Linear Digressions

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 96:08:51
  • Mais informações



Linear Digressions is a podcast about machine learning and data science. Machine learning is being used to solve a ton of interesting problems, and to accomplish goals that were out of reach even a few short years ago.


  • The Care and Feeding of Data Scientists: Becoming a Data Science Manager

    28/10/2019 Duração: 24min

    Data science management isn’t easy, and many data scientists are finding themselves learning on the job how to manage data science teams as they get promoted into more formal leadership roles. O’Reilly recently release a report, written by yours truly (Katie) and another experienced data science manager, Michelangelo D’Agostino, where we lay out the most important tasks of a data science manager and some thoughts on how to unpack those tasks and approach them in a way that makes a new manager successful. This episode is an interview episode, the first of three, where we discuss some of the common paths to data science management and what distinguishes (and unifies) different types of data scientists and data science teams. Relevant links:

  • Procella: YouTube's super-system for analytics data storage

    21/10/2019 Duração: 29min

    If you’re trying to manage a project that serves up analytics data for a few very distinct uses, you’d be wise to consider having custom solutions for each use case that are optimized for the needs and constraints of that use cases. You also wouldn’t be YouTube, which found themselves with this problem (gigantic data needs and several very different use cases of what they needed to do with that data) and went a different way: they built one analytics data system to serve them all. Procella, the system they built, is the topic of our episode today: by deconstructing the system, we dig into the four motivating uses of this system, the complexity they had to introduce to service all four uses simultaneously, and the impressive engineering that has to go into building something that “just works.” Relevant links:

  • Kalman Runners

    13/10/2019 Duração: 15min

    The Kalman Filter is an algorithm for taking noisy measurements of dynamic systems and using them to get a better idea of the underlying dynamics than you could get from a simple extrapolation. If you've ever run a marathon, or been a nuclear missile, you probably know all about these challenges already. IMPORTANT NON-DATA SCIENCE CHICAGO MARATHON RACE RESULT FROM KATIE: My finish time was 3:20:17! It was the closest I may ever come to having the perfect run. That’s a 34-minute personal record and a qualifying time for the Boston Marathon, so… guess I gotta go do that now.

  • What's *really* so hard about feature engineering?

    06/10/2019 Duração: 21min

    Feature engineering is ubiquitous but gets surprisingly difficult surprisingly fast. What could be so complicated about just keeping track of what data you have, and how you made it? A lot, as it turns out—most data science platforms at this point include explicit features (in the product sense, not the data sense) just for keeping track of and sharing features (in the data sense, not the product sense). Just like a good library needs a catalogue, a city needs a map, and a home chef needs a cookbook to stay organized, modern data scientists need feature libraries, data dictionaries, and a general discipline around generating and caring for their datasets.

  • Data storage for analytics: stars and snowflakes

    30/09/2019 Duração: 15min

    If you’re a data scientist or data engineer thinking about how to store data for analytics uses, one of the early choices you’ll have to make (or live with, if someone else made it) is how to lay out the data in your data warehouse. There are a couple common organizational schemes that you’ll likely encounter, and that we cover in this episode: first is the famous star schema, followed by the also-famous snowflake schema.

  • Data storage: transactions vs. analytics

    23/09/2019 Duração: 16min

    Data scientists and software engineers both work with databases, but they use them for different purposes. So if you’re a data scientist thinking about the best way to store and access data for your analytics, you’ll likely come up with a very different set of requirements than a software engineer looking to power an application. Hence the split between analytics and transactional databases—certain technologies are designed for one or the other, but no single type of database is perfect for both use cases. In this episode we’ll talk about the differences between transactional and analytics databases, so no matter whether you’re an analytics person or more of a classical software engineer, you can understand the needs of your colleagues on the other side.

