Rainbow Soul

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 1268:23:00
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BlakeRadio.com - Information and Music for your Mind, Body and Soul - The Rainbow Soul Channel at BlakeRadio.com features Hosts from around the country discussing, lecturing and having conversations about Africana Studies, Entertainment, Holistic Healing & Nutrition, Sports, Politics & "Life." Rainbow Soul is also proud to present a weekly program for our children called Aunt Jewel's Bedtime Stories.Rainbow Soul - Talk Radio for Your Mind, Body and Soul - If you enjoy listening to the FREE programs and downloads... Please Log into our website www.BlakeRadio.com and show your support by making a donation of any amount you choose. Thank You in advance for Your Support!


  • The Cyberspace Sanctuary

    12/01/2015 Duração: 02h01min

    Junious Ricardo Stanton returns the favor and welcomes writer, whistelblower, entrepreneur and investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts back to the Cyberspace Sanctuary. Ms Fitts is the former Managing partner of Dillion Read and Co. an influential Wall Street investment banking firm, she also served as Undersecretary for Housing and Urban Development during the first Bu$h administratons. She is a much sought after guest on alternative media. Catherine is the founder and president of Solari Inc and publisher of the Solari Report an eclectic  weekly digest of wide ranging information from a enlightened humanitarian point of view. Catherine shares how she first discovered the US elites' genocidal plans for African-Americans. During their broad ranging conversation Junious and Catherine chat about current events,the shadow economy, debate whether the global elite are psychopaths or aliens and discuss the power of spiritual warfare as the most viable option to thwart and defeat the New World Order agenda.

  • Healing with Dr Daniels - A Better Class of Healing

    06/01/2015 Duração: 01h00s

    Please join Dr Jennifer Daniels on January 6, 2015 at 6pm EDT for the Healing with Dr Daniels Show. Today's topic is: A Better Class of Healing When Dr Daniels was a little girl, she would sometimes share with her mother little things her friends did that would disappoint her. Her mother’s shocking response? Time to find a better class of friends. Is it time for you to change to a better class of healing? Dr Daniels discusses the different classes of healing and how you can change to a better class of healing and get better results. Tune in. Think Happens Tune in to Healing with Dr Daniels on January 6th at 6pm EDT. Listen by phone  (914-338-0695 or online click this link or copy this on your browser: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio Ask questions during the show, by phone call: 914-338-0695 or online go to http://healingwithdrdaniels.chatango.com/

  • Healing with Dr Daniels - Predictions for 2015

    30/12/2014 Duração: 58min

    Please join Dr Jennifer Daniels on December 30th at 6pm EDT for the Healing with Dr Daniels Show. The show's title is Predictions for 2015 What’s Hot, What’s Not. Tune in as Dr Daniels gives her best picks as to the up coming trends in Healing, self – care, health care and healing. You heard it first here. Think Happens. Tune in to Healing with Dr Daniels on December 30th at 6pm EDT. Listen by phone  (914-338-0695 or online click this link or copy this on your browser: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio Ask questions during the show, by phone call: 914-338-0695 or online go to http://healingwithdrdaniels.chatango.com/

  • Healing with Dr Daniels - The Best of 2014 !!

    23/12/2014 Duração: 59min

    Please join Dr Jennifer Daniels on December 23rd at 6pm EDT for the Healing with Dr Daniels Show. The show's title is  The Best of 2014 !! Dr Daniels reviews her most popular shows of 2014 !! Join Dr Daniels as she counts down the 20 most popular shows of 2014. Additional insights of course. Think Happens Tune in to Healing with Dr Daniels on December 23rd at 6pm EDT. Listen by phone  (914-338-0695 or online click this link or copy this on your browser: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio Ask questions during the show, by phone call: 914-338-0695 or online go to http://healingwithdrdaniels.chatango.com/

  • Junious Ricardo Stanton on the Solari Report With Catherine Austin Fitts

    19/12/2014 Duração: 01h22min

    The Cyberspace Sanctuary shares a Solari Report with Junious Ricardo Stanton as the featured guest. Author, activist, whistleblower and financial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts invited long time friend and fellow independent radio producer Junious Ricardo Stanton to guest on her Solari Report Internet program. Chatherine and Junious discuss the roots of the divide and rule strategum that allows the ruling oligarchy to maintain its death grip on the global economy and domestic political infrastucture. Each shares insights about the racial tension and strife currently going on in the US and they peak behind he media currtain to talk about the real issues and ways to break the oligachs stranglehold on humanity by seeing beyond the divide and rule game they play. 

