Wellness Radio With Dr. J

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 739:15:09
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Dr. Jeanette Gallagher shares in casual conversation, topics of health, wellness and spirituality to transform your life. Her guests are authors, physicians, spiritual leaders, and people who wish to share a message of hope as the world evolves through daily challenges. The conversations may ease your concerns, encourage deep laughter or challenge your beliefs but you will come away with a sense that something has stirred inside of you and you just can't wait to share it with others. Dr. Jeanette's book "Trust: Photo Meditations" is an inspirational journey to find the softness and comfort in the world around us. Dr. Jeanette is a visionary, spiritual guide and inspirational author/radio host. Her specialty is in helping others remember that life is a great gift, no matter what we are going through. Dr. J is in the 'healing of the heart and spirit' business and loves every moment. Her compassion and empathy can be felt as she shares her stories on air. She has over five decades in studying the mystery of the body, has fully experienced life challenges to create change and helps others transform their lives through connected listening to the story of their lives.Her books, events and blog postings are listed on her website and social media connections.Connect with her at: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.comTwitter: @DrJeanetteNDFacebook: DrJeanetteND


  • Are you prepared for a good death; what happens when death has it's own agenda

    14/06/2020 Duração: 47min

    Taking the Pulse on Today's Energies!Dr. Jeanette and Kim Best discuss the processes of closing this life book that we put 'out of sight, out of mind' due to our fear of death. The story of your life; what is your legacy all about? What is closure? Have we cleaned up our regreats? Did we speak all the words that we needed to share before our last breathe?Are you prepared for death? What happens when all we have planned goes out the door, when our time of closure comes without a warning, and when the answers and plans have not been made; what next?Kim is the author of How to Live Forever: A Guide to Writing the Final Chapter of Your Life Story and has decades of helping others through their end of life process.Dr. Jeanette supports patients and loved ones through the End of Life process: Walking Souls Home in Grace. For a private session visit: www.MyPersonalAdvocate2.comFor more information on Kim and her services visit: www.BestConflictSolutions.comFor a free newsletter and book from Dr. Jeanette visit: www.

  • Finding a balance in life with all the chaos and spinning of life events

    11/06/2020 Duração: 38min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Jennifer Yu, author of Happy - Reloaded to discuss how to find our balance in a life that is constantly on spin in the chaos and challenges of living each day.How can we rebalance our daily life when so much seems to be in total chaos these days? Life is constantly changing which is the first step to recognize because this will help us to relax into the concept that, this too, will pass. We seek to find happiness and want to have things back to normal but if we can find a moment of happiness in our state of mind, might it influence our actions no matter what gets thrown at us?What is the world we constantly exist in and maybe we walk around constantly disappointed with it's presentation? How can we go on each day?Time to shift our perception, find peace in our hearts and soul and make a conscious decision to be happy.For more information on Jennifer visit: www.HappyTaiChi.orgFor a free newsletter and book from Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

  • How will children change generations of stuck energy and create a New World.

    09/06/2020 Duração: 40min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Lucie LeBlanc, author of Ordinary Parents Raising Extraordinary Children: A parental guide to unlocking your child's inner strength to full self-expression to discuss how children will change the world by touching all generations.Can the children help us evolve by their existence and energy to change generation going forward? Do we need to engrain history and the past stories on kids to have their 'know' about life going forward?Perhaps we have it backwards! Maybe we can learn from kids and see the world from their eyes instead of the heavy filters that decades of hardship and troubles have created as our vision.What is the reality of life? Is there an aspect of life that we all have to align to as we see the world? What if we could dance to a unique path that we create rather than learn to follow or be accepted as our being depends on it for existence.We are at a point in time where it is important to make a choice: to follow, to lead, to create, to be free and to let go. For more infor

  • A broken heart can teach unconditional love right up to the last moment of life

    05/06/2020 Duração: 39min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Jacqueline Malcolm-Peck to talk about her mother's writings authored in The Story of Love by Melissa Malcolm-Peck. Melissa had many heart attacks and kept living her life, one beat at a time to teach her family unconditional love to her last breath.Melissa had many heart events that were misdiagnosed, life threatening and a miracle by all standards but she kept taking one more breathe for as long as possible. She had a mission: to teach her family about unconditional love and she was determined to fullfill that mission at all costs. Can you find love in all the turns and falling down when your health has declined? Can you still thank God for every second of joy in life even when the doors are open to heaven and it is but a blink of an eye and you will enter the gates to eternal life? Are you angry with God?Melissa has left her legacy clearly stated in a series of books that she had written about her journey. Today, we share about the first of three books and how her life changed forever

  • Powering up your source energy, one chakra at a time!

