Exploits For God - Byron Howell Ministries

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 54:20:17
  • Mais informações



I pray these messages encourage you to draw closer to God and do the great works He has planned for you. "The people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits." (Daniel 11:32)


  • The Biblical Truth About Divine Healing - Part 3

    09/09/2021 Duração: 01h06min

    In this podcast we are continuing to learn about divine healing, and today we have a special focus on faith. Without faith it is impossible to receive anything from God (James 1:6-7), so understanding faith is key to divine healing. Understanding true, Biblical faith is really the key to walking in all of God’s promises. Once you understand faith you can move mountains and you will see answers to prayer like never before.

  • The Biblical Truth About Divine Healing - Part 2

    02/09/2021 Duração: 56min

    This week we continue our study on Divine Healing. In this message I show you that the major arguments against Divine Healing are wrong, and how we should approach these arguments. We also go through God's Word so you can see that God has already provided for your healing and that Divine Healing belongs to every Christian as part of their inheritance from God!

  • The Biblical Truth About Divine Healing - Part 1

    27/08/2021 Duração: 51min

    This is the first teaching in a new series about Divine Healing. Many people believe different things about God's power and desire to see you healed, but the truth is that healing is God's will all the time, every time, for every one. In this podcast I will show you from God's Word how healing is God's will for you. In the next few podcasts I will show you how healing belongs to you as God's child and how you can receive healing.

  • The Final Evolution For Humanity

    11/06/2021 Duração: 53min

    The final evolution for humanity is not a microchip in your brain, it’s the complete integration of your natural and spiritual realities. If you will allow your spiritual reality to be the foundation and guiding light of your existence, you will begin living on another level, the level where Jesus lived and operated. This integrated natural and spiritual reality was always God’s intention for mankind, and it is one of the master keys to seeing God’s will in every area of your life.

  • Your New Reality

    27/05/2021 Duração: 38min

    When you become a Christian, amazing and wonderful things immediately happen to you. However, they are spiritual and can't be seen or felt. If you will learn about them and allow them to become foundational and pervasive in your thinking, they will impact every area of your life and help ready you for all that God has for you.

  • How To Be Led By God's Peace

    17/05/2021 Duração: 45min

    You can quickly and clearly know God's will in a given situation according to Godly peace. God will use peace in our hearts to lead us into His perfect will. We can learn to discern the presence (or absence) of Godly peace in our hearts, and this will help us correctly know God's will in many areas of our lives.

  • You Can Know God's Will

    06/05/2021 Duração: 49min

    God wants you to know His will more than you do. Not only is the Bible clear about this, but God has provided several ways for us to live with a constant working knowledge of His will. This week I'm explaining how it's clearly God's will for you to know His will, and I'm describing how to start recognizing His will for your life. It's easier than you might think and you already know more of His will than you would expect.

  • You Can Start Having Adventures For God's Kingdom

    29/04/2021 Duração: 51min

    Life with God should be fun and adventurous. God has an amazing plan for your life, and it involves relationships, places, works, family, excitement and more. Maybe it’s hard for you to believe that when considering your current situation. But don’t worry about that. If you will tune in and listen to God's directions, a life of Kingdom excitement and adventure is available to you.

  • Practical Steps To Living In God's Best

    21/04/2021 Duração: 47min

    This week I am talking generally about practical steps to seeing God's best in every area our lives. If we will learn God's ways and begin following them, we can truly begin to see what God has for us. The changes start in our minds, as we learn God's ways and directions, but then the changes take place in our hearts. The ways of God can become part of our thinking and our nature, and God's ways always lead to God's plans and God's best.

  • You Can Dominate Your World

    13/04/2021 Duração: 37min

    You can succeed and dominate in every area of your life. This is what God wants and God will help you get there. With God, nothing can stand against you, everything you touch can prosper, and nothing can keep you from your destiny of being a blessing to the world around you. It's time that we start taking our true place in the world, as the head, as the top, and as the blessed of the Lord. We should see God's best in our lives, which will then permeate to the world around us. If enough of us do this, we will change the world for the Kingdom of God.

  • How To Stop Sinning

    06/04/2021 Duração: 37min

    Sin in your life can be drastically reduced (if not altogether eliminated). The Bible tells us how to do this, and it's not nearly as difficult as we might think. However, simply focusing on the evils of sin or quitting won't get you there. The correct mental approach to God's directions, combined with a mental focus on God's Kingdom, will lead you away from sin and into God's best in every area of your life.

  • The Secret to True Inner Peace

    26/03/2021 Duração: 38min

    Inner peace is a hidden treasure that is available to us all. When I am at harmony within myself and with God, I can bring all that He created me to be to every moment, to every situation, and I can experience God's best in them all.

  • The Key to Answered Prayers - Live by Faith Part 3

    06/03/2021 Duração: 37min

    We all want to see our prayers answered, and faith is the key to answered prayer. We must learn about true Biblical faith so that we can see all of God's amazing promises in our lives. They aren't automatic, faith is required. I know this will bless you!

  • God's Frequency

    17/02/2021 Duração: 08min

    Why do so many people fail to hear from God clearly and consistently? The answer is that they are not tuned into His frequency and listening according to His communication methods. In a few minutes I will explain this to you and help you get started on the right path to hearing from God.

  • The Secret of Life

    05/02/2021 Duração: 01h52s

    The Secret of Life is found in Matthew 6:33, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He (God) will give you everything you need.” Let's talk about it.

  • The Election Is Over - Now Rise And Shine

    21/01/2021 Duração: 49min

    Regardless of how you feel about the 2020 Presidential Election, it's over. Let's take a moment and focus on the enduring truths and directions from God's Word, which are independent of any earthly governing body. It's time for the Body of Christ to rise and shine like never before.

  • How To Become Spiritual

    04/01/2021 Duração: 01h01min

    Becoming a spiritual person (according to the Bible's definition of "spiritual") is extremely important. While spiritual ideas often get lost in jargon and confusing teachings, the Bible is actually pretty clear about how to become a spiritual person and the importance of your personal spirituality. In this podcast I also teach you how to become "spiritually minded", how to "walk in the Spirit", and how to be "led by the Spirit." I know this will bless you and help you get your 2021 off to a great start.

  • Live By Faith - Part 2

    14/12/2020 Duração: 41min

    It's time for Christians to change the world, and faith is the master key to seeing God's will in every area of reality. In this episode we start looking at some of Jesus' teachings on faith, and we begin to see some of the amazing possibilities ahead for those who live by faith.

  • Live By Faith - Part 1

    10/12/2020 Duração: 49min

    Four times the Bible tells us to live by faith, but what does that mean? Yes it means have faith in Jesus Christ, yes it means allowing your faith to guide your life, but it also means using faith as Jesus did to see God's will in every area of your life. Christians, we must learn about faith and start using our faith so that we can do our part for the Kingdom of God and see all God wants for us in our lives.

  • Living in God's Kingdom

    15/11/2020 Duração: 49min

    When we really understand the Kingdom of God, and it's realities for our lives, we will begin thinking and living differently. We are called to have authority and power in Jesus' Name, preaching and demonstrating the Kingdom of God. Take the realities of God's Kingdom and change the world around you.

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