Welcome to EMBody Radio - a podcast devoted to expanded scientific knowledge in the sport of bodybuilding as well as within the health and fitness industry as a whole, helping us grow as individuals, and exploring the minds and stories of some of the fitness industry's most respected individuals.
The Power of Protein, Insulin Resistance Explained, and Powerhouse Mindset Tools for High Performing Women | with Dr. Gabrielle Lyon and Emily Duncan
28/09/2023 Duração: 01h08minWhat if I told you that focusing on body fat isn't the key to better health, aging well, and unlocking performance? We want to be placing more of our focus on our "internal pharmacy," aka our muscle mass. Today, we're talking with Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, a board certified physician in Family Medicine who also completed a combined research and clinical fellowship in Geriatrics and Nutritional Sciences, who is also the founder of Muscle Centric Medicine®. Dr. Lyon is an expert and educator on all things protein, including types and levels to maximize health, performance, disease prevention, and longevity. In today's show, you're going to learn all sorts of things you probably never knew about protein, insulin resistance, protein's role in disease and disease prevention, training and eating for healthspan, not just lifespan, prioritizing health and wellnesss as a mom of 2, and Dr. Lyon's powerhouse mindset tools for becoming unshakeable in your life. Pre-order Dr. Lyon's new book, "Forever Strong: A New, Science-Bas
Decrease Period Pain and Bloating, Naturally Support More Regular, Consistent Periods, and Why You DON'T Need to Cycle Sync Your Training | with host Emily Duncan
21/09/2023 Duração: 36minPeriods aren't meant to be something that destroys your entire week when you have them, and there are so many accessible ways we can naturally support our menstrual cycles. One of the top pieces of feedback we get from clients is that their periods become more consistent and less painful while working with us. In this episode, we talk about simple ways to improve cycle health, and we also cover why you don't need to practice cycle syncing with your training (and why I actually kind of hate that methodology as a health + fitness coach). MENSTRUAL CYCLE BASICS EPISODE ENERGY AVAILABILITY + THE MENSTRUAL CYCLE EPISODE Interested in a luxury 1:1 online health coaching experience? Look no further than FENIX ATHLETICA, where we fuse science and soul for life-long transformation (inside AND out). LMNT is LMNT is a DELICIOUS, science-based electrolyte drink mix with everything you need and nothing you don’t. No sugar. No coloring. No artificial ingredients. No gluten. No fillers. No BS. Head to
Letting Go of People Pleasing and Developing More Personal Authenticity | with host Emily Duncan
14/09/2023 Duração: 45minAuthenticity and embracing our authentic selves is one of the things I'm most passionate about. I love when someone is fully showing up in their juice. It's a different kind of glow and magnetism. Today, we're talknig all about authenticity, what it means, how people pleasing is a direct contradiction to authenticity, and how to start developing deeper levels of authenticity within ourselves. Interested in a luxury 1:1 online health coaching experience? Look no further than FENIX ATHLETICA, where we fuse science and soul for life-long transformation (inside AND out). Want to stay healthy on the go with high-quality ingredients you can feel good about having any day? Paleo Valley has everything you need, from easy to pack snacks to health support supplements and your new favorite daily greens poweder. Check out Paleo Valley and get a discount on your entire order! Follow me on Instagram Follow EMBody Radio on Instagram
How to Fully Embrace Personal Change and Evolution| with host Emily Duncan
07/09/2023 Duração: 39minOur lives and our souls naturally go through seasons of change... I know I've been through my fair share of them. Today we're talking about some of my favorite tools in my toolbelt for navigating life's changes with grace and confidence so you can continue living in deeper alignment and create the big, beautiful life you dream of. Interested in a luxury 1:1 online health coaching experience? Look no further than FENIX ATHLETICA, where we fuse science and soul for life-long transformation (inside AND out). LMNT is LMNT is a DELICIOUS, science-based electrolyte drink mix with everything you need and nothing you don’t. No sugar. No coloring. No artificial ingredients. No gluten. No fillers. No BS. Head to to get a FREE variety pack with your purchase! Follow me on Instagram Follow EMBody Radio on Instagram Shop CURED NUTRITION CBD/Hemp wellness products with code EMILY.
