Justin Mohr Show

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 48:42:42
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We must make the moral case for capitalism and the free market! We must go on offense and stop going on defense everytime someone argues about the "evils" of the free market and capitalism. This is the only way to fight back against these people who think they have the moral high ground! And we can! The truth and history is on our side. John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford made life better for the average Amercian, not worse. We must be able to argue and pursuade people and show them that capitalism is the most moral system. When the rich get richer it doesn't hurt the poor, instead it makes the poor better off. To get rich in a captialist system means we must provide a good/service that people want and will make them better off. Henry Ford didn't get rich by selling cars only to the rich. He got rich when he made a car cheap enough that the average American could afford. And look at how the car revolutionized society and how much freedom it gave to the individual. We must fight for this! Listen to my podcast and together we can DEFEND THE FREE MARKET!!!


  • Insight into the United Airlines debacle with Dr. David Dao that is missed by the mainstream media!

    18/04/2017 Duração: 36min

    United Airlines was the topic of media discussion all last week with the bloody Dr. David Dao. There’re some simple solutions that could have prevented this horrible incident from ever occurring! Obviously compensation greater than $800 should have occurred to entice passengers to voluntarily give up their seats. Also, last minute changes to flight crews should be avoided when everyone had already boarded the plane. People are less likely to give up their seat when they’re already sitting it in. The media really has blown this United story to hell and back and most people need to take a step back and look at everything in it’s entirety. Some people like Senator Chris Van Hollan think a government law is the answer! Are you kidding me!?

  • The FED insider, Danielle DiMartino Booth and Forbes columnist, John Tamny on the FED! Both partially correct?

    11/04/2017 Duração: 34min

    Danielle DiMartino Booth has a new book out on the fed from an insiders perspective. She says many things that Austrians can agree with and other things where she doesn’t go far enough!  She says we shouldn’t get rid of the fed but rather just need more competent people in charge. John Tamny offers critiques on her book but John misses the point in many respects. John Tamny thinks we mainly don’t need a fed because it’s largely irrelevant as it is. The way Mr. Tamny sees how the banking system works would still depend on a federal reserve so I can’t agree with his analysis either.  There’re many opinions on the fed and it seems Ron Paul and Murray Rothbard are the most correct on this issue.

  • What Nasa could do for $450 million dollars, the private sector can do for $200,000! GO FIGURE!!

    04/04/2017 Duração: 24min

    Elon Musk successfully launched and landed the recycled rocket, Falcon 9. This is such a perfect example of how the private sector does things better and far cheaper than anything the government can do. The private sector can launch a rocket at a price tag of $200,000 compared to NASA’s cost of $450 million!  Isn’t that insane!? The more money that goes to government than that’s more money that is just being pissed away to the inefficient and wasteful government! Government invests for a political return, not an economic one!

  • TrumpCare vote cancel shows us the civil war occurring in the Republican Party and that the “effort” to repeal Obamacare while Obama was still in office was a bluff all along!

    28/03/2017 Duração: 15min

    Paul Ryan pulled the vote expected vote for the republican healthcare bill. The republican party is at war with itself. We see the establishment types blaming conservatives for not falling in line. The republican healthcare bill was a disaster and this goes to show that all the republican votes to repeal Obamacare, while Obama was in office was a bluff!  The republicans never did want to fully repeal Obamacare!  Big government only continues to grow under the supposedly “small government” republicans.

  • Is Trump the reason for a more aggressive FED? Also, the brilliant government in Venezuela is arresting bakers and has decided to make standing in breadlines illegal!

    21/03/2017 Duração: 30min

    The Federal Reserve raised interest rates for the 3rd time in 10 years at its March meeting. Most of the “experts” out there didn’t expect this rate hike until the week before!  Janet Yellen is more aggressive to raise interest rates simply because Trump is now the fall guy. Trump from his tweets has taken ownership of this economy from the political perspective. Meanwhile in Venezuela, things are getting worse…People are standing in bread lines and the government has decided to make standing in breadlines illegal! And they’re arresting bakers for overpriced bread! Yes, the insanity continues!

  • The victim mentality in society today is out of control and the first jobs number of the Trump presidency is released!

    14/03/2017 Duração: 26min

    People are upset with what I had to say in regards to Indian reservations and capitalism. People today like to see themselves as victims. Once you see yourself as a victim you have already lost!  You have the power to change your thinking at any time and how you choose to let things effect you. Most people don’t get this and they settle for mediocrity in life. The latest jobs numbers released were the first to come out of the Trump presidency and they’re better than Obama’s last year in office. So there’s some optimism out there with a jobs number of 235,000 for February but we’re not out of the woods yet. We are nearing the point at which the bubble is popped and all the malinvestments come to the surface.

