Higher Ed Live

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 247:53:27
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Higher Ed Live offers viewers direct access to the best & brightest minds in education and allows viewers to share knowledge and participate in discussions around the industry's most important issues.


  • Advancement Live - How To Promote Giving on Holidays (and Break Records)

    02/03/2017 Duração: 44min

    On February 14, 2017, Holy Cross broke the all-time 24-hour giving record for all liberal arts colleges. With 6,100+ participants (far surpassing their goal of 4,000), the college raised $1.64 million dollars through their Valentine's Day themed challenge. In this episode of Advancement Live, Kim Brown chats with the team behind #ILoveHC about their decision to tie a giving day to a holiday, along with the key strategies behind their wildly successful day.

  • Student Affairs Live - Supporting & Engaging Graduate & Professional Students

    02/03/2017 Duração: 01h02min

    Graduate students, medical students, law students, and postdoctoral fellows are uniquely situated constituents on college and university campuses. Whether they are recent undergraduates going straight through or full time staff returning for a post-baccalaureate credential, the diversity among and range of needs of graduate students is vast. In what ways should colleges and universities support, engage, and develop their graduate students? Which campus departments or divisions should primarily serve graduate students and address their unique needs? How should student affairs specifically think purposefully about their work in supporting students beyond their undergraduate years?

  • Marketing Live - Sparking Creative Ideas in your Marketing Team

    23/02/2017 Duração: 52min

    Higher ed marketing and communications demands long-term brilliance, not just one-off ideas. But how do you keep your team from getting “stuck”? In this episode of Marketing Live, we’ll discuss ways to foster a creative work environment. You’ll come away with tactics to implement with your team to help generate innovate ideas.

  • Admissions Live - Advancing Your Admissions Career

    21/02/2017 Duração: 43min

    Many admission professionals take on a master's degree program early in their career; for others, the pursuit of an advanced degree might come later, alongside a significant amount of additional responsibilities and commitments. What are the pros and cons of this later start? How can one utilize advanced knowledge of the industry to complement one's education? In this episode of Admissions Live, we'll break down some of the benefits and potential pitfalls of this educational timeline. We'll also speak to the pros and cons of pursuing a career at one college or university, and how to take full advantage of the networks at and beyond that institution to grow as a professional.

  • Higher Ed Live: Special Edition - Communications Gumbo: How Content, PR and Strategy Work Together

    17/02/2017 Duração: 01h33s

    There are plenty of ingredients in a communications pro's pantry. Mixing flavors of earned media, PR and paid content with your organization's strategy can yield tasty results. This presentation will cover various aspects of communications strategy including content production and curation, PR practice and select content marketing and corporate partnerships. I will take conference attendees through our process which includes: Reviewing and adapting areas of strategic focus into "interesting" topics Tracking topics in popular media and identifying earned media opportunities Identifying and promoting faculty with area expertise (and ensuring coverage and support to faculty not directly associated with strategic topics) Producing content calendars aligned with strategic topics and marketing goals Identifying opportunities for sponsored updates and other "quick wins" Using various forms of content (social, multimedia, submitted) to make the most impact with limited resources Tracking results of communications c

  • Marketing Live - Media Panel: Higher Ed & The News

    16/02/2017 Duração: 25min

    Hear from reporters and editors who specialize in covering higher education. Discuss best practices on everything from embargoed pitches and working with the editorial desk to responding to reporters during breaking news or sensitive situations. Bring all your questions on how best to get noticed by local and national media.

  • Student Affairs Live - Leadership Lessons you won't Learn in a Book

    16/02/2017 Duração: 01h05min

    There are a plethora of degrees, scholarly articles, self-improvement books, trainings, workshops, and conferences available to leaders today. With all this educational material, there is certainly knowledge to be gained through formalized study, yet, these pursuits often fail to capture the nuances and challenges of day-to-day leadership. Join our guests as they share practical lessons, strategies, and tips they've learned on the job. How do you stand out in the profession? What is the difference between managing and leading? How can you be a top-performer while maintaining work-life balance? How do you improve self-awareness? What is the key to transitioning from specialist to generalist to cross functional teams? How can you manage both down and up the organization? On this episode of Student Affairs Live, host Tony Doody speaks with Dr. Ann Marie Klotz, Dean for Campus Life on the Manhattan campus of the New York Institute of Technology, Dr. David E. Jones, Director of the Paul Robeson Cultural Center at

  • Student Affairs Live - Dismantling Racism: Tools for Student Affairs Educators

    08/02/2017 Duração: 01h04min

    On a previous episode, we explored mistakes that well-intended white student affairs educators made while trying to be allies to colleagues and communities of color on their campuses. These mistakes often highlight the need for whites to engage in more self-work and skill development around dismantling institutionalized racism. Many student affairs educators see potential in organizing and supporting self-work in order to be more active and effective change agents for racial justice on campus. Through engaging stories and concrete examples and tools, Dr. Kathy Obear shares her own personal struggles and the common challenges and obstacles many white people face as they work to create more equitable, inclusive organizations in her new book …But I’m Not Racist! Tools for Well-Meaning White People. On this episode of Student Affairs Live, host Heather Shea speaks with Dr. Obear about the critical need for whites to recognize how often they unintentionally react out of racist beliefs and learn to change their be

  • Advancement Live - Using Data to Understand Alumni Engagement

    08/02/2017 Duração: 54min

    How well do you know your alumni audience? We have access to a broad range of quantitative and qualitative research tools. These approaches can produce deep and actionable insights. Nailing down the key insights requires the right approach to the right questions. On this episode of Advancement Live, we will talk through recent case studies. Each will illustrate how you can use research to answer questions about your alumni. Learn how this approach will help you make good decisions.

