Quantum Conversations

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 773:57:16
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Quantum Conversations are brought you by Acoustichealth.com to Empower, Inspire and Enlighten listeners and raise the vibration of the planet during this great shift in the ages. Join us for consciousness-expanding conversations focused on creating New Earth. Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lauren.galeyLike Healing Conversations on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AcousticHealth?pnref=lhc


  • Quantum Conversation with Alana Fairchild - Frequencies of the Sacred Feminine

    26/10/2017 Duração: 01h28min

    Access Alana Fairchild's Special Offer http://acoustichealth.com/alanaoffer.htm Frequencies of the Sacred Feminine The Priestess Isis, Fierce Mother Kali, the Marian Cult and the Mysteries of Magdalene, Radiant Goddess Tara, Sensual Bastet and Wild Sekhmet - these voices of the Sacred Feminine stir us from within, urging us to explore divine consciousness for the benefit of all beings. How do you know when you are in sacred feminine initiation? What are the signs of divine feminine awakening? Join oracle goddess Alana Fairchild as we honour the heart, intuition and wisdom of the sacred feminine frequencies.

  • Quantum Conversation with Maryanne Savino - Crystalline Synthesis

    25/10/2017 Duração: 01h45min

    Access Maryanne Savino's Special Offer http://acoustichealth.com/maryanneoffer.htm Crystalline Synthesis: Ascension Light Codes and the Alchemy of Sound Crystalline Synthesis is a vibrational sound activation that raises and expands consciousness to assist you in a new way of being and living with more freedom. It has a powerful and transformative effect on our physiology in that it moves through the fluid systems of our bodies by way of breath awareness, intention and sound frequencies. It restores us to Wholeness and Harmony (Crystalline Synthesis=Wholeness & Harmony).

  • Quantum Conversation with Matt Andrews - Stepping into Your Authentic Self with Confidence

    25/10/2017 Duração: 02h03min

    Access Matt Andrew's Special Offer http://acoustichealth.com/mattaoffer.htm Stepping into Your Authentic Self with Confidence Finding Happiness is high on everyone’s list of desires, but most people are following recipes for how they have been educated to attain happiness and it is not working for them. We feel that the only way you will experience the deepest level of happiness is when you allow yourself to be free of the indoctrinations and the “shoulds” and can step into, embrace, and act as, the Authentic Being that you are. Of course, that requires a level of confidence that arises as you no longer allow your fears and doubts to run your life. We are here to help you.

  • Quantum Conversation with Maryji - Awakening to Your Ascension

    23/10/2017 Duração: 01h47min

    Access Maryji's Special Offer www.acoustichealth.com/marycoffer.htm Awakening to Your Ascension As an awakened spiritual teacher, Maryji is gifted with the ability to transform your consciousness from a duality based limited mind experience into a greater awareness of the Oneness of Divinity and the all expansive interconnectedness to All That Is. When we awaken to the Infinite Oneness we realize our Divine Purpose and for most of us this realization serves as an impetus to create more harmony, love, happiness and Divine Light in our lives as well as on our dear planet. By creating Luminous Bodies, we become conduits for the Divine Light which transforms your consciousness, centers you in your Divinity during these chaotic times in the collective and adds to the Light Quotient on the Earth. Claim a Free Subscription to Quantum Conversations : www.acoustichealth.com

  • Quantum Conversation with Lisa Trancendence Brown - New Zero Point Encodements

    19/10/2017 Duração: 01h46min

    Special Offer from Lisa Transcendence Brown http://www.acoustichealth.com/lisaoffer8.htm New Zero Point Light Encodements Earth is multidimensional and so are we! Physical Ascension happens when we expand our consciousness. Everything in our reality is an initiation to see what reality we are going to choose. Can we create a reality of high vibrations embracing our Higher Self Aspects ? In this Quantum Conversation video with Lisa Transcendence Brown, we discuss the immense clearing process of old Earth Matrix programming from our physical bodies and how the current energies are challenging every part of us to open to Higher Consciousness and function from this place. Claim a Free email Subscription to Quantum Conversations; http://www.acoustichealth.com

  • Quantum Conversation with Ted Winslow - New Musical Technology to Raise Your Vibration

