The Biddy Tarot Podcast: Tarot | Intuition | Empowerment

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 102:34:53
  • Mais informações



The Biddy Tarot Podcast reveals how you can connect deeply with your intuition and live an empowered and enlightened life, with the Tarot cards as your guide. The show is perfect for Tarot beginners, aspiring Tarot readers and experienced Tarot professionals who want to read Tarot with confidence. Listen as my guests and I share our very best tips and strategies to help you become an accurate and insightful Tarot reader. Whether you are looking to master the Tarot card meanings, develop your intuition, enhance your psychic abilities, become a professional Tarot reader, or simply improve your Tarot reading skills, the Biddy Tarot Podcast can and will help you. Learn more and get connected at


  • BTP38: 4 Ways to Personalise the Tarot Card Meanings and Make Them Pop

    08/08/2016 Duração: 22min

    When we start to learn to read Tarot, we often fall into the trap of thinking we need to memorise and rote learn the Tarot. But, what happens is that our readings end up becoming generic, robotic, and plain boring. Instead, it's essential that you learn how to personalise the Tarot card meanings to truly make your Tarot readings pop. That is, you learn how to intuitively connect with the Tarot and you uncover deeply insightful and accurate messages in your Tarot readings. In today's podcast, I'm going to show you 4 ways to personalise the Tarot card meanings. We're going to get creative and have a little fun along the way! Additional Resources Sign up for my free Tarot tutorial series – 5 Simple Steps to Read Tarot with Confidence  Join the conversation here:

  • BTP37: Be Your Own Life Coach with Kate the Daily Tarot Girl

    01/08/2016 Duração: 27min

    Have you ever faced a challenging time in your life where you felt stuck and didn't know what to do? Sure, you could hire a life coach to help you define your personal goals, remove obstacles and chart a path forward. Or, you could turn to your Tarot cards and become your own life coach using the Tarot and your intuition as your guide. In this episode, I invite the Founder of the Daily Tarot Girl, Kate Fisher, to share how you can become your own life coach with Tarot. It's a beautiful process of self-inquiry, intuitive connection and vision creation. In this interview, you'll learn: Why the Tarot cards can be the best life coach you'll ever have How the Tarot cards can help create your vision for your future How to overcome your obstacles and identify your best path forward How to connect with your intuition for personal guidance and clarity Let's get into it… Resources: Download the free PDF with actionable tips on how to become your own life coach with Tarot as a guide Kate's website: The Daily Tarot Gi

  • BTP36: Translating the Symbols in the Tarot Cards

    25/07/2016 Duração: 23min

    The Tarot cards are rich in symbolism and the amount of information and insight stored within those symbols is immense. But knowing how to translate the symbols into something meaningful can be challenging. How on earth are you meant to learn the different philosophies and spiritual structures that go into the Tarot cards? And how are you supposed to know exactly what every symbol means? In this podcast, I'll show you how to translate the symbols in the Tarot cards with effortless ease! You'll learn… The difference between traditional symbolism and personal symbolism How the symbols in the Tarot cards can jump-start your intuition Six actionable tips that you can use in your Tarot practice to tap into the symbolism in the Tarot cards. Additional Resources Download the free PDF and learn the meaning behind the most common symbols in Tarot Master the Tarot Card Meanings online training program Join the conversation here:

  • BTP35: Creating Rituals with the Tarot

    18/07/2016 Duração: 32min

    As Tarot readers, one thing that we want more than ever is to be able to connect with our intuition and to access the inner wisdom that is available to us, with Tarot as a guide. But, many of us struggle to make that intuitive connection consistently. We second-guess our intuitive insights and we don't fully trust what our hearts have to tell us. Well, what if I was to tell you that there is a very simple way to connect with your intuition and sink in to your heart space as a Tarot reader? In this podcast, I welcome Maia Toll – herbalist, ritualist and leader of Witch Camp, an earth-based program designed to reconnect people to their spiritual path through honoring natural cycles and rituals. Maia Toll shares her very best insights on how to integrate ritual into your Tarot practice to create an instant connection to the Divine. You'll learn: How a desire to 'know thyself' sparked an interest in Tarot How to use ritual in your Tarot practice… without needing to recite the Book of Shadows for every reading! H

