Redefine™ With Host Robb Braun

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 65:27:00
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A personal note from Robb… "As we bring 2017 to a close, I am bringing Leading LIFE Large on BTR back to life in the form of reDEFINE™. My first live show on Blog Talk Radio will be Monday October 2nd, live from Kapaa, Kauai. My promise, simply, is to help bring you back to life in every area of your your life. You and I are running out of time so the time to wake up fully is now. Doing this work that I do for you has given me regular opportunity to look at my own life and look at where I need to pick my own game up. I will continue to be completely committed to helping you achieve success in every endeavor and every aspect of your life. I am going to give you everything I've got so that you get everything you need to bust out and reDEFINE™ your phenomenal life. So, let you and me go for it...I mean really go for it and see what happens. To your 'unreasonable' reDEFINE™! - Robb"reDEFINE™ is your weekly opportunity to look closely at your life and ask yourself the question, "Am I living my life full on?” We've all got this one shot at life and for most, life has meant leaving behind dreams and desires and ambitions that may have in the moment been intended to be temporary, but became the permanent reality of life. Life unfulfilled, life without passion and excitement and life without a grand purpose became the result. reDEFINE™ will get you back on track. Robb Braun has for years been completely determined to living life on his own terms and has helped thousands get back to the essence of who they are and their purpose for being here on the planet. When you tune in to reDEFINE™, Robb will remind you again of what's important to you by shining a light on the areas of your life where you have settled and stopped feeling the passion. AND if you're willing to tune in and do the work, he'll guide back to that place of truth and knowing and real purpose in your life. Make reDEFINE™ your Monday Morning Must!


  • Leading Life Large™ - Without Apology

    26/03/2012 Duração: 21min

    Leading Life Large™ - With the passing of my good friend Joseph this past Friday, I am reminded that life is precious and temporary. And he was a constant reminder to me that life is to be lived without apology. Without apology...tune in.

  • Leading Life Large™ - Luck or Just Lucky?

    19/03/2012 Duração: 22min

    Leading Life Large™ - We've all heard someone say "I'm just lucky" or heard someone else referred to as 'lucky'. Most of us believe that luck is what happens to others.  We believe luck is for the one who seems to bring home money on a visit to Vegas or the one who lands a great prospect when no one else seems to be buying.  Yeah, I believe 'luck' plays a part, but they're not 'just lucky'.  I believe they created their luck and so can you.  Tune in and I'll share how.

  • Leading Life Large™ - You Deserve what you Want

    12/03/2012 Duração: 24min

    Leading Life Large™ - That may sound elementary, but many of you don't really believe that.  Somewhere in your mind and in your heart you have a story about why you don't deserve what you want, that you don't deserve your success.  I'm here to remind you otherwise.

  • Leading Life Large™ - Retaliate or Rise Above

    05/03/2012 Duração: 20min

    Leading Life Large™ - For most of us, we go about our lives doing and being, giving and receiving, coming and going with a desire to create balance and normancy - this is life. There are always going to be times when someone or something throws us off our game.  This is usually without bad intentions and again, is simply a part of life.  Unfortunately, there are times when someone with genuinely bad intentions seeks to take from us or cause us harm of some kind. Not all people are operating from higher good, but instead are themselves likely behaving from a place of fear, and their actions are to take from others.  What do we do with these people?  What's the higher road in our own behaviors?  I'll explore this with you this morning.

  • Leading Life Large™ - No Awards for Going it Alone

    27/02/2012 Duração: 20min

    Leading Life Large™ - There comes a point when you and I realize we cannot do it alone. For me, it seems I have to feel great pain before I get there. And when I do, it would seem there would be some comfort in that realization. There is for me the added pain of having to let someone in my world to even allow them to help me. Help is a good thing. Doing it alone is...lonely. Tune in and allow me help you recognize you just might need some help.

