Podcast by theCHURCH of Arizona
“Thinking Well” Message 8-1-21
07/08/2021 Duração: 39minPoint: The day you stop listening is the day you stop learning, the day you stop learning is the day you stop leading, the day you stop leading is the day you stop caring. Scripture: Acts 18:24-28 1. Read Acts 18:24-25. What was it about Apollos that made him stand out? How can you learn from Apollos? 2. Read verses 25-26. Apollos needed strong Christians like Pricilla and Aquila to teach him how to better understand God’s Word. Who do you know who can help you understand God’s Word better? 3. Read verses 27-28. Apollos took what he had learned and used it to teach others also. This is great leadership. How can you take what you are learning and use it to make disciples? 4. How can we help you to stay centered on Christ this week?
“Think” Message 7-25-21
01/08/2021 Duração: 45minPoint: “If my private world is in order, it will be because I have determined that everyday will be a day of growth in knowledge and wisdom.” - Gordon Macdonald Scripture: Acts 17:10-12, 22-34; Acts 18:8-11 1. Read Acts 17:10-12. What did it look like for the Jews in Berea to think critically? How can we model the same type of critical thinking? Explain. 2. Read Acts 17:22-34. God’s Word is relevant for every aspect of life. How can creative thinking help you apply God’s Word in every circumstance? 3. Read Acts 18:5-11. How should the Word of God lead you to think compassionately about others? Explain. 4. How can we help you to stay centered on Christ this week?
"Time Pt 2" Message 7-18-21
23/07/2021 Duração: 35min"Time Pt 2" Message 7-18-21 by Pastor Ernie Jaurique
“Time” Message 7-11-21
17/07/2021 Duração: 43minPoint: “If your inner world (inside Jesus life) is in order it will be because you have made a Daily Determination to see time as God’s gift and worthy of careful investment.” - Gordon MacDonald (Parenthesis Ernies) Scripture: Luke 10:38-42; Ephesians 5:15-17 Questions: 1. Read Luke 10:38-40. Can you relate to Martha? What are some things that demand most of your time? What are some important things that get neglected? 2. Read verses 41-42. What should be the top 5 priorities in your time management? Name them. Put them in Order: Put your top five in order from 1-5. How much time is spent on each of these in a 24 hour period? 3. Read Ephesians 5:15-17. We all do it. What is the one thing you waste your time on? What is the reason you spend so much time there? 4. Make a plan. When will you schedule time with God? How can this group hold you accountable to that schedule? 5. How can we help you to stay centered on Christ this week?
“Living From Jesus” Message 7-4-21
08/07/2021 Duração: 52minPoint: A life lived from Jesus will change the world for Jesus. Scripture: Romans 8:5-11 1. Read verse 5. What are some ways that you can set your mind on the things of the Spirit? 2. Read verses 6-8. Why is the mind that is set on worldly things hostile to God? Explain. 3. Read verses 9-11. How should your thinking change because of the Spirit of Christ inside of you? 4. What are you going to do this week to set your mind on the Spirit? Give us a plan for how you will accomplish this. 5. How can we help you to stay centered on Christ this week?
“Centered: Inside Out” Message 6-27-21
02/07/2021 Duração: 38minPoint: When I am centered in the Gospel of Jesus Christ I live from the inside out for His glory regardless of the circumstances. Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:7-18 Questions: 1. Read verses 7-12. How does believing and trusting in the gospel of Jesus Christ make our lives look different? 2. Read verses 13-15. How should having the gospel centered in our hearts lead us to share the gospel with others? 3. Read verses 16-18. How can we center and “renew” ourselves in the gospel “day by day”? What does that look like for you? 4. How does the gospel’s promise of eternity give you perspective on your present circumstances? 5. How can we help you to stay centered on Christ this week?
“Centered” Message 6-20-21
24/06/2021 Duração: 38minPoint: If the central point, or the most powerful influence of your life is the redemption of Jesus Christ, then every aspect of your life will bear fruit for Him and will be honored because of Him. Scripture: Colossians 3:1-17 1. What do you think it means that “Christ…is your life”? Explain. 2. What are some things that tend to motivate and lead you other than Christ? Explain. 3. Where or what do you tend to turn to for relief or comfort when things go bad? Explain. 4. Why is it important for Jesus to be the center of your life and nothing else? Explain. 5. How can we help you to stay centered on Christ this week?
“Bring The Mountain Top With You” Message 6-13-21
17/06/2021 Duração: 32minPoint: Bring The Mountain Top With You 1. Read verses 2-6. Have you ever had an unforgettable “mountain-top” faith experience? Tell us about that experience. What was so impactful about that experience? How did it change your life? 2. Why do you think we always try to get back to (or stay in) those types of experiences, rather than bringing those experiences with us into everyday life? Comfort: Mountain-top experiences are comfortable. Nobody likes to be uncomfortable. If we could, we would just stay comfortable our entire lives - but God never calls us to comfort. Instead He expects us to take those experiences with us into the valleys of life, to reflect on them while we pursue His mission and purpose everyday. 3. Read verses 14-27. Why do you think it’s so hard to believe that Jesus can and will answer prayer in our favor? Answers: We know that God always answers prayer, but His answer is not always in our favor. Sometimes His answer is “No”. Hope: God calls us to ask hopefully, like a child, undet
“True Worship” Message 6-6-21
11/06/2021 Duração: 43minPoint: Your Life reveals your worship - who or what are you worshipping? Scripture: John 4:7-26 Questions: 1. Read verses 7-15. What do you think Jesus is talking about when He speaks of “living water”? 2. Read verses 16-18. Why do you think Jesus asks the women to bring Him her husband? 3. What do you need to bring to Jesus in order to truly worship Him alone? 4. Read verses 19-26. What does it mean to worship God in spirit and in truth? Explain. 5. How should a life of worship Monday - Saturday cause you to pour out praise and worship on Sunday? Explain what that looks like practically.
“Disciple Me” Message 5-30-21
04/06/2021 Duração: 44minPoint: Discipleship should be able to honestly say, walk with me as I walk with Him, Imitate me as I imitate Him and so be an imitator of Him and not me… Scripture: Matthew 28:18-20; John 15:16-17 Questions: 1. Read John 15:16-17. What do you think Jesus means by, “go and bear fruit”? 2. What would it look like for the disciples you invest in to “abide” in Christ? Explain. 3. How and where are you creating an environment for discipleship conversations to happen? What does that look like? 4. What should happen when you get up from the table?
“Anchored in Community” Message 5-23-21
26/05/2021 Duração: 28minPoint: Cross Generational Discipleship Happens When It’s Anchored In Community. Scripture: Matthew 9:10-13; Matthew 26:20,26-29; Psalm 23 Questions: 1. Have two group members read Matthew 9:10-13 and Matthew 26:20,26-29. Why do you think God chooses to form His people around tables in Community? 2. What would it look like for the church to invite the next generation to the table? What do you think that means to “invite them to the table”? 3. Read Psalm 23. Would you say that community is an act of war? Why or why not? 4. What is at stake if we don’t make community a priority? 5. Who is one person, couple, or family you know that you could intentionally invest in? How can we help you take that step?
“Uncommon” Message 5-16-21
21/05/2021 Duração: 40min“Uncommon” Message 5-16-21 by Pastor Ernie Jaurique
"The World of Work" Message 5-9-21
16/05/2021 Duração: 38minPoint: Encouraging and preparing one another for the work of being a disciple even at work. Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:1-7 1. Read verse 1 again. Why does it seem that the workplace is one of the hardest places to live out our faith? 2. Read verses 2-4. What does it look like for you to live out your faith (identity and purpose) in the workplace, practically? Give examples. 3. How old does someone need to be before you can start talking to them about a career? 4. Read verses 5-7. How can we infuse the purposes of God into those career conversations? Explain. 5. What would it look like for you to begin to encourage the next generation to live out their faith in their chosen (or desired) career?
"Making Relationships Meaningful" Message 5-2-21
06/05/2021 Duração: 36minPoint: The best way to share faith is by making relationships meaningful. Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 2:7-12 Questions: 1. How can you know if a relationship is meaningful or not? Explain. 2. Why do you think it’s so difficult to build lasting, meaningful relationships? 3. Read 1 Thessalonians 2:7-12 again. What makes a meaningful relationship happen? 4. What would it look like for you to build meaningful relationships across generational lines? 5. What is one thing you can do to invest in Cross-Generational relationships? How can we help you take that step?
"Guide" Message 4-25-21
26/04/2021 Duração: 44minPoint: Christ followers who continue to follow Christ usually have people in their lives to help them follow Christ
"Can’t give what you don’t have" Message 4-18-21
24/04/2021 Duração: 41minLife inside: Can’t give what you don’t have. Point: Finding Jesus easy to identify with is much different than finding your identity in Jesus. Scripture: Matthew 22:37-40 Questions: 1. How is intimacy pursued in any relationship? Explain. 2. What does it look like for someone to have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ? 3. What is wrong with identifying WITH Jesus rather than finding your identity IN Jesus? 4. What are some practical steps you can take to know Jesus more intimately? 5. How can we help you take that step?
"Live to Give" Message 4-11-21
14/04/2021 Duração: 40minPoint: We must live the life we hope to give. We can’t expect the church to carry on if we refuse to pass it on. Scripture: Psalm 145:1-13 Questions: 1. Read verses 1-3. Why do you think that personal worship is a prerequisite for making disciples in every generation? 2. Read verses 4-9. How can we (the church) help each generation follow Jesus in a way that connects with the world they live in? 3. Read verses 10-13. How does worship + discipleship = a changed world? Explain. 4. What would it look like for you to be Jesus to the next generation? 5. Where is God challenging you to take the next step in generational discipleship? How can we help you take that step?
"Not Ashamed" Message 3-28-21
08/04/2021 Duração: 40min"Not Ashamed" Message 3-28-21 by Pastor Ernie Jaurique
"Jesus sets us apart in this life..." Message 3-21-21
28/03/2021 Duração: 39minPoint: Jesus sets us apart in this life to live a life that looks like His life, a different life that makes a difference in life. Scripture: Luke 4:17-21; John 20:21-22; Acts 1:8 Questions: 1. What is the purpose of pursuing holiness? What do you think we have been “set apart” for? 2. Read John 20:21-22. What do you think it means to be “sent” as Jesus was sent? 3. What are some practical ways you can show Jesus to the people in your life (Neighborhood, work, where you shop, eat, play, etc.)? 4. What do you need to change in your life in order for you to represent Jesus to the world around you? How can we help you?