Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 187:38:42
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In this show, Dr. Shannon and her guest experts share actionable strategies and practical steps to master your life and business so you achieve Epic Success! From proven systems to achieve big goals, master productivity and time management shortcuts, to achieving mindset and habit mastery, leadership prowess, motivation strategies, and believing God for dreams for your Epic life and Business. Grow Smarter, stronger, happier, more integrated, faith filled, and build an Epic Life and Business that you LOVE!


  • Transformed Coaches Transforming Clients

    01/11/2023 Duração: 38min

    Ever feel stuck trying to grow your coaching business? Wondering how real growth happens beyond just strategies and tactics? The secret to growing your business first begins by ACTIVATING that success switch in your mind! In today's episode, I'm chatting with Ginger and Leanne, our recent winners from the 67-day year method contest. They didn't just meet their goals; they CRUSHED them! You’re gonna love hearing their journeys of personal and business transformation!!

  • Rewiring your Mind for a Successful Coaching Business

    26/10/2023 Duração: 52min

    Ever feel like you're navigating your coaching business all on your own? I get it. Entrepreneurship can feel like a pretty lonely game. But I can promise you after all of the people I've had the privilege of working with over the years; we are very much the same! In this episode, I'm interviewing three of my incredible clients to share their journeys. We'll explore what's worked for them the most, the hurdles they've faced, and how they’ve moved the needle. I think you'll resonate with their experiences and realize you’re not the only one feeling the way you have. There is a path for coaching that makes the journey so much more enjoyable! Here are some of the key moments from today’s episode: Iva: "I was hit by this feeling of, what are you doing? Who do you think you are? You just wait until everybody else in your class knows what a fake you are" (when overcoming fears in her first neuro coaching class) Vickie: "I realized that I had a pattern. And that's why I jumped in with you because I sa

  • The 7 Figure Entrepreneur Linchpin - The One Thing You Need To Get To 6 Figures And Beyond

    21/09/2023 Duração: 23min

    If you’re like many hustling solopreneurs out there, you probably find yourself constantly thinking:   “I wish I knew what to do at the right time!” “I wish I knew which decision would make everything work the way I want it to…”  “I’m overwhelmed and overthinking everything, constantly looking at all the potential negative outcomes…” You just want to figure it out! And our minds want to look for what to DO to make it happen. We’re used to validation coming from our accomplishments.   But the DOING is not what gets you to 6 figures, 7 figures, and beyond.    That’s the secret all 7 and 8 figure entrepreneurs know… yet many of them are still selling you the strategy instead of training you how to think to align with where you want to be, not where you are currently.   The only thing that matters for you right now is to train your brain to think like a 7 figure entrepreneur so that you can become one so much faster. That’s the linchpin – the one thing that causes it all to work!  

  • One Hidden Strategy that Makes Business Growth Consistent

    14/09/2023 Duração: 31min

    What is the missing piece that separates the solo, hustling and struggling entrepreneur from the successful, 7 and 8-figure entrepreneur?   That’s what we’re discussing in this week’s podcast episode.   You know that feeling of overwhelm, overthinking, and not knowing the right next step? The endless running of negative scenarios in your head? That steals your focus and keeps you in the “struggling” category!   But 7 and 8-figure business owners know – it’s all about what you FOCUS on.    Think about it – If you knew exactly what to do and how to do it, how fast would you get to 7 figures?    In this episode, we’ll take a look at how the struggling solopreneur focuses on what I call “earthly crowns”, chasing a thousand strategies and thinking small – “If I could just make $X more, then it would all work…” Then we start getting led by our feelings and looking at ourselves more than serving others.   Meanwhile, the 7 and 8-figure entrepreneurs focus on the “heavenly crowns”! They’re all

  • Using FEAR to Grow Your Business with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    06/09/2023 Duração: 18min

    Did you know your brain’s job is not to help you achieve goals or bring your vision board to life?    It’s actually designed to help you align with the thoughts you’ve repeated so many times, your brain sees them as truth.   In this episode, we’ll discuss what your brain does when it sees a repeated thought – like fear that you’ll never be able to fully replace your income and find freedom – and how you can turn that around and use it as fuel.   You don’t have to let your brain dictate what you do.    You can tap into that flight or fight energy and use it to figure out what needs to happen in your business.   This is the dividing line between you and the 7 and 8-figure entrepreneurs. Fear tests your future. And it will always present itself when you’re trying to grow! The biggest takeaways from today’s episode are: Everyone feels fear, whether you’re just getting started or you’re already at 6, 7, or 8 figures! It’s a neurochemical based reaction in our brains. 7-figure business own