Advice to my Younger Self in my Personal Life, Health and Fitness, Business, and Relationships | with host Emily Duncan
31/08/2023 Duração: 39minOh, my younger self. A very convicted, committed, at times bullheaded sweet child. Today, we're diving into some of the advice I would give to my younger self in my personal life, my health and fitness, business, and my relationships. I know this is going to find someone that needs it. Interested in a luxury 1:1 online health coaching experience? Look no further than FENIX ATHLETICA, where we fuse science and soul for life-long transformation (inside AND out). Want to stay healthy on the go with high-quality ingredients you can feel good about having any day? Paleo Valley has everything you need, from easy to pack snacks to health support supplements and your new favorite daily greens poweder. Check out Paleo Valley and get a discount on your entire order! Follow me on Instagram Follow EMBody Radio on Instagram
Realistic Ways to Cultivate More Discipline and Discipline as an Act of Self Love | with host Emily Duncan
24/08/2023 Duração: 32minWhat is discipline really, and how can we realistically cultivate more of it? Is it really some militant force that we only deploy because we don't like ourselves, or is it possible for discipline to be an act of self love and self compassion? Let's dive in for one of my favorite topics of all time. Interested in a luxury 1:1 online health coaching experience? Look no further than FENIX ATHLETICA, where we fuse science and soul for life-long transformation (inside AND out). LMNT is LMNT is a DELICIOUS, science-based electrolyte drink mix with everything you need and nothing you don’t. No sugar. No coloring. No artificial ingredients. No gluten. No fillers. No BS. Head to to get a FREE variety pack with your purchase! Follow me on Instagram Follow EMBody Radio on Instagram Shop CURED NUTRITION CBD/Hemp wellness products with code EMILY.
What Even IS Spirituality, Different Stages in Your Spiritual Journey, Performative Spirituality, and Spiritual Abuse | with Kash and Bec of The Messy Girl Hour and host Emily Duncan
17/08/2023 Duração: 01h11minWe talk a lot about spirituality on this show, and today we're back with another spiritual power hour. Today, we're talking with Kash and Bec of the Messy Girl Hour podcast, and we're diving into all things spiritual journeys. All 3 of us are in different stages of our spiritual journeys with different backgrounds, and thus have different perspectives on what it looks like and means to us. We also dive into some of the dangers of the spiritual community, including plant medicine, go into Kash's journey with her body from being heavily entrenched in the fitness industry and how spirituality directly helped her improve her relationship with her body and food, connecting with different spiritual tools, KASH'S INSTAGRAM BEC'S INSTAGRAM THE MESSY GIRL HOUR PODCAST Want to stay healthy on the go with high-quality ingredients you can feel good about having any day? Paleo Valley has everything you need, from easy to pack snacks to health support supplements and your new favorite daily greens poweder. Check out Pa
GET THE FUNK OUT - My Favorite, Easy Practices for Getting Out of a Personal Funk and Into Your Best Life Yet | with host Emily Duncan
10/08/2023 Duração: 35minWe've all been there - life comes at you fast, or mental health struggles hit, and you suddenly find yourself in the middle of an icky, sticky, mucky funk. Like you're in swamp. And that is decidedly... not the vibe. I found myself in a really high stress season this summer, and sure enough, funk was I in. My mental health tanked, my health, performance, and body composition did a nose dive, and I overall just... didn't feel great (which is an understatement). So, I'm sharing with you some of my favorite tried-and-true de-funking practices to help you shift your state and get into your best life (and self) yet. These are tools that I'm using right along side you in this season of my life, too. Let's dive in and get better together! Interested in a luxury 1:1 online health coaching experience? Look no further than FENIX ATHLETICA, where we fuse science and soul for life-long transformation (inside AND out). LMNT is LMNT is a DELICIOUS, science-based electrolyte drink mix with everything you need and nothing yo
