Hutchinson First Baptist Church

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 48:21:46
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Welcome to First Baptist Church. We hope you are blessed by God's Word as you listen to our podcast. God bless you and come join us sometime. Check out our church website at!


  • Grace-Filled Obedience - Audio

    18/09/2016 Duração: 37min

    This morning we are starting a new study through Galatians, and we are starting by looking at the theme of the book...grace! This theme comes through the lens of the Galatians dealing with legalism in their churches, and we all know too well that even in our own minds we fight legalism every day. So it's fitting today that we look at how we combat legalism in the church and how we live in light of the free and abundant grace of God. Enjoy and be blessed!

  • A United Body - Audio

    28/08/2016 Duração: 35min

    This morning we are getting ready to wrap up our study through the ministry of the church, and specifically how the church reflects the Gospel to the community. The final way that she does this is through the unity that she shares with her members. Every member of the church is a part of the body, and had a vital and valid role to play; each role being as integral and important as the next. When we show this kind of care for each other and reservation for each other's giftings, as Paul calls us to, we point others toward the authority of God and remind them of his Word and his command. Be blessed as you study with us.

  • Faith Comes by Hearing - Audio

    15/08/2016 Duração: 31min

    This morning we are looking at one of the final ways that the church reflects the Gospel, namely that we portray the Gospel when we respond to the Gospel in faith. The church has the opportunity to show what genuine faith looks like, and the ability to exemplify the faith that Jesus calls us to. When the world responds to life with despair and frustration, but the church responds with confidence in God's leading and direction, we testify to the saving grace of Christ and his work on our behalf. Enjoy and be blessed as we study together!

  • Grief Undone - Audio

    08/08/2016 Duração: 34min

    As our summer series comes to a close, we turn our attention to how we reflect the Gospel when we respond to the truths of the Bible appropriately. The first response needed, when we see what Scripture presents about us, and about God, is that we must respond with repentance. We must be defined as those people who reject the lies of the world and turn to embrace the truths of the Bible and strive to walk in light of them. Enjoy and be blessed as we study together!

  • The Object of Our Affections - Audio

    25/07/2016 Duração: 31min

    We now turn our attention to how the church reflects the Gospel when it comes to how we present and talk about Jesus Christ. The Gospel is nothing without him, and without accounting for all that he did on Calvary. The Gospel is most on display when we point people toward the person and work of Christ. Be blessed as we study together about the person whom we worship for the work of saving us!

  • Humility in Action - Audio

    18/07/2016 Duração: 36min

    As we continue in our series about how the Church reflects the Gospel to the community, we turn now to what the Bible says about sin. Some churches want to skirt around sin, and not address it; however, we must understand that even discussing sin, and sins effects and the deliverance of sin that we find in Christ, is a reflection of the Gospel. This morning we discuss how that can be together! Be blessed as you study with us!

  • Unifying Transformation - Audio

    10/07/2016 Duração: 34min

    This morning, we are continuing in our series through 'How the Church Reflects the Gospel'. Today we are looking at the reality that one way the church does this is by the way that the people within the church treat other people. We are reminded today that all people, in all times, and in all places are made in the image of God and are therefore deserving of dignity and respect. This ought to remind us that there is no place for favoritism within the church, and that things like racism, sexism, and other forms of prejudice are not fitting of the Bride of Christ. Enjoy today as we are reminded that we are to love our neighbors as we love ourselves!

  • The Authority of the Church - Audio

    03/07/2016 Duração: 37min

    As we continue in our series about how the Church is a reflection of the Gospel, we turn now to how we portray Christ's work in how we revere God's authority. The Bible teaches that humanity balks at God's authority and wages war against God on the grounds of His authority. Scripture teaches that upon salvation we are now free, not to do whatever we wish, but to do that which we were made to do; obey God's commands. Thus the church is the place where God's authority is heeded, respected and obeyed and we have the ability to show our devotion to that authority in how we live life! Enjoy and be blessed as you listen.

  • A Family Resemblance - Audio

    19/06/2016 Duração: 33min

    This morning we continue to study about how the Church can reflect the Gospel. Specifically, we are looking at how we reflect the Gospel when we portray the holiness of God. God's desire of the Israelites was that they would point pagan nations toward their God. This was the reason for the 10 Commandments; that the Israelites would not be like the rest of the world, and would thus point people toward their perfect, holy God. This is what he desires of the church as well. We have the privilege of pointing people toward the Gospel of Jesus by showing the perfection and holiness that God calls us to. Be blessed as you study with us.

  • Representatives of God - Audio

    13/06/2016 Duração: 34min

    This morning we are continuing our sermon series on how the church reflects the Gospel to the community. Last week, we studied about the purpose of the institution of the church, and this week, we are going to look at the role of that institution and how she carries that role out. Be blessed and enjoy as you study with us this morning!

