Keepin It Real With Janean

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How to live a healthy authentic lifestyle


  • Power of Gratitude w/ Holly Bertone


    Holly Bertone is a breast cancer survivor, Hashimoto’s warrior and host of the Gratitude Builds Fortitude Podcast. Holly spent 25 years rising through the ranks of consulting and federal government service before her failing health shattered her corporate dreams. Since then, she has leaned into her path of true purpose and fulfillment as a Gratitude and Mindset Coach by helping women find their resilience to build fortitude with gratitude. Power of Gratitude Scientific Studies have shown GRATITUDE provides: 20% more energy Improves the quality of relationships 10% fewer illnesses 16% less depression 23% Less stressed Exercise 33% more Sleep better Increase in mental strength Ask yourself: What is my Northstar, my why? Contrast creates clarity! Gratitude rewires your brain! Gratitude can become your new super power! Our special webpage Holly's Website Holly's Podcast Download.

  • Passion for Health w/ Dr. Holly (Ep 158)


    Dr Holly has 7 degrees and 3 designations in all the different healing modalities. She started med school and left because they were so far behind. She was surprised how far behind Naturopathy was as well & left after the second year. She is a Dr of Natural Medicine, Dr of Psychology, and her latest PhD was in Nutrition where she identified the biochemistry for cellular healing. She also has an MA in herbal medicine and more. Holly is also a scientist, International Professional speaker/teacher and the author of over 30 books. She talks on every Wednesday at noon. Dr. Holly is passionate about health and healing because of her many health issues starting at birth. Just some of what we cover: *Terrain Theory v Germ Theory… does it have to be either / or? *There are over 35,000 species of bacterium in the gut that are beneficial *There are 10x more viruses that control and direct 40% of DNA *Western medicine is based on Germ Theory *99% of drugs deplete the body of nutrients *8

  • Terahertz Tech for Health w/ Rudy Wusstig


    Rudy Wusstig retired in 2017 and had no intention of returning to work. Over 4 years ago Rudy was in a car accident that left him with a lot of pain and suffering. A friend told him about a Terahertz technology that he felt would help Rudy. It changed his life and he unretired so he could help others relieve pain without DRUGS. So what is this iTeraCare Terahertz Wand? *Terahertz frequencies, heat, blue light. *Terahertz resonates the same frequency as human cells, generating millions of vibrations per second. *Structures water, necessary for cells to function. *Activates stem cells in bone marrow. *Rejuvenates cells, reactivates dormant stem cells, destroys damaged cells *Terahertz ore is a formation of silica over many years *Terahertz frequencies are in the glass tube created from the Terahertz stone. *There are studies being done around the world on this technology Rudy's website You can make a free 30 minute consultation appointment from here Listen on BitChute Listen on Rumble Download.

  • Heath Justice w/ Susan Stanfield (EP 153)


    Susan Stanfield is a strong advocate for justice particularly Health Justice. She watched her mother die from health policy corruption in Canada and has worked in service since then using photography, story, writing and advocacy to help others. Susan initiated the first NO MORE LOCKDOWNS lawful protest march on April 12 2020 at Vancouver City Hall to awaken the world to public health fraud. Her new book, “BETRAYED: Blowing the whistle on the organized betrayal of natural health in Canada” is her memoir of starting the No More Lockdowns movement. Some of our Topics: The Anglosphere Social Justice Understanding Governance Systems Susan's perspective on Homelessness The Pharmaceuticalization of North America Brexit - trigger of the Plandemic Canada as a Nanny State Central Banks are a financial cult The "Developing" World The "a Hundred Orders" that took over Iraq What can we do to move change along We have the opportunity to rebuild now.... Take Action FaceBook - Susan Stanfield Instagram - @Health and Just

  • Gifts from the Stars w/ Elena Dannan


    At age 9, Elena was abducted by Zeta Reticuli Small Grays, the Xrog, to be taken into large scale hybridization programs. The abduction was traumatic and is described in detail in her first best seller: "A Gift From The Stars". In this book, she describes how she was rescued by a crew of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, all blond fair skin people from different star systems. The ship captain, named Thor Han Eredyon from Ashaara in the Pleiades, became her regular contact throughout her whole life to this day. Elena’s mission is to help Earthly humans awaken to their true potential and power through her books and public media. A bit of what we cover: Prime Directive - Freewill is the greater law of the Universe We need to increase our frequency and avoid fear A glimpse into Earth 100 years from now Why do Souls want to incarnate on Earth Humans have tremendous power to create reality. It has been deliberately suppressed And so much more Elena's website Elena Dannan Druidess Exopolitics/ Dr. Michael Sal