  • Trump addresses Congress and it sounds like we’re going from Obamacare to Trumpcare!?

    07/03/2017 Duração: 22min

    Trump addressed Congress for the first time and his speech had a very nationalistic and police state sort of vibe to it. The republicans that were against a big government when Obama was in office, now seem to be falling behind their leader supporting a $1 Trillion infrastructure program! President Trump also suggested five things that he wants to see done with healthcare and it really sounds like Obamacare lite! The only way to reduce the severity of our future economic crisis is to shrink the size of government and there’s no willingness to do this from either side of isle!

  • The curse that is the PC police and Government Welfare! If you’re a snowflake or are offended easily please DON’T listen to this episode!

    28/02/2017 Duração: 34min

    A local radio host at KCTR in Montana, Paul Mushaben, was taken out by the politically correct culture that’s overwhelming the politics of today! He has been indefinably suspended for pointing out the property destruction that has taken place when Native American basketball teams have played other schools in Montana. To boil this all down, what is it that has led to this sort bad reputation from these teams? Race has nothing to do with it!  It’s a lack of capitalism on Indian reservations. When socialism and government dominate society it literally destroys people! When the economic collapse in the United States comes this way, the people who have been sucking off the government teat for years will be in big trouble because they’re not capable of providing for themselves. And how will they react to this? Unfortunately, with violence.    

  • How much bigger will this bubble get in the Stock Market? And flying drone taxis in Dubai by this summer!

    21/02/2017 Duração: 34min

    The stock market continues to hit record highs and the Dow is nearing in on its next target, a 21,000 point DOW. How much more will the markets go up before the big crash? That’s something hard to predict but gold and silver have also been on the rise. Gold is up nearly 8% in 2017 and silver is up 13%. Gold and silver are still not anywhere close to their record highs from 2011. With I high risk stock market, gold and silver at this point, is incredibly cheap insurance! Also, unpiloted flying drone taxis are coming to Dubai this July! This technology is amazing and shows the private sector at work making life better for everyone. Here’s a link to the drone video mentioned on the show. http://www.wsj.com/video/flying-drone-taxis-could-take-off-in-dubai/F329FEAC-2366-4796-9205-72C0344F17D0.html and here’s the article: http://www.economist.com/blogs/gulliver/2017/02/taxi-take-0

  • The Economics of the NFL and starving Venezuelans are eating Flamingos and Ant Eaters!

    14/02/2017 Duração: 28min

    The super bowl this year turned out to be an incredible game with the comeback win by the patriots. Tom Brady, who is arguably the best quarterback of all time, was a 6th round draft pick!  When each NFL team has a salary cap of $155 million a lot of strategy and opportunity cost comes into when putting together a “winning” team. Then we move over to Venezuela and those people are going through a lot and have been for some time now as they are going through an economic collapse. The people of Venezuela are starving to death and are now eating pink flamingos, ant eaters, dogs and cats just to survive!  This is what central planning looks like in all its glory!

  • Same people who blame 2008 financial crisis on partial repeal of Glass-Steagall (deregulation) think Dodd-Frank bill (more regulation) will prevent the next financial crisis.

    07/02/2017 Duração: 26min

    The 2,300 page Dodd-Frank bill that was passed into law back in 2010, is seen as a way to prevent another 2008 like event. This line of thinking is totally out of wack with reality and another financial crisis is coming!  Politicians always think if we just add another regulation that will protect us but unintended consequences come with these new regulations and Dodd-Frank is full of them!  The partial repeal of Glass-Steagall is seen as the deregulation that led to the financial crisis in 2008, this is not the case at all!  Even if there never was a repeal of Glass-Steagall at all we still would’ve had the financial crisis in 2008!

  • GDP growth in 2016 was a miniscule 1.6%! The real reason for this slow growth is something you won’t hear in the mainstream media!

    31/01/2017 Duração: 19min

    The GDP growth numbers for 2016 were recently released and it was below expert expectations. GDP growth for 2016 was only 1.6%! The average GDP growth for the last 7 ½ years was only 2.1%! Those are some really lousy numbers! The question is, why has our economy grown so slowly these last 7 ½ years? It’s mainly because government spending is crowding out private sector investment! We need to shrink the size of government! That is how we make America Great Again!

  • Obama added $9.3 Trillion to the national debt in 8 years, Bush added $4.9 Trillion. Spending ourselves into oblivion is a nonpartisan issue. Lets stop with the Republican vs. Democrat cheerleading!