LIFE UPDATE: Why I Stopped Sharing So Much On Social Media, What's Going on in My Life, Moving AGAIN, All That Jazz | with host Emily Duncan
03/08/2023 Duração: 45minLet's cut to the chase: we're talking about why I went from sharing every detail of my life on the internet to barely sharing anything, the journey back to sharing more openly again, where my life is now, all the places and times I've moved in the last 18 months (lol), and all that jazz. Let's catch up. Fucking love you. Mean it. Interested in a luxury 1:1 online health coaching experience? Look no further than FENIX ATHLETICA, where we fuse science and soul for life-long transformation (inside AND out). Want to stay healthy on the go with high-quality ingredients you can feel good about having any day? Paleo Valley has everything you need, from easy to pack snacks to health support supplements and your new favorite daily greens poweder. Check out Paleo Valley and get a discount on your entire order! Follow me on Instagram Follow EMBody Radio on Instagram
The Messy Side of Intuition, Where Our Lives are Leading Us, and Going into Business with Your Best Friend | with Brittany Brantley and Emily Duncan
27/07/2023 Duração: 01h17minBrittany and I are back for another whirlwind adventure where we debunk some myths around intuition, why you DON'T always need to feel good to take action, the current state of our lives, and what it was like to create our program, Camp Maiden, together. FOLLOW BRITTANY ON INSTAGRAM BRITTANY'S SUBSTACK Interested in a luxury 1:1 online health coaching experience? Look no further than FENIX ATHLETICA, where we fuse science and soul for life-long transformation (inside AND out). LMNT is LMNT is a DELICIOUS, science-based electrolyte drink mix with everything you need and nothing you don’t. No sugar. No coloring. No artificial ingredients. No gluten. No fillers. No BS. Head to to get a FREE variety pack with your purchase! Follow me on Instagram Follow EMBody Radio on Instagram Shop CURED NUTRITION CBD/Hemp wellness products with code EMILY.
Take Your Power Back and Become Your Own Healer - Spiritual Tools for High-Achieving Women | with Taylor Stone and Emily Duncan
20/07/2023 Duração: 51minToday’s guest is Taylor Stone. Taylor is a former NFL cheerleader whose mission is to help high-achieving women remember their power and become their own healer. Using her background from her health sciences degrees, self-mastery, and alchemical energy healing, Taylor helps give her clients useful tools and practices to help her clients create their own heaven on earth and attract what they truly desire into their lives. I’ll be honest, when we first started talking about alchemical energy healing in the episode, I had no clue what it was. But that’s what podcasts are for! So, today we’re diving right on in to help you add some new tools to your spiritual and energetic toolbelt. As with everything, not every tool or teacher is for every person. If something resonates with you, amazing! My motto is take what lands and leave what doesn’t. But trust me, you're going to get some great "nuggets from the Universe" in this one! TAYLOR'S WEBSITE TAYLOR'S INSTAGRAM Interested in a luxury 1:1 online health coaching exp
Intuition: Learning how to Listen to, Harness, and Strengthen Your Internal Guidance System | with host Emily Duncan
