Great Escape Radio: Travel Writing | Photography | Publishing | Writing

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 62:04:27
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Welcome to the Great Escape Radio with Lori Allen, where youll meet everyday people who broke out of their regular jobs and opted for an exciting life of getting paid to travel. Come along for the ride as we learn about breaking into travel writing, photography, import-export, and other exciting ways you can see the world and make an income with very little set-up.


  • Do You Need a Travel Writing Niche?

    28/10/2018 Duração: 25min

    “Rome wasn’t built in a day, but they were laying bricks every hour.”—John Heywood Great Escape Radio Host, Jody Maberry and Great Escape Publishing Director, Lori Allen talk with Jed Vaughn live at the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in Austin, Texas. Lori invited Jed back to the workshop to be on the success panel for a second time. Jed’s travel writing success is unique in that he hasn’t chosen a specific niche to focus on. He’s written about sailing, fishing, coffee, wine and beer. He’s also written about music. “I think I haven’t narrowed and focused on one niche because I get bored easily. But I’m also passionate about a wide variety of things,” Jed explains. When Jed discovered the Great Escape travel writing program, he hadn’t written anything since high school. He started by taking the travel writing course at home—which provided the formula. But attending the workshop brought networking into the mix and that’s what launched his career. As Lori explains… “Our editors and speakers give you the formu

  • Taking the Leap into Travel Writing

    21/10/2018 Duração: 19min

    “To see your name for the first time in print is a thrill.” –Cynthia Notti Great Escape Radio Host, Jody Maberry and Great Escape Publishing Director, Lori Allen introduce us to Cynthia Notti who is in Austin, Texas attending the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop as a member of this year’s success panel. Lori talks about the success panel… “This is one of my favorite parts of our annual workshop. We hear from editors, writers and others who have had very large successes… and who’ve been writing for a while. But the success panel includes former attendees who have found success after attending the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop.” The stories shared by the success panel are an inspiration to attendees. It’s motivating to hear from people who were in the audience not too long ago. Cynthia is one of those people. She attended the Denver workshop in 2015 and within one month she had her first article published. “Being a travel writer means a lot to me,” says Cynthia. “I came from a finance and accounting backgr

  • Community Sparks Creativity

    14/10/2018 Duração: 22min

    “It doesn’t matter how many years you’ve been writing, it’s always inspiring to see your byline in a magazine.” –Ian Aldrich Great Escape Radio Host, Jody Maberry talks with Ian Aldrich, the Deputy Editor of Yankee Magazine, and Great Escape Publishing Director, Lori Allen live from the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in Austin, Texas. (You can listen to last week’s episode with him here too.) Jody asks Ian what he likes about speaking at this event. “Coming to an event like this, meeting other writers, talking story ideas and being with like-minded people recharges my batteries,” Ian explains. Lori agrees… “These events provide a creative spark—you can see it in the eyes of the attendees and you can feel the energy in the room.” Ian and Lori also share more about finding your way around writer’s block, using a creative spark as inspiration to finish projects and the benefits of being around the positive energy generated at live events. By attending Great Escape Publishing’s Ultimate Travel Writing Workshop

  • Can Anyone Be a Travel Writer?

    07/10/2018 Duração: 10min

    “We are all, each and every one, unique in the Universe. And that uniqueness is what makes us valuable.”—James A. Owen Great Escape Radio Host, Jody Maberry talks with Great Escape Publishing Director, Lori Allen and Deputy Editor of Yankee Magazine, Ian Aldrich live from the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in Austin, Texas. Jody poses the question, “Can anyone be a travel writer?” Ian answers with a resounding “Yes!” “The idea that magazines have their set writers and aren’t open to new writers isn’t true,” says Ian. “We’re looking for good ideas and welcome the opportunity to work with new writers.” Ian shares the story of a woman who pitched Yankee Magazine an idea for a story on the Cape Cod National Seashore. “We’ve written about Cape Cod and the National Seashore many times, but this writer pitched a story about the places her husband, a park ranger and his colleagues go when they’re hiking the area.” She had no clips, had never written for Yankee Magazine but they gave her the assignment because it w

  • Curating Photos for Social Media

    30/09/2018 Duração: 24min

    “If you’re always trying to be normal, you’ll never know how amazing you can be.” –Maya Angelou Great Escape Radio Host, Jody Maberry brings Kathy Sindorf back to the show. Kathy is a university professor. She’s traveled the world as a television producer and reporter and she’s co-lead photography expeditions for Great Escape Publishing with her husband, Joe Sindorf. (You can listen in on their last podcast episode about traveling together and solo here.) Kathy shares her thoughts on her Great Escape experiences… “Leading the trips for Great Escape Publishing is such a joy! Joe and I have really enjoyed getting to know the photography and travel writer community associated with Great Escape. We’ve found a whole new group of friends…it’s a community of support and friendship.” This week Kathy helps those of us who take a lot of photos during our travels by sharing what photos we should post on social media, how we should caption our photos and what we can do to protect the security of our photos. If you’re try

