League Of Adventurous Singles With Kira Sabin

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 223:11:57
  • Mais informações



Join Kira Sabin, positive psychology practitioner and certified life coach at the League of Adventurous Singles, weekly for super smart and sweary conversations about love, dating and relationships. You can expect some rants about mindsets that needs some clarification (i.e., revealing hard-core truths about some kind of crap people are buying into), but you can guarantee she snd her expert guests will be bringing in smart, fresh thoughts that can help you change your perspective on love. Because when you change your perspective, you change your life. If you are ready to stop waiting for love and start creating an amazing relationship, then we are on like Donkey Kong!


  • The REAL Problem with Ghosting

    03/08/2016 Duração: 06min

    GHOSTING!!!! I pretty much think it is the bane of our existence in dating.   Dramatic, maybe.  Untrue?  Nope. Ghosting is pretty much crap for lots of reasons...I wrote the article about that here. But today I break down the REAL reason that ghosting is a problem for everyone! Check it out!

  • How Travel Changed My Love Life

    29/07/2016 Duração: 10min

    We have apologies, announcements, haikus, jedi mind tricks, everything all over this episode. But if there is one thing it is....it is real. Because it is my goal to start doing more podcasts and just sharing my knowledge.  Even if it sounds awkward... You're welcome. Check out the new singles travel site and join me in Costa Rica! http://loastravel.com/

  • We Are All About 5 Seconds From Bat Shit Crazy

    18/03/2016 Duração: 18min

    I have been known to buy a ticket on the crazy train once or twice:) Listen up as I breakdown the difference about truths vs stories in our heads and how they can affect our new relationships.   Oh, and I share a "Kira being ridiculous" story to help you learn.  My pain, your gain. You're welcome...:) Want to join me in Greece?  Otherwise, find out info about the Owner's Manual Class here or work with me one-on-one!  

  • What Happens When Shit Gets Real In A Relationship

    03/03/2016 Duração: 11min

    Shit just got real. I think when we are dating and all things seem lovely and everyone is on their best behavior, we forget about the shit. The bad days. The rough times. The days we are just not fucking winning at life. This is a story about those times:)

  • Why You Should Stop Looking For Love

    19/02/2016 Duração: 08min

    No, I am not trying to be a super downer.   I am a life coach for God’s sake.  I think we know I am am mostly rainbows, unicorns with a side of sugar cookies.  The good kind. With sprinkles. But we are not fucking around here, people.  Love is too amazing to be messed with. Today I am going to shake shit up by letting you know why you immediately need to stop looking for love and what you need to do instead. Listen here.

  • Want Love? Give Yourself A Fucking Break!

    19/02/2016 Duração: 08min

    Why are all so fucking hard on ourselves?  Seriously, that shit is killing us! Today, I breakdown why that feeling not only sucks but is pretty much the biggest (love) sabotage ever. I also give you three ways to start getting past all of that.

  • Stop Waiting For Someone To Complete You!

    19/02/2016 Duração: 08min

    Seriously....stop doing that shit. Today I am going to break down the two reasons people have relationships and which one is killing you (Hint: it's the "complete me" reason)...cause I am good like that.

  • Are You Making People Feel Special?

    19/02/2016 Duração: 08min

    Bringing it down for a minute today... Listen up as I share my very first theory about love and it just might change your life.  Seriously!  Would I lie to you? Your adventure for today:  Journal the shit out of these questions. When was the last time you just showed up as completely you and made someone feel really, really special?  Leaving the worries behind. When have you approached someone with a child-like curiosity and collected their stories like fireflies?  Gone slow enough to get to know all of them and just embrace them for exactly who they are? What does special feel like to you? Have you cleared away the baggage enough to feel it?

  • Three Signs You Are Not Ready For Love

    19/02/2016 Duração: 10min

    OH SHIT. It is gettin' real today.  Real good, that is. Today is a big ass reality check about no matter how much you bitch about it over wine, are you actually ready for love? Listen up as I break down my thoughts on how to detect about whether or not you are even ready for love if someone great shows up.

