Redefine™ With Host Robb Braun

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 65:27:00
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A personal note from Robb… "As we bring 2017 to a close, I am bringing Leading LIFE Large on BTR back to life in the form of reDEFINE™. My first live show on Blog Talk Radio will be Monday October 2nd, live from Kapaa, Kauai. My promise, simply, is to help bring you back to life in every area of your your life. You and I are running out of time so the time to wake up fully is now. Doing this work that I do for you has given me regular opportunity to look at my own life and look at where I need to pick my own game up. I will continue to be completely committed to helping you achieve success in every endeavor and every aspect of your life. I am going to give you everything I've got so that you get everything you need to bust out and reDEFINE™ your phenomenal life. So, let you and me go for it...I mean really go for it and see what happens. To your 'unreasonable' reDEFINE™! - Robb"reDEFINE™ is your weekly opportunity to look closely at your life and ask yourself the question, "Am I living my life full on?” We've all got this one shot at life and for most, life has meant leaving behind dreams and desires and ambitions that may have in the moment been intended to be temporary, but became the permanent reality of life. Life unfulfilled, life without passion and excitement and life without a grand purpose became the result. reDEFINE™ will get you back on track. Robb Braun has for years been completely determined to living life on his own terms and has helped thousands get back to the essence of who they are and their purpose for being here on the planet. When you tune in to reDEFINE™, Robb will remind you again of what's important to you by shining a light on the areas of your life where you have settled and stopped feeling the passion. AND if you're willing to tune in and do the work, he'll guide back to that place of truth and knowing and real purpose in your life. Make reDEFINE™ your Monday Morning Must!


  • Leading Life Large - Balanced Health - Stop Tipping

    27/08/2012 Duração: 19min

    Leading Life Large - I was recently reading an article offering to  help us make adjustments in our thinking to the new economy - to stop referring to it as a 'bad' economy and adjust.  What kept occurring to me throughout the article was that we would be so better equipped to handle anything if we were in better balance in our health.  I know that when I am stressed because I don't have balance in my health, every one of my life challenges is even more challenging because of the lack of balance.  Let's look at how we are out of balance so we can get back in health balance.

  • Leading Life Large - Make Money Your Friend

    20/08/2012 Duração: 28min

    Leading Life Large™ - As many of you have probably discovered, the older we get the fewer friends we have.  It's not that we become less likable, we simply become more discerning and know what we want from friendship.  One friend we must be just as thoughtful about and cannot afford to be without is our money.  That's right - we need to be in good relationship with our money so we can grow it.  Last week I invited you to pay attention to your negative and limiting thoughts and attitudes around money.  Today, I'm going to give you some new and 'other perspective' thoughts and attitudes about money to help you become friends with yours.  Reality for us all is this... If we don't make good with the flow and energy of our money, get in good relationship with it, money will be our enemy.

  • Leading Life Large - Money - The Root of all...Really?

    13/08/2012 Duração: 21min

    Leading Life Large - Money...used to be one of my least favorite topics.  I know for some of you, money is one of the more painfiul topics in your life, as it used to be for me.  When we don't understand money and it's energy, when we feel powerless over money's flow into and out of our lives, when we feel victimized by it's energy, we are in pain.  I want to help ease your pain and help you to feel in power over the flow of money into your life.  Join in and I'll get practical on you.

  • Leading Life Large - What's Your Part? Part 2

    06/08/2012 Duração: 18min

    Leading Life Large - And again...what's your part?  Last week I invited you to look at the part you play in keeping success elusive in any endeavor or aspect of your life.  Today, I invite you consider identifying the part you play that's going to make our planet a better place.  What is your contribution to society?  What are you going to do that will make a difference in at least one person's life?  And...what are you doing about it?  What action do you need to start taking?  What's your part?

  • Leading Life Large - What's Your Part? Part 1

    30/07/2012 Duração: 17min

    Leading Life Large™ - I haven't met a person yet who has everything they want in life.  And I'm not just talking about all the possessions a person can gather up with enough money.  For all of us, I'm  referring to the physical health that leaves us feeling vitalized, the relationships that would make us feel whole and loved, the career or work that makes us feel satisfied, and so on.  And like many of you, I have my reasons for why some of those areas in my life aren't where the ought to be, where I want them to be.  And in every case, no matter the circumstances around me, I play a part in my life not being where I want it to be.  What's your part?  And...what are you going to do about it?  Tune in with me today...