  • Admissions Live - Hospitality in Admissions

    07/02/2017 Duração: 01h03min

    Historically, college and universities have been much more interested in policies and procedures than hospitality, entertainment, and customer service. That, of course, has changed at many institutions due to increased competition, a reduced supply of prospective students, and a need to stand out from the crowd. Hospitality has now become a buzzword in college admissions. In this episode of Admissions Live, we will explore how High Point University and Washington College are moving the needle by focusing on hospitality and learn more about what prospective students and their families want during college visits.

  • Higher Ed Live: Special Edition - Text Messaging for Student Success

    31/01/2017 Duração: 43min

    You've tried everything from social media to flyers to emails and meetings -- but have you tried text messaging to engage students? In this episode of Higher Ed Live Special Edition, Jeff McNamara, Director of Student Success, shares how Carroll University uses text messaging to retain and ultimately graduate more students. (This episode is sponsored by Mongoose: https://mongooseresearch.com/)

  • Student Affairs Live - How to Get Published

    26/01/2017 Duração: 55min

    Do you have an aspiration for writing but don’t know where to start or how to submit? Are you looking for tips on content and writing style? Do you want to learn how to best stand out and distinguish yourself from other articles and submissions? Learn the joys and challenges of writing by joining this esteemed panel of editors as they share their experiences from a broad range of professional associations, publication types, and content areas. On this episode of Student Affairs Live, host Tony Doody speaks with Debora Liddell (Editor of ACPA’s Journal of College Student Development), Elizabeth Beltramini (Editor of ACUI’s Bulletin), Suzanne Price (Editor of ACUHO-I’s Journal of College and University Student Housing), and Amy Bergeson, (Editor of the NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education).

  • Advancement Live - Designing a Digital Advancement Office

    23/01/2017 Duração: 56min

    We all know what a traditional advancement office looks like, but as giving behaviors change, constituents are looking for more than what's traditional. Do you have a staff member dedicated to Facebook Live engagement? Someone to call on when it comes to crowdfunding? In this episode of Advancement Live, Kim Brown chats with three leaders in digital alumni engagement and fundraising about the concept of a "digital advancement office." Where do you start? What would such an office look like? Learn how to convince your leadership to invest in digital and, in doing so, make a real investment in the future of your institution.

  • Marketing Live - Trends and Takeaways: A Recap of AMA Higher Ed

    17/01/2017 Duração: 55min

    Last month, more than a thousand professional marketers gathered in Orlando, Florida, for the annual American Marketing Association (AMA) Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education. In this episode, we’ll recap the major themes and takeaways from this year’s conference.

  • Higher Ed Live: Special Edition - Finding the Right Source: The Journalist Perspective

    04/01/2017 Duração: 43min

    “How do we get more media coverage?” This is a question journalists, chase producers and reporters hear all the time. Do you know their journey to find the right source for the stories they put together? Higher education institutions have a wealth of expert sources. Seventy eight percent of media professionals prefer sources from academic and healthcare industries. So, why aren’t you getting more placements, inquiries and requests for those great experts? In this episode, we'll get inside the journalist head, and hear their perspective. Conway Fraser will share insights into the scramble for sources. He'll also share war stories and secrets to help you break into the news cycle.

  • Admissions Live - Recruiting STEM Students

    20/12/2016 Duração: 46min

    How do we empower the next generation of designers, engineers, and makers? Majors in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) are ever-changing. They’re vital to our ability to evolve as a society. In this broadcast, we speak with Dr. Randy Swearer of Autodesk. Tune in for insights into efforts we can take to support STEM initiatives in the K-12 world. Learn how t0 recruit talented students for these fields.

  • Admissions Live - The State of College Admissions Update

    12/12/2016 Duração: 45min

    The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) publishes an annual report. It's called the State of College Admission. In it you'll find up-to-date information about the admission process. The practices include first-time freshmen, transfer students, and international students in the US. In this episode of Admissions Live, hear from NACAC's executive director of educational content and policy. David Hawkins will share what he has learned about factors in the admission decision. David brings insights into the status of college counseling in secondary schools. We'll also discuss common recruitment strategies that are being executed by colleges and universities.

  • Marketing Live - Access Denied: Keeping Yourself Off of an Attacker's Radar

    08/12/2016 Duração: 37min

    2016 HigherEdWeb Conference Best Presentation Award! Google's recent Transparency Report shows that nearly half a million websites are now hosting malware, an increase of 160 percent from this time last year. Higher education websites are particularly attractive to attackers, offering access to large amounts of bandwidth and broad network space. In this session, we will examine blackbox scanning tools to discover what types of information your WordPress site might be leaking to attackers. Then we'll explore steps we can take to stop this information leakage — one key segment of a larger strategy to fortify WordPress sites.

  • Student Affairs Live - Post-Election: Safety, Dialogue & Student Engagement

    08/12/2016 Duração: 01h12min

    The aftermath of the 2016 Presidential Election has been felt on our college campuses. Nearly a month after Election Day, campuses remain locations where dialogue, engagement, political action, and student activism are all in a pivotal moment. This election has brought about concerns about safety balanced against a need to engage in conversation across difference. In what ways are campuses providing space for reflection, self-care, and dialogue simultaneously? How does online/social media platforms affect student political learning and promote dialogue (or stifle debate)? On this episode of Student Affairs Live, host Heather Shea Gasser connects with panelists to discuss these questions and more related to the aftermath of the 2016 election. Joining Heather are Dr. Cassie Barnhardt, Dr. Adam Gismondi, Alex Lange, Dr. Sam Museus, and Dr. Julie Payne-Kirchmeier.

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