Keepin It Real With Janean

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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How to live a healthy authentic lifestyle


  • Are You a Rhino or a Sheep? w/ Dr. Robert Champagne


    Which are you? Dr. Robert Champagne is a retired Chiropractor, who ran one of the largest family-oriented chiropractic practices in Manitoba for 20 years until 1998, then in South Calgary for the next 10 years and part time in the Fernie, BC area until he retired. He has always been an avid skier, mountain biker, hiker and overall outdoor enthusiast and has been involved in building and maintaining mountain bike trails since the late 80’s.  Dr. Robert is co-founder and past-President of Chiropractic for the World Foundation, a non profit organization actively working to expand the availability of Chiropractic care around the world. Over the years, he has had many opportunities to share his passion about Chiropractic, the foundation and health as a featured speaker at many venues. Dr. Robert is keenly passionate and well researched about our current events so this should be an informative, interesting and for some... controversial conversation. Another in depth look at the importance of critical thinking

  • Navigating Challenges with Intuition w/ Kelly T. Smith(Ep 111)


    I have spent most of my life trying to understand who I am, what I want, and what is most important to me. Until recently I was on a journey of trying to fix myself, until one day I realized that if I was always trying to fix myself, I would always need to be fixed. I believe the answers to all your problems are in one beautiful place that is often ignored or misunderstood and that place is inside of you. You have the answers, you hold the key and you are the only person that can change your life. My job is to introduce you to the one person that can help you, meet YOU! Kelly T. Smith is a Mind, Body & Wellness Practitioner with a certification in Life Coaching & Hypnotherapy. She has been trained in a variety of holistic healing modalities as well, such as: NLP, holistic nutrition, past life regression therapy, homeopathic remedies, essential oils, psychology of intuition, energy healing and many others. Her mission in life is to help you realize your fullest potential, find your hidden gifts and t

  • Critical Thinking w/ Jennifer Margulis


    Are you up for it? Are you open to it? You may think you are but in this time of radically opposing ‘facts’, many will not even consider points of view that differ from their own. It is important to be open minded to new information that doesn’t dovetail with your preexisting beliefs. If you keep your mind open, your brain won’t fall out! (possibly quoted from Groucho Marx) Freedom of speech is incredibly important, and we are losing it! How profits drive health information and decisions. Science doesn’t happen by consensus. Remember, it was once a ‘fact’ that the Earth was flat! Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D., is an award-winning science journalist and author. She is A meticulous researcher who’s not afraid to be controversial. She is passionate about investigating the overlooked dangers of mainstream practices, especially when scientific evidence has been brushed aside in favor of special interests. Uncovering these issues is a matter of social justice. Through her writing she champions the rights of soc

  • Angelic Intelligence w/ Crystal Pomeroy


    Angelic Intelligence is a higher level of cognition that is directly connected to a higher realm of light beings. There are Angels for everything! Prayer is one of the most powerful activities we can do! Crystal Pomeroy is the Founder of Vibrational Science, Divine Unblocking and Angelic Constellation methods. She lives in Mexico City and is a metaphysician, astrologer and angel communicator. Crystal’s natural talents and skill sets include healer, astrologer, teacher, writer, speaker, spiritual growth facilitator and television and radio host. She is a scholar, a collector of myths and stories from numerous cultural antiquity. Originally from Northern California, Crystal studied Spanish and Latin American Studies at UC Berkeley. Since college she has been living in Mexico where she has continued her studies of different native traditions for many years. She currently hosts her own weekly radio show in Mexico City. You can read her monthly predictions and tips and her Daily Success Guide in Daykeeper Journ

  • The Facts About Infectious Disease w/ Dr Sucharit Bhakdi


    Authors Sucharit Bhakdi, MD and Karina Reiss, PhD—award-winning German researchers, leading microbiologists, and early co-signers of the Great Barrington Declaration—offer clear analysis of whether radical protective measures—including lockdown, social distancing, and mandatory masking—have been justified, and what the ramifications have been for society, the economy, and public health.  Originally written in German and translated into English, Corona has become an Unexpected Bestseller. Corona, False Alarm Challenges COVID Fear w/ Facts & Figures. Dr. Bhakdi's Email To order Dr. Bhakdi's book Download.

