Truth lives at That LARRY SHOW, a weekly sojourn at the crossroads of madness and enlightenment. With LARRY in your life, you will Take No Sh*t, and laugh your way to victory.
Episode 42: GYNARCHY - Larry Strikes Back
05/09/2017 Duração: 18minLarry takes on 2 man-hating broads at a supermarket and wins • Words you must NEVER use at the TNS Dojo. • Elvis shot his sports car: why you should, too • Larry's Clark Griswold moment • How to vanquish a female who thinks she is superior • Can you judge a head case by her clothing? • Femme fashions that signal "psycho." Which demo is most often victims of violence? (hint: it's NOT women.) All this and more!!!!
Episode 41: Point of No Return
29/08/2017 Duração: 25minWhat are the 3 worst words in the English language? • Why Larry hates Labor Day (and you should too) • What does Labor Day really mean? • Why is it a Commie holiday? • What happens when you turn 30? • How do you keep it from happening to you? • What do women say when they turn 30? • When is it time to quit your job? • How do you know when some chick is the one • All this and more!
Episode 40 : Beating Loneliness
22/08/2017 Duração: 25minHow to find "the one" for you • How to disentangle from a bad romance • 7 words that can keep you from wrecking your life • How self - reliance lets you choose a life mate on your terms • The difference between friends and acquaintances • Why mood-levelers are poison • How to enjoy your own company • How to enjoy dining alone • @ Commie words never to use at the TNS Dojo • After this episode you may never feel lonely again!
Episode 39: Doomsday
15/08/2017 Duração: 24minInterview with Kim Jung Un's personal hooker • The EXACT date of WW III revealed • Why Kim Jong Un is the HERO WE NEED • What's in Kim Jong Un's cargo container-sized toy chest? • The "special place" where Kim likes to be touched • Why Dennis Rodman is our only hope • Who was Larry's personal boogeyman? • Why you should embrace the apocalypse • How Kim compares to other boogeymen • Is Kim a cross dresser and what does he wear? • Why Justin Bieber is safe from Kim's nukes • Why WW III should be called The Big Reset. All this and more... if we're still alive!
Episode 38: Planet Snitch
08/08/2017 Duração: 28minEast Germany, c. 1970 = the new normal • On Planet Snitch accused = guilty • Hear an audio file from inside Lena Dunham's skull •What is Zersetzung, and why are we living it? • What single word unmasks PC pukes? • Who invented doxing? • What is the code of Omerta? • What does a massive urinal have to do with fixing a tattle-tale? • Why TOS is sh*t • What to say when cretins quote "policy" • All this and more!
Episode 37: Larry Re-brands God
01/08/2017 Duração: 26minGOD RE-BRANDED... as Tony Spumonte! • Take a ride... in Tony Spumonte's inter-dimensional Cadillac • Give Us This Day Our Daily Gnocchi • Why God has become hip as a flip phone • How to win a Lottery • What is the Splat Calculator? • Tweeting your prayers • If Tony Spumonte saves the world will he still be a criminal? • Who created the Cosmic Cherry Bomb? • Why Karma is Krap • The good, sustainable meteor that Bill Nye & Al Gore want you to love and die for • Why people who play God should have their faces punched off their skulls • All this and more!!!!
Episode 36: Alternate Reality
25/07/2017 Duração: 23minWho is Brenda the Bride and what does she want from Larry? What wisdom does he give her and all single chix? What's the Krell Brain Boost and why does Elon Musk need it? Why is Elon Musk a pinhead? Is Larry's local supermarket a portal to another dimension? Who's Ravishing Rashmi and how pointy is she? How did Larry miss being killed by a NYC bus, witness a double homicide that looked like an effect from Dune, then eat French food with a pointy chick? Why are Los Angeles pedestrians the stupidest people on earth? How are Furries the same as corporate execs? All this and more!
Episode 35: Dogs Are Better Than People
18/07/2017 Duração: 24minWhy dogs are better than people • How a dog ruined Larry's Christmas, and his father's car, yet delivered this show to you • Why Larry loved Freddy, the world's most psychotic, homicidal canine (and you will too) • What did Larry find in a junkyard that became an article of clothing he wore for years? • Is Trixie a dog name, a hooker name, or both? Meet Mama Jenkins, a .12 gauge totin' maniac who almost took out Larry's extended family • What is Madera Star-Flecked Twilight and how can it bring you spiritual enlightenment? All this and more!
11/07/2017 Duração: 28minLarry's prank call that had NYC cops chasing their tails • The mass-suicide that was hilarious! • Why YOU are in a CULT and don't even know it • Which cult did Larry escape from? • How a creepy, talentless dwarf got a harem (and you can, too!) • The cult that hitched a ride on a comet • What to wear to heaven • Why St. Peter cares about your shoes • The pointy chix who fought for Larry's soul • America's new, fun religion • All this and more!
Episode 32 (mini-sode) : Larry Slugs CNN & Saves Free Speech
07/07/2017 Duração: 05minLike free speech? Like seeing a billion dollar Goliath get its ass kicked by a David with a microphone? Then this your episode. 5 fast minutes of brutal, head-snapping, lie-pummeling truth. CNN hits the Dojo floor like the rotting cadaver it is. T.N.S, baby!