  • Leading Life Large - Yes...You CAN Choose Your Family

    23/07/2012 Duração: 21min

    Leading Life Large - Ah, relationships.  Most of us have heard the saying, "You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family".  This saying usually comes up after someone has had another difficult or impossible exchange with a family member, leaving them in one of the uncomfortable states of anger, frustration, hurt, fear, sadness, disbelief or maybe all the way to exasperation.  And this can impact every aspect of our lives; health, business, finances, other relationships and more.  Because they are family, though, we may often feel hopeless  because - we can't choose our family! Tune in and I'll share with you how you CAN choose your family.

  • Leading Life Large - Treat Victory and Defeat as Imposters

    16/07/2012 Duração: 17min

    Leading Life Large™ - When you make or don't make the next sale - how to you view your ability to sell?  When someone close to you says yes or no - how do you rate your worthiness?  These are the victories and defeats in life that we subject ourselves to allow to dictate how we see ourselves in relation to others.  They lead to untruths about ourselves because they are imposters.  Join in and help you see the fallacy of victory and defeat in your life.

  • Leading Life Large - Attention on Others to Gain Perspective

    09/07/2012 Duração: 19min

    Leading Life Large - Over the years I have struggled, like most everyone, to think and act outside myself.  I get so caught up in what I have, what I don't have, where my next client is going to come from and so on.  When I intentionally focus my attention to others - their needs, their wants, their desires - I get back to right perspective...I get back to being grateful for my life.  Tune in and I'll share some ways you can get back to gratitude through others.

  • Leading Life Large - It's Time to Get Unreasonable!

    02/07/2012 Duração: 17min

    Leading Life Large - One of my favorite words.  First heard it from Tony Robbins when he talked about being "unreasonable in our psychology".  It's not enough though and most of us don't really know what that means.  I believe we need to be unreasonable in our expectations of ourselves in every aspect of our lives - our health and fitness, our finances, our relationships, our careers.  Want unreasonable success in your life?  Tune in and let's get unreasonable together.

  • Leading Life Large - I can't Lead Others until I can Lead Me

    25/06/2012 Duração: 16min

    Leading Life Large - I can see it in their faces when I share with them insights on how to lead their people. These are the ones that think to themselves "I already know this stuff. What's this guy even doing here?".  In response to their looks, I share what I heard from Anthony Robbins years ago - if you're not doing it, you don't know it!  If I'm not leading myself in a good way, how can I possibly lead my family, my team or my community.  I have nothing to offer in the realm of leadership if I am not willing to challenge myself to the same degree I will necessarily need to challenge my 'people' in order to help them be their best.  Tune in and I'll share my insights on self-leadership.

  • Leading Life Large - Time for Self...Use it Now or Lose it

    18/06/2012 Duração: 16min

    Leading Life Large™ - 12:30pm Pacific Hawaii edition! - As a banker, my wife hears regular stories about people who spend a good part of their lives working for the days that they will finally be able to take time for themselves. A study I recently read showed that every year we wait to retire beyond age 55, our life expectancy decreases two years. Put those together and we see a need to start taking time now while we have our health and our wits about ourselves and can truly enjoy and benefit from our time to ourselves. From vacations to a break between phone calls - take time for self.

  • Leading Life Large™ - Be Decisive...or Maybe Not

    11/06/2012 Duração: 16min

    Leading Life Large - (broadcasting at noon Pacific in order to keep a commitment to a 12 year old) I believe we need to be far more gentle on ourselves for not making decisions - for not being decisive. Every decision we make is risky. If it weren't, we would make decisions without hesitation. But they are risky and with every decision we risk failure. Aside from death and speaking in front of others, failure is what we fear most in life and we will do most anything to avoid feeling it - even not make decisions. So, being indecisve is understandable (still being gentle with you) and...we cannot afford to let indecisiveness halt our forward movement in any of our life endeavors. How many lifetimes do you get this time on the planet? Decide to tune in and I'll share some insights into being more decisive. Show broadcast from Kauai.

