Solid Words

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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Weekly expository sermons emanating from the pulpit of The Living Church, a Reformed congregation, in Anniston, AL.


  • The Lord's Prayer - Forgive Us Our Debts


    Big idea – Forgiven people forgive people. Since God forgives us, we are to forgive others.

  • The Lord's Prayer - Our Daily Bread


    In this sermon, we examine the fourth petition in the Lord's Prayer, where Jesus instructs His disciples to ask God for daily bread.

  • 1 Samuel Chapters 9-10 Bible Study


    In which we study Saul being chosen, anointed, and proclaimed as king of Israel.

  • Your Will Be Done - Matthew 6:10


    One of the most perplexing and often misunderstood questions that Christians (and non-Christians alike) wrestle with is this: What is God’s will for my life? Pastor Ron answers these questions in today's sermon.

  • 1 Samuel Chapter 8 Bible Study


    In which Israel demands a king to rule over them and be like the pagan nations around them; thus, they reject Yahweh's as their King.

  • 1 Samuel Chapter 7 Bible Study


    In which we study Samuel's role as a prophet, priest, and judge. He calls the nation to repentance and to put away the false gods from among them.

  • 1 Samuel Chapters 5-6 Bible Study


    In which we study the Ark of God among the Philistines. When the Ark is brought into their pagan temple, the Lord destroys their god and He afflicts the Philistines with tumors and causes great suffering. Finally, the Philistines decide to send the Ark of God back to Israel.

  • The Lord's Prayer: Hallowed Be Your Name


    Jesus teaches us not only how to pray, but how NOT to pray. He also teaches us whom to pray to and what to pray for. No better teacher of prayer than Jesus. After all, He is God. It behooves us to follow and apply His instructions on prayer. His first instructed shows us that we are to "hallow" His name when we pray. Pastor Ron explains this first petition in this sermon.

  • 1 Samuel Chapter 4 Bible Study


    In which we study the fulfillment of God's judgment against the house of Eli and the capturing of the Ark of the Lord by the Philistines.

  • The Church in Laodicea: Lukewarm, but Loved


    The Laodicean church was indifferent to the things of God, They were lukewarm. Therefore, God was disgusted with them. He had no commendations for this church. He calls them to be zealous and repent.

  • 1 Samuel Chapter 3 Bible Study


    In which Samuel issues his first prophecy, where God calls him to prophesy against Eli's household.

  • The Church in Philadelphia: The Faithful Church


    THe Church in Philadelphis was a faithful church because they held to the truths of Jesus despite the paganism surrounding them.

  • 1 Samuel Chapter Bible Study, Part 2


    In which we study the corruption of Eli's sons contrasted with the faithfulness of the young Samuel. God announces judgment on Eli and his descendants. God is faithful to raise up a faithful high priest, who is ultimately fulfilled in Christ.

  • The Church in Sardis - The Dead Church


    The Church in Sardis received the harshest reprimand from Christ because they were a dead church, though they appeared alive. They appeared to have it together, yet they were not. Christ has no commendations for them at all. Jesus had nothing good to say about this church!

  • 1 Samuel Chapter 2 Bible Study, Part 1


    In which we study Hannah's prayer, where she praises God for His sovereignty, provision, and answer to her prayer.

  • The Church in Thyatira: The Tolerant Church


    The Church in Thyatira, like the others, especially the church in Ephesus, had a lot going for it. They were growing spiritually, which is more important than growing numerically. However, they were tolerant, which is not a virtue. They tolerated sexual immorality and false teaching.

  • 1 Samuel Chapter 1 Bible Study


    In which we study the plight of Hannah, the mother of Samuel. She is barren and in her anguish and bitterness, she cries out to God from her soul. The LORD hears and answers her prayer, and Samuel is born. She fulfills her vow to the LORD by giving Samuel to the LORD all the days of his life.

  • The Church in Pergamum - The Compromised Church


    The Church in Pergamum was one who was faithful to the Truth of Christ, but also compromised the truth of Christ. This church was faithful, but worldly. If the Ephesian church was guilty of elevating truth above love, the church at Pergamum had elevated love above truth.

  • Ruth Chapter 4 Bible Study


    Ruth and Boaz marry.

  • The Church in Smyrna - The Persecuted Church


    Faithfulness and enduring hardship are one of the hallmarks of a Biblical church. The Church in Smyrna was one who endured tribulation and hardship. They persevered. We must do the same.

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