  • BTP34: 5 Sure-Fire Ways to Answer Yes / No Tarot Readings

    11/07/2016 Duração: 25min

    Love it or hate it, you're going to get asked a yes/no question or two at some point in your Tarot reading career. Will I move house? Am I going to get the job? Is my relationship going to end? You name it. Those kinds of yes/no questions are coming your way – trust me! So how do you respond? Do you say, "No way, Jose, my Tarot cards can never give a yes/no answer?" Or do you jump at the challenge and whip out your deck and answer straight away? In today's podcast, I'm going to give you 5 sure-fire ways to answer yes / no Tarot readings. You'll learn: A fast and simple way of giving a yes or no answer How to provide a yes or no answer – without taking away free will and the power to create your destiny What Tarot cards mean yes, and what Tarot cards mean no How to avoid getting yourself in a pickle with a predictive Tarot reading Let's go! Additional Resources Download the free PDF here for a list of all 78 Tarot cards and whether they mean yes, no or maybe Join the Biddy Tarot Community for even more grea

  • BTP33: Creating the Bonefire Tarot Deck with Gabi West

    04/07/2016 Duração: 29min

    Ever wanted to create your own Tarot deck? In this podcast, I speak with Gabi Angus-West about how she created the edgy, tattoo-inspired Bonefire Tarot. It all started with a one-off wedding present, and soon turned into a wall full of archetypal paintings and eventually, a complete deck of Tarot cards. We talk about the ins and outs of her journey, from painting the very first card, to eventually signing on with the well-known Schiffer publishing. Listen to her journey and the lessons she learned along the way, and you too can discover how you can create your very own Tarot deck. Additional Resources Bonefire Tarot available at com Gabi on Instagram Bonefire App Join the conversation here:

  • BTP32: Real Life Stories with Our Free Tarot Readers

    27/06/2016 Duração: 39min

    I LOVE hearing stories of Tarot readers who have gone from feeling nervous and a little overwhelmed about the Tarot, to feeling amazingly confident and in tune with their Higher Selves. In this podcast, I am thrilled to share 3 inspiring stories from our Free Tarot Readers within the Biddy Tarot Community. These 3 Tarot readers have made the courageous leap to offer their readings for free, in exchange for feedback and for the immense learning opportunity. All 3 have grown as Tarot readers in leaps and bounds and are now reading professionally. Meet Duane, who recently became a professional Tarot reader after he built up his confidence offering free Tarot readings with Biddy Tarot. Meet David, who now aspires to integrate his HR and recruitment knowledge with his passion for Tarot to help people make conscious choices about their career. And meet Lorenda, who has learned to trust her intuition more deeply and can now share highly accurate messages with her clients. Listen to their stories and be inspired! Add

  • BTP31: Tarot for Elevating Global Consciousness

    20/06/2016 Duração: 27min

    Most of the time, we consult the Tarot cards for issues and concerns that relate to ourselves. For example, what do I need to know about my career or my relationship. But did you know that Tarot can also be used for issues and concerns that relate to us as a global community? In this podcast, you'll learn: Why Tarot readings don't always have to be about yourself How to gain deep insight into world events and issues How to use Tarot to elevate global consciousness My real-world Tarot reading on the topic of terrorism – it's a real eye-opener Let's get into it… Additional Resources: Leave a review & subscribe on iTunes Radiant Rider Waite Tarot deck Join the conversation here:

  • BTP30: Co-Creating a Tarot Reading

    13/06/2016 Duração: 36min

    A common perception among many first-time Tarot reading clients – and even readers – is that the Tarot reader will do most of the talking, telling them what the cards mean and what to expect in the future. But, as we'll learn today, it doesn't always have to be this way. In fact, as Tarot readers, we can 'co-create' a Tarot reading with our clients. What is co-creation exactly? It's about bringing the client into the Tarot reading process and facilitating a two-way conversation about what the reading means for them. Now, there is one professional Tarot reader and teacher who does this to perfection – James Wells. He's a Toronto-based tarot consultant who uses one-to-one consultations and group experiences to help people remember their innate creativity, wisdom, resourcefulness, wholeness, and personal power. In this podcast interview, you'll learn: How, at just 12 years old, a book about ESP started James' life-long journey with Tarot The powerful questions James asks the Tarot on a daily basis, to guide him