  • GROVER: an algorithm for making, and detecting, fake news

    16/09/2019 Duração: 18min

    There are a few things that seem to be very popular in discussions of machine learning algorithms these days. First is the role that algorithms play now, or might play in the future, when it comes to manipulating public opinion, for example with fake news. Second is the impressive success of generative adversarial networks, and similar algorithms. Third is making state-of-the-art natural language processing algorithms and naming them after muppets. We get all three this week: GROVER is an algorithm for generating, and detecting, fake news. It’s quite successful at both tasks, which raises an interesting question: is it safer to embargo the model (like GPT-2, the algorithm that was “too dangerous to release”), or release it as the best detector and antidote for its own fake news? Relevant links:

  • Data science teams as innovation initiatives

    09/09/2019 Duração: 15min

    When a big, established company is thinking about their data science strategy, chances are good that whatever they come up with, it’ll be somewhat at odds with the company’s current structure and processes. Which makes sense, right? If you’re a many-decades-old company trying to defend a successful and long-lived legacy and market share, you won’t have the advantage that many upstart competitors have of being able to bake data analytics and science into the core structure of the organization. Instead, you have to retrofit. If you’re the data scientist working in this environment, tasked with being on the front lines of a data transformation, you may be grappling with some real institutional challenges in this setup, and this episode is for you. We’ll unpack the reason data innovation is necessarily challenging, the different ways to innovate and some of their tradeoffs, and some of the hardest but most critical phases in the innovation process. Relevant links:

  • Can Fancy Running Shoes Cause You To Run Faster?

    01/09/2019 Duração: 30min

    This is a re-release of an episode that originally aired on July 29, 2018. The stars aligned for me (Katie) this past weekend: I raced my first half-marathon in a long time and got to read a great article from the NY Times about a new running shoe that Nike claims can make its wearers run faster. Causal claims like this one are really tough to verify, because even if the data suggests that people wearing the shoe are faster that might be because of correlation, not causation, so I loved reading this article that went through an analysis of thousands of runners' data in 4 different ways. Each way has a great explanation with pros and cons (as well as results, of course), so be sure to read the article after you check out this episode! Relevant links:

  • Organizational Models for Data Scientists

    25/08/2019 Duração: 23min

    When data science is hard, sometimes it’s because the algorithms aren’t converging or the data is messy, and sometimes it’s because of organizational or business issues: the data scientists aren’t positioned correctly to bring value to their organization. Maybe they don’t know what problems to work on, or they build solutions to those problems but nobody uses what they build. A lot of this can be traced back to the way the team is organized, and (relatedly) how it interacts with the rest of the organization, which is what we tackle in this issue. There are lots of options about how to organize your data science team, each of which has strengths and weaknesses, and Pardis Noorzad wrote a great blog post recently that got us talking. Relevant links:

  • Data Shapley

    19/08/2019 Duração: 16min

    We talk often about which features in a dataset are most important, but recently a new paper has started making the rounds that turns the idea of importance on its head: Data Shapley is an algorithm for thinking about which examples in a dataset are most important. It makes a lot of intuitive sense: data that’s just repeating examples that you’ve already seen, or that’s noisy or an extreme outlier, might not be that valuable for using to train a machine learning model. But some data is very valuable, it’s disproportionately useful for the algorithm figuring out what the most important trends are, and Data Shapley is explicitly designed to help machine learning researchers spend their time understanding which data points are most valuable and why. Relevant links:

  • A Technical Deep Dive on Stanley, the First Self-Driving Car

    12/08/2019 Duração: 41min

    This is a re-release of an episode that first ran on April 9, 2017. In our follow-up episode to last week's introduction to the first self-driving car, we will be doing a technical deep dive this week and talking about the most important systems for getting a car to drive itself 140 miles across the desert. Lidar? You betcha! Drive-by-wire? Of course! Probabilistic terrain reconstruction? Absolutely! All this and more this week on Linear Digressions.

  • An Introduction to Stanley, the First Self-Driving Car

    05/08/2019 Duração: 14min

    In October 2005, 23 cars lined up in the desert for a 140 mile race. Not one of those cars had a driver. This was the DARPA grand challenge to see if anyone could build an autonomous vehicle capable of navigating a desert route (and if so, whose car could do it the fastest); the winning car, Stanley, now sits in the Smithsonian Museum in Washington DC as arguably the world's first real self-driving car. In this episode (part one of a two-parter), we'll revisit the DARPA grand challenge from 2005 and the rules and constraints of what it took for Stanley to win the competition. Next week, we'll do a deep dive into Stanley's control systems and overall operation and what the key systems were that allowed Stanley to win the race. Relevant links:

  • Putting the "science" in data science: the scientific method, the null hypothesis, and p-hacking

