Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

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  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 568:25:50
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  • Episode 326- Magnus Loves Wizard- Wizard #44, April 1995

    22/06/2020 Duração: 01h40min

    In this week's adventure, Magnus takes a stroll down memory lane by cracking open Wizard #44 from April 1995. There's some serious trouble going on with comic book distribution in April 1995. Just like now, but less so. Except back then, people understood that monopolies were bad. To put it another way, it's a time capsule from when the entire comic industry wasn't suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. Plenty of Marvel stuff is going on in this issue, that's the point. Another fun bit of business involves a joint quasi-interview with J. Scott Campbell and Brandon Choi as they yammer about the then upcoming Gen13 ongoing series. Some tantalizing tidbits there. Although, really, it's more like an article that includes quotes from Campbell and Choi than an actual interview. But what the hay, it's still good! After that comes goings on with Chuck Dixon in a bit more of an in-depth retrospective of his whole career up to that point. At least, it's more in-depth than the Campbell/Choi feature.

  • Episode 325- Stay In The Trees- Cyberfrog- Bloodