Keepin It Real With Janean

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  • Editora: Podcast
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How to live a healthy authentic lifestyle


  • Fabulous & Fearless Over 40 w/ Kate Houston (Ep 33)


    How to Choose the Perfect Man and Embrace the Love You Desire. Kate Houston speaks frankly about the choices she has made in relationships and the work she has done to make healthier choices for herself. Kate talks about co-dependence, attachment styles and what it takes to build self trust and start dating again. She uses her experiences and knowledge to coach women over 40 who want to get back into the dating game. After going through the roller coaster of being single, married, divorced and back to dating, including joining every online dating site, Kate genuinely understands what it is like to go through things that single midlife women are dealing with everyday. So she put her real-life librarian research skills to work and set out to “master” this thing called love, end her own personal struggle and figure out the strategy to get it right! Based on the knowledge, experience and skills that she learned, Kate now shares the collective wisdom to help countless women find lasting love, too. She practices d

  • Self Love: It's an Inside Out job! w/ Janet Attwood (Ep 32)


    Over the years, Janet came to understand that even though many were following their passion in life, they still were not happy. This led to the realization that lack of Self Love was the core issue. So her current focus is helping others gain more self love and self acceptance. Janet shares her story of lack of self confidence and Self Love and how she turned those limiting beliefs into a very creative, abundant and fulfilling life that is of service. Above all, Janet is an inspiration who lives her teachings as the work she shares has also changed her life. Janet travels the world teaching and mentoring. She has over 3,000 Passion Test facilitators in 64 countries. As an expert on what it takes to live a passionate life, she has presented her programs as a featured speaker to hundreds of thousands of people around the world with The Dalai Lama, Sir Richard Branson, Stephen Covey, Brendon Burchard, Tony Hsieh, Nobel Laureate F. W. deKlerk, T. Harv Eker, Jack Canfield, Lisa Nichols, and others. Internation

  • Melissa Harris: Visionary Artist Painting the Stories of Women (Ep 31)


    What does it mean to be an artist? Is everyone an artist? Melissa Harris combines her background as a clairvoyant with her artistic abilities to create 'Spirit Essence Portraits’. She has created the beautiful card deck 'Creatrix, anything is possible, activation cards', as a tool for women to turn to for comfort, advice and inspiration. Celebrating women’s love of life, beauty, nature and magic with all varieties of paintings from fairies to angels to goddesses to tropical seascapes. Teaching classes combining art and spirituality are among my favorite things to do. Join me in my Woodstock NY studio or travel and paint with me in all sort of exciting exotic, visually and spiritually stimulating locations. The best way to learn more about my life as an artist and intuitive is to read my book “Painting Outside the Lines” – part memoir, and also addresses the questions about the connections between creativity and spirituality that folks have asked of me over time. “Painting is my medicine…Through these dec

  • Communication Dynamics: Verbal and Non-verbal Problem Solvers w/ Julie Chai


    Or, what to do when one needs to talk and the other doesn’t. Most of us will marry or be in a close relationship with someone who is put together differently than we are. The main difference is between the verbal processor who needs to talk to figure things out and get their “aha” moment and the non-verbal processors who need time and space to think things through to arrive at their “aha.” Julie Chai is an ordained pastor, potter, poet, artist and spiritual director working in private practice. She has combined her gifts of poetry and art in a monthly column in Families First Monthly for the last 17 years. In her private practice, she offers Inner Listening Therapy and energy work to help clients access repressed feelings that are blocking the flow of their energy and causing dis-ease in their emotional and physical lives. She offers premarital counseling focusing on communication dynamics and has officiated and worked with close to 300 couples for over 30 years. Her work is based upon the principles of Min

  • Successful Breast Cancer Outcome w/ Rebecca Pauline & Shinning-Bright Cancer Support w/ Jeni Badger


    Jeni Badger has been supporting people with life threatening illness since childhood. This has become her calling in life. Over the last 7 years she has been supporting friends and loved ones with various forms of cancer. She has learned how to help someone suffering from cancer and sift through the huge amount of conflicting information that is out there. It became clear to Jeni that the people who get back to wellness and have radical remissions seem to have a common thread in what they do. So she put together her own program to help people diagnosed with cancer. This has become Her experience with her partners leukemia diagnosis is heartwarming as well as humorous! How Shinning-Bright works: We hold the patients and carers hand via Skype sessions or face to face and help them make the necessary life changes. We approach wellness from a holistic point of view. We look at their whole lifestyle not just their physical body. We believe that cancer is caused by multiple factors and by e

  • High Fashion: High Adventure with Helen Martin (Podcast Ep 29)