    24/01/2017 Duração: 23min

    On January 20th Donald Trump was officially sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. The 17 minute long speech he gave had a very nationalistic sort of tone to it and that is not a good sign for lovers of liberty.  Obama added $9.3 Trillion to the national debt in 8 years, while Bush added $4.9 Trillion. The problem with our economy today and the problems our country is facing is we’re spending too much money and the government is too big!  Both parties are at fault and the only way to make America great again is by reducing the size and scope of government!

  • Cadillac unveils its $1,500 per month car subscription service called Book by Cadillac! Is the future of the car industry like a Netflix subscription?

    17/01/2017 Duração: 33min

    Vehicle discounts increased in December of 2016 to increase auto sales to yet, another record year!  Demand for cars has fallen because the auto bubble is deflating and it took a decrease in vehicle prices to bring people into dealerships. How much longer will this go on? The auto loan bubble will be fully pricked by the time the next economic crisis is here and we seem to be very close to that. Also, companies like Cadillac are offering a new program where you pay a $1,500 subscription and you can drive any top of the line Cadillac car you want. There is no contract, just a $1,500 a month subscription. This new program will begin to roll out on February 1st, 2017 in New York City. Is this the future of the car industry? What’s coming next?

  • Donald Trump and the tweet heard around the world!

    10/01/2017 Duração: 28min

    Donald Trump is 10 days away from being sworn in as the 45th President of the United States so we have to ask ourselves what will a Trump presidency look like? The way Trump is on twitter all the time saying he will put tariffs on a company that sends jobs overseas is rather concerning. It’s going to be an interesting 4 years of the Donald and I don’t think they will be good for liberty at all.

  • Thomas Sowell says Farewell and what he has meant to the liberty movement!

    03/01/2017 Duração: 37min

    Thomas Sowell wrote his last column on December 28th and he decided to give it up after about 40 years of doing it!  Sowell has had a huge impact the economic world because of the amazing books he has written over the years!  He’s an extremely gifted writer who writes very clearly, concisely and is just a brilliant mind. A few points he makes in his last few columns are discussed to pay tribute to an incredible mind that has done lots of work defending the free market and making the moral case for capitalism!

  • The Biggest Political Loser in 2016 and a French woman gets engaged to a Robot while awaiting the legalization of Human-Robot Marriage!

    27/12/2016 Duração: 40min

    Who do you think is the biggest political loser in 2016?  I would argue the biggest, political loser in modern American history is Hillary Clinton!  Hillary Clinton has always been seen as the inevitable first woman president but that no longer seems probable at all!  Also, a woman in France is literally engaged to a Robot and she plans on marrying this thing when it’s legalized!  This world is literally insane and I think things will only get more insane in 2017!

  • The FED raises interest rates for 2nd time in 10 years! Also, will Donald Trump really make America Great Again?

    20/12/2016 Duração: 46min

    No one was shocked by the FEDs recent decision to raise interest rates to .5-.75%. The FED has raised interest rates a total sum of .5% in 10 years!  That’s not much of a move but the markets think the FED is being very hawkish right now with the dollar hitting a 14 year high!  During the campaign, Trump stressed to people how he will make America great again but really it’s an impossibility. The only way for things to turn around is if the government shrinks and the free market is allowed to prevail!  Trumps natural instincts is to fix things with government. The markets wishful thinking in regards to a Trump presidency are vastly overblown and will crash back to reality rather soon.

  • Donald Trump and the Carrier deal is more of the same cozy relationship between big business and big government!

    13/12/2016 Duração: 24min

    Donald Trump agreeing to a deal with Carrier to keep jobs in the U.S. is the crony capitalist system we have today. This is how business in America is done today and why we are very far away from any kind of free market system! Granting special deals and privilege to government favored businesses is the government picking winners and losers! The government protecting businesses from competition makes them actually less competitive and less responsible to the consumer. So we, as taxpayers, are soaked in more than one way!  Many people out there are optimistic of a Trump Presidency but this Carrier deal shows it’s more of the same.

  • The Truth about Cuba you won’t get in the Mainstream Media and what Fidel Castro really did for the Cuban people!

    06/12/2016 Duração: 31min

    Just after Thanksgiving, Fidel Castro died at 90 years old. Fidel first came to power in Cuba in 1959 and ruled there for over 50 years! People on the left love to praise Cuba and they loved the heck out of Fidel! But what is really the truth? Did Fidel really improve the lives of the Cuban people or did he make life much worse? What is life like today for the Cuban people? Cuba really is a good example that communism doesn’t work and socialism/communism is anything but compassionate! Capitalism and the Free Market are the best ways to help the poor and with examples like Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea, it’s amazing people like Bernie Sanders still get the support they do get.

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