  • Love Is Going To Be Messy. Stop Making Excuses

    19/02/2016 Duração: 07min

    Oh shit. It is gettin' real today.  Real good, that is. Today is a big ass reality check about (complicated) dating over 35 and what we need to do about it. Listen up as I break down my thoughts on settling, divorce and dating with kids.  It's smart, but a doozy.

  • Men Can't Read Minds...Get Over It

    19/02/2016 Duração: 06min

    Want a psychic?  Hire one. Want a relationship?  You effin' create. Men aren't mindreaders. Listen up as I break down how we need to stop believing that people love us more if they can read our minds. That is looney tunes and kicking your ass...

  • Closure Is Effin' Overrated

    19/02/2016 Duração: 15min

    I have a friend and she wrote a book.   It is all kinds of genius. I have her on today as my first ever guest, Andrea Owen, talking about everything you need to know about closure, effed-up relationships and how to get over them. You want to listen.....immediately. Find Andrea's free chapters and bonus items here and make sure to get on over to amazon and pick up your copy today!

  • Five Types Of People You Should Run From Immediately!!

    19/02/2016 Duração: 09min

    Don't you wish you had a crystal ball to see in the future if your new relationship will all work out? Well you can't so get over that shit now.  However, there are very tell tale signs of people who aren't really ready for a healthy relationship right now. Listen up as I break down  five different personalities that you you should run (not walk) away from.....immediately!  

  • Can Men And Women Be Friends?

    19/02/2016 Duração: 12min

    Can men and women be friends? It is one more in the Kira Chronicles where I am sharing my own mistakes and heartaches for your learnin'.  You're welcome. Listen up as I talk today about my own personal story of thinking I knew what love was and being absolutely and completely wrong.

  • Are You Too Intimidating For Love?

    19/02/2016 Duração: 08min

    Sometimes we like to pretend, don't we? Pretend that we have all of our shit together and have everything all figured out.  You and I both know that is bullshit, right? Listen up as I talk today about my own personal story of being too awesome and it biting me in the ass.

  • Do You Want Love Enough To Ask For It?

    19/02/2016 Duração: 08min

    So I spent a lot of my life waiting for love to find me.... It took me a long time to realize that I was the one pushing it away by just not asking for it! Listen up as I talk today about a personal story that left me with a huge a-ha moment and changed the way I look at love and relationships.

  • Dating Myths That Are Kicking Your Ass

    19/02/2016 Duração: 08min

    I can not lie, we believe a lot of crap when it comes to love. Ideas that keep us super duper safe and making excuses of why love is not working for us. Listen up as I talk today about dating myths that even the smartest of smarties are buying into and is kicking your ass.  It's a good one.

  • I Am Not Happy...But I Love Him

    19/02/2016 Duração: 07min

    Sometimes we blame lots of the bad stuff on love. True story. We allow shitty behavior to happen and call it love although it has NOTHING to do with it. Listen up as I talk today about why that isn't love and what you can do about it. Your Adventure for Today: WHEN YOU ARE IN THAT “SICK TO YOUR STOMACH” UNHAPPY FEELING (IN ANY KIND OF RELATIONSHIP), I WANT YOU TO ASK YOURSELF IF YOU ARE STICKING AROUND BECAUSE OF LOVE OR FEAR AND WHAT YOU CAN DO TO START CHANGING THAT.

  • How To Be An Adventurous Single

    19/02/2016 Duração: 11min

    Dating can be complicated...... However, there are small mindsets that can make it all quite a bit easier and the dating jedi or ninja you secretly know you are. So grab your light saber or black belt and listen in as they are laid out in this 10 minutes of genius I made just for you. Cause I sure think you are awesome.

  • Seriously, That Rejection Is Not Actually About You

    19/02/2016 Duração: 08min

    Rejection sucks. But what if that last rejection was actually not about you?  Or really any of them for that matter.... Here are my pretty darn smart thoughts on the way we love and why we can't really take a break-up so stinkin' seriously. Plus, you are going to get to here about a somewhat-ridiculous, personal kamikaze mission I did myself.  Listen up, Chachi!  Your Adventure for Today: When you find yourself in a new possible relationship that doesn’t feel right, step back and ask if you are uncomfortable because someone is treating you badly or because this is a new type love you haven’t experienced before. Ask yourself: is this healthy? If it is, keep on giving it a chance.

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