Cornerstone Churchsanta Maria, Ca

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 155:08:32
  • Mais informações



The preaching and teaching from Cornerstone Church in Santa Maria, CA.


  • True Greatness: The Commandment and Commission


    In this message, Pastor Chad continues our journey through Matthew's Gospel as we seek to discover what living a life of true greatness in the kingdom of God looks like. The Great Commandment - loving God with all that we are and our neighbor as ourselves The Great Commission - Discipling the nations to obey everything Jesus taught BELONG TOGETHER! Our love(s) needs ongoing discipleship. That is to say, our love needs constant formation so that we increasingly love that which God loves and love how Christ has called us to love one another. One of our main priorities when we gather as believers is to look at one another and ask, "do you love God with all that you are today..." This alone can give us a LIFETIME of formation in discipleship as we seek to be formed into the image of Christ together.

  • Becoming Servants Like our Servant King


    In this message, Pastor Chad unpacks what true kingdom greatness looks like as we continue in Matthew's gospel. Jesus has already called a little child in the midst of his disciples who are all wondering...who is the greatest in the kingdom? Jesus tells us point blank, unless we CHANGE and BECOME like a little children who are totally dependent on the Father we'll never enter the kingdom! Next, we meet the rich ruler who is trying to EARN his way into the kingdom by good works...with humans it's impossible Jesus tells us...but with God all things are possible! And then our text in Matthew 20:25-28 Jesus called them together and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. [26] Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, [27] and whoever wants to be first must be your slave- [28] just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

  • Greatness in the Kingdom: Cultivating Childlike Dependency


    in this message, Pastor Chad begins a three part series on what being "great" in the kingdom of God actually entails. EVERY PERSON wants to live a life of significance, blessing, and legacy but HOW do we know we're on the right path towards living a life that counts for eternity? Jesus uses the word(s) GREAT, GREATEST and GREATNESS throughout the gospels and we do well to tune into what Jesus names and how Jesus describes living a life of true greatness.

  • The Abiding Word


    In this message we look at John 15:7-9 and the implications the "abiding word" has for our prayer lives. Jesus promises, "if my word abides in you, ASK WHATEVER YOU WILL and it will be done for you..." We must ask, what does it mean to have the "word abide" within us? The big takeaway for this message is that the "abiding word" is the word that we accommodate, adjust to and orient the entirety of our lives around in order to embody and obey Jesus. We must treat Jesus and His word as the "orienting center" of our lives so that our "asking" is more and more aligned and in agreement with what is on God's heart and mind; thus, making it impossible for the Father not to answer the cries of His people.

  • If He HEARS, We HAVE what we ASK of HIM


    In this message, Rick Schaeffer walks us through the glorious promise of 1 John 5:13-15. If we ask according to God's will, HE HEARS us and if we know that HE HEARS us then we HAVE what we asked of Him... How do we grow in confidence in our prayer lives? How can we know that we're praying the will of God? How can Jesus bring us closer to what He walked in during his own ministry as it relates to communing and conversing with His Father? Be encouraged and equipped to believe for more when we pursue God in prayer.

  • Pray Like Jesus | Obey Like Jesus


    In this message, Pastor Chad walks us through the overarching commitment the Son of God had to love His Father so much that He was willing to obey Him no matter the cost or consequence. In order to walk in love and obedience, Jesus lived out a PRAYER SATURATED lifestyle; connecting him to the SOURCE of all the power and provision He would need to love and obey all the way to the end. At the intersection of OBEDIENCE the kingdom of God is being made manifest. Obedience is a big deal to God because LOVE is a big deal to God. If Jesus lived a life of prayer, we must also adopt his lifestyle to walk in love and to see the kingdom of God manifest on earth as it is in heaven.

  • How Much Do We All Need Mercy? (Episode 3)


    This is Episode 3 of "The Church" mini teaching series. In this teaching, Pastor Chad unpacks Jesus' incredible parable in Matthew 18 illustrating the absolute necessity of showing each other the mercy and forgiveness we ALL so desperately need in order to stay in fellowship. Peter comes to Jesus thinking the magic "number" of forgiving someone who sins against him at "7". Jesus says, "add a few zeroes and you might be getting a little closer!" (my paraphrase

  • What Do I Do When Church is Hard? (Episode 2)


    In Episode 2 of our mini-teaching series: The Church, Pastor Chad unpacks Jesus' operational protocol for dealing with sin within the church community. In an oft IGNORED or altogether NEGLECTED passage, Jesus lays his vision for our the church is meant to operate when dealing with sin. Especially the sin that disrupts relationship and desperately needs to be addressed. Jesus is zealous for his church to maintain close, covenantal relationship between brothers and sisters in the same spiritual family (read, the church!) and in order for us to stay in relationship we need HELP dealing with the sins and snares that inevitably rise up when we're in relationship with other broken individuals like ourselves. The whole process outlined in Matthew 18:15-20 is to be done with prayerful, pastoral, and communal care with the overarching desire for reconciliation between God, self and neighbor. Jesus gives us a blueprint to be and become the Radiant Church he died to create! (Ephesians 5:25-32)

  • You get to PARTICIPATE!


    In this message, Pastor Chad walks us through several key passages in Matthew illustrating who the kingdom of God is actually for. Who does Jesus call to himself? What kind of people get to participate in the kingdom of God and belong to the family of God? How do we actually get to enter God's kingdom? The good news is that Jesus calls the lost, the last and least to enter his kingdom! Fishermen, tax collectors, prostitutes, children...the unimportant and unimpressive...the sin-sick and the burnt out on religion.