  • Making Money with Stock Photos

    23/09/2018 Duração: 16min

    “A rising tide lifts all boats.” –John F. Kennedy Great Escape Radio Host, Jody Maberry and Great Escape Publishing Director, Lori Allen talk about what’s new in stock photography. “It’s my job to notice trends and stock photography is a conversation that comes up a lot with new photographers as well as those who’ve been very successful.” Lori looks at someone like Carli Davidson, author of the New York Times bestselling photo book, Shake. “I started working with Carli when she wasn’t as well-known as she is today. Now she’s doing commercials for Friskies, Pedigree and other huge companies. She’s also doing some work for Great Escape Publishing on the side—leading workshops and interacting with beginners to pull them along on their journey.” It’s Lori’s job to explore what people like Carli and other successful photographers can do to encourage members who are just starting out on their photography journey.  That’s where stock photography comes in. Professional photographers often talk about shooting the thin

  • Finding Freedom Through Travel

    16/09/2018 Duração: 16min

    “Each day is a new chapter in your life, and you get to decide what chapter comes next.” –Lori Allen Great Escape Radio Host, Jody Maberry and Great Escape Publishing Director, Lori Allen explore the idea of freedom. People want freedom. Lori shares a recent example she heard in the news… “Two elderly men broke out of their nursing home to attend a heavy metal concert. They were just a couple of old “metal heads” seeking freedom from their lives in the home. After the men were located and returned to the nursing home, the festival organizers tweeted about it saying, ‘You’re never too old to rock!’”   These men aren’t unlike many others…no one likes feeling trapped. Lori shares her experiences growing up in a family of prison guards. It was a good job that came with benefits. “What it was to me was a constant reminder of what happens when people are trapped…when their freedoms are taken away.” Loss of freedom comes in many forms…a job you hate…a toxic relationship…lack of options for change. But the truth is,

  • Traveling Without Your Significant Other

    09/09/2018 Duração: 24min

    “The man who goes alone can start today, but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready.” — Henry David Thoreau Great Escape Radio Host, Jody Maberry brings humanitarian photographer and filmmaker, Joe Sindorf back to the show along with a mystery guest…Joe’s favorite friend in the entire world…his wife, Kathy Sindorf. Kathy teaches digital media, video and photography at the university level. She’s also traveled around the world as a television reporter and correspondent. Jody, Joe and Kathy discuss the pros and cons of traveling as a couple and traveling solo. “I am continually amazed by the number of people who have the courage to travel solo… even if they are happily married and have plenty of friends,” says Kathy. One of the advantages of solo travel is meeting people with like-minded interests and travel styles. When Joe and Kathy were first married, they often traveled separately due to assignments for their respective television programs. They travel together as often as possible n

  • Combining Two Passions to Create One Unique Trip

    02/09/2018 Duração: 31min

    “Travel is like a giant blank canvas, and the painting on that canvas is only limited by one’s imagination.” –Ross Morley Great Escape Radio Host, Jody Maberry and Great Escape Publishing Director, Lori Allen introduce us to Kevin Wenning. “Out of all of the get paid to travel opportunities we publish at Great Escape Publishing, I REALLY love our tour program,” says Lori. “It’s super trendy to go on unique, customized, non-touristy tours—which makes it very profitable right now.” Kevin is a true entrepreneur who has combined two of his passions into tours: biking and photography. He shares with us the back story… “I used to commute to work by bike, so it was natural for me to want to jump on a bike when I would travel to a new destination.” Renting a bike to get where he wanted to go became a regular part of Kevin’s travel style. Later, he added photography to his biking trips. Over time, he began to piece his ideas together. He talked to some friends who were also taking international biking vacations and di

  • Living Your Bucket List

    26/08/2018 Duração: 24min

    “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.”—Norman Vincent Peale Great Escape Radio Host, Jody Maberry brings Joe Sindorf back to the show. An international humanitarian filmmaker and photographer who has traveled to more than 75 countries, Joe is a favorite guest on the program. This week Jody and Joe are talking about life travel goals… creating a bucket list. “I think it’s always important to have goals… to have something to look forward to… a reason to get up in the morning,” says Joe. Many people have travel bucket lists, but Joe believes adding photography goals to the list deepens the experience. “Photographing a destination or experience seers it a little more into your memory.” For example, visiting a national park we can see landscapes and animals, but once we photograph it, the experience becomes more than a check on the bucket list. We’ve created a memory—and, it can become an inspiration to someone else. Joe talks about what to consider when choosing the places you want t