    04/06/2020 Duração: 36min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Lisa Erickson, energy worker and author of Chakra Empowerment for Women: Self-Guided Techniques for Healing Trauma, Owning Your Power and Finding Overall Wellness to discuss how healing begins.Almost all women have experienced some aspect of trauma in their lifetime and learning to heal your deep inner core source wounds can take decades. "Now is the time to step into your power", how many times have you heard that? But how do you get started? Awareness of the current moment in time, feel the emotions and sensations of energy in your body, and open yourself up to explore all aspects of self. This may feel like a daunting task but it is truly the only way to start healing and releasing all the eons of our soul. ~ Dr. JeanetteHow can we let go of the past imprints and open ourselves up to the new if we are coming from a sense of fear, destruction or pain? Where are the blockages to getting in touch with our deep feelings if we have been keeping them locked deep inside? What health concerns

  • Exploring Life's Keys; one garage sale at a time

    02/06/2020 Duração: 35min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Marni Foderaro, author of God Came To My Garage Sale, to share a story of the keys of life that God sends if we are willing to see. What are the messages he is sending?The story is a spiritual fiction work that takes us on a journey of every item in a garage sale;  how the stories that are imprinted in them, bring us to explore the deepest of our hearts and soul. The characters that visit the Garage Sale are messangers with important God keys that can allow us to see things differently in retrospect. Your life was a great journey of challenges, love, pain, sorrow and joy; one step at a time. How glorious is that?We hold on to material items over decades of life as the memories they hold seem to create our identity and journies. What happens when it is time to let go? Can we?For more information on Marni visit: www.GodCameToMyGarageSale.comFor a free newsletter and book from Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com 

  • Changing the Moment in Time: Our Words Have Power

    31/05/2020 Duração: 48min

    Taking the Pulse on Today's Energies ! Let us change the moment in time: Our words have power and our source energy can respond.Dr. Jeanette and co host Sherry Hopson will be sharing how life events rising are bringing up past energies to be cleared. What we do next is completely and fully within our power; how will we rise? Can we change history? Can we change our own lives? Can we find a way to be better human beings?Yes! Did we forget the power we have within? When did we give our power away? If we feel a victim of the world around us, if we feel pushed to demand things be under certain control; what is the purpose of our being at this time in 2020?For every person who stands up, engages in their own self source of power, and becomes responsible for their own actions; we now create a new way, a new life, and a new humanity.Are you ready? Today, we will clear energies, stop and feel the inner power, and then create words to carry us through the next few months.For more informaiton on Sherry Hopson, Internat

  • How to walk towards death when you have time to make peace

    29/05/2020 Duração: 43min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Amy Dix, author of Seven More Days: Live a Life That's Bursting with Positivity and Happiness...Before it's too late, to share the experience of walking to death with her mother.What is a good death? How will you use the days after a diagnosis to say your peace, make amends, feel unconditional love and close the door on this existence? How much time is enough time? If you had 24 more hours to your life, how would you live it? If you had seven more months of life, what would you do with that time?Can you find the good in your life and celebrate those moments? What are we waiting for to live life? Just because you have an advance notice to live fully out your days, does not always mean that you will be physically, emotionally or mentally able to do the things you have been putting off and stashed in your bucket list. Perhaps the living of life in every day is doing the best we can and allow our hearts to be kind and complete when the time is ticking down. For more information on Amy visit:

  • Connecting with children through difficult times

    28/05/2020 Duração: 37min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Agnes Lui, author of Into Your Child's Heart, to share how life events can shape a child's life.Children are growing up in times of tragic life events; 9/11 and an epidemic. How you speak to your child and engage in their thoughts and emotions about these events can shape how they handle future challenges in their lives.A trauma in early childhood can create beliefs that are rooted in fear, death, or loss and damage a heart for a lifetime. Healing, teaching and learning through the generations with eyes of the present moment is essential from elders to children. How we help each other heal will be essential in the coming decade. Can we open up our hearts and share our deepest pain?For more information on Agnes visit: www.IntoYourChildsHeart.comFor a free newsletter and book from Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com 