    13/10/2017 Duração: 01h15min

    Special Offer from Ted Winslow www.acoustichealth.com/tedoffer.htm New Musical Technology to Raise Your Vibration 432Hz Tuning & The Solfeggio Tones Revealed Change Your Life with SOUNDSYNCTECH™ Ted has developed a new technology, which has been scientifically proven to raise your vibration, lower your stress anxiety levels as well as energize you through a variety of traditional frequencies. Coupled with healing aspects of Theta & Alpha for the next generation in Sound Healing! Ted also shares with the audience a way to easily change your epigenetic programming through the use of SoundSyncTech™ to change your life! Claim your Free Subscription to Quantum Conversations: www.acoustichealth.com

  • Quantum Conversation with Anrita Melchizedek - Angelic Golden Dolphin & Whale Attunements

    05/10/2017 Duração: 01h29min

    Access Anrita Melchizedek's Special Offer http://acoustichealth.com/anritaoffer6.htm Angelic Golden Dolphin & Whale Attunement An update on the incoming planetary energies with Anrita Melchizedek and the Pleiandian and Melchizedek LIght Network. Experience a mini transmission on the Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Attunements. As we deepen into our passion and heart's dreaming through our unique ESP and creative gifts, we experience greater levels of increased sensitivities as we come together as One Unified Field of Light. As these telepathic and empathetic gifts come online, this activates into new levels of communication with all bands of consciousness, and at this time, it is the Angelic Golden Dolphins and Whales who come forward to connect with us. Claim Free Subscription to Daily Shows at http://www.acoustichealth.com

  • Quantum Conversation with Sara Landon - Awaken to your Ultimate Purpose

    05/10/2017 Duração: 02h52s

    Special Offer from Sara Landon http://acoustichealth.com/saraoffer2.htm Awaken To Your Soul’s Ultimate Purpose: Live Your Greater Calling You came into this life experience with a purpose! You intended to express the fullness of all that you are through the human experience. You intended to expand your own consciousness and take thought beyond what once was believed to be impossible. You knew that you were an unlimited force of powerful energy, focused in physical form, for the purpose of your own growth and expansion. And most importantly, you knew that continuous joy, happiness, health, wealth, peace and fulfillment were inherently available to you in every moment. Once you awaken to your soul’s ultimate purpose, you’ll discover why your unique dreams, desires, and passions are so very important. Your dreams are in your heart for a reason. They serve in the fulfillment of your ultimate expansion. Every event in your life has led you to this moment. Everything you’re living and learning in this life experi

  • Quantum Conversation with Catherine Rosenbaum - You Are RE-Written in the Stars

    04/10/2017 Duração: 02h06s

    Access Catherine Rosenbaum's Special Offer: www.acoustichealth.com/catherineoffer.htm You Are RE-Written in the Stars We have been eclipsed. Fractal time has bent and we are on a new playing field of balancing ourselves in a sea of chaos. Earth, is a planet of 2 sides, black and white, shadow and light; duality at its best. Our job is waking up the quantum giant with-in you! There’s a field of Unity in neutrality and calm. Catherine was born a “Lunar Being” called a REFLECTOR. When you sit with a REFLECTOR in a session: they reflect back to us the deep, and often hidden, intimate (jeweled) facets of ourselves. She is a gifted teacher, guide thru time, a true empath, lover of the stars, and brings clarity, healing, humor, and safety back into the game of life in these times. She will give a psychic weather report and speak about what’s up in the stars towards the end of this year. REGISTER FOR ALL QUANTUM CONVERSATIONS http://www.acoustichealth.com

  • Quantum Conversation with Cherie Virgini - Our Pets Are Talking, Are We Listening?