Episode 31: Your Secret Life
04/07/2017 Duração: 26minThe martial art chicks use to kick your ass • How social media can trigger a diabetic coma • The phrase that separates liars from truth tellers • How Larry's pal was lobotomized by a pointy chick • What is the "truth app?" • Life hacks from the dojo • What do serial killers and super-heroes have in common? • What's in the tortilla chip bag that made Larry's kid puke? • All this and more!
Episode 30: The 4th of July Death Bomb
27/06/2017 Duração: 31minWhat is a Death Bomb? • How powerful is one? • What scared Tony Spumonte? • Who is Bleeding Jesus Freddy? •How did he get that name? • Why all inflatable gorillas should be stabbed • Which sucks more: Sale-a-thons or Sale-a-brations? • The evil fireworks ring you should love and support • What's inside Larry's bag of tortilla chips, and why did it make his kid puke? • Which is the greatest patriotic song and who recorded it? • Will America exist in 1,000 years? • If not, who will have destroyed it? • What's wrong with San Francisco? • All this and more!!!
Episode 29: Your 30-minute Ph.D.
20/06/2017 Duração: 30minWhat song makes Larry go postal? • What is a mamaluke? • TONY SPUMONTE's mob criteria for friendship • What your school never taught you • Best ways to choose your friends • The doctor you must avoid • Meet one of Larry's early TNS Senseis • Who are the dumbest guys we know? • Parental showdowns you need to see • What do Bill Gates, Richard Branson and Steve Jobs have in common? • All this and more...
Episode 28: How To Be a Mack Daddy
13/06/2017 Duração: 27minThe most brilliant comment Larry ever heard • When is the right time to have a kid? • Larry's movement, DAD'S LIVES MATTER • Why is Dad always a punch line? • Meet the dead beat moms •Two words that ID fathers you want to avoid (or deck) • What is a lactating daddy? • Are you one? (If so, KYS) • Time travel with Larry (not for WIMPS!) • IN SEARCH OF...the sitcom that depicts mom as a villain • SPOILER: This episode will change you forever. Beware.
Episode 27: Bluff Your Way to Success
06/06/2017 Duração: 27minSome chick tries to sterilize Larry on an airplane • Larry's Mexican Stand-Offs -- in Mexico • Why "I'll make the best of it" is loser talk • How we zoom ourselves • The greatest bluff of all time • Why were there flies on Larry's fly? • What the hell is Dolph Lungren doing in a Mayan Temple? • Head fakes and Jedi mind tricks • Larry's vaccine for Montezuma's Revenge (it's 80 proof) • The difference between a lie and a bluff • All this and more!
Episode 26: Dangerous Summer Fun
30/05/2017 Duração: 28minLarry (in a Pontiac) battles Psycho Steroid Hercules • Where are the pointiest chix in North America? • Larry almost becomes a victim • When Larry was a wimp • The ultimate pointy chick arcade game • Secrets to your best summer ever • Who you should mock mercilessly, and how • How to teach a four-year-old to body surf • Meet Larry's T.N.S Dad • Best episode yet! • And more, more, more!
Episode 25: Hollywood Sleaze
23/05/2017 Duração: 24minWho is Mickey Gubitosi? • Who inspired Larry to Take No Sh*t? • Why is Robert Blake banging a gorilla? • Why did Robert Blake mention Larry Bleidner on Larry King? • Why Robert Blake worries about his testicles • Is Robert Blake taller than you? • How Larry found O.J. Simpson in the Twilight Zone • What word is written on Larry's imaginary blimp? • Why were Starsky & Hutch 2nd rate wimps? • How to escape misery • Who was the coolest TV pimp? All this and more!
Episode 24: The 3 Keys to a Great LIfe
16/05/2017 Duração: 29minWhat are the 3 keys? • Tony Spumonte and the glass meatball • How Larry beat the neighbors from hell • Who is the Fabulous Don Kane? • What is he laughing about? • What is the "jelly bean corollary" and how can it save YOUR life? • Why everything you own is a souvenir • How to pick the perfect mate • All this and MORE!
Episode 23: Thirty-One Minutes to a New You
09/05/2017 Duração: 31minHow to win a free TNS Dojo t-shirt • Confidence - how to get it, how to keep it • Why everything they tell you about booze and drugs is a lie • How to pick cool friends and unload the losers in your life • The magic word that guarantees success • What to do if you hate your friend's fiancé • What is cripple culture? • Innocuous words they use to control you • Why solitude is good for you • Starter kit for broken hearts • All this and more!
Episode 22: Killing Psychic Vampires
02/05/2017 Duração: 29minSpot and destroy the vampires bleeding YOU • Larry watches a friend lose his car, guns and mind to a psychic vampire • Listen as a psychic vampire claims a victim • How a baby saved Larry from a psychic vampire • Can you kill a vampire with a shotgun? • What's an equipment whore? • Larry meets a guy with more hobbies than brains • How a trophy wrecked a man • Why alma mater pride says, "I'm a failure."