  • School Fall 2020: How will teachers and kids change the school system

    14/05/2020 Duração: 51min

    Taking the Pulse on Today's Energies: How will School2020 changeDr. Jeanette welcomes Adam Prociv, a teacher from Australia, to talk about the options and challenges when school starts 2020.If a child was bullied in school, will they wish to return to a classroom? If a teacher was fighting hard to help students and social issues were limiting factors, will they return to school?What if online schooling, reduced days and hours supported teachers and kids? What would school look like then?What are we really teaching our kids and can families become more engaged in the learning process? Will 'life learning' now take center stage over history or old ideas?The world is changing; we can teach our kids how to adapt, create and discover a new way of doing things which will be the new life going forward. What a journey we are all on!For more information visit: www.AdamProciv.comFor a free newsletter and book from Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com 

  • Teachers and Parents: engaging children in a life long journey of learning

    12/05/2020 Duração: 43min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Adam Prociv, teacher and author of How to Be a Legendary Teacher, to talk about the qualities of teaching children to gain wisdom and knowledge in this world today."Everyone can be a teacher; how are you supporting small minds to engage in the world around us?" Dr. JeanetteHave we shipped our children off to schools for teachers to do the job of getting knowledge into the heads of our kids? Who is teaching our kids how to be better human beings? What happens when the messages clash and what kids are learning conflicts as the core message?Are we using old ways and information trying to teach New Age kids to exist in today's rapid paced life?Has education kept up with the books, technology and knowledge required to move a society forward with jobs and support for young adults?For more information on Adam visit: www.AdamProciv.comFor a free newsletter and book from Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

  • Dr. Michael Myers on Physician Suicide and Struggles

    09/05/2020 Duração: 48min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Michael F. Myers, M.D., the "Doctors' Doctor" to discuss Physician Suicide and Physician Health. Dr. Myers, author of Why Physicians Die by Suicide: Lessons Learned From Their Families and Others Who Cared, is a psychiatrist and specialist in physician mental health and supports his clients through professional and personal struggles.Are the parameters and boxes we have put the physician professional into, now exceeded the limits of what a person can possibly hold to exist in this life and be healthy?This is a conversation that is now on the table; how are we all participating in treating our healthcare professionals as we would wish to be treated?For more information on Dr. Myers: www.MichaelFMyers.comFor a free newsletter and support with Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

  • Dr. Sebastian Sepulveda shares support and stories at End of Life

    07/05/2020 Duração: 55min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Sebastian Sepulveda, M.D., author of At Death's Door: End of Life Stories from the Bedside, to share decades of supporting patients at the most difficult time of life; the ending of the story. Dr. Sebastian explores the language used by professionals when life is at a critical impasse and decisions must be made by patients, family members, caregivers and professionals within minutes. The progressive path which is called the end of life is the cessation of body functions and the soul leaving the body which must be met with compassion and honor.What is end of life and how can you navigate the process?While there is no template to follow when life is ending and while we can always plan for the perfect picture, things happen, life happens.  No matter what, we are all doing the best we can in every moment. Be blessed and honor each other in the process of losing a loved one.For a documentary and more information on Dr. Sepulveda visit: www.AtDeathsDoor.comFor additional compassionate guid

  • Physicians are being challenged by health crisis: how will they rise or fall?

    06/05/2020 Duração: 55min

    Taking the Pulse on Today's Energies!Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Michael Myers, MD to discuss the global health event and how healthcare workers and physicians are struggling to keep it together."One thing I keep thinking about physicians: they signed up to save, to fix, to help and bring living back to those who are sick and in pain. Most, did not sign up for the battle field, they did not sign up for a soul crisis, they did not sign up to not be able to help. The crisis of PTSD is going to be: they are not God, they are not saviors, they cannot fix everyone and the profession must change." Over the decades in healthcare, we visited the hospital to be healed and returned back to life, we trusted the technology and services would put us back together and we handed over our lives to others to fix. ~ Dr. JeanetteWhat is happening now in healthcare is devasting patients, providers, workers and the system of healthcare. How will we rise? It is too early for that discussion but we know there is a long road ahead and

  • Death: Coming to Terms with It's Presence

    03/05/2020 Duração: 01h09min

    Taking the Pulse on Today's Energies Live Show!Dr. Jeanette and Dr. Sebastian Sepulveda, MD will be talking about the Death Process. It is a topic that is hidden from our daily thoughts as fear and endings shroud its existence.  However, now, death is upon us and there is no hiding from it.If you are deep in grief, loss, pain and sadness or experiencing fear; ask for help.  Reach out, watch the movie, read the book or ask for a session.  We cannot help if you do not ask.  Be well, we are here to listen.Dr. Sebastian produced a film that depicts a Physician and End of Life Patients. Click here to watch it.  His book is AT DEATH'S DOOR: End of Life Stories from The Bedside At a time when death and life altering health events are affecting everyone and there is no advance warning;how do you say good byehow do you get closurehow can you feel complete with the life you are leavinghow can you say I Love You to those who matterToday, the Drs. will be sharing how to make peace with the circumstances that are presente