  • Failure Along the Road to Success w/ Luke Reynolds (Ep 107)


    Even More Fantastic Failures: True Stories of People Who Changed the World by Falling Down First, explores the lives of admirable and courageous people who have struggled, failed, and been rejected but nonetheless have found ways to keep pushing forward to make themselves and they're world better and more just. Luke Reynolds is a passionate believer in the power of stories to transform lives—especially stories that help us understand that we all fail and flounder sometimes.  An author and teacher, Luke Reynolds offers inspiration and encouragement in Even More Fantastic Failures with thirty profiles of successful people who experienced failure firsthand. Reynolds’s witty humor and compassionate spirit reminds readers that it’s okay to make mistakes, as long as you try, try, try again!  Luke's Website If you would like to email Luke: YouTube Option Download.

  • Transcending the Human Drama w/ Kerri Humingbird (Ep 106)


    The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama The second wave is an activation. Transforming pain into wisdom. Years ago I found the end of the rope and took a leap of faith to follow Spirit. I found the courage to walk away from everything I had built up until that point in my life. I encourage you to leap into the unknown when Spirit calls because, in my experience, it opens up a magical doorway to a meaningful, fulfilling life. Within a year of my pivot, I had my first shamanic healing and experienced the power of energy medicine for rapid inner transformation. I began studying with the Four Winds Light Body School, turned my wounds into wisdom with my Mesa (medicine bundle), and journeyed to Peru to work directly with the Q’ero wisdom keepers. Kerri Hummingbird, Soul Guide, is a channel of, and an embodiment of, White Eagle, an ascended master who specializes in rainbow light activation of human DNA. She has served as a social activist, leader, and philanthropist for over three decades. She is the Foun

  • Air Pollution, Biodiesel, Glyphosate, Covid-19 & more w/ Dr. Stephanie Seneff


    An Epic Conversation...If I do say so! The innate immune system is becoming defective as a consequence of Glyphosate poisoning. Not all air pollution correlates to increased Covid-19, there does appear to be a correlation where biofuels (Biodiesel & Biogas) are being used in areas of high pollution. A fascinating discussion: How Glyphosate disrupts fat metabolism & the mitochondria Connection between flu vaccines and mortality Why it is better to contract the flu with a healthy immune system rather than have a flu vaccine Virus vs Exosome Viruses can help repair the mitochondria Deuterium, mitochondria and glyphosate Masks & vaccines Lingering symptoms Importance of sulfur Fulvic/Humic acid to chelate Glyphosate The importance of focusing on boosting your immune functions Why high outbreaks in meat processing plants Vit D3 and sunlight Keeping your vitamins and minerals at good levels and avoiding toxins will go a long way to keep you healthy! Dr. Seneff's Weston Price article YouTube O

  • Intuituve Intelligence w/ Paul O'Brien (Ep 104)


    Make Life-Changing Decisions with Perfect Timing What happens when a vision of creative freedom, courageous risk-taking and good timing come together? What if you focused on what fascinates you, then mastered some skills—including a level of intuitive decision-making that helps you make the right moves at the right time? The answer is a life filled with success on your own terms. Do the thing that you love to do the most and forget about the outcomes. Acceptance is a catalyst for change. All you have to do is take the next best step! And, take the risks that grow you. Intuitive Intelligence on Amazon YouTube Option Download.

  • Expand the Power of Your Subconscious Mind w/ Jim Jensen


    The Power of Self Talk! Make positive affirmations work for YOU! Expand the Power of Your Subconscious Mind will change the way you perceive your thoughts. The belief in owning your subconscious thoughts will shape your life, your environment, and most importantly, YOU. Understand the relationship between your conscious and unconscious mind. Your Supraconscious mind has access to all information in the information field. Learn the 5 steps to use the Supraconscious to problem solve. The 3 steps necessary for successful affirmations. Jim's Website Jim's book on Amazon YouTube Option Download.