  • Healing with Dr Daniels - Physician Suicide

    16/12/2014 Duração: 57min

    Please join Dr Jennifer Daniels on December 16th at 6pm EDT for the Healing with Dr Daniels Show. The show's title is Physician Suicide: Twice the rate of the general population ?? What gives here!?  What is the cause?  Can more humane training stem the tide?  If Doctors cannot even save themselves, should you trust them to save you??  Dr Daniels reviews the writings of a phycisian who survived suicide and still practices medicine. This is combined with available figures on Suicide. Their story, Dr Daniels’ analysis.  Tune in.  Tune in to Healing with Dr Daniels on December 16th at 6pm EDT. Listen by phone  (914-338-0695 or online click this link or copy this on your browser: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio Ask questions during the show, by phone call: 914-338-0695 or online go to http://healingwithdrdaniels.chatango.com/

  • Healing with Dr Daniels - The Manufacture of Humans

    09/12/2014 Duração: 01h00s

    Please join Dr Jennifer Daniels on December 9th at 6pm EDT for the Healing with Dr Daniels Show. The show's title is The Manufacture of Humans. Dr Daniels talks about the processes in place and implemented by the Health industry to create Uniform Human Units. This process converts humans into androids. Find out if you are becoming an Android and how to get off the assembly line. Tune In. Tune in to Healing with Dr Daniels on December 9th at 6pm EDT. Listen by phone  (914-338-0695 or online click this link or copy this on your browser: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio Ask questions during the show, by phone call: 914-338-0695 or online go to http://healingwithdrdaniels.chatango.com/

  • Healing with Dr Daniels - If Murder Were Legal Would You Be Safe?

    02/12/2014 Duração: 58min

    Please join Dr Jennifer Daniels on December 2nd at 6pm EDT for the Healing with Dr Daniels Show. The show's title is Would you be safer if Murder were legal. Murder in the US is most certainly legal. Dr Daniels reveals the many faces of murder and how present laws facilitate murder. Also, tips on how to avoid this trap. Tune in as Dr Daniels discusses this Shocking topic. Think Happens Tune in to Healing with Dr Daniels on December 2nd at 6pm EDT. Listen by phone  (914-338-0695 or online click this link or copy this on your browser: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio Ask questions during the show, by phone call: 914-338-0695 or online go to http://healingwithdrdaniels.chatango.com/

  • Healing with Dr Daniels - When A House Is Not A Home

    25/11/2014 Duração: 59min

    Please join Dr Jennifer Daniels on November 25th at 6pm EDT for the Healing with Dr Daniels Show. The show's title is When A House is Not A Home. Tune in to Healing with Dr Daniels on November 25th at 6pm EDT. Listen by phone  (914-338-0695 or online click this link or copy this on your browser: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio Ask questions during the show, by phone call: 914-338-0695 or online go to http://healingwithdrdaniels.chatango.com/

  • Healing with Dr Daniels - The Top 100 Most Prescribed Drugs

    18/11/2014 Duração: 01h00s

    Please join Dr Jennifer Daniels on November 18th at 6pm EDT for the Healing with Dr Daniels Show. The show's title is The Top 100 Most Prescribed Drugs and Natural Alternatives. Tune in to Healing with Dr Daniels on November 18th at 6pm EDT. Listen by phone  (914-338-0695 or online click this link or copy this on your browser: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio Ask questions during the show, by phone call: 914-338-0695 or online go to http://healingwithdrdaniels.chatango.com/