    29/07/2019 Duração: 24min

    The modern scientific method is one of the greatest (perhaps the greatest?) system we have for discovering knowledge about the world. It’s no surprise then that many data scientists have found their skills in high demand in the business world, where knowing more about a market, or industry, or type of user becomes a competitive advantage. But the scientific method is built upon certain processes, and is disciplined about following them, in a way that can get swept aside in the rush to get something out the door—not the least of which is the fact that in science, sometimes a result simply doesn’t materialize, or sometimes a relationship simply isn’t there. This makes data science different than operations, or software engineering, or product design in an important way: a data scientist needs to be comfortable with finding nothing in the data for certain types of searches, and needs to be even more comfortable telling his or her boss, or boss’s boss, that an attempt to build a model or find a causal link has tu

  • Interleaving

    22/07/2019 Duração: 16min

    If you’re Google or Netflix, and you have a recommendation or search system as part of your bread and butter, what’s the best way to test improvements to your algorithm? A/B testing is the canonical answer for testing how users respond to software changes, but it gets tricky really fast to think about what an A/B test means in the context of an algorithm that returns a ranked list. That’s why we’re talking about interleaving this week—it’s a simple modification to A/B testing that makes it much easier to race two algorithms against each other and find the winner, and it allows you to do it with much less data than a traditional A/B test. Relevant links:

  • Federated Learning

    14/07/2019 Duração: 15min

    This is a re-release of an episode first released in May 2017. As machine learning makes its way into more and more mobile devices, an interesting question presents itself: how can we have an algorithm learn from training data that's being supplied as users interact with the algorithm? In other words, how do we do machine learning when the training dataset is distributed across many devices, imbalanced, and the usage associated with any one user needs to be obscured somewhat to protect the privacy of that user? Enter Federated Learning, a set of related algorithms from Google that are designed to help out in exactly this scenario. If you've used keyboard shortcuts or autocomplete on an Android phone, chances are you've encountered Federated Learning even if you didn't know it.

  • Endogenous Variables and Measuring Protest Effectiveness

    07/07/2019 Duração: 17min

    This is a re-release of an episode first released in February 2017. Have you been out protesting lately, or watching the protests, and wondered how much effect they might have on lawmakers? It's a tricky question to answer, since usually we need randomly distributed treatments (e.g. big protests) to understand causality, but there's no reason to believe that big protests are actually randomly distributed. In other words, protest size is endogenous to legislative response, and understanding cause and effect is very challenging. So, what to do? Well, at least in the case of studying Tea Party protest effectiveness, researchers have used rainfall, of all things, to understand the impact of a big protest. In other words, rainfall is the instrumental variable in this analysis that cracks the scientific case open. What does rainfall have to do with protests? Do protests actually matter? What do we mean when we talk about endogenous and instrumental variables? We wouldn't be very good podcasters if we answ

  • Deepfakes

    01/07/2019 Duração: 15min

    Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are producing some of the most realistic artificial videos we’ve ever seen. These videos are usually called “deepfakes”. Even to an experienced eye, it can be a challenge to distinguish a fabricated video from a real one, which is an extraordinary challenge in an era when the truth of what you see on the news or especially on social media is worthy of skepticism. And just in case that wasn’t unsettling enough, the algorithms just keep getting better and more accessible—which means it just keeps getting easier to make completely fake, but real-looking, videos of celebrities, politicians, and perhaps even just regular people. Relevant links: h

  • Revisiting Biased Word Embeddings

    24/06/2019 Duração: 18min

    The topic of bias in word embeddings gets yet another pass this week. It all started a few years ago, when an analogy task performed on Word2Vec embeddings showed some indications of gender bias around professions (as well as other forms of social bias getting reproduced in the algorithm’s embeddings). We covered the topic again a while later, covering methods for de-biasing embeddings to counteract this effect. And now we’re back, with a second pass on the original Word2Vec analogy task, but where the researchers deconstructed the “rules” of the analogies themselves and came to an interesting discovery: the bias seems to be, at least in part, an artifact of the analogy construction method. Intrigued? So were we… Relevant link:

  • Attention in Neural Nets

    17/06/2019 Duração: 26min

    There’s been a lot of interest lately in the attention mechanism in neural nets—it’s got a colloquial name (who’s not familiar with the idea of “attention”?) but it’s more like a technical trick that’s been pivotal to some recent advances in computer vision and especially word embeddings. It’s an interesting example of trying out human-cognitive-ish ideas (like focusing consideration more on some inputs than others) in neural nets, and one of the more high-profile recent successes in playing around with neural net architectures for fun and profit.

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