13/07/2023 Duração: 38minIn today’s episode, we’ll be exploring all things intuition. It’s one of my most frequently asked questions in the spiritual category - how to strengthen your intuition, how to listen to it, and how to discern between an emotional reaction vs. your intuition, and how to harness its power to improve your health, wealth, and relationships. Our intuition is an incredible tool that often goes unnoticed or ignored in our masculine, urgent, logic-driven world. But by understanding and trusting your intuition, we can revolutionize just about every area of our lives. When we’re able to remove some of the static from the station that is our deep, true internal guidance system, we’re able to naturally experience better health, more wealth, deeper relationships, and overall lead more aligned and fulfilling lives. LEARN MORE ABOUT CAMP MAIDEN SIGN UP FOR CAMP MAIDEN Interested in a luxury 1:1 online health coaching experience? Look no further than FENIX ATHLETICA, where we fuse science and soul for life-long transforma
Grief and Letting Go, the Art of Surrender, Men's Mental Health, and Creating a Safe Space for the People We Love | with Caleb Campbell and Emily Duncan
06/07/2023 Duração: 01h06minCaleb is a former NFL player and West Point graduate, and as cool as all of that is, and as much respect as I have for it, what he’s doing now is the entire reason he’s on this show. It was when Caleb reached a point of feeling completely burnt out with little to no self-worth or self-concept that he decided to leave the NFL, leave the only life he ever knew behind, pack up his bags, and head to Canada to start his journey of mental and emotional health exploration. Now, Caleb is a professional speaker that works with leaders, and helps them create more capacity within themselves and their teams so that can expand their abilities as leaders, elevate their performance, and experience an overall better quality of life. On today’s episode, we’re diving into all things emotions: experiencing and moving through grief, grief as a teacher, leaning into the unknown, how to create a safe space for the people we love, the difference between creating a safe space and coddling, the importance of men’s mental health, h
Energy Availability and the Menstrual Cycle: How to Support Your Body + Performance | with host Emily Duncan
29/06/2023 Duração: 26minWomen's health and the menstrual cycle is pretty misunderstood. After the menstrual cycle basics episode went over so well with everyone, I wanted to continue creating more content about women’s health, especially menstrual health. It breaks my heart that so many of us, self included, don’t truly learn about our physiology and our body’s natural cycles until our 20s or 30s, sometimes even later, or until we’re dealing with some kind of reproductive health issue. When we can learn how to work with our bodies instead of constantly trying to drop kick them into submission, not only can we live healthier lives, but we can actually make more fitness progress. I’ve seen it time and time again both in myself and in clients: when female physiology is operating as female physiology is meant to, i.e. we have a healthy, reliable period, we perform better, build muscle and lose fat more easily, and overall experience a higher quality of life. Today I want to talk about one of the biggest “offenders” in the health and fi
The Top 5 Mistakes I See in Fitness, Health, and Wellness | with host Emily Duncan
22/06/2023 Duração: 32minI've been on my fitness journey for over 12 years and working in the fitness industry for over 8. There are a lot of big, repeat mistakes I see people making that keep them from living in the bodies they want to live in, with the level of life satisfaction they want to have, and with the levels of health needed to truly thrive. We go over the top 5 mistakes I see in today's episode! Interested in a luxury 1:1 online health coaching experience? Look no further than FENIX ATHLETICA, where we fuse science and soul for life-long transformation (inside AND out). Want to stay healthy on the go with high-quality ingredients you can feel good about having any day? Paleo Valley has everything you need, from easy to pack snacks to health support supplements and your new favorite daily greens poweder. Check out Paleo Valley and use the code EMBODY for a discount on your order! Follow me on Instagram Follow EMBody Radio on Instagram Shop CURED NUTRITION CBD/Hemp wellness products with code EMILY.
