Waking Up Orwell

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 27:29:34
  • Mais informações



You never know when you'll need your freedom next.


  • Waking Up Orwell Premieres on Podomatic: Suspicious Activity Reporting discussed with CameraFraud's, Todd Kandaris

    01/04/2010 Duração: 01h03min

    Waking Up Orwell bounces back on podOmatic.com where we continue to show love to our friends and are covered from political online network problems. We will be featuring our podcasts here weekly at 9AM PST / 11AM CST. Our friends on the East Coast can catch us during lunch or just download our show to your iPod or MP3 player and listen to the facts on the ride home on the train or in the car or any way you choose digital America. Here's what I know - we've got great listeners on podOmatic. This week things got very TRANSPARENT - we learned things that you need to know about biometrics and why tasing pregnant women in America is suddenly above the law. We have the facts and we discuss what you can do about it without DeLay! Thanks for staying with us on Waking Up Orwell. Remember: Everyone has power; especially you!

  • Greg Nikkolettos for film ONE MAINFRAME TO RULE THEM ALL

    23/11/2009 Duração: 42min

    Greg Nikkolettos is an investigative journalist and film producer for We The People Will Not Be Chipped and anti-Transhumanism advocate. In his film ONE MAINFRAME TO RULE THEM ALL he exposes the powers and dark history behind Verichip Corp., the first company to move forward with an internal RFID capable system. The film is based on exposing IBM's role as the key fiscal sustainer for Verichip Corp.

  • Massachussett's S.2028 Mandatory Flu Vax Update

    30/09/2009 Duração: 23min

    We spoke with Bob Dwyer, a district coordinator and citizen advocate for the Liberty Preservation Association of Massachussetts (Mass LPA) to update us on the status of S.2028. The bill is currently still in the Ways and Means committee. MASS LPA is composed of grassroots citizen advocates who are confronting their local lawmakers about the Constitutionality of S.2028. We asked him about his organization's recent actions and the effort to stop Massachussetts from becoming a precedent setting state for both pandemic tracking and mandatory administration of a flu vaccine. Dwyers group organized to confront State legislators on issues of Constitutionality. They interpret S.2028 to be a mandatory or coercive vaccination law for their state.

  • H4RDW4RE : An RFID Clean Up Team

    19/08/2009 Duração: 48min

    Radio Frequency ID chip technologies are "too vulnerable in too many ways," says Chris Paget, ethical hacker and partner for H4RDW4RE, a new company creating privacy and security solutions to existing RFID problems in the marketplace. The public has been made aware of RFID or Radio Frequency ID technologies commissioned for national identity documents: passports, Enhanced Drivers Licenses, TWIC cards, Speed Passes and even Tribal Identity Cards. Unfortunately, RFID as a government sanctioned technology earned a big brother reputation from its ability to track a persons current location, storing and conveying private information from 20 - 30 feet away. Chris Paget, a technology penetration consultant, found the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative compliant RFIDs especially troublesome. He began doing live demonstrations exposing identity security flaws RFIDs had on average cardholders. Then Chris Paget and his business partner Tim Mullen formed H4RDW4RE.com. They have made it their business to demonstrat

  • ACLU on a Real ID repeal effort

    03/08/2009 Duração: 17min

    The ACLU's Chris Calabrese, veteran legal counsel assigned to the anti-Real ID effort in Washington updates listeners on a newly filed legislation. The new bill filed in the House of Representatives, would repeal Real ID entirely and replace it with the negotiated rulemaking process. The rule making process, part of a 9-11 Commissions reform bill, was itself repealed by the Real ID Act of 2005. We observe the modern marvel of when the ACLU can finally agree with the Secretary of DHS on something - that Real ID is dead. More is also included on the PASS Act.

  • Discussing the PASS Act with Lee Tien

    10/07/2009 Duração: 30min

    With an upcoming hearing in Washington to evaluate the Real ID Act next week, Lee Tien articulates the standard for acceptable identity in America. Here's a hint: the Real ID Act is not part of the plan.

  • The Possibility of a 2009 Bush Impeachment Prosecution

    24/04/2009 Duração: 32min

    In light of recent events, the exposure of torture memos released and CIA exonerations; we spoke with David Swanson of AfterDowningStreet.org. He informed us of why NOW is the best time to impeach Bush and Cheney for their war crimes and how a prosecution would come about.

  • The Jim Guest Episode

    21/04/2009 Duração: 17min

    Jim Guest, Missouri Representative and herald for Legislators Against Real ID (L.A.R.I.) explains more about the databases, fusion centers and the overall plan for American Identity. He elaborates on a personal intervention with the now infamous MIAC or Missouri Information Analysis report.

  • Stever Bierfelt vs. TSA

    09/04/2009 Duração: 14min

    FEATURED ON WAKING UP ORWELL : An interview with Campaign for Liberty's Steve Bierfelt, who was detained or arrested for simply possessing a large amount of cash in Missouri by the TSA. This happene AFTER the now notrious MIAC report was detracted. Listen to a first hand account and a recording of how he was handled by the TSA.

  • Interview with Scott Nicol of No Border Wall

    24/03/2009 Duração: 27min

    Scott Nicol conferred about how surveillance equipment manages to appear in areas in and around Texas without public input and little accountability.

  • Interview With Chris Rediesel of Artivist

    23/02/2009 Duração: 28min

    This show is dedicated to the recession proof industry of filmmaking. In this season of hystrionic brazen financial powergrabbing in DC, we here at Waking Up Orwell have decided to provide am escape valve. We bring you effort from the recession proof industry of film. Not just any film either - our favorite kind : dystopian film which would rattle the bones of Orwell himself. From there we announce how you can get involved in local film ventures where "artivism" can make a difference. Here are few examples of dystopian films of note: Zeigeist Network V for Vendetta Loose Change Aaron Russo's From Freedom to Fascism We will be discussing the submissions processes and relevance of dystopian filmmaking in the activist community.

  • NAIS & the City of San Marcos, TX : KOOP 91.7 WakingUpOrwell

    21/02/2009 Duração: 29min

    2-19-09 JUDITH MCGEARY OF NAIS NewStreamz San Marcos reports: "The emotionally charged matter of mandatory microchip registration for pet dogs and cats in San Marcos reached another boiling point Saturday afternoon at City Hall, where city staff gave its last of three information sessions about a new animal control ordinance. Outside City Hall, a group calling itself “Citizens for Ear Tatooing Identification” (CETI) protested before the meeting. Inside City Hall, CETI members and others pelted city staff with numerous complaints in the form of questions, touching on such worries as the new ordinance’s enforceability, over-reaching government, the risk of cancer from microchipping, religious objections, and the city’s dismissal of tatooing as an alternative." - Andy Sevilla, associate editor http://newstreamz.com/2009/02/07/ceti-vs-city-in-final-animal-ordinance-session Today we will be speaking with Judith McGeary from NAIS and the National Farm Ranch and Freedom Alliance. Judith McGeary is an attorney

  • Virginia Beats The Chip

    14/02/2009 Duração: 10min

    Mike McHugh provides insight and comments on the protracted and now winning battle against Real ID in the state of Virgina.

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