  • Our Mandate - On Earth as it is in Heaven


    In this message, Pastor Chad draws out KEY principles that Jesus established by overcoming the test in the wilderness from the enemy regarding the way his kingdom would operate. I am not what I PRODUCE I am not how I PERFORM I am not what I POSSESS Jesus overcomes each test and instead confesses the true source of his identity. I am who my Father says I am (living on every word) My Father is always with me (on the mountains and through the valleys) My worth flows from the One who holds the place of preeminence and priority in my life Worship the Lord and serve him only! Jesus' FIRST MESSAGE is then: REPENT, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Jesus laid out the foundations for all of us to find our TRUE IDENTITY in the kingdom of God by defeating the enemy's scheme to trip him up and dictate the way in which Jesus would function on earth as it is in heaven. Praise God, we can find our true identity in the kingdom of God as beloved sons and daughters of God.

  • What is the Church - part 1


    In this teaching, Pastor Chad unpacks key elements that help us discern what we mean we say "the church". With so many opinions, so much baggage, and such bad press...what does Jesus say about His church? Why should we care? What does it mean to be "in the church"? Through the next few episodes in this mini teaching series we hope to tackle some of these key questions and bring clarity to these issues.

  • Clarity of Vision and Purpose - A Father's Role


    Our Mandate - on earth as it is in heaven Our Mission - disciple people into the image of Jesus Our Means - power and presence of the Holy Spirit Our Method - building kingdom communities Our Motivation - cruciform love Our Metric - joyful obedience

  • Pattern of Teaching


    We kick off a new conversation today looking at what Paul the Apostle meant when he said in Romans 6:17 - we've come to OBEY from our hearts the PATTERN OF TEACHING that has now claimed our ALLEGIANCE... What is the Pattern of Teaching? Why does it matter? How do we sign up for a lifelong pursuit of being formed by the gospel together? To CONNECT with our church, submit a PRAYER REQUEST, download FREE encouraging material, or GIVE to this ministry click the link below!

  • Set Apart, Sent, Sourced by the Holy Spirit — Acts 13 Reflection


    in this devotional reflection, Pastor Chad unpacks three key (with a bonus fourth!) dynamics at play for each believer to discover, discern and be deployed into God's redemptive purposes in the world. The Holy Spirit SETS US APART, the Holy Spirit SENDS and the Holy Spirit SOURCES us to actually fulfill that which he's assigned us to do. This will not be without opposition or difficulty but if we don't quit or lose heart, the work and word of the Lord will SPREAD through whole regions!

  • Psalm 85 Reflection


    Psalm 85 beautifully illustrates God's insatiable desire to unite his life in heaven with our lives here on earth. He is totally committed to pursuing us in our brokenness a sin and is heaven bent on bringing restoration, healing and guidance out of whatever mess we find ourselves in to his life-living leadership and love.

  • Pentecost Part 2


    In this message, Pastor Chad unpacks the remaining 3 dynamics fulfilled at Pentecost. Jesus OPENED the Scriptures to the Spirit-filled disciples, God EMPOWERED the disciples into bold witnesses, and the community of disciples adopted RHYTHMS and PRACTICES that fostered an environment where each one could grow into the full stature of Jesus.

  • How Do I Hear God's Voice


    How do we hear? The Bible The Holy Spirit pictures, impressions, still small voice, deep sense that “drops” in your spirit The Church Creation Dreams & Visions Angels The sacraments (communion, baptism…and MARRIAGE) Ultimately THROUGH JESUS! He is the WORD made flesh! The clearest COMMUNICATION of God to humanity Can’t Hear God? Read the Bible as it’s living, active and God-breathed Repent and renew your mind by coming into alignment & agreement with God Remember the countless times he’s communicating before Rejoice in God’s goodness and grace Rest in his promises, his peace, his presence and faithful provision Respond to what he’s saying now or to what you already know Run the race he’s called YOU to run.

  • How Do I Grow in Prayer


    A SIMPLE TOOL to GROW in PRAYER! Use the model Jesus gave us. “One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When He finished, one of his disciples said to him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray.’” Luke 11:1 This, then, is how you should pray: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one, for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.” Matthew 6:9-13 Prayer is about RELATIONSHIP with God Our Father… Prayer is about getting His PERSPECTIVE In heaven… Prayer is about WORSHIP Hallowed be your name… Prayer is about God’s AGENDA Your kingdom come, your will be done Prayer is about EXPECTATION On earth as it is in heaven Prayer is about PROVISION Give us today our daily bread Prayer is about FORGIVENESS Forgive us our debts Prayer is about RECONCILIATION As we also

  • A Tool for Growing in the Bible


    What does the passage SAY? How does the passage SHAPE our lives? How can I SHOW or SHARE this passage with others? Throughout the WHOLE PROCESS we're SPEAKING to the Holy Spirit - teach me, lead me, show me, help me learn and listen so I can love and live like Jesus.

  • Pentecost Sunday


    In this message, Pastor Chad unpacks several of the dynamics that were fulfilled with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. John's prophecy that Jesus would baptize with the Spirit and fire was fulfilled, the law of God was written on new hearts and sons and daughters prophesied the wonders of God in languages unknown to those declaring it! We need the power of the Spirit in our time.

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