  • 7-Figure Lead Generation Strategy with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    31/08/2023 Duração: 35min

    How do 7-figure entrepreneurs THINK? What are the thoughts, actions, and skills that bring them massive growth?   In this episode, I’m sharing the story of someone who learned how to create a 7-figure mindset. And in just 30 days, she went from ZERO clients to HUNDREDS of strong, qualified leads that she’s converting to paying clients. That’s the power of “Think 7 Figures”!   You have to allow yourself to make that kind of massive income and impact. And I’m giving you the shortcut!   If you know you were put on this planet to make a difference and help people – but you feel like an imposter or you’re not “expert” enough, this episode is for you! The biggest takeaways from today’s episode are: God is about changing lives and helping people become the best version of themselves! 7 and 8-figure entrepreneurs know the latest and greatest strategy is NOT what will get you to 7 figures It’s time to try a new approach. You CAN train your brain to think like a 7 and 8-figure entrepreneur.

  • How to Have a 7-Figure Mindset with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    23/08/2023 Duração: 10min

    We’re in the middle of a rebrand for The Epic Success Podcast and we’re so excited to share it with you in this episode!   After a week with my incredible mastermind, surrounded by entrepreneurs who are trying to uplevel every area of their lives, I realized that I want more for you than just a general epic success.   I want to help you TRAIN your brain to reach 7 figures and beyond. (Because it’s not about willpower or better strategies!)   To think like a 7-figure entrepreneur, you can’t just try harder. You need a brain-based approach that shows you how to allow the next level of success to happen.  The biggest takeaways from today’s episode are: Cracking that 7-figure code is 90% how you think + 10% strategy! (This is the key to going from 5 figures to 6 and 7 and beyond) You can create incredible generosity and freedom at 7 figures and beyond once you train your brain to allow success It all starts with knowing what patterns exist in your brain and whether they are helping you or bl

  • Are you CALLED to COACH? 3 keys to Breaking into the Billion $ online coaching industry

    14/06/2023 Duração: 09min

    Whether you’ve been thinking about getting started in the online coaching business or you’re looking to get traction in the industry – this is the episode for you!   The online coaching business is still growing. Not only is it a billion-dollar industry but it has grown 22% in just the past 6 months!   Despite the current uncertainty, people are still choosing to invest - they may not be spending on frivolous things - but they are investing in coaching that helps them MOVE FORWARD.    There are 3 keys to breaking into the billion $ online coaching industry. We've been indoctrinated through our educational system, to not trust our intuition, and to look externally for validation and permission. In this episode, I encourage you to lean into the inner part of your heart and ask these three key questions.   The biggest takeaways from today’s episode are: What are you passionate about? What do you LOVE to learn about? What are you excited about? What lights you up? What have you gone through

  • Be Heard! - Craft Your Speaking Arc Interview with Christy Wright

    31/05/2023 Duração: 41min

    Do you want more people to really HEAR your authentic message? While you are sharing it in a way that creates LASTING change for them?   Then get ready!   We are excited to have best-selling author, business coach, speaker, speaker-trainer, and my dear friend, Christy Wright, back on the podcast. Today she is talking about recent trends she has observed in the online space as well as the importance of crafting a speaking arc. No matter what size platform you may have the opportunity to speak on, developing the full speaking arc connects with your audience so they can receive and act on the solution you’re offering.   Christy dives into the action steps for every speaking opportunity you have – from TikTok or Instagram reels to keynote presentations.    Listen to this episode to uncover what you need to include in your speaking arc and how to incorporate each of the steps.   The biggest takeaways from today’s episode are: Why unpacking the problem is critical. The best way to build the tru

  • Honor God with Your Wealth Interview with Cayla Craft

    24/05/2023 Duração: 42min

    If you’re a person of faith, then listen up!   The vast majority of business advice and strategies often take God out of the equation, but if you believe in God, then I recommend you turn towards HIM and His principles, even in business, so you can experience all He has for you.   We have an EXTRA SPECIAL guest I cannot wait to introduce you to. We are joined by Cayla Craft, a highly successful entrepreneur, business coach, and podcast host.   I invited Cayla to join me because she brings a unique perspective to entrepreneurship by integrating faith and an abundance mindset into her business to foster spiritual growth and business success.   In this episode of the Epic Success Podcast, we discuss the transformational power of trusting in God's provision, resting in His presence, and embracing biblical principles for financial prosperity.    Tune in to discover how aligning your business with God's plan can lead to exponential growth and fulfillment.   The biggest takeaways from today’s epi