  • BTP29: Tapping into the Individual and Collective Wisdom of Tarot

    06/06/2016 Duração: 29min

    Tarot – it's where individual and collective wisdom meet. Individually, we connect with our intuition and subconscious mind to interpret the cards. And collectively, we connect with a group consciousness that has evolved over many years and lifetimes, and we tap into our combined knowledge of the cards. Together, this individual and collective wisdom creates a powerful connection to the Tarot, enabling us to commune with the Divine in beautiful ways. In this podcast, you'll learn: What individual and collective wisdom really means for Tarot Why both are important in enriching your connection with the cards and the Divine How we can integrate individual and collective wisdom into our Tarot readings What's really going on when you see something totally different in the Tarot cards compared to your favourite book Let's get into it!   Join in the conversation here:

  • BTP28: Introducing The Biddy Tarot Community

    30/05/2016 Duração: 17min

    If you’ve ever felt like your interest in reading Tarot is something you need to keep to yourself, I’ve got news for you… That stops now! It’s high time we lift Tarot cards out of the shadows and come together to discuss, learn and celebrate all the goodness and light that comes from following your intuition.  In this podcast, I'll show you where to find your Tarot tribe and be part of a modern learning community for people who want to improve their Tarot card reading skills and connect more deeply to their intuition in their day-to-day lives. Additional Resources Join the Biddy Tarot Community   Join the conversation here :

  • BTP27: Face-to-Face Tarot Readings with Sarah the Psychic

    23/05/2016 Duração: 36min

    I love being able to take a sneak peek behind the curtain to find out how different Tarot readers do their readings. In this podcast episode, I get to discover how one psychic Tarot reader works with her clients in a face-to-face environment, from attracting her clients with her funky, flower-covered glitter bike, to meditating with her clients and sharing her wisdom from the Tarot cards. This Tarot reader is affectionately known as Sarah the Psychic, a Sydney-based reader with a unique and grounded Tarot reading style and a love for Tarot tattoos. In this podcast, you'll learn: Sarah's top 2 tips for reading Tarot face-to-face with confidence Why working with a supervisor can up your professional game tenfold How Sarah works with her clients, step-by-step How NOT to freak your clients out while you meditate at the start of a Tarot reading Why Sarah's got everyone smiling in her neighborhood Let's dive in…   Join the conversation here:

  • BTP26: Finding Your Tarot Tribe

    16/05/2016 Duração: 24min

    We are all looking for our tribe. A place where we belong. Where we feel a soul connection with others. Where we are heard, supported and nurtured.   But often, finding your tribe can be difficult. Not everyone shares the same values or the same passions as we do. And when it comes to Tarot, it can be hard to find people in your existing circles who have the same love for Tarot as you do.  In this podcast, you'll learn:  Why finding your Tarot tribe is incredibly important to your evolution as a Tarot reader How you can align with the people who will make you a better person Where you can find a community of beautiful souls who love Tarot as much as you do Let's dive in…    Join the conversation here:

  • BTP25: Coming Out of the Tarot Closet

    09/05/2016 Duração: 37min

    It's the question we all face as Tarot readers – when, if ever, do I come out of the Tarot closet? For some folks, it's a no-brainer. They love reading the Tarot, and their friends and family are completely supportive and even appreciative of their talents. But for others, it's not quite as easy. Perhaps their profession prevents them from openly practicing Tarot or their community perceives the Tarot as evil, and so they remain hidden in the shadows. In this podcast, I talk about coming out of the Tarot closet – when to do it, how to do it, and what you need to consider as you're doing it. I also share my personal story about how I eventually came out of the closet – and it wasn't as easy as you might think.   Join the conversation here:    