  • Galactic Astrology w/ Julia Balaz


    For many years Julia Balaz felt guided to meticulously study Astrological Charts of her clients AFTER their QHHT® (past life regression) sessions. She was looking for proof about Higher guidance and the Extra-Terrestrial connections that came up in so many sessions. Julia has analysed close to 2000 Astro Charts from a galactic perspective, she feels called to share her research data confirming epic cosmic orchestration and influence of celestial bodies on our lives, supporting our collective evolution.  Julia is a passionate researcher of Galactic Astrology & Souls' evolution and she shares her fascinating discoveries in her online courses. Some of Our Topics: The demand to come here is very high Why do souls want to come to Earth Before we come to Earth we feel as one with all life, full of light and love There are no wrong choices/decisions or failures, no wrong outcome So many other star systems and galaxies are involved Focus on mastering your own reality, your own experience Most of us are multi ga

  • Shift From 3D to 5D w/ Lani Gelera (Ep150)


    Lani Gelera was a Professional Hollywood Stuntwoman for 20 years. Lani is now putting her courageous, compassionate, and outspoken nature in service as a Lightworker and Lioness. As an author and publisher, Lani has recently finished the third volume in her Brave book series called, Ascending Human Consciousness. Her first two books in the series are Courage During Covid and Speaking Truth to Power. Our topic today is a program she has been developing to assist in shifting from 3D to 5D. 3D = physical reality, the matrix of control 5D = Light, a higher vibration, love, new Earth concepts 4D = Time, truth, corruption exposed, transition, the process, the bridge learning how to detach and forgive is needed to take our power back. we want to manifest the life that we want from a higher vibration The Work Everything that we want in our lives is on the other side of fear Natural Law React v Response Lani's Website The Brave Book Series Mattias Desmet & The Psychology of Totalitarianism Michael Jaco Int

  • Frequencies & Healing w/ Ariel Policano (Ep 149)


    Ariel Policano is a clinically trained naturopathic doctor. She studied at the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon and has been teaching about the frequency and energy technologies including the Genius Biofeedback system since 2012. Early on as a Naturopath Ariel wanted to teach people how to take care of themselves and be empowered. Some of our topics: The Genius Biofeedback uses the voice and interprets your voice The frequency of our physical bodies shifts and changes What is quantum entanglement We have the ability to send frequencies over distances using technologies or praying The brain is a scalar broadcaster The Schumann Resonance Cymatics, sound & frequency Quantum biofeedback is excellent for stress reduction Aura scans How to use for a group such as a family Detoxification using frequencies The Flexnor Report Archetype encoding Library for effects of the shots The idea of living in harmony with microbes Genius Biofeedback Webpage Genius youTube VideosDownloa

  • Experience & Resilience w/ Sean Taylor


    Sean Taylor is trained in emergency services and has worked air and ground ambulance and as a firefighter. In 2002 Sean went back to school to become a registered nurse, and spent 16 years in the ER working in both pediatric and adult. Sean has also spent 19 years in the Canadian armed forces, finishing his career as a nursing officer. He deployed to Afghanistan in 2009-10 where he was second in command of a tactical psychological operations team. In 2018 Sean decided to get involved politically and joined the Peoples Party of Canada. Some of our Topics: For those in The States - a little education on Canadian politics The Peoples Party of Canada There are now 96 food plants that have been destroyed Updated list of US-Based Food Manufacturing Plants Destroyed Under Biden Administration Sean’s experiences in the ER during ‘Covid' History- how much is actually true We are spiritual beings having a brief physical experience - not the other way around Seeing the game is freeing We are in an ancient spirit

  • Our Perspective w/ Col. Craig (retired) & Mo Carlson


    Craig Carlson is a retired Army Colonel. He served 27 years with experience in NATO, Pentagon Army Operations, Counternarcotics, Intelligence, HR, Air Defense Battery and Battalion level commands.  Craig’s wife, Mo, is a former fashion designer educated in Germany at the University of Applied Sciences.  She is an avid researcher and volunteer for Christian and military charities. Some of the topics we discuss: Monkey Pox The Davos crowd Censorship Ukraine Mainstream media What can we do? Become involved in local politics Concept of Civic Duty Political system needs to be overhauled Weakening of the military Dividing society is part of the agenda We are headed into uncharted territory Download.

