It's Business ~ It's Personal ~ It's You! With Sharon Lewis

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Inspired Choices Network Questiam Leadership Development Presents: It's Business, It's Personal, It's YOU!With Host Sharon Lewis Our world runs on business and money. Everyone knows it, not everyone likes it. Do you ever feel like you?re caught up in the big corporate machine?   Sharon Lewis


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  • We’re All Volunteers – With Host Sharon Lewis


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  • Letting Go of How – With host Sharon Lewis


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  • Zentangle – The Little Business that Grew With Founders Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts


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  • Where are you Trying to Have a Broken Conversation?


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  • Is Economics Holding Us Back or Could it Set us Free? With Special Guest, Economist Francisco Wulff


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  • What’s Consciousness Got to Do with It?” with Sharon Lewis


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  • It’s Business. It’s Personal. It’s YOU! ~ With Host Sharon Lewis


    Our world runs on business and money. Everyone knows it, not everyone likes it. Do you ever feel like you’re caught up in the big corporate machine? Are you winning or losing the rat race and still feeling like a rat? Even if you find yourself in a comfortable spot somewhere in the middle of the heap do you ever resent all the shoulds, have tos and musts dos that drive your day? Are you ever worn out, stressed, depressed or anxious about either the responsibility you hold or the helplessness you feel? Are you tired of hearing it’s not personal, it’s business as justification for what you must do or for not being able to choose what YOU know should be possible? There’s a reason for that. Business IS personal. Business is YOU; You are business; and we ALL have a role to play in leading our world in a direction that makes it a place we all want to be! What would it be like if all the external events, resources, time constraints, power hierarchies and budgets that seem to be squeezing the possibility out of your

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