  • Leading Life Large™ - Get Your Relationships Right

    04/06/2012 Duração: 16min

    Leading Life Large™ - Yes, we are ultimately alone on the planet...we arrive alone and we will leave alone.  And, we need the connection of others along the way.  In the right connections, we feel alive and validated, even feel our spirits lifted.  However, nit all relationships with others help us to elevate our game.  Some actually bring us down.  The secret is to determine is it's us that needs to change in the relationship or if it's the relationship itself that must change.  Regardless, our relationships will determine our success in life.  Are your relationships right?

  • Leading Life Large™ - Just Get Started

    21/05/2012 Duração: 18min

    Leading Life Large - I have been working for this one company for the past eight weeks or so.  I've gotten to know the team pretty well and am able to take greater risks with them as we have some trust established between us. They have been hearing from me the past few weeks a mantra and a challenge that I promise to deliver each time I see them until my time there is done. I state "Each of you has something in your life that you want that you currently do not have" and then I ask "...and what are you going to do about it?"  Many of them, though moved and somewhat determined, will allow our time to pass and will never take the first step to getting what they want.  I was reminded by a  good friend this weekend that getting started is the hardest part. Tune in and let's get started together.

  • Leading Life Large™ - When the World seems to Let You Down

    14/05/2012 Duração: 16min

    Leading Life Large™ - As I grow and evolve my business, I find it impossible to do it alone.  In fact, I have learned that I am not supposed to do it alone.  The joy becomes more about involving others in order that we all may succeed and this is a good. Sometimes, though, when I am feeling (judging) that I am not getting what I want from others, I can begin to feel let down. And when that happens, my default is to want to go it alone again.  What about you...what do you do when others are not showing up the way you want?  Tune in and I'll give you some ideas that are far better than going it alone again.

  • Leading Life Large™ - Never Quit...No Matter What!

    07/05/2012 Duração: 16min

    Leading Life Large - Throughout my life, I have gone after many accomplishments...and fallen short. While in the Navy I went after certifications and never finished them. After getting out I went after another career and went to school, but never took the certifying exam. I started businesses over that time certain they were going to deliver my dreams.  You're getting point here.  I was great at getting started, but not great at hanging in there and sticking to it until the end - I would quit. When we are able to stick to it, hang in there and not matter what, success is almost certainly ours. Tune in and I'll share with you why we quit and how to hang in there.

  • Leading Life Large™ - Busy may be code for FEAR

    30/04/2012 Duração: 17min

    Leading Life Large™ - Those of us who are getting things done and making it happen on the planet are busy people.  Our calendars are full, our project calendars go out for weeks and we're constantly on the move. And...there are some things that are not getting done.  Some calls are not being returned.  Some emails are b=not being followed up on.  We've all learned to work beyond our fear and yet we may be unaware of how fear may still be operating in our lives, our busy lives.  Tune in to find out how you may still be letting ear drive your inaction.

  • Leading Life Large™ - Get Involved

    16/04/2012 Duração: 24min

    Leading Life Large™ - When I am caught up in any kind of fear about my life or my business, chances are I am forgetting about the truth and am focused on the small things. I am usually thinking about myself and nothing else. Getting back to our topic of last week's 'WHY', when I am connected to the 'why' of my life, I get involved with my life. Outside of you, your family and your business, where are you involved? When I get involved, I gain perspective. When I get involved, I connect to my purpose. Tune in and I'll share some great ways to get involved.

  • Leading Life Large - Let's Make the WHY Bigger

    09/04/2012 Duração: 19min
  • Leading Life Large™ - Beyond the Quarter

    02/04/2012 Duração: 25min

    Leading Life Large™ - We're three months into our year.  It's a grand time to take a step back and look at where we are in all our endeavors - business, finances, relationships, health (physical, spiritual, emotional, intellectual) and any other aspect, goal or endeavor in our lives.  Many of you began the year stating that "this is going to be the year when I..."  Is it still?  Are you on track for what you're going after? Or have you already backed off and given in to mediocrity and settled for something less?  Or worse yet, given up all together?  It's not just the end of the first quarter of the year 2012.  It's three months gone from all our lives and we need to ask I living my life to it's fullest? Am I living as if this were the last year of my life?  Am I willing to give everything in me I have to get what I want in life?  Am I willing to go beyond the quarter?

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