  • Leading Life Large™ - Make Money Your Friend

    20/02/2012 Duração: 24min

    Leading Life Large™ - We all have certain beliefs and attitudes around money, usually the same ones we grew up with.  I grew up living in rented houses whose addresses ended in '1/2' (the house behind the house) or space #17.  Both my parents were hard workers and did the best they could to provide.  My dad's prevailing attitude was there were those who were born into money and there were the rest of us.  Without either one of them knowing it, . they kept money from coming into their lives because they believed it wouldn't.  With the help of some great teachers, I have abandoned those beliefs and have made friends with my money and it's flow into my life.  We still hear every day in the news reports (if you're watching that news) of the failing economy and the struggle that we are going to continue to be in for some time during this...economic climate.  This attitude and constant focus on what we don't have is exactly what keeps people without - without money, without prosperity, without their dreams.  It's t

  • Leading Life Large™ - Time...Nemesis or Ally?

    13/02/2012 Duração: 22min

    Leading Life Large™ - Are you on time or is time on you?  We engage in many time wasting and energy draining activities without a plan on how to recover them, even though we are and look really busy.  Tune in and I'll share with you how to get back on track with your time, your energy and your goals.

  • Leading Life Large™ - One Month In...On Track?

    30/01/2012 Duração: 21min

    Leading Life Large™ - We are one month in to 2012.  One third of the first quarter is nearly in the books.  Did you begin with the kind of momentum you hoped or planned you would when the New Year passed?  Are you on track to hit your goals - financial gaols, career goals, fitness goals, nutritian goals, health goals, relationship goals, spiritual goals, client goals, marketing goals and sales goals?  Do you even have benchmarks for yourself?  I know...I'm asking a lot of questions, but isn't it best to ask these questions now rather than the en of October?  Tune in and I'll help you get that momentum you need to move into February.

  • Leading Life Large™ - What If You Knew You Could Not Fail?

    23/01/2012 Duração: 20min

    Leading Life Large™ - Yeah, you've probably heard the question before.  If you're like me, you heard it at a personal growth seminar or the like and you vowed never again to let the fear of failure keep you from the success you deserve.  And...what is it in you're life you're still not going for - I mean really going after.  It's that area in your life that continues to cause you pain.  That area in your life that reminds constantly that you're not living your life full on.  Tune in and I promise to guide you to a place of making real decisions and talking real action toward the success in life you want and deserve.

  • Leading Life Large™ - Do Only What You Feel Inspired To Do

    16/01/2012 Duração: 20min

    Leading Life Large™ - Sounds a bit irresponsible, doesn't it?  Some of you might be thinking "If I do only what I feel inspired to do, I won't get a thing done."  That's because you're doing what you're supposed to be doing and not connected to your big 'why'.  What if you could feel inspired every minute of your day?  What if you could find a way to have there be purpose in everything you do?  Tune in and I'll share how.

  • Leading Life Large™ - The Magic of Attitude

    09/01/2012 Duração: 17min

    Leading Life Large™ - This year I am going to focus on attitude a bunch.  I am going to become a real pain and am going to remind you constantly to check your attitude.  And I'm not talking about a good or bad attitude, but rather and attitude of success.  Without the right attitude, an 'Attitude of Success', no amount of training, development, workshops, books, internet radio programs and coaching will get us where we desire.  Tune in while I share with you the 'Magic of Attitude'.

  • Leading Life Large™ - Let's Review and Celebrate

    26/12/2011 Duração: 25min

    Leading Life Large™ - We've done a lot of work these past few months and it's time to review it all before you unleash yourself into 2012. If you've done all the work up until now, I applaud you and I guarantee you will have a year of success that you would not otherwise had. Yeah, I know 'guarantee' sounds strong, but I believe so much in this process and what it takes to succeed in life that I have no doubts about your success...if you've done the work! So, let's go over it one more time...and then let's CELEBRATE!