    19/09/2017 Duração: 01h30min

    Access Cherie Virigini's Special Offer on Pet Readings: http://www.acoustichealth.com/cherieoffer.htm Our Pets Are Talking, Are We Listening? Animals come to the planet with their own unique wisdom, intelligence, purpose and messages. They give us the opportunity to experience empathy, compassion and unconditional love with full, open hearts. The lessons they're here to share, are presented in such a way that we're encouraged to look deep within our souls to understand and grow. Our pets are placed divinely on our paths to offer support, growth and encourage us in each and every moment to choose love over fear. Cherie takes us into the hearts and minds of the animals. She'll share their view on the planet, humans, and what we can do to embrace their wisdom, messages to get the most from our shared time on the planet. REGISTER FOR ALL QUANTUM CONVERSATIONS: http://www.acoustichealth.com Free Daily Inspiration for High Vibes and New Earth Creations

  • Quantum Conversation with Tori Hartman - Awakening to your Life Purpose

    18/09/2017 Duração: 01h45min

    Access Tori Hartman's Special Offer: http://www.acoustichealth.com/torioffer.htm Awakening to your Life Purpose Your purpose is the key to everything; experiencing freedom, an inspired life, a quality of life that is outstanding, attracting people that are living their purpose and want to support you in yours. This is all within your reach. REGISTER FOR ALL QUANTUM CONVERSATIONS: www.acoustichealth.com Free Daily Inspiration for New Earth Creation

  • Quantum Conversation with Joy Baker - Ascending Through the Chakras!

    14/09/2017 Duração: 01h47min

    Access Joy Baker's Special Offer: http://www.acoustichealth.com/joyoffer.htm Ascending Through the Chakras! Find out how unresolved emotions, beliefs and traumas that began in childhood keep us stuck and prevent us from living an inspired and fulfilled life. Learn why it's crucial that you clear old energies and blocked emotions (Emotions-Energy in Motion) in order to experience optimum health and well-being. Experience a group process designed to assist you in balancing your chakras and activating joy, happiness, ease, abundance and more. REGISTER FOR ALL QUANTUM CONVERSATIONS: www.acoustichealth.com

  • Quantum Conversation with Elizabeth McCullough - Practicing with Light

    14/09/2017 Duração: 02h23min

    Access Elizabeth McCullough's 3 Minds Special Offer: www.acoustichealth.com/elizabethoffer2.htm Practicing with Light, Recognizing False Light and Dissolving the Matrix The changes in the global collective have been tectonic. Perhaps all those old techniques you have used just aren’t working to clear your trauma and give you clarity? It’s not surprising that old methods of working on yourself aren’t as potent in this present realm. Are you ready to jump into the energetic slip streams available? Don’t miss your chance to move quickly upwards into pure light living, literally and spiritually! REGISTER FOR ALL QUANTUM CONVERSATIONS: www.acoustichealth.com Access Free Music From The Universe and Daily Inspiriation

  • Quantum Conversation with Connie And Jorge Zafra- The Power of Releasing Negative Energies

    12/09/2017 Duração: 01h48min

    Access Connie and Jorge Zafra's Special Offer on Physical & Energy Scan: http://acoustichealth.com/conniejorgeoffer.htm The Power of Releasing Negative Energies When we are living a life of constant stress, full of fears, insecurities, concerns, in a constant battle to survive each day, we are creating disruptions in energy within us and around us, that can cause all kinds of physical and emotional issues. These negative energies can cause issues around relationships, career, finances and/or health issues. The energetic component of any life issue can affect the outcome or course of such issue. In this show, we will help you understand how to detect when we have created or picked a negative energy, how to release such energies and how to stop sabotaging our happiness. We will give you the elements to incorporate in your life, that will help you release yourself from this undesired state and attract only the positive. REGISTER FOR ALL QUANTUM CONVERSATIONS: www.acoustichealth.com and receive daily inspira

  • Quantum Conversation with Sarah Jane Farrel - Healing the Great Seperation Sickness

    08/09/2017 Duração: 01h19min

    Access Sarah Jane Farrel's Special Offer http://www.acoustichealth.com/sarahjfoffer.htm Healing the Great Separation Sickness ~ How to Return to Trust and use Pain as a Pathway to Healing What if you could tune in and allow yourself to fully feel and trust in the messages that you are receiving? Are you ready to trust that you are enough for you, your body, your relationships with others and your animals? What if you understood that you have the ability to heal yourself, and others? Would your life change? If you are wondering how you will ever trust yourself again after loss, grief, healing crisis or betrayal then join us on this Quantum Conversation and experience profound way to Feel Peace and Become the Eye of the Storm. REGISTER FOR ALL QUANTUM CONVERSATIONS: http://www.acoustichealth.com Daily Inspiriation for New Earth Creations

