Justin Mohr Show

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 48:42:42
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We must make the moral case for capitalism and the free market! We must go on offense and stop going on defense everytime someone argues about the "evils" of the free market and capitalism. This is the only way to fight back against these people who think they have the moral high ground! And we can! The truth and history is on our side. John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford made life better for the average Amercian, not worse. We must be able to argue and pursuade people and show them that capitalism is the most moral system. When the rich get richer it doesn't hurt the poor, instead it makes the poor better off. To get rich in a captialist system means we must provide a good/service that people want and will make them better off. Henry Ford didn't get rich by selling cars only to the rich. He got rich when he made a car cheap enough that the average American could afford. And look at how the car revolutionized society and how much freedom it gave to the individual. We must fight for this! Listen to my podcast and together we can DEFEND THE FREE MARKET!!!


  • The Deflationary Death Spiral! Should it be feared???

    29/11/2016 Duração: 29min

    Many people are fearing deflation but is this really something to be feared?  Not at all!  If we had an unhampered, free market deflation would naturally occur in the economy!  We would have slowly falling prices because we are more productive and at the same time, real wages are rising!  Today, real wages are falling and the Federal Reserve is slowly eating away our purchasing power via inflation! The deflationary death spiral is a myth and can never happen. Only when government gets involved can a great depression like scenario occur.

  • With all this “Good” Economic Data and optimism out there, has the Economy recovered? I think not!

    22/11/2016 Duração: 30min

    Prior to Donald Trump being elected, it was said the markets would crash! The stock market is at record highs and the dollar is at a 14 year high! So does this mean our economy has recovered? No, what we are seeing now is short-lived and once Trump is sworn in as the 45th president of the United States, this optimism will have disappeared. The only way out of our excessive debt problem is inflation. They will paper over these debts. QE4 is coming my friends so prepare yourself!

  • Rush Limbaugh has said a Trump victory is a repudiation of Big Government! Really!?

    15/11/2016 Duração: 31min

    Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States. A guy who has never held public office will be serving in the most powerful position in the world. The world of politics today is crazy, to say the least and as some people are happy with this victory, others are crying their eyes out! What will 4 years of a Trump presidency bring us? I fear it will be a much bigger government and we will continue to add to our debt until the day of reckoning finally comes. The biggest conservative voice in the land, Rush Limbaugh, thinks a Trump victory was a repudiation of big government!  I think Rush completely misses the boat with this comment among others he made the day after this historic election.

  • Where the Economic Illiterates have led us…Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton!

    08/11/2016 Duração: 28min

    Out of 330 million American our 2 choices for President came down to an alleged criminal or a crony capitalist! Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump want to grow the size of government. Our national debt is nearing $20 Trillion in debt and the next president will continue to spend like we don’t have a debt at all!  I think we got to this moment because the vast majority of citizens out there are economically illiterate!  Nobody understands what truly makes an economy grow and it surely isn’t the government! Unfortunately, those in power think that to get out of a massive debt problem we need to go deeper in debt! Hold on to your hats folks, this economy is going to have a very bumpy ride!

  • The top 1% pay a 27.1% effective tax rate, while the bottom 50% pay an effective tax rate of 3.3%. And Hillary Clinton says the “rich” don’t pay their fair share!

    01/11/2016 Duração: 37min

    Hillary says the rich don’t pay their fair share and she wants to go where the money is! Where is most of the money at?  The majority of people are in the “middle class!” The dirty little secret is that Hillary will tax the middle class to get through her programs! The top 1% pay an effective tax rate of 27.1%, while the bottom 50% pay an effective tax rate of 3.3%!  The rich pay more than their fair share!  We are less than a week from Election Day and regardless of who wins the government will continue to grow! Our national debt is approaching $20 trillion and our day of reckoning is fast approaching. Prepare yourself now because the politicians out there will not protect you!

  • The Contra Cruise with Tom Woods and Bob Murphy! Also, how to get across the Libertarian message!

    25/10/2016 Duração: 26min

    I recently got back from the Contra Cruise that was hosted by Tom Woods and Bob Murphy. The Contra Cruise was phenomenal and it was such a great group of libertarians to connect with. What came up often amongst the group was a question of messaging and converting people to libertarian ideas. What is the best way to do this? The last part of this episode, I have a few answers.

  • Interview with John Hunt on his new book, Speculator!