    Helen Martin followed her dream and became an Haute Couture Model. She has a fun and inspiring story to share. Helen’s book of essays, High Fashion High Adventure will be available early 2018. Helen is a Former fashion model, experienced television actress, spokeswoman, fashion consultant and published writer. Helen’s website... Helen Martin Style, is dedicated to every woman who chooses to be master of her universe; who understands the meaning of “claiming your space”. Having the confidence to walk into a room and know you look fabulous. Looking good and creating “your own style” frees you up to be bold, to take risks, to relax and enjoy ‘the moment’. Many of us, want to ‘find that groove’, want to feel, look and act - not younger – but modern, current, active and attractive at any age. She rejects the notion that some women feel their “glamorous time” has passed. Women and Glamour – it’s the same thing! We, as women, do not want to look like our daughters, our nieces, dress like the ingénues on the red ca

  • Dancing with “dis-ease” - How Re-Thinking Illness Can Open Doors with Lavinia Magliocco (Podcast Ep 28)


    Enthralled with movement, music, and the human body from a early age, Lavinia Magliocco embarked on a career as a professional ballerina. She was derailed by illness at age 18, diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. For decades she struggled with debilitating symptoms, underwent two surgeries, and was given drugs and treatments which created a roller-coaster of remission and illness. In 1990, She discovered the work of Joseph Pilates. With the help of her ballet teacher and Pilates therapist she made a full comeback to the stage. In 2004, she met an extraordinary teacher of QiGong, Tai Chi, Kung Fu. After practicing QiGong for two months, she stopped taking drugs for Crohn’s, and hasn’t had a recurrence since. Lavinia was also diagnosed with breast cancer in 2014... a journey she also shares with us Some of the questions we will explore: How, when diminished by illness, does one continue to fully express one’s essence in the world? What does illness mean, if anything? How is our connection to othe

  • Free to Be Well with Debbie Miller (Podcast Ep 27)


    Debbie Miller is the author of Free To Be Well and is a native of Washington State and the  Mother of two beautiful children who are the inspiration for her research and book. ‘Free to Be Well’ is the result of over 10 years of research While raising her two children, many health issues arose that guided Debbie in writing this book.   Debbie Miller’s Research and experience convinced her that there are alternatives to antibiotics, and many of the prescription medications that are harmful to children and adults. As Debbie states...We have choices which allow us to be Free to be Well. Her goal is to have healthier children that will carry on alternative lifestyles, and robust health. Debbie’s book is for people of any age who are looking for a health change for the better. What is a mycotoxin and why are mycotoxins so dangerous? Our grain supply is contaminated with fungus. Peanuts are usually contaminated with fungus (mold) our corn supply is almost always contaminated with aflatoxin b-1, considered by many

  • Pharmaceuticals: Profit vrs. People w/ Nathan Fraser (Podcast Ep 26)


    One Families Story. A very personal conversation. Hear Nathan Fraser's story of how his mom became hooked on prescriptions and how they destroyed her life and eventually killed her. Nathan Fraser is the owner of Podcast Blastoff and is an excellent copywriter and marketing genius...he has written ads for supplement and nutrition companies and today is joining us for a conversation on pharmaceuticals and regulatory agencies and how this affects all of us. **How big pharma and the regulators suppress natural alternatives. **Popping pills to relieve symptoms rather than actually curing. **Do you blindly submit to authority? **We must take responsibility for our health and our life and not hand it over to authority figures. **Choose to be a victim or take control. **Are you going to make your life better or are you going to play the victim, expecting others to make your life better? **You have a lot more power in your life than you realize! Nathan Fraser is a liberty podcaster, copywriter and entrepren

  • Your Story Matters! Write Memoir! with Dawn Montefusco (Podcast Episode #25)


    Everyone has a story to tell. Have you ever just wondered if you should write about something in your life? Well... according to Dawn Montefusco, now is the best time to write your memoir. And, your story could change someones life and help them heal. With Kindle it is easier than ever to get your story out there. Dawn will help you get started and finish strong! Some of the topics we cover in this conversation **Who cares? Why would someone want to write a story about their life **In the crafting of memoir, the old adage “write what you know” ceases to be cliché and becomes story gold. **Seek to create emotional resonance with your reader **Why it’s important to see your life through the lens of the hero’s journey… **How is a memoir different from an autobiography *Dawn's upcoming FACEBOOK LIVE EVENT Nov 1-30 “Write With Me” @ Dawn Z. Montefusco The Memoir Coach Dawn Montefusco is an award winning poet, author, public speaker and writing coach. She inspires clients with a desire to write memoir a

  • Medical Cannabis with Dr. Michael Smith (Podcast Episode #24)