  • Bedtime Stories with Aunt Jewel , Preparing for the Holiday & Guests

    17/11/2014 Duração: 14min

    Aunt Jewel Bedtime Stories, Preparing for Holiday FamilyGatherings How are we suppose to Act, when Company comes to Visit?  Sharing, Caring and being on Best Behavior, Is this going to be Fun? Parents, families and Friends start in Creating and Building moral character in children, so that they are  responsible caring people using life lessons in  teaching; humility, respect, honesty, courage and generosity.   Join Aunt Jewel Bedtime Stories on Sunday evening at 9:00 (EST) 0r 6:00 (PCT) to get the Kids to bed Early.  They & We need our Rest :) Listen to Stories and Sing Songs with  the audience.  Tune in Children, Moms, Dads, Nana, Poppi and others.   Call in and be part of the Aunt Jewel Bedtime SHOW (914)338-0695.  

  • Neil Blake Founder of Blake Radio Speaks With Junious Ricardo Stanton

    13/11/2014 Duração: 01h10min

    Junious Ricardo Stanton and Neil Blake the founder of the Blake Radio Network chat about old times, being Internet radio pioneers, the struggles of independent Black media, the sad state of consciousness on the planet today and Neil's personal growth and evolution. Listen as Neil shares his expereinces in the media beginning as a studentat LIU  getting his start in television and the challenges of maintaining an Internet radio network.

  • Healing with Dr Daniels - Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

    11/11/2014 Duração: 58min

    Please join Dr Jennifer Daniels on November 11th at 6pm EDT for the Healing with Dr Daniels Show. The show's title is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Tune in to Healing with Dr Daniels on November 11th at 6pm EDT. Listen by phone  (914-338-0695 or online click this link or copy this on your browser: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio Ask questions during the show, by phone call: 914-338-0695 or online go to http://healingwithdrdaniels.chatango.com/

  • "Faceted Gems" with Diane Murray Ward

    06/11/2014 Duração: 31min

    "Faceted Gems" is a monthly program hosted by Diane Murray Ward. Each month her guests describe their road towrads careers sometimes imagined and oftentimes surprising!  We are all "faceted gems"!  We each have strengths and skills sets. Sometimes these gifts require additional tweaking and encouragement. Once we acknowledge that we don't know everything, and allow ourselves to remain open to learning and discovering the world from each other, growth occurs. Join Diane Murray Ward.  

  • Healing with Dr Daniels -Affordable Health Care Act

    04/11/2014 Duração: 01h00s

    Please join Dr Jennifer Daniels on November 4th at 6pm EDT for the Healing with Dr Daniels Show. The show's title is Has the Affordable Health Care Act made you a Serf with no land?? The ACA has provided that your Employer can command your after work activities without paying you and threaten you with taking away money promised to you for hours already worked. This amounts to serfdom. Get the details and free yourself. Think happens – Tune in   Tune in to Healing with Dr Daniels on November 4th at 6pm EDT. Listen by phone  (914-338-0695 or online click this link or copy this on your browser: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio Ask questions during the show, by phone call: 914-338-0695 or online go to http://healingwithdrdaniels.chatango.com/ VOTE TODAY!!!!

  • Bedtime Stories with Aunt Jewel, Winter Starting to Arrive!

    03/11/2014 Duração: 57min

    Tick Tock, The Clock's Turning Back,  Who is Catching the FALL?  Aunt Jewel is Here to help you with the Bedtime Routine :) Now that we know YOU, What do YOU DO?    Parent, family and Friends start in Creating and Building moral character in children, so that they are  responsible caring people using life lessons in  teaching; humility, respect, honesty, courage and generosity.   Join Aunt Jewel Bedtime Stories on Sunday evening at 7:30 (EST) to get the Kids to bed Early.  They & We need our Rest :) Listen to Stories and Sing Songs with Co-host Starfish and You the audience.  Tune in Children, Moms, Dads, Nana, Poppi and others.   Call in and be a part of the Aunt Jewel Bedtime SHOW.(914)338-0695.  