  • New Age Children's Book: Learning compassion and kindness

    29/04/2020 Duração: 34min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Gerry Haller, author of Will's Adventure to the Candy Mountain, a New Age children's book that teaches compassion and kindness.A New Age Children's book is a story that uses timely topics, up to date story concepts, and creates an integration of the child and the reader to go on a journey together.The story takes us on an adventure that lightens our senses with the words and beautiful art work. A story that creates a new experience with magic, dreams and wonderment.To learn compassion from a child's point of view, also allows the parent, grandparent or reader to also explore how they too can become more compassionate. What a wonderful engagement of souls!For more information visit: www.drgerryhallerstories.comFor a newsletter and free book from Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

  • Finding healing, unconditional love and tenderness through a pet connection

    28/04/2020 Duração: 34min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Naomi McDonald, author of Away To Me, My Love; A Sheepdog's Tale of Two Lives, to share how she healed a traumatic childhood through the connection with a sheep dog many decades later.Naomi shares her life story of challenges and how she navigated them to create a sense of self that held her together over the decades.  She adopted a sheepdog and began to heal the part of her soul that felt abandoned and alone; very similar to the experience of this dog. As she began to advocate for her new found friend, she discovered some deep wounds that did not heal. With a trusted, true and unconditionally confidant, Jake, her shamanic and soul journey began.How can we heal with the love of our pets? Can we find support and strength in their presence? Is it necessary to go back into our traumas and past lives?  How can we be free in this moment of time?Naomi has deeply connected to the soul of Jake and healed her own soul.  Can you see your life steps in her story?For more information visit: www.naom

  • Kindness, Compassion and Empathy: How will we rise?

    09/04/2020 Duração: 44min

    Taking the Pulse on Today's Energies: Kindness, Compassion and Empathy.How will we rise and take on changing the world?Dr. Jeanette and Doug Carnine will be sharing how to feel through the emotions we are having these days with the onset of a world turned upside down.In our past days, if we had a life challenge, it would be up to us to carry the burden, run with shame and guilt or fight the hard fight. We had to find a way to exist in a world that was not interested in what our story was or to support us along the way.  That may have been the story in the past.Now, we are at a time in our life when everyone is being affected with sharing our deepest emotions, being hit with life challenges, finding that life is not working out the way we expected it to, and starting to see that everyone is in the same spot in life.Can we all feel what our deepest fears are? Can we learn how to support others unconditionally? What if we let judgement go and could see people as being more alike than different?What is kindness a

  • Fear: Facing the Moment in Current Time

    08/04/2020 Duração: 39min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Mark McLaughlin, M.D., author of Cognitive Dominance: A Brain Surgeon's Quest to Out Think Fear, to share his story of facing fear. Dr. McLaughlin is a brain surgeon and challenges show up every day in his work. He has developed a ritual to work through each case before him and tools to walk through the moment when something changes or something shows up unexpected. There are no options to freak out, panic, let fear take over, or have indecision to show up and control the situation. Dr. Mark creates a process that allows him to walk through the fear, see things that are truths in the moment, and make choices that are necessary to complete the task. Currently, we are being faced with a crisis; the Covid 19 virus.  It is something we have never seen before, we have limited tools to fight it and many are being lost in the process. How do we continue the fight to save lives?How can we still do our job in the face of fear? Are we doing the best we possibly can? Fear will arise, fear will

  • Peace, Compassion and Humanity: Where are We Today

    29/03/2020 Duração: 01h02min

    Taking the Pulse on Today's Energies: Peace, Compassion and Humanity. How are we stepping up, opening hearts, loving unconditionally and supporting the world we live in?Dr. Jeanette, David Wadell and Luis Gonzalez will be sharing inspiration, insight and wisdom for us in these trying days. In their daily ministry to all souls; challenges of life, death, isolation, pain, and suffering have left no one untouched. How will we step up and be a changed being? Are we willing to let go of all that we have held on to so dearly? How are we being triggered to release deep emotions that we have kept tight to our soul?How are we rising?Life is changing rapidly across the earth and calling all souls to open wide honoring all of life. Are you up to the task?For inspiration from David Waddell visit: www.DavidWaddell.bizFor inspiration from Luis Gonzalez visit: www.WalkingInThePower.orgFor a session with Dr. Jeanette for soul support or comforting inspiration visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

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