  • Finding Inspiration in Success

    19/08/2018 Duração: 29min

    “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” –Lao Tzu Great Escape Radio Host, Jody Maberry brings Bonnie Caton back to the podcast. Bonnie’s back in the USA after living abroad earlier this year. She’s refocusing on her photography business and training for a triathlon—she’s been busy! Inspired lately by the success stories she’s seen through Great Escape Publishing, Bonnie wants to share her thoughts about some of them. “A lot of our members are doing incredible things…most of them later in life. People age 57, 60 and beyond who never thought they would be able to travel the way they are now. These people have been able to really go for it and get into the program and apply all the things we talk about.” She shares some of the success stories that have inspired her… Theresa St. John who was going through a tough divorce when she decided to venture into photography and travel writing—now she’s turned her life around and is following her dreams… Terri Marshall who left behind a life career as a tax

  • Celebrrating the Travel Writer's Cafe

    12/08/2018 Duração: 22min

    “We give our members a roadmap, they get in the ‘car’ and use that roadmap to get to their destination…a published article.” –Noreen Kompanik Great Escape Radio Host, Jody Maberry bring Noreen Kompanik back to the show to talk about the Travel Writer’s Café. Noreen has just returned from a two-week trip in Europe that included Croatia, Italy and the Greek Islands. Unlike many of her trips, this wasn’t a press trip, it was supposed to be Noreen’s vacation. “As travel writer’s we’re not always on assignment, we need breaks, sometimes we need to take our own vacations.” But that doesn’t mean Noreen didn’t come back with stories to write… she has 14 in the works right now and expects more to come. Noreen has returned to the podcast to talk about the 2nd anniversary of the Travel Writer’s Café. This was a membership program Noreen pitched to Lori Allen after she attended the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in San Diego 4 years ago. “I thought Great Escape Publishing needed a program where writers have a place t

  • The Wonders of Exploring Africa

    05/08/2018 Duração: 25min

    “There’s a lot of the world I have left to check off my list, but I keep wanting to go back to Africa.”—Lori Allen Great Escape Radio Host, Jody Maberry and Great Escape Publishing Director, Lori Allen talk about her recent trip to Kenya. Kenya is usually the first country people go to when they go on an African safari. Lori did it backwards. “I visited South Africa, Tanzania, Botswana and Namibia before making it to Kenya,” says Lori. Lori thought it would be more of the same things she had already experienced. But she was wrong. “I didn’t think I would see anything different in Kenya than I hadn’t already seen in Tanzania. But you drive a mere two or three hours and it feels like you’re in a different world.” “There’s something about Africa that calls you back. I’ve been eight or nine times now and every trip blows me away.” Listen in as Lori shares some of the new experiences she had on her most recent trip to Africa where she explored Kenya. She even had a fun celebrity spotting experience when she met El

  • Making Your Photography Unique

    29/07/2018 Duração: 26min

    “You have a choice to look for rainbows or look for dirt, I choose to look for rainbows.”—Janette Tepas Great Escape Radio Host, Jody Maberry and Great Escape Publishing Director, Lori Allen introduce us to Janette Tepas. “After attending the Great Escape Photography Workshop last year in San Diego I was inspired to try something new with my photos,” says Janette. Focusing on her hometown of Chicago, Janette photographs local points of interest and uses her artistic skills to create unique art as note cards, jewelry, ornaments and paintings. “I print my photos in black and white then, using watercolors, I hand-paint color directly onto the photos.” And… she’s selling them! “The workshop in San Diego helped me focus on what I could do by combining photography with the art skills I’ve developed over the years. It gave me inspiration and direction.” Listen in as Jody and Janette talk more about her work and the various paths it has taken her so far. Lori also talks more about how we can take things we have speci

  • Saying YES to Big Ideas

    22/07/2018 Duração: 25min

    “I can see someone’s idea without the lens of their fear…without the lens of their stories. And then I can help them take the first step.” – Allegra Stein Great Escape Radio Host, Jody Maberry brings life coach Allegra Stein back to the show. To hear Allegra’s previous podcast episode, go here. Allegra identifies herself as a “Thought and Action Coach for Women With Big Ideas.” In the year since she last appeared on the show, Allegra’s been in family mode caring for her young children—which is always at the top of the list. She’s also been shifting the focus of her coaching practice a bit. Allegra explains… “I originally connected with Great Escape Publishing because my personal background involved a lot of travel. After college I joined the Peace Corps and lived in Bulgaria. Later I moved to New York City on my own.” Allegra’s personal experience with picking herself up and moving somewhere else and her understanding of what it’s like to leave one thing and move into another led her to a coaching career focu