  • BTP24: Tarot History Lesson with Robert Place

    02/05/2016 Duração: 34min

    If you've ever delved into the origins of Tarot, you might have heard all sorts of stories about the Tarot cards coming from the ancient Egyptians or even the depths of Atlantis. Well, in this podcast, we are setting the record straight with a lesson in the real history of Tarot. Now, I have to admit, Tarot history is not my strength so I brought on a very special guest who is an artist and author known for his work on Tarot history, symbolism and divination. Not only has he created numerous Tarot decks such as the Tarot of the Sevenfold Mystery, he is a total history buff when it comes to Tarot. My guest is none other than Robert Place. In this interview, you'll learn: How one vivid dream shoved Robert into the world of Tarot What modern Spanish playing cards have to do with the Tarot The real history of Tarot – and no, it doesn't include ancient Egypt! How the Tarot has evolved over the past 600+ years Let's get into it… Join the conversation here:  

  • BTP23: Are You Ready to Go Pro?

    25/04/2016 Duração: 22min

    Are you ready to become a professional Tarot reader? Think you've got your Tarot readings down pat? If so, make sure you listen to this podcast first. It'll save you a lot of time and energy. In this episode, I uncover the six things you MUST master before you go pro. Have these six things in place, and you'll be off to a flying start as a Tarot professional. You'll learn: Why memorising the Tarot card meanings isn't enough What spreads you'll need in your repertoire if you become professional Why you need to understand who you really are as a Tarot reader How you can prepare yourself for all sorts of weird and wonderful clients, before you go pro Let's go!   Join the conversation here:

  • BTP22: Create Harmonious Relationships with Tarot

    18/04/2016 Duração: 24min

    Do you want to clear away any negative energy in your relationships to make space for more harmony and love? The Tarot cards can help. By asking the Tarot how you can release blockages and increase ‘flow’ in your relationships, you can create those beautiful, loving relationships that bring so much joy to your life. In this podcast episode, I walk you through seven ways to use the Tarot to create blossoming, harmonious relationships. You'll learn: Why good, healthy relationships begin with YOU How to identify what's blocking the relationship and how to clear these blockages How to create a constructive conversation with your partner using the Tarot cards Ways to form mutual agreements to benefit the relationship in the long-term How to freely give and receive love Let's dive in… join the conversation here:

  • BTP21: How to Succeed as a Young Tarot Reader with Fiona Benjamin

    11/04/2016 Duração: 32min

    When I first started to read Tarot, I was just a fresh-faced 18 year old. By my early 20s, I was ready to start reading for other people but there was just one problem. I didn't look like most other Tarot readers, who were at least 20 years older than me! I had to figure out how I could still maintain credibility with my clients despite my age. Well, it turns out I'm not alone. My guest today, Fiona Benjamin, learned to read Tarot at 12 and started reading professionally at just 21. She hasn't let age get in the way and has since created a successful online Tarot business – the Modern Fortune Teller - serving clients from around the world. In this podcast episode, you'll learn: How a strange and unique gift from Fiona's mum spurred an avid interest in Tarot How to steer clear of getting addicted to your Tarot deck Why just being yourself is essential for any Tarot   reader, at any age 3 success tips for young Tarot readers who are just starting out Why it's critical not to let social media and public opinion

  • BTP20: The Good Guys of the Tarot

    04/04/2016 Duração: 22min

    Who would have thought?! Even the 'good guys' of the Tarot show their dark side every now and then! In this podcast episode, discover how even the most desired cards of the Tarot deck can indicate challenges, obstacles and issues that need your attention. You'll learn: How too much of a good thing (i.e. the Sun!) might get you burnt How to trust in the Universe without losing your connection to the real world Why happy families and rainbows aren't always realistic Why you need to be careful what you wish for! Let's get into it… Join the conversation here:

  • BTP19: The Bad Boys of Tarot

    28/03/2016 Duração: 26min

    Meet the Tarot bad boys. Death. Devil. Tower. Ten of Swords. And the Three of Swords. These may just be the scariest cards of the Tarot deck. But you know what? Even these bad boys have a good side. In this podcast episode, I show you how these scary Tarot cards can shine the light of consciousness on your life and how to respond constructively when seeing them in a Tarot reading. You'll learn: That Death is rarely ever about real death How the Devil may just be the extra 'spice' you need for your relationship Why the Tower can be a blessing in disguise When you may actually want to see the Ten of Swords in a reading Why the Three of Swords really isn't as bad as it seems Let's get into it… Join the conversation at    

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