    Medical Cannabis has immense value for healing, pain, chronic conditions. Learn about your endocannabinoid system and the many uses of this valuable, often misunderstood plant. A fun and very informative conversation with Dr. Michael Smith! Dr. Michael Smith is a doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Functional Medicine. In my practice I primarily focus on supporting people suffering with complex, chronic, degenerative and autoimmune diseases. As a clinician I apply a combination of Functional Medicine and Evolutionary Nutrition, with the wisdom and vast experience of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This combination of healing traditions helps me understand and respond to some of today’s most complex health challenges in a very comprehensive and effective way. As a patient I have spent the last 24 years living with Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis and Insomnia. I have tried everything that is out there and can say from many years of trial and error that recovering from chronic illness is a l

  • The Integrity Effect with Melissa Joy Jonsson (podcast Ep 23)


    Learn how to PLAY the change game from the inside out, on your own heart terms so that the inner you matches the you without! Join inspiring transformational leader Melissa Joy as she discusses the journey to the heart of interactive reality creation. Melissa Joy Jonsson (M-Joy) is an Author, Speaker, Inspirational Leader Founder and Instructor of ‘M-Joy’ Seminars. She is best known for her ability to engage people from all over the world to embrace their True Authentic Power by playing in the field of the heart. She has a unique perspective on how we are able to experience living joyfully and loving completely. Melissa has been teaching popular life-transformational Matrix Energetics seminars around the globe since 2008. In 2014 she launched the “M-Joy” seminar teachings, a unifying WE movement in consciousness dedicated to heart-centered awareness and practical personal empowerment for everyone. Melissa's teachings are a culmination of her expansive work integrating scientific principles and spiritual con

  • Healing Chronic Conditions pt. 3 The Role of Methylation w/ Dr. Matt Flory (Podcast Ep 22)


    Taking medications and supplements and still not feeling like yourself? Perhaps you have a problem with Methylation. More than one billion Methylation reactions occur every minute in every cell of the body. Methylation activates and inactivates hormones, neurotransmitters, detoxification processes in the liver and individual cells themselves. You may want to listen to this episode more than once! SNPs = Alterations in DNA nucleotides translate into altered enzyme formation>function This means that the chemical reactions the body uses to maintain it's biochemical function is altered 60% of the population has at least 1 SNP making Methylation of hormones, genes, vitamins, enzymes & detoxification challenging Nutrigenomics = Combined understanding of how our exposure to environmental influences (diet, toxins, infections / microorganisms) are handled by our individual genetics How to address Methylation problems • Genetic testing OF FULL GENOME • Blood, Saliva, Stool type lab tests to identify specific

  • Healing Chronic Conditions pt. 2 The Role of Inflammation w/ Dr. Matt Flory (Podcast Ep 21)


    9 out of 10 pathologies are related to inflammation. The plethora of drugs that people are taking for chronic conditions are not healing the condition, they are not correcting the underlying causes.... mostly they are relieving symptoms which is a bandaid approach to your health... so most likely you will have to take those medications the rest of your life. Wouldn't you rather work towards health and healing your body/mind! Learn how the majority of chronic conditions have underlying chronic inflammation. Auto Immune diseases, low energy, cardiovascular issues, cancer, neurological disorders, COPD, Depression, anxiety, diabetes, sleep apnea, IBD, dementia... are all included here. The FHT Kaizen approach is to consistently build that immune system, the strongest drug ever ... This is part 2 of my series on Healing Chronic Conditions.... the Role of Inflammation You can find Part 1, the Role of Toxins on episode #20 Dr. Matthew Flory is a Functional Medicine Doctor who specializes in uncovering the root

  • Healing Chronic Conditions pt. 1 The Role of Toxins w/ Dr. Matt Flory (Podcast Ep 20)


    Understanding how toxins play a role in the development of chronic conditions. Pharmaceuticals do not heal, they can address symptoms but your bodies immune system heals you... you can support the innate wisdom of your body to heal itself. This is part 1 of a 3 part series on understanding the dynamics of chronic conditions. As a doctor practicing Functional Medicine, Dr. Matthew Flory’s specialty is treating inflammation and sustained chronic inflammation-related conditions. He’s dedicated the remainder of his days to this endeavor due to the fact he’s “Been there … done that.” Dr. Flory is very candid about this fact and as you get to know him you’ll undoubtedly hear about his fight with Hashimoto’s Auto-Immune Hypothyroidism, Depression, Liver Dysfunction, Severe Toxicity, Reactive Hypoglycemia, Chronic Fatigue … all of this resulting from hidden infections, such as Candida. In fact, his Candida infection was worse than any other client he has personally ever tested, and that’s hundreds, if not thousands