  • Derrel Sims is The Alien Hunter (EP 146)


    A fascinating conversation with Derrel Sims who was abducted multiple times as a child. Later an ‘incident’ with his son led him to becoming a well known abduction researcher. Derrel also has a great sense of humor! Derrel Sims  is the world’s leading expert on alien abductions. He is known as The Alien Hunter . His field research of more than 38 years has focused on physical evidence, and led to his groundbreaking discoveries of alien implants and alien fluorescence. As a former military police officer and CIA operative, Derrel has a unique insight into the alien organization which he believes functions similarly to an intelligence agency. He is also a compassionate and skilled therapist who has helped hundreds of alien experiencers all over the world come to terms with what they’ve witnessed. Derrel's Website Download.

  • Exiting the Matrix w/ Lani Gelera


    Lani Gelera was a Professional Hollywood Stuntwoman for 20 years. Now Lani is putting her courageous, compassionate, and outspoken nature in service as a Lightworker and Lioness. She helps inspire, empower, and encourage others to believe in their sovereign freedom and to emancipate themselves and future generations from tyranny. Lani has been working on her fourth book in the The Brave Series 'Manifesting the New Earth'. Fear vs Love The Fear narrative is 3D, we are ascending into 5D Lani’s 4th book = The Brave Manifesting the New Earth A process of co-creation Important to stay focused on what you want and the future you want to create, not fear and what you don’t want. Susceptibility to mind control - not making own choices Advanced technologies have been held back that will benefit all of humanity Canadian Frontline Nurses are working on a new paradigm for health care Soul contracts Importance of journaling A little bit about Lani’s stunt woman career You are a magnificent manifestor! The Brave Boo

  • The Current is But a Moment w/ Pamela Aloia


    Pamela Aloia is an energy healer, author, and teacher who has focused the last 20 years on individual and collective energy healing. She offers insight for people to expand their consciousness and enhance life experiences by combining practical and heartful aspects, inspiring others to discover a life of soul-filled living. The gifts of Nature are a way to be present, escape from stress in a healthy way. Mindfulness and inspiration using beautiful photos of nature. Many with Orbs! Build a bond with an idea before you share it and share only with those you feel will be supportive. Surround an idea you want to manifest with color Importance of Color: Helps us to express ourselves The attributes of color All colors are good ‘With what do I resonate today?’ New workshop: Maneuvering Change with Grace Pamela's Website Listen on Bitchute w/ beautiful photos from the book Download.

  • Fighting for Freedom w/ Chris Sky


    Chris pulls no punches in this conversation so please do not be offended. He has been traveling across Canada to wake people up to what is really going on and you can hear how frustrated he is. He advocates non violence… JUST SAY NO! and UNITED NONCOMPLIANCE! Chris shares his experiences and understanding of how people are being forced into wearing masks, taking jabs and closing businesses. And where this is all leading. The importance of free speech as the bedrock of freedom and democracies. The mandates will return in the fall so……. Make a pledge to yourself: NO MASK NO SHOT / JAB NO CLOSED BUSINESSES United noncompliance - there are way more of us. In the countries, cities and schools that have stood up and said no the authorities have backed down…. over and over! Vaccine induced AIDS (Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome) WHO’s global pandemic constitution… they will make the decisions for your country . They will have full control of the 100 countries that have signed on. Dangers of the digital ID…

  • Nutrition Tips & Tricks w/ Udo Erasmus (EP 142)


    Udo Erasmus is the co-founder of Udo’s Choice line. In 1980, Udo became the victim of pesticide poisoning, leaving doctors at a loss regarding treatment. He decided to take his health into his own hands and began intense research leading him to a passion for finding the answers to life’s big questions which would hopefully one day bring him and the world peace. Some of our topics: Useful tips for when you feel like you may begetting a cold/flu Importance of balancing Omega 6’s and 3’s Most oils are damaged during processing Essential vs non-essential nutrients Half of pesticides stay in oils How to use oils with out frying farmed fish vs wild fish Digestion is most important for our health Digestive enzymes Probiotics Fiber - soluble and non-soluble Bitter herbs No one has ever suffered from a drug deficiency Lipoprotein Little A The Udo Listen on BitchuteDownload.