  • 4 New Abundance Patterns to Unleash Results and Create Financial Freedom

    17/05/2023 Duração: 18min

    I have news for you… your success won’t be determined by the latest strategy, social media platform, or team member. Instead, it’ll be determined by what’s happening between your ears, in your MIND.   In this episode of Epic Success Podcast, I’m diving deep into the abundance and scarcity patterns that shape your mindset and lead to your success.   Discover the 4 abundance patterns you can adopt to boost your results and generate financial freedom.   The biggest takeaways from today’s episode are: Uncovering your subconscious programming. I show you how to understand (and shape) the abundance and scarcity patterns in your mind so they help you versus hinder you.   The art of rest and silence. Discover the power of active rest and how it contributes to an abundance pattern in the brain and helps you access creativity, clarity, and profound insights.   Adopting a mission-driven mindset over approval seeking. A strong sense of mission and purpose transcends the need for external supp

  • 3 Abundance & Scarcity Money Patterns that Create Financial Freedom (or stop it)

    10/05/2023 Duração: 19min

    Have you ever felt like you are getting in your own way when it comes to making money?   You probably are… but I have good news.   Your brain has scarcity and abundance patterns operating inside of it, and if you aren’t reaching your money goals yet, then it’s time to lean out of scarcity patterns and into those abundance patterns!   Listen to this week’s podcast episode because I’m giving you the 3 abundance patterns you’ve got to tap into if you want to increase cash flow, build wealth, and unlock financial freedom.   The biggest takeaways from today’s episode are: I reveal the 3 abundance patterns you NEED to create lasting wealth. I show you the thoughts that will lead you to scarcity or abundance so you can start creating new pathways in your brain and program your thoughts to create financial freedom. The hidden KEY to achieving success. Your success starts within your mind, and how you think matters. When you can align your subconscious thought pathways to achieve wealth, then you

  • 3 Wealth Generation Principles that Open the Flow to Abundance!

    03/05/2023 Duração: 23min

    Are you tired of struggling with money or feeling like you can't get ahead? Do you want to break free from the patterns of the past and create a pathway toward financial freedom? You won't want to miss out on this week's podcast episode, where we dive into the 3 wealth generation principles that help you unlock abundance in your life. Listen to this episode to transform your mindset and unlock abundance in your life.   The biggest takeaways from today’s episode are: Building an environment to grow. This means identifying and removing the old ways of thinking and doing that have kept you broke and replacing those thoughts and ways of being with wealth and abundance-minded thoughts and habits. Unhook from the blocks. Blocks are tied to belief. Building belief in the brain is important. If you don’t install patterns into your mind, it will be very hard to create financial freedom. Generosity is a necessity. Nothing unlocks abundance like being generous does. When you are generous, it opens

  • Unlocking Financial Freedom & Abundance: Kingdom Principles for Generational Wealth

    26/04/2023 Duração: 13min

    Ready to talk about MONEY!?   It’s something that’s a part of ALL of our lives, and I’m here to show you how to unlock your abundance mindset today!   Listen to this episode to discover the abundance patterns that people at 6, 7, and 8 figures have that allow them to go through challenges, have failures, and STILL GROW their financial freedom.   These are universal laws and patterns that if you’re not participating in these patterns, it’s like you’re hanging a weight around your neck. But today, I show you how to wire your brain to allow for abundance.   The biggest takeaways from today’s episode are: The Kingdom Principle of sowing and reaping applies to all areas of life, including finances. It reminds us of the importance of patience and nurturing the seed for it to grow and produce a harvest. The abundance patterns of people at 6, 7, and 8 figures and the biblical principles of Kingdom abundance that allow them to grow their financial freedom despite challenges and failures, and the

  • The AWE of God with John Bevere

    12/04/2023 Duração: 46min

    Are you living on purpose?   Most coaches and clients I work with would say YES, or that they are trying to be! I find many people jump into coaching (the best career EVER, in my opinion!) because they are searching for a deeper sense of meaning and fulfillment in their lives. Coaching seems like a natural next step because what can be better than making a living helping people?   Today, I sat down with John Bevere, a friend and incredible author, speaker, and minister, for an amazing and enlightening conversation all about the AWE of God and how we can lean on Him to find a deeper sense of meaning and fulfillment in our lives.   If you want a deeper relationship with God AND success in life and business along the way, then you’ve got to listen to this episode!   The biggest takeaways from today’s episode are: How our view of God affects our success: We explore how our view of God shapes the way we approach our goals and ultimately impacts our success in life. You get to choose to see God a