  • Healing with Dr Daniels - Is Your Doctor Studying Insurance Instead of You?

    28/10/2014 Duração: 01h00s

    Please join Dr Jennifer Daniels on October 28th at 6pm EDT for the Healing with Dr Daniels Show. The show's title is Is Your Doctor Studying Insurance Instead of You? Your premiums are going up. But, is your doctor getting paid?? Dr Daniels reveals the uncomfortable truth about your insurance and its influence on the Doctors that care for you. Their figures, Dr. Daniels’ analysis. Think Happens. Tune in.   Tune in to Healing with Dr Daniels on October 28th at 6pm EDT. Listen by phone  (914-338-0695 or online click this link or copy this on your browser: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio Ask questions during the show, by phone call: 914-338-0695 or online go to http://healingwithdrdaniels.chatango.com/

  • Bedtime Stories with Aunt Jewel for Friendly Halloween Fun

    27/10/2014 Duração: 01h01min

    Trick or Treat Family & Friends ..Do U Know What you're Going to BE? Now that we know YOU, What do YOU DO?   Parent, family and Friends start in Creating and Building moral character in children, so that they are  responsible caring people using life lessons in  teaching; humility, respect, honesty, courage and generosity.   Join Aunt Jewel Bedtime Stories on Sunday evening at 8:00 (EST) to get the Kids to bed Early.  They & We need our Rest :) Listen to Stories and Sing Songs with me & my Friends .  Tune in Boys & Girls, Moms, Dads, Nana, Poppi and others.   Call in and be a part of the Aunt Jewel Bedtime SHOW ..Tell us What are you Wearing or Goodies Family Planing to Give Out for Trick or Treat?. Don't Forget to Say Thank You :)  Call In # (914)338-0695 or Email: auntjewelbedtimestories@gmail.com.    

  • Healing with Dr Daniels - How can 700,000 Physicans Be Wrong?

    21/10/2014 Duração: 52min

    Please join Dr Jennifer Daniels on October 21st at 6pm EDT for the Healing with Dr Daniels Show. The show's title is How can 700,000 phycians be wrong?? How could this number of physicians be engaged in the murder of upwards of 880,000 Americans.  They must be doing something wrong.  Dr Daniels reveals how educated surgeons, super specialists and well meaning Doctors become murderers. Escape the murderous medical climate we live in. Things Happen, tune in. Dr Jennifer (Healing is Natural) Daniels The Lethal Dose; Why Your Doctor is Prescribing It.  Get Dr Daniels' NEW book here:  http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DR6JPNW Healing With Dr Daniels Podcast Replays http://vitalitycapsules.com/truth-files Listen by phone or ask questions by calling 914-338-0695 or online click this link or copy this on your browser:  http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio  http://healingwithdrdaniels.chatango.com/

  • Bedtime Stories with Aunt Jewel, Having Fun Retiring the Sun!

    20/10/2014 Duração: 56min

    Aunt Jewel Bedtime Stories, Having FUN, Retiring the SUN! Are you Sleepy Yet?  or Are you MOODY, Like the Wind??? Now that we know YOU, What do YOU DO?   Parents, Family and Friends,  hows does your Family End the Day? Join us in Creating an "atmosphere" that makes bedtime an Activity that might be as Much Fun as Staying UP!  Nah, wrote that to quick :) Let's start with Talking about the Day and BuildingLovable, Memorable Time in Getting Ready for BED.  Listening to Stories that Build character in children, so that they are responsible caring people in using life lessons in  teaching; humility, respect, honesty, courage and generosity.   Join Aunt Jewel Bedtime Stories  Sunday evening at 8:00 PM (EST) 5:00 (PCT)to get the Kids to bed Early.  They & We need our Rest :) Listen to Stories and Sing Songs with Co-host Starfish and You the audience.  Tune in Children, Moms, Dads, Nana, Poppi and others.   Call in and be a part of the Aunt Jewel Bedtime SHOW.(914)338-0695.  

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