  • Compass Integrative Health w/ Cammy Benton, MD


    Creating a New Health Care System where the focus is on Health Care, not sick care, that incorporates nontraditional health care modalities. Creating integrative hospitals that are truly wellness centers A community built integrative healing center to transform the medical system Centers that are heart centered and based on compassion Doctor means ‘to teach’ and a good doctor teaches us not to need them Overall the medical profession has been normalizing sickness Vaccines - 54% of children now have chronic diseases The Covid Jabs - The government has paid for the research AND paid for the shots… the pharmaceutical companies are making huge amounts of profit We are normalizing children having heart attacks and strokes! Rapid Antigen test has an 11% false negative rate The PCR has more false positives Website The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership JRSM - The Cutter Incident The Cutter Incident: How America's First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine CrisisDownload.

  • Dr. Stephanie Seneff's Latest Research


    Dr. Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at MIT. Since 2008 She has focused her research interests on the impact of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on human health. Especially the role of Glyphosate. She has been intensely researching connections between toxins & Covid-19 for the last 2 years. Some of our topics: How getting ‘Covid’ is different from getting ‘the Jab’. Disruption of the reproductive system Do Life Insurance companies have a vested interest? Corporate vested interests How might the jabs influence the timeline for illness down the road Molecular mimicry Type 1 interferon deficiency Thrombosis What you can do to help remove the toxins Gel water surrounds the blood vessels Dr. David Martin at Weston Price Dr. Seneff's Website Link to Stephanie's latest coauthored paper Listen on BitchuteDownload.

  • Speaking Truth to Power w/ Lani Gelera (Ep 139)


    Lani was a Professional Hollywood Stuntwoman for 20 years. Lani is now putting her courageous, compassionate, and outspoken nature in service as a Lightworker and Lioness. As an author and publisher, Lani is currently finishing the third volume in her Brave book series called, Ascending Human Consciousness. Her first two books, Courage During Covid and Speaking Truth to Power are available now. These are brave stories of individuals and organizations with the loudest and strongest voices across Canada that are holding people who are in positions of power accountable for their crimes against humanity. Lani's Website Instagram: @Lady_Braven AND just in case you doubt Lani's stuntwoman abilities Here is her stunt real It's Pretty COOL! Bill Gates briefing CIA To listen on BitChuteDownload.

  • Modern Merlin Sacred Geometry w/ LON


    The world is changing every moment. Are you having a hard time keeping up? Do you understand how these changes may be adding extra stress and confusion to your life? Modern Merlin shows you how to navigate the constant changes with ease and a little magic! Lon is an internationally acclaimed sacred geometry artist, creator of two oracle decks and author of Modern Merlin: Uncover Your Magic Powers. Modern Merlin takes complex topics, such as magic, manifestation, multidimensionality, and energy, and makes sense of how and why things are the way they are—and how you can begin using your magic deliberately and skillfully to be in full co creation with the Universe. We’ve all experienced magic at one time or another. Perhaps as synchronicity or inexplicable coincidence. But, The truth is: magic can be found within us. And LON is here to help us find our personal magic and the best version of ourselves. A few of our topics: How beliefs affect out reality We see what we are looking for 3 D vs Multi D Neuroplast

  • Finding Peace After War w/ Claude Anshin (Ep 137)


    At 17, Claude AnShin enlisted in the US Army and served in the Vietnam War. After battling severe post-traumatic stress, isolation, and addiction, he discovered Buddhist practice and began intensive training and study. In 1995 he was fully ordained as a Zen Buddhist monk in the Japanese Soto Zen tradition. Claude  has dedicated his life to addressing the causes and consequences of violence, war, and suffering in individuals, families, and societies. Addressing our human suffering and how to make peace with our unpeacefulness through an active meditation practice teaches us that the human mind can learn to live in a different relationship with suffering and through that, peace is possible.  An honest raw insightful process of discovery of suffering leads to healing and transformation. Claude Anshin speaks wherever he is invited. Some of our topics: Importance of being really present with the breath all the time in the present moment You never know when PTSD is going to surface Athletics is a form of parami

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