The High Achiever's Guide to Inner Success, Compassionate Personal Development, and Breaking Through Barriers By Being Instead of Doing | with Yedda Stancil and Emily Duncan
14/06/2023 Duração: 01h12minToday’s guest is such a powerhouse and honestly couldn’t be more perfect for this show and the people who listen to it. We’re talking with Yedda Stancil, a lifestyle and leadership coach that works with high achievers that have achieved high levels of external success, and want to shift and work on inward success. Think: self-worth, deep self-understanding, compassion, growing and motivating yourself from a place of love vs a place of inadequacy, and how to “do the work” without treating yourself like a never-ending self-improvement project. In my own personal and spiritual development journey, I’ve definitely fallen into the traps of perfectionism, hyper-healing, always needing to be growing or working on something, and to be brutally honest, feeling like if I’m not motivating myself from a place of insufficiency, that I won’t be as motivated or driven. We talk through all of those things today, and we focus specifically on how shifting away from doing as a means to being, a more masculine framework, and int
Blood, Sweat, and Tears: the Basics of the Menstrual Cycle and Feeling Empowered by Your Period | with host Emily Duncan
08/06/2023 Duração: 01h03minOne of my core values as a coach and at FENIX is body education. One of the most under-discussed aspects of health is reproductive health + menstrual cycle awareness. Today, we're diving into the basics of the menstrual cycle, phases of your cycle, cervical fluid, reproductive health resources, hormonal birth control, and why having a healthy cycle matters. Let's dive in and get nerdy on our beautiful, incredible bodies. Interested in a luxury 1:1 online health coaching experience? Look no further than FENIX ATHLETICA, where we fuse science and soul for life-long transformation (inside AND out). Want to stay healthy on the go with high-quality ingredients you can feel good about having any day? Paleo Valley has everything you need, from easy to pack snacks to health support supplements and your new favorite daily greens poweder. Check out Paleo Valley and use the code EMBODY for a discount on your order! Follow me on Instagram Follow EMBody Radio on Instagram Shop CURED NUTRITION CBD/Hemp wellness
Time Management for Health, Wellness, and Productivity | with hose Emily Duncan
01/06/2023 Duração: 33minAre you a girl-on-the-go? A bad n' busy bitch? Hello, same. I get asked about time management all the time, and it was a primary topic of conversation in our FENIX Group Coaching Program. Tune in for this replay of the bonus live call I hosted on time management and maximizing both your time + your wellness while on a pressed schedule. Click below for your free copy of the free guide! The "Busy Bitch Bible" Freebie Interested in a luxury 1:1 online health coaching experience? Look no further than FENIX ATHLETICA, where we fuse science and soul for life-long transformation (inside AND out). LMNT is LMNT is a DELICIOUS, science-based electrolyte drink mix with everything you need and nothing you don’t. No sugar. No coloring. No artificial ingredients. No gluten. No fillers. No BS. Head to to get a FREE variety pack with your purchase! Follow me on Instagram Follow EMBody Radio on Instagram Shop CURED NUTRITION CBD/Hemp wellness products with code EMILY.
Imposter Syndrome: Types and How to Recognize, Reframe, and Move Through It | with host Emily Duncan
18/05/2023 Duração: 29minEver felt like none of your accomplishments were real or earned, that maybe you just lucked into them? Or felt constantly on edge, wondering when you would be "exposed" as the fraud you are to all of the people in your life? Maybe asked yourself, "Who am I to be doing this?" Well... you may be one of the bajillion of us that deals with imposter syndrome. And today we're gonna unpack, reframe, and work through it. Interested in a luxury 1:1 online health coaching experience? Look no further than FENIX ATHLETICA, where we fuse science and soul for life-long transformation (inside AND out). LMNT is LMNT is a DELICIOUS, science-based electrolyte drink mix with everything you need and nothing you don’t. No sugar. No coloring. No artificial ingredients. No gluten. No fillers. No BS. Head to to get a FREE variety pack with your purchase! Follow me on Instagram Follow EMBody Radio on Instagram Shop CURED NUTRITION CBD/Hemp wellness products with code EMILY.
UNCUT GEMS: Lessons from my 27th Year | with host Emily Duncan
11/05/2023 Duração: 41minHoly shit, 27 flew by. This was without a doubt one of the most pivotal years of my life. I learned so much about myself, life, my experiences, business, and the people I love. In typical me fashion, I've spent a lot of time reflecting on this year, and also in typical me fashion, I want to use some of those reflections to help you along in your life journey. Let's dive into the lessons from the 27th year. Interested in a luxury 1:1 online health coaching experience? Look no further than FENIX ATHLETICA, where we fuse science and soul for life-long transformation (inside AND out). Want to stay healthy on the go with high-quality ingredients you can feel good about having any day? Paleo Valley has everything you need, from easy to pack snacks to health support supplements and your new favorite daily greens poweder. Check out Paleo Valley and use the code EMBODY for a discount on your order! Follow me on Instagram Follow EMBody Radio on Instagram Shop CURED NUTRITION CBD/Hemp wellness products with code EMILY.