  • Thriving Through Uncertainty w/ Tama Kieves (Ep 102)


    How to Thrive in Uncertain Times! You were born to live a BRILLIANT life. It’s time to step beyond the hypnotism of what you think you can or cannot do. If you are really good doing something you don’t like doing…. imagine what you can do with something you enjoy! You can’t plan an inspired life! Start by doing ANYTHING you enjoy… what ideas keep coming back to you Listen to your heart in this moment. An honors graduate of Harvard Law School, Tama left her law practice to write and help others create their most extraordinary lives. She is a sought-after speaker and visionary career and book coach. She has been featured in USA Today and has been on Oprah Radio. She’s also taught A Course in Miracles for 28 years. Tama is a bestselling author with several books to her name. Her most recent book Thriving Through Uncertainty: Moving Beyond Fear of the Unknown and Making Change Work for You  is the perfect topic for our challenging times. Tama's Website Tama's free gift: Dare to Decide Free resources Thrivin

  • The Sacred Feminine w/ Lynn V Andrews (Ep 101)


    Lynn has authored 21 books of the Medicine Woman Series. The Medicine Woman Series chronicles her three decades of study and work with shaman healers on four continents. Her study of the way of the sacred feminine began with Agnes Whistling Elk and Ruby Plenty Chiefs, Native American healers in northern Canada. Her quest for spiritual discovery continued with a Shaman Curendera of the Mayan Yucatan; an Aboriginal woman of high degree in the Australian Outback & a Nepalese healer in the foothills of the Himalayas. She is recognized worldwide as a leader in the fields of spiritual healing and personal empowerment. A shaman healer and mystic herself, Ms. Andrews is widely acknowledged as a major link between the ancient world of shamanism and modern societies that thirst for profound personal healing and a deeper understanding of the pathway to enlightenment. On Oct 10, 2020 Lynn is offering a new Webinar: "RETURN TO WHOLENESS" The Alchemy of Transformation. The purpose of this Webinar is for you to be a

  • How to De-Escalate Angry, Upset People w/ Doug Noll (Ep 100)


    Ignore the words, Listen to the emotions! Whether it’s a child or an inmate serving a life sentence, these skills help calm volatile, difficult people in literally seconds. We are 98% emotional and only 2% rational. Yet we spend 98% of our time learning to be rational and less than 2% of our time learning to be emotionally competent. What you think you know about how to listen may not be true. Cutting edge neuroscience has revealed the underlying processes of how we regulate our emotions. How do you handle people who think differently than you? What to do when they lose their temper. Or perhaps you lose your temper. Children need to learn how to build an emotional database. We are not born with emotions…. we learn them. How to work with children from 2 -20. Mastering and practicing these de-escalation skills will: *Minimize arguments *Increase understanding and empathy *Transform important relationships *Allow people to be heard in a profoundly deep way *Create a new space for civility *Provide

  • Neuro Nutrition & Your Brain Health w/ Leah Lund (Ep 99)


    How to reboot your brain for better health and happiness! Your brain produces four types of neurotransmitters that insure you have mood resilience, meaning the ability to experience true emotions and then bring yourself back to emotional balance. A well fed brain does not get “stuck” in a mood or produce a mood that is not based on an actual situation or trigger. You can think of it as four “gas tanks” in your brain. Each gas tank takes its own specific fuel and must be nourished properly to keep the tank full and your moods balanced. Neurotransmitter deficiency has risen as a result of increased stress, artificial additives in our food, low calorie dieting, lack of exercise, low protein diets, genetics and reliance on processed sugar and carbohydrates. The important thing to know is that even in the case of a genetic inheritance, these brain chemical imbalances are easily correctable. You are not destined to feel this way and it is not an inherent personality disorder that you have to learn to live with

  • The Daily Cloak: Energetic Clearing & Protection w/ Pamela Aloia


    Pamela’s latest book, The Daily Cloak, offers a unique, easy-to-apply array of spiritual essentials for creating a serene tapestry of clarity and protection for everyday living and provides a solid foundation to build or enhance daily energetic practices and awareness. Pamela Aloia has focused on individual and collective energy healing for the past 20 years. In 2003, she started the Sol Angel energy center, and she provides insight and instruction for people to expand their consciousness, encourage and support self-discovery, and create enhanced life experiences. Pamela guides people to understand themselves so balanced decisions can be made, and living in alignment internally and externally becomes not only possible, but also achievable. Some of our topics: Benefits of energy work Energetic clearing and protection Releasing mental and emotional issues so that we can become more clear ‘If this is not mine, please let it go’ Using color to help balance emotions Everyone has the ability to visualize Patien

  • Love Money, Money Loves You w/ Sarah McCrum (EP 97)