  • 3 Kingdom Wealth Building Principles that Speed Up Currency Flow with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    29/03/2023 Duração: 42min

    Do you know the difference between working and striving?   We can get caught up in the stress and overwhelm of striving, feeling like we always have to take from someone else to get our results.   In this episode, I’m sharing 3 Kingdom Principles that will help you get out of striving mode, remove overwhelm, perfection, and imposter syndrome, and help you speed up the flow of currency into your world.   Whether you are a person of faith or not, these principles are the linchpin between you generating currency flow, cash flow, or client flow, or stopping the flow altogether. Listen to find out how to speed up the flow!   The biggest takeaways from today’s episode are: Honoring God, ourselves, and others matters. Honoring lets us get out of ego and perfectionism, leading to more success. Honoring starts with you and includes honoring the vision put in your heart and the path and the process you've gone through. Honor requires authenticity and removing the walls and the masks that the world sa

  • What Millionaires Do Differently to Create Results with Dr. Shannon Irivne

    23/03/2023 Duração: 22min

    In the face of inflation, changes in the marketplace, elections, and all of the other changing circumstances you’re facing, it’s vital for you to know what the million-dollar business owners are doing in this economy to reach their goals so you can too. In this episode, I’m coming to you with 3 key things millionaire business owners do differently to stay on top, so you can adopt these concepts into your own life and business. These 3 keys will help you stay focused on the activities that will help you move the needle and catapult your revenue, so listen closely!   The biggest takeaways from today’s episode are: Your vision has to be stronger than the noise. We get inundated with information, strategies, news, and opinions from all directions. The best way to drown out the noise is to focus on your vision. Create a strong vision you can keep your eyes on instead of getting stuck or weighed down by everything else. Prioritize facts over feelings. Our emotions and feelings are fleeting and chan

  • Entrepreneur Separation Season with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    09/03/2023 Duração: 28min

    I’m here to help you get your message, your ministry, or that thing you’ve been put on this earth to do out to the world.   You CAN create success, even in a challenging economy and when other people may be pulling back.   In this episode, you get a high-level view of the Entrepreneur Separation Season we are in. Plus, I’m giving you three strategies that are helping coaches, speakers, authors, and other experts stand out and launch to the front of the crowd this year.   Whether you're just getting started or have been building your business for a while, if you need more traction, I invite you to step into these three key principles to separate yourself from the pack.   The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are: Pivots and changes are required to build a business in today’s dynamic. Think like a current 7-figure entrepreneur, not like an old 7-figure entrepreneur, because even what worked 5 years ago won’t work as well now. The good news is getting comfortable with change is a decision

  • Mind Your Mindset with Michael Hyatt

    01/03/2023 Duração: 48min

    Did you know there is one BIG lever you can pull to help you create extraordinary results in your life?   See, as entrepreneurs and business owners, we have an action bias. When somebody on your team comes to you with a problem, you spring into action to solve the issue or answer the question. While that can be helpful, you may miss the one big lever that will usher in a breakthrough.   The lever I’m talking about is your mindset. Cultivating extraordinary thinking is crucial for your success, and your current mindset is the most likely reason you’re finding it difficult to reach your next level.   Today, on the 300th Episode of Epic Success Podcast, I’m joined by one of my favorite humans, Michael Hyatt, to discuss the key concepts in his new book Mind Your Mindset. This book helps us understand the latest science about how the human brain works and how to leverage it to maximize our performance.   You know we are all about the science of success over here. I’m excited to share Michael’s brilli

  • Overcoming your Past to Create Your Future with Nicholas Bayerle

    23/02/2023 Duração: 38min

    Have you had a pivotal moment in your life? One that changed your trajectory for good (or not so good)?   I rarely bring guests onto the show, so when I do, it’s very intentional. I want to ensure the people you hear from bring you forward on your journey to your best life.   I’m joined on today’s podcast by Nick Bayerle. I met Nick when we were both in a mastermind together, and we immediately bonded over our love for the Lord and calling to build epic businesses.   Nick Bayerle is the CEO of Billion Dollar Body and Creator of the Billion Dollar Brotherhood. He's the host of the BDB podcast, an international speaker, and author of the Modern Day Businessman.   I invited Nick on because he reminds us that just as life can change for the negative in a moment, it can also change for the positive. Listen to this episode to discover how Nick used his past (difficult parts included) to catapult him onto a positive trajectory and overcome.   The biggest takeaways from today’s episode: You can fl

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