  • Leading Life Large™ - Now Your Plan for Success

    19/12/2011 Duração: 21min

    Leading Life Large™ - If you've been following along these past months and doing the work, you've made incredible strides toward your success for 2012 and beyond. Now that you've got in place ideas of what you want and goals you want to achieve, it's time to put a plan in place to ensure you get what your deserve this year - and that's your success. If you're just now joining in, I invite to go back to my October 3rd show and pick it up there for the next couple of weeks. It's not too late to get started. If you've been listening in and not doing the work, well, success is just not important enough to you and your year will be as the one before...coming up short and feeling everything that goes along with a life unfulfilled. Want something different? You best get on it.

  • Leading Life Large™ - Why are You Here?

    05/12/2011 Duração: 22min

    Leading Life Large™ - I believe the reason so many of us don't reach our good-intentioned goals each year is because we don't know why we're trying to reach them - not really.  I don't mean we don't know what our goals are - we don't really know why.  It's a purpose we need...our purpose.  We need to have a good reason, a purpose, for getting out of bed every day and doing what we do.'s not about making money to pay the mortgage or buy your next new car - it's bigger!  Tune in...

  • Leading Life Large™ - Get Unreasonable about your Goals

    28/11/2011 Duração: 22min

    Leading Life Large™ - I'll take you way beyond your SMART goals...don't miss this one!

  • Leading Life Large™ - What Do You Want?

    21/11/2011 Duração: 25min

    Leading Life Large™ - We've been working for some weeks now to clear the way to reach our goals and have success this next year and beyond. I intend to guide you over the next few weeks in identifying and setting your goals, developing your plan and finally executing your strategy. Before you and I can do all that, you first have to know what you want. Not your goals of losing weight or making more money, but what you really want. Tune in and I'll guide you in identifying what you really want for yourself this next year and beyond.

  • Leading Life Large™ - Relationships - The Close Ones

    14/11/2011 Duração: 31min

    Leading Life Large™ - Throughout my life, one the greatest influences on my overall well-being and success in life has been the state and experience of the relationships closest to me. Like it or not, the ones closest to us have the greatest impact on our lives and ultimately the success we have in our lives. How are your closest relationships - the ones with your spouse or life-partner, your children and parents, your siblings and in-laws, your business partners and clients? Want success in business and other life endeavors? You'll want to tune in to this show.

  • Leading Life Large™ - Relationships - Feeding Your Spirit?

    07/11/2011 Duração: 27min

    Leading Life Large™ - As we continue to move closer to the new year and all its possibilities for our success, I am going to continue to talk about relationships  - that's how important they are to our success.  Once we're clear that we are 'clean' in our connection with others, we have to seriously look at who is in our circle and ask ourselves the questions "Is this person adding to who I am?", "Does this person challenge me to be a better person?", "Does this person inspire me to be great?" get the point. And what if the answer is 'NO' ? What then?  Tune in and I'll share my thoughts.

  • Leading Life Large™ - Relationships...Let's Clean 'em Up!

    31/10/2011 Duração: 23min

    Leading Life Large™ - I'm going to talk much about relationships over the next few weeks. Though we are ultimately alone in the universe, as humans we require connection with others for our survival. Because relationships are so important to us, they can be the reason why we do or do not move forward in our endeavors. And not just the relationships, but our part in them. Today, I'm going to talk about you taking a look at your part in the disconnections in your relationships - your success depends on it!

  • Leading Life Large™ - Results Action...not the other kind

    24/10/2011 Duração: 22min

    Leading Life Large™ - Activity, being busy, doing stuff, never taking a break, creating another cool looking spread sheet - none of this is Results Action.  It's nothing more than activity, being busy and doing stuff that leaves you exhausted again at the end of your business day with very little productivity to show for it. You and I have heard the advice 'take massive action' and I get it - if we are alwys taking action and doing as opposed to not doing, we will be more productive and see results we would not otherwise. Let's be more thoughtful, though, about our action and we will be far more productive, far more satisfied and have far more energy at the end of the day.  Let's break it down...

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