  • Facing Fear in a Culture of Crisis with Dr. Jose Rodriguez


    We are living in a culture of crisis...'Fake News' has almost become the norm.... what is fake news? It is a message of distortion with the intent to create in another a belief that you know is not true. Dr Jose Rodriguez is Professor of Communication Studies at Cal State Long Beach. Dr. Rodríguez collaborates with clients to develop and deliver messages that work. As communication scientist, he has helped over 10,000 people and numerous organizations achieve major milestones by focusing on how messages function to create desirable results. Dr. Rodríguez holds a doctorate in communication and is a recognized expert in message development, presentation delivery, and audience involvement. His courses and workshops unveil research-based techniques for creating messages that help people achieve the right results at the right time. You can follow Dr. Rodríguez on LinkedIn and on Twitter. A Mindfulness 4 step process for responding to fear based messages 1. Pause - you want to be able to respond vrs

  • Chronic disease? Exhausted? Overweight? Want better health and don't know where to start? Dr. Thierry Vrain (Podcast Ep 18)


    "To me the clear and present danger is the glyphosate residues in much of our processed food - cereals - meat - dairy, bioaccumulating in all human organs and causing a long list of chronic disease epidemics, for the last 20 years. The GMO debate has been a very effective smokescreen." Dr. Thierry Vrain Dr. Thierry Vrain, soil biologist and research scientist, weaves the story of how glyphosate has evolved to be the most used herbicide in the world and how it is affecting our health. Avoiding those grains, cereals, seeds and produce sprayed with Roundup/ Glyphosate just before harvest is an excellent place to start! Part 3 of my series on Glyphosate. If you haven't listened to the first 2 episodes on Glyphosate, please listen to episode #11 part 1 & 2. These 3 episodes with 3 experts in their fields…. A farmer, a functional medicine doctor and a soil biologist/ research scientist, give a well rounded picture of the importance of this topic to you and your loved ones. GMO crops sprayed with Glyphosat

  • Happiness is an Inside Job! Gary van Warmerdam (Podcast Ep 17)


    Self limiting beliefs rob us of joy and create needless suffering Meet Gary van Warmerdam, student and friend of Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom Gary shares his journey from victim hood to empowerment. Along the way he met Don Miguel Ruiz who was guided to share the teachings of his ancestral ancient Toltec wisdom. Through Don Miguel, Gary learned how ‘human domestication’ shapes our beliefs and who we think we are. Eventually Gary took this knowledge and created his own Self Mastery Program. He coaches clients one on one and teaches workshops. You can find his book MindWorks on Amazon. MindWorks Gary’s website… Listen on You Tube Download.

  • One Woman's Journey Through Misdiagnosis and Cancer w/ Kate Michels (Podcast Ep 16)


    Meet Kate Michels, life coach and trainer, who spent years in pain, misdiagnosed. Finally it became obvious that she had cancer... not willing to 'play the cancer game' she sought a cure and discovered Functional Medicine...this is her journey. Kate Michels is an Emotional Wisdom Trainer, founder of Core Alignment Coaching, NLP Trainer, speaker, best selling author and 'Coach of Coaches'. She is an expert at assisting others to live aligned in their truth. Emotional Wisdom Training is one of the most advanced Life Coaching systems in the world. It’s a value based, motivation-orientated, intensely personal process that is focused on an individuals unique purpose. the constructs of traditional counseling, mentoring, psychology and life coaching to support people to accept their past, become aware of their present and awaken to their future. Kate is internationally recognized in more then 9 countries. Her clients experience lasting results with life challenges including Bi-polar disorder, Social Anxiety,

  • Sluggish? Tired? Energize with Cleansing Herbs! Krista Poulton, Medical Herbalist (Podcast Ep. 15)


    Krista Poulton, Medical Herbalist discusses the benefits of easy to use cleansing herbs to invigorate and energize the body. Our Liver performs over 400 vital functions to help keep us 'in the pink'! Let's do everything we can to keep our Liver and Digestive tract (where 70% of our Immune System lives) healthy by cleansing and detoxing the myriad chemicals and toxins that we come into contact with everyday. Krista mentions Learning Herbs as a good resource... I checked it out and it is a wonderful website Learning herbs website Also The Shoppers Guide to Pesticides in Produce is a great little resource that you can print up and keep in your purse... Shoppers Guide to Pesticides in Produce Krista has a private practice in Victoria, BC. And is a faculty member at Pacific Rim College. She teaches courses in herbal medicine and medicine making, along with supervising clinical training. Her mission teach women to love and adore their bodies, address societal norms of body awareness and educate way

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