    18/10/2016 Duração: 14min

    John Hunt talks about the new book he has co-authored with Doug Casey called Speculator. John talks about how it is living in Africa and he points out how they actually view money in a much different way, than we do in the United States. If you have money, it’s best to hide it and not tell anybody about it because they like to borrow it without any intention of paying it back! John also explains how Doug and him started on this project together and what’s to come in this incredible series! This book is a must read and you can purchase it from amazon at this link: https://www.amazon.com/Speculator-High-Ground-Doug-Casey/dp/0985933259/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1475817771&sr=8-1&keywords=speculator

  • Interview with Doug Casey on the coming Economic Collapse, investing in gold and his new book, “Speculator!”

    11/10/2016 Duração: 22min

    Doug Casey talks about the economy and he sees the inevitable is now imminent! What’s coming in the economy won’t be just economic but it will also be social, political and military! Doug talks about how to invest in a gold mine and what to look for. He also gives advice to young people and why they should move to Africa as a way to increase their odds at being successful. This is a wide ranging interview and Doug provides so many insights from his experience as a successful speculator and a world traveler!  You really can’t afford to miss this interview!

  • The First Presidential Debate and what really happened between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump!

    04/10/2016 Duração: 25min

    The first presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump was not very impressive at all. Ok so Hillary did the best she possibly could during the debate, which isn’t really saying much. Then we have Donald Trump who missed opportunity after opportunity to throw egg in Hillary’s face and he didn’t do it!  Trump was on the defensive the entire time while Hillary stayed on offense. According to the average American voter out there these two clowns are the most competent to be the next President of the United States! I’m not impressed to say the least.

  • The FED doesn’t raise interest rates and Steve Eiseman from “The Big Short” talks about another big short!

    27/09/2016 Duração: 26min

    The FED didn’t raise interest rates in September and this comes as no surprise to any listener of this show. Raising interest rates right before a presidential election is extremely improbable and our economy is not as strong as the “experts” believe!  Steve Eiseman also has been in the news recently for his view on the economy. Steve Eiseman is the real life guy from the movie, “The Big Short.” This guy made million shorting subprime mortgages in 2007. He sees things will continue to slug along until the world loses faith in QE (money printing).  Our economy has some rough times ahead. It’s best to prepare now while you still can!

  • Mylan’s EpiPen is crony capitalism at work. Big Business and big government getting in bed together is not capitalism that is crony capitalism!

    20/09/2016 Duração: 32min

    The EpiPen story has been huge these past few weeks and this story actually shows us a lot of what’s wrong with the “system” today!  EpiPen now costs $300 for one syringe and when it first came out in in 1977 it cost $57!  How is it the cost of EpiPen has soared in price? This is the result of government intervention! The FDA has blocked out competition due to cronyism and the government playing to favored companies like Mylan!  Even the patent that Mylan has had on EpiPen is yet another reason, why there’s so little competition against the EpiPen! We need to get the government out of our lives and we will all be better for it!

  • The very confused Janet Yellen FED! To raise interest rates or to not raise interest rates, that is the question!

    13/09/2016 Duração: 28min

    Janet Yellen and the FED are giving a very confused message to the markets. Janet Yellen sounds like she wants to raise interest rates but she wants to wait for data to confirm it while other dovish FED governors want to raise interest rates in September. Anytime any of these FED governors speak, it’s what completely moves the market and causes a massive sell off on WallStreet and in the precious metals market. The market fears an end to easy money but increasing interest rates is what should have happened years ago!  This is why our economy is not recovering and it’s actually these low interest rates that will lead to a massive bust, in the economy, that will be much worse than 2008!  Hold on to your hats ladies and gentleman because this is going to be a wild ride!

  • James Grant on the Economy and Negative Interest Rates!

    06/09/2016 Duração: 31min

    James Grant, in a recent interview, discusses what he sees going on in the U.S. economy. James makes the point that in 5,000 years of world history negative interest rates have never happened before!  This is how absurd negative interest rates are!  This is the end game before the entire global economy unfolds and leads to a massive collapse. Having all of your assets denominated in a fiat currency like the U.S. Dollar is a very risky move. James Grant is a legend and his views on the economy definitely confirms the views that have been discussed on this show since it began.  You don’t want to miss this episode to hear what James Grant says and here’s a link to this very interview. http://www.fuw.ch/article/the-fed-is-now-hostage-to-wall-street/

  • Janet Yellen at Jackson Hole: Negative interest rates and QE4 (money printing) are on the Table!