    What IS money? It is not just energy! My work with money started in 2010 when I found myself spontaneously writing a message from Money in my notebook. The first thing it said was, “I would like to tell you to love me.” It continued by saying: “I am an energy. I am very powerful and beautiful. I am an incredible web of connections…I am not the devil. I never have been…I connect human beings with each other.” She was given precise instructions on how to heal her relationship with Money. This evolved into writing the book, Love Money, Money Loves You. It is a playbook for the new economy. It points the way towards a world that works for all of us. It shows us how we can live in a society that is fundamentally based on love, generosity and a deep understanding of the essence of humanity. Some of the topics we touch on: *The importance of relaxing and receiving new energy *Letting go of old history pushes out old thoughts, experiences and memories *The power of appreciation: gratitude creates currency and f

  • Nutrition for Optimal Thyroid Health w/ Tiffany Flaten (Ep 96)


    For ten years Tiffany Flaten felt depressed, irritable, hopeless and tired. By her first baby, she was overweight and had high cholesterol. So why did thyroid tests always come back normal? In 2007, she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, and I will let Tiffany tell you her story. Bottom line is that the only thing that actually helped her was the right nutrition. She learned how nutrient deficiencies contributed to both her thyroid health symptoms and causes, she cured her depression, lost weight, and got her energy back. Tiffany has become a Thyroid expert in Nutrition and has helped hundreds of people get to the root cause of their thyroid symptoms, find a way up from rock bottom, be their own best advocate, and shortcut the path to an amazing life. Her new book, Rock Bottom Thyroid Treatment: An 8-Week Thyroid Diet for People with “Normal” Thyroid Test Results to Thrive Not Just Survive is available now on Amazon and on Tiffany's website. Tiffany's Website Rock Bottom Wellness Facebook pageDownload.

  • A Wake Up Call For Us All w/ Cynthia Lazaroff


    Scattered around the world, under the control of opposing nations, exists some fifteen thousand nuclear weapons. There are Ten steps we can take to reduce the nuclear risk so humanity can survive our planet’s most dangerous time! Get involved, the planet needs you! I was awakened to the gravity of the nuclear danger by my mentor and professor Richard Falk as an undergraduate at Princeton and became deeply concerned about the risk of a nuclear war between the US and USSR. I wanted to go and meet the “enemy” for myself and made my first trip to Russia in 1978 at the height of the Cold War as an exchange student at Leningrad State University. I made dear friends. They were not the enemy stereotype in U.S. media. They were people whom I found delightful, whom I came to love... Cynthia Lazaroff is a U.S.-Russian relations expert and an award-winning documentary filmmaker.  Cynthia is engaged in diplomacy and mediation efforts with Russia and has founded groundbreaking U.S.-Russian exchange initiatives since

  • Nothing Is As It Seems w/ Daniel Bruce Levin (EP 94)


    When you hear your own inner voice, you realize everything in the world is speaking to you through voices you never heard before. Suddenly doors open everywhere and everything you seek is already right in front of you. Danny Levin walked away from an opportunity to run a billion dollar business to hitchhike around the world to find happiness and inner peace. People thought he was crazy. He knows well the courage it takes to do what you want to do and walk away from what everyone else is doing to create a life that connects you to your purpose. His book, the ‘The Mosaic’, is a beautiful fable that touches the heart and soothes the soul. We are all part of the one Mosaic, the vehicle of connection When we highlight our similarities rather than magnify our differences everything changes. Peace by Piece is the strategy of The Mosaic. In 100% of the cases, when we go beneath the superficial differences that separate us and find the deeper connection that connect us, conflict resolves. What are the connections

  • The Angels Are With Us w/ Carol May - Sacred Voice for the LIGHT


    Our JOB is to dream in the New World! Carol May was born with the ability to talk to the angels and people's soul. Carol has worked with the Angels and the BEINGS (the Arch Angels, St Germain, The Blue Ones, The Rainbow Angels of Healing and Metatron) consciously since 1983. She has done SOUL ATTUNEMENT READINGS, ANGEL READINGS and special planetary teaching (such as working with DNA codes and the 10th, 11th and 12th Dimensional energies) since 1983, when her RAYVA self came forward as an ancient wisdom being acting as her higher self in this lifetime. Carol has also developed her other healing skills as REIKI MASTER/TEACHER for more than fifteen years, as a hypnotherapist, rebirther, NLP Practitioner, and through NIA dance. In 2007, Her book "Working with Angels in Everyday Life." was published and Archangel Metatron dubbed her “Sacred Voice for the Light.’ Carol's WebSite You Tube Listening Option Download.

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