liz Scully was working long and frantic hours juggling teams of up to 200 people producing special effects for Hollywood films she was absolutely in her zone of genius. An Emmy and several Oscar nominations for her work aptly illustrated that fact. But since she was building her own “escape tunnel” on the side, “Rethink Retreats” that were designed to “help people lead less stressful lives”, it was not too surprising to see a Next Chapter looming on the Horizon. Fast forward to 2016 and Liz is the Founder of Rethink Central, the home of Masterminds, where she specialises in matchmaking small groups of people who “meet regularly and set goals to achieve by the time you next meet”. A simple definition for one of the most powerful and positive business tools you’ll ever experience, Masterminds have the ability to change you and your business in ways that may surprise you. A classic example of taking the unique skills and experiences you’ve developed in your first chapters and reforming them into a Next Chap

  • 23 with Angela Raspass: What do you need to let go of?

    18/05/2016 Duração: 18min

    There’s been something brewing in the air lately. Change is afoot, many of us are feeling this new energy and it can be unsettling. Old stories reemerge. Old feelings turn up again. New desires and new directions tease us and we’re not sure if we can go there or not. I’ve had many conversations over the past few weeks about this disquiet. Perhaps it’s been because so many planets are in retrograde? Who knows! But the reality is irrefutable, Change is in the air. You might know exactly what you need to do to embrace this next chapter (a chapter within the chapter perhaps?) But you might be held back by fear, sadness, resentment, anxiety or regrets whether they be conscious or unconscious. So in this weeks episode I’m sharing an exercise, a Personal Inventory exercise, that may provide you with the insight and keys to break free, let go and move forward. I hope it’s helpful – it’s certainly unlocked a lot of stuff for me! If you are enjoying this show, please take a moment to review the Next Chapter Podcast in

  • 22 with Caroline Wood: My Business Evolution

    11/05/2016 Duração: 42min

    When Caroline first left school she did what any of us did – under the caring guidance of her parents, she succumbed to the pressure of pursuing a career that offered safety and a “good income”. This traditional pathway that many of us know so well worked for awhile…. Until that slow sense of recognition of the truth kicked in – “I’m just not happy doing what I’m doing”. Something had to change. After working with a Career Coach, Caroline reconnected to her values, accepted that the Corporate World just wasn’t a great fit anymore, realised that she has something of real value to offer, took a deep breath…. and created a new path for herself, one that connected all the dots of her life and experiences up until then and blended them together in a business that now fills her up from the inside. Accounting and business prowess, a love of food, a desire to build community and natural creativity – these have been the foundations blocks on which Caroline has built “The Ingredients of Business”, an enterprise devoted

  • 21 with Tammy Roth: Getting Real About Your Past

    03/05/2016 Duração: 54min

    “My intention is to live a vibrant life with curiosity”. Tammy Roth is a courageous woman, a woman who understands thevalue of learning from your past. At five years sober, “cruisingalong and enjoying being substance free”, Tammy was an author,aRetreat Leader and the Clinical Director of a women’s recoverycentre. Life was looking good. But self-awareness is a gradual journey and she eventually hadher “head falling out of her ass” moment - a sense that, as much asshe had wanted to see her childhood as “normal”, she needed toaddress the reality of the things thatdidn’t happen and their impact. The truthwas that as much as she cringed at wounded child phraseology, sheneeded to explore this part of her own story, acknowledge that whathad happened was not ideal. Fiercely rejecting a victim label,Tammy choose more empowering language, to see herself as a survivorand to embrace that everything happens for a reason and that growthis the result. And so her journey of recovery, first outlined in her book “HighBottom, L

  • 20 with Sharleen Greer: Midlife Courage

    26/04/2016 Duração: 52min

    “Women die in their 50’s but aren’t buried til their 80’s”. It was this quote that Sharleen Greer credits as one of her Awakening Moments, the realisation that she had more than 30 years ahead of her and she wanted them to be great years. Full years. Courageous years. Not long after this she read “The Big Leap” by Gay Hendricks and found powerful questions in this book that she could not answer. This threw her into “a bit of a tizz”. Sharleen knew that it was time to do what she really wanted to do and so she made the decision to step into her own Next Chapter by immersing herself in positivity and possibility, recognising that “there are so many things I have to offer – a lifetime of wisdom and knowledge and examples that I can share with other people”. Although she had been a business owner back in her twenties, the landscape looked very different this time around. “I had to create a whole new level of confidence, a whole new mindset around sales and marketing and social media – I have to say, starting and

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