    30/08/2016 Duração: 38min

    Janet Yellen’s recent comments at Jackson Hole on August 26th are really much of the same stuff.  There is a few things in Yellen’s speech that are quite revealing. Yellen suggested that QE4 (more money printing) is on the table and even negative interest rates!  Yes, Janet Yellen makes a comment saying rates you should have went negative in response to the housing crisis in 2008!  Negative interest rates seem to be the last resort effort by central banks to keep things under control.  This seems to be the end of the road and it’s not going to end well. Prepare yourself now while you still can!

  • Should we legalize insider trading? A closer look at the Martha Stewart and Phil Mickelson insider trading cases.

    23/08/2016 Duração: 26min

    This question sounds crazy but, should we legalize insider trading?  As crazy as this may sound, legalizing insider trading is the right thing to do. Today, insider trading is considered a criminal act, why is this? It’s a victimless crime!  If you’re the CEO of some company and you leak out information against your contract or your fiduciary duty then that’s a civil case with the company you work for. If we want prices to reflect the most accurate and up to the minute information then we need to legalize insider trading!  Having insider trading illegal doesn’t level the playing field like most believe, it actually does the exact opposite. We have enough government laws as is and law enforcement can’t keep up with those!  Lets legalize insider trading so law enforcement can go after actual criminals with their very limited resources!

  • The Economy is not strong like the “Experts” out there have led us to believe!

    16/08/2016 Duração: 31min

    The economy is not strong like the “experts” out there have led us to believe. Quarter 2 GDP came in at 1.2% when the Atlanta FED was predicting 2.4% GDP growth!  That’s a big miss!  And under Obama’s presidency we haven’t seen one year over 3% GDP growth and this is unprecedented in modern American history!  We have had interest rates near 0% for Obama’s entire presidency because this was supposed to stimulate the economy and it has done nothing of the sort!  Now countries around the world are engaged in negative interest rates to “stimulate” the economy!  Ladies and gentleman, we are at the end game of this monetary experiment and it doesn’t end well!

  • Donald Trump explains what he’s doing now in his 1987 book, “The Art of the Deal!” Also, what Rush Limbaugh gets wrong!

    09/08/2016 Duração: 31min

    Donald Trump literally lays out what he’s doing now in his presidential campaign from his 1987 book, “The Art of the Deal.” Trump says you need to be a little outrageous, controversial and talk big!  Yes, Trump says play to people’s fantasies because most people don’t think big themselves, but they love to rally around someone who does!  Can you say, build a big, beautiful wall?!  The most fascinating quotes from Trump’s book are read in this episode. Also, Rush Limbaugh is considered “Mr. Conservative” but is conservatism really at the top of his list? Don’t miss this episode where all this is explained!

  • Austrian Economists explain what’s happening in the Economy, outlook for gold and what negative interest rates really mean! Gene Epstein, Bob Murphy, Keith Weiner, Adrian Day and Chris Casey

    02/08/2016 Duração: 55min

    Interest rates have been near 0% for almost eight years now and we have printed trillions of dollars into the economy since 2008!  Negative interest rates are happening all over the world… What does all this really mean!? Where is the U.S. economy going? Are we really in a recovery like Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen says? Is gold a good place to put money even after the 25% rally just this year?  Don’t miss this panel discussion with top Austrian economists from FreedomFest 2016 where these questions and more are answered!

  • FreedomFest 2016 recap and there’s a reason for optimism!

    26/07/2016 Duração: 26min

    FreedomFest was an absolutely fantastic event. If you didn’t make it this year you missed out!  So many fantastic speakers and debates and all the biggest names in the liberty movement were there. Going to events like this shows us there’s a reason to be optimistic. Just look at all the talent we have on the libertarian side. We may be small in number but we are extremely effective and some of the smartest guys alive today are libertarian! You really don’t want to miss out on this event next year and I will tell you how to safe a bunch of money if you do decide to attend.

  • Alan Greenspan sees massive Inflation and an Economic Crisis coming our way!

    19/07/2016 Duração: 23min

    Alan Greenspan recently sat down for a 30 minute interview on Bloomberg TV and what he said in that interview is shocking for a former Federal Reserve chairman to say. A few of the shocking statements Greenspan says are played on this episode. Greenspan sees inflation coming our way and he says just way, it’s coming! Alan Greenspan even says we should return to a gold standard and that our country experienced the most prosperity when we were on the classic gold standard from 1870-1913. For those of you who sense that many things are wrong in this economy and that things are about to get much worse, this episode confirms those beliefs with some astonishing facts you won’t find in the mainstream media anywhere! You need to buy gold and silver now!

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