  • Quantum Conversation with Christopher Macklin - Rapid Manifestation with Ancient Magi Technique

    06/09/2017 Duração: 01h43min

    Access Rev. Christopher Macklin's Special Offer http://www.acoustichealth.com/christophermoffer.htm Manifestation in Divine Alignment and Rapid Magi Manifestation Christopher will be teaching you how to manifest for your highest good using the ancient technique mastered by the Magi. It involves the five points of Who, What, Where, When, and Why. This techniques utilizes Sacred Geometry and Angelic Writing which will set the Universal Intent of Rapid Manifestation. REGISTER FOR ALL QUANTUM CONVERSATIONS: www.acoustichealth.com Daily inspiration for New Earth Creations

  • Quantum Conversation with Zoe Davenport - Crystalline Expansion

    05/09/2017 Duração: 01h40min

    Access Zoe Davenport's Special Offer on Crystalline Light Activations: http://www.acoustichealth.com/zoeoffer.htm Crystalline Expansion - Explore and create from multiple dimensions and timelines This is the time - this is the NOW - this is the potential that you have been looking for - yarning for deep within your being. The BE-ING in JOY, the ability to love, the ability to play, the ability to show up 100% authentically you. Trusting you are enough - yes YOU - your wonderful beautiful divine light is enough and so needed at this time of great awakening potential. Join us as we move through a wonderful crystalline sound activation and downloaded light codes to embody multi-dimensional living, jump timelines, collapse timelines and align to your greatest potential through grace, love, joy, play and ease. REGISTER FOR ALL QUANTUM CONVERSATIONS; www.acoustichealth.com Daily Inspiration and High Vibe Conversations for New Earth Creations

  • Quantum Conversation with Michelle Casto - Activate Your Light Body For ‘Ultimate Abundance’

    05/09/2017 Duração: 58min

    Access Michelle Casto's Special Offer: http://www.acoustichealth.com/michellecastooffer.htm Activate Your Light Body For ‘Ultimate Abundance’ Prepare to Shift at the core level. Dr. Michelle created Quantum Success Energetics from two decades of working with clients from all over the world. QSE is a “Transformational Technology” that energetically upgrades your POS (Personal Operating System) so you can create more with less time, effort and energy. During this call you will release hidden subconscious barriers and receive a light body clearing, so you can ‘Rock Your Destiny’ and enjoy “Ultimate Abundance.” REGISTER FOR ALL QUANTUM CONVERSATIONS: www.acoustichealth.com Daily inspiration and activations for New Earth Creations

  • Quantum Conversation with Dawn Crystal - Sound Energy Voice Healing

    31/08/2017 Duração: 01h36min

    Access Dawn Crystal's Special Offer on Sound Voice Energy Healing http://www.acoustichealth.com/dawnoffer.htm Sound Energy Voice Healing to Dissolve Pain Get out of Pain Forever! It's Fast and Easy... Enjoy this Sound Energy Voice Healing with Dawn Crystal and within minutes your Pain will disappear and you will feel more Peace and Grounded in your physical Body. Dawn Crystal is a recognized Gifted Global Voice Sound Energy Healer, Pain Release Expert, Soul Reader, Medium, Intuitive Life Coach Register for All Quantum Conversations http://www.acoustichealth.com

  • Quantum Converation with Lyon Zonamyari - The Energetics of Your Name

    31/08/2017 Duração: 01h43min

    Access Lyon G. Payley Zonamyari's Special Offer on Name Analysis: http://www.acoustichealth.com/lyonoffer.htm Name Reality - What Does Your Name Say About You? From birth, your given documented names create a blueprint that shapes and defines your character, your personality, your virtues, vices and both your mental and physical health, for better or worse. More amazing, the second part of this system reveals how letters from each of your names rotate at predetermined years, influencing events and the way you live your life. Incredible, maybe, but true! This is not a new hokey pokey theory and this is not numerology. This system was originally used in ancient times by enlightened families to name their children for a prosperous happy and healthy life. It has been documented many times over the last several thousand years and was for the most, kept a secret. When you see for yourself how accurate this system is, you will understand why it has been kept under wraps. REGISTER FOR ALL QUANTUM CONVERSATIONS: w

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