  • The Masterpiece of God's Creation - Audio

    06/06/2016 Duração: 34min

    This morning we are continuing our new series as we look at how the church, and the members of the church, are called to reflect the Gospel to the community. The New Testament teaches us that the church was created and ordained to be the Bride of her Savior, Jesus Christ. As a Bride, God has also ordained that she be pure and spotless and consecrated for her groom. And as such, we come to revere the church as one of God's greatest institutions. This morning we study about why it is one of His greatest institutions, and what is so great about it. Enjoy and be blessed!

  • The Purpose of the Cross - Audio

    13/03/2016 Duração: 35min

    This morning we turn our attention to the Easter Season, as next week is Palm Sunday. Today we look specifically at what it is that Jesus longed to accomplish in salvation, namely that he would make for himself a people, a bride, who was pure and spotless and blameless, much the same as himself. Today, we evaluate how this plays out in the Christian life and how obedience compliments Jesus' intention.

  • The Outcome of Pure Doctrine: Godly Living Pt. 2 - Audio

    06/03/2016 Duração: 32min

    Here is part 2 of our previous sermon. We continue to look at the difference between Godly behavior and worldly behavior. Paul paints for us a picture of what our behavior ought to look like in light of our salvation in Christ and how we ought to live. Enjoy and be encouraged as you study with us about the calling of the believer in light of his/her new found life.

  • The Outcome of Pure Doctrine: Godly Living - Audio

    28/02/2016 Duração: 44min

    This morning we continue in our study of the book of Titus as we begin chapter 2. Here Paul moves his attention to teaching Titus about the things that 'accord with sound doctrine' (Titus 2:1), and namely, those behaviors that are befitting of a disciple of Jesus. Here Paul dramatically, and intentionally draws a separation between the church and the world and the lifestyle that the church is called to. He reminds us that we are not of this world and therefore we ought to live as those who are merely sojourners in this land. Be encouraged today as you study with us about the calling of Jesus Christ on the life of the believer.

  • But As For You... - Audio

    21/02/2016 Duração: 29min

    This morning we continue through the book of Titus, and we look specifically now at the different that Paul shows us between what Biblical teaching looks like and what the teaching of false teachers looks like. In today's church era, we must be quick to discern what is true from what is false and we must be diligent in making sure that we weed out that which is false from our lives and from our churches. This morning, we investigate with Paul, what the calling of the Biblical teacher is and what the difference is between them.

  • How Great the Father's Love For Us - Audio

    14/02/2016 Duração: 33min

    This morning, we are taking a short vacation from the book of Titus, and looking at John's teaching on what it means to love as God loves. Too often we let the culture around us influence how we love, why we love and who we love, rather than looking to God's Word for His influence on those things. Be blessed this morning as we contemplate the love that God has showered us with.

  • The Two-Fold Duty of the Pastorate - Audio

    07/02/2016 Duração: 33min

    This morning, we are continuing in our study through Titus and moving on to learn about Paul's instruction in regards to what a pastor/elder is to do with false teaching/teachers. Throughout Scripture, we learn from Jesus, Paul, Peter, John, Jude, etc...that there will be false teaching that makes its way in to the church. So the question is not, 'will it happen to your church', the question is 'when will it happen? And what will you do about it?'. As I say two times during this sermons, "It is a scary thing to know that false teaching will make its way in; it is far scarier to know that it will happen and do nothing about it".

  • His Words Changed My Life - Audio

    31/01/2016 Duração: 29min

    Pastor Tyler was sick this Sunday, so one of our Sunday School teachers, Kent Blessing, stepped in and filled the pulpit. Today, we take a look at what Scripture says about itself...namely that it is sufficient and perfect for all of our needs! Enjoy and be blessed, as God's Word does it's work in changing all of our lives!

  • Godly Structure (Pt. 2) - Audio

    24/01/2016 Duração: 40min

    This morning, we continue in our study of Titus and the qualifications of the elders in God's churches. All around us we take time to qualify things and positions: to be the President, you must meet qualifications; to drive you have to meet qualifications, to be a teacher or coach you must meet certain qualifications. There is no question that the office of elder/pastor in God's church is a qualified office and therefore we take time to look at how God qualifies those who fill that office. This morning we continue to study about the appointing of elders and what goes into it.

  • Godly Structure (Pt. 1) - Audio

    17/01/2016 Duração: 34min

    This morning, we continue in our series through Titus, and specifically we begin by looking at the reason for Titus' ministry on Crete, and specifically his calling to appoint elders for the completion of the church. There is much misunderstanding in the Christian church today about the role, function, appointing, and qualifying of elders/pastors in today's church. So this week and next week, we take time to look at the calling of the elder/pastor and what the qualifications for that role look like. Enjoy and be blessed!

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