  • Dealing with Overwhelm

    15/07/2018 Duração: 22min

    “Money comes and goes, but time only goes.” –Lee Cockerell Great Escape Radio Host, Jody Maberry brings time management guru, Lee Cockerell back to the show. Recently Lori Allen surveyed several members of Great Escape Publishing to ask them what their biggest challengers were. Two common themes emerged: not enough time and feeling overwhelmed. As the former Executive Vice President of Walt Disney World Resorts, Lee knows a thing or two about getting things done—and he has the same 24 hours in a day that we do. Over the years Lee taught his time management strategies to his employees at Marriott and at Walt Disney World. “We all have many responsibilities—maybe more than we realize,” says Lee. “If we don’t take care of our responsibilities by planning for them, it will catch us by surprise and becomes a crisis.” Juggling too many responsibilities and feeling overwhelmed creates stress and that can result in anxiety and depression. Listen in as he shares his thoughts on the importance of planning and the impor

  • Seeing the World as a Tour Guide

    08/07/2018 Duração: 38min

    “Above all, enthusiasm sells.” –Steve Roller Host, Jody Maberry and Great Escape Publishing Director, Lori Allen introduce us to Steve Roller. Steve has always loved traveling but only recently started profiting from his travels by leading tours. Steve says his parents were his inspiration for getting started. “Four years ago, my family and I spent the summer in Ecuador. My parents visited us for two of the weeks while we were down there. I played tour guide to them while they were visiting despite my concerns that their expectations would be too high.” It turns out Steve’s parents were thrilled with his tour guiding skills and encouraged him to lead tours for other people. Steve was inspired, and that inspiration really caught fire when he discovered Great Escape Publishing’s program, Leading Tours for Fun and Profit. “The program provided me with a step-by-step process for putting together a tour and running it with all the details I needed.” Listen in as Steve shares the simple ways he markets his tours…wi

  • Turning a Travel Blog into a Big Opportunity

    01/07/2018 Duração: 27min

    “You make your own luck.” –Ernest Hemingway Host, Jody Maberry and Great Escape Publishing Director, Lori Allen talk with travel writer, Tricia Pimentel. Lori introduces us to Tricia… “Tricia came to Great Escape Publishing expecting her journey toward travel writing would be like some of the success stories she had heard from other members. But, like the algorithms of the birds that take one step toward the flock and one step out on their own…Tricia found her journey to be one of stepping out on her own.” Tricia shares her story… “I started my writing career with a blog where I posted stories from my travels with my husband.” Tricia had no idea where that blog and her love for travel and writing would lead her. “My husband and I had sold our house outside of Park City, Utah and were touring the Pacific Northwest and the National Parks when we decided to go to San Francisco.” Tricia’s husband had read about the Ultimate Travel Writers’ Workshop in International Living—which he had subscribed to for many years

  • How to Include People in Your Photographs Without Being Sneaky

    24/06/2018 Duração: 20min

    “It’s more important to click with people than it is to click the shutter.”—Alfred Eisenstaedt Host, Jody Maberry welcomes award-winning photographer, Joseph Sindorf back to the show. Last time Joe was on the show he was getting ready to go to Namibia in West Africa—which turned out to be an amazing trip. Every time Joe is on the show it seems he is packing for another trip. This time is no exception—Joe is packing for a trip to Jordan where he’ll be leading another Great Escape Publishing Photography Expedition. He’ll be visiting Petra—the old Nabataean city carved out of red sandstone. He’ll spend a night in the Jordanian desert following in the footsteps of Lawrence of Arabia and float in the Dead Sea. There will be lots of images to capture and Joe will want to include people in those images. “Photography isn’t about the camera,” says Joe. “It’s about telling powerful stories and often those stories revolve around people.” In his humanitarian work, Joe has developed several techniques for getting the phot

  • Don't Overlook Local Travel Writing Opportunities

    17/06/2018 Duração: 17min

    “Writing local feels comfortable—like a talk with a good friend, and it’s always fun to come home.” –Theresa St. John Host Jody Mayberry talks with Theresa St. John, a travel writer and photographer who has built an impressive resume since attending Great Escape Publishing’s Ultimate Travel Writers Workshop a few years ago When Theresa first started her journey as a travel writer, she didn’t have the money to travel and she was working fulltime, so her time was also limited. The solution? She started local. Theresa’s hometown is Saratoga and she’s found some of her best stories locally. “They say, ‘bloom where you’re planted’ and that’s what I did when I first started my travel writing and photography career. I still write local today and love finding new places in my hometown.” Theresa shares some of the discoveries she’s made and the stories she’s been able to publish from her local explorations.  “I started local because I had to, but I keep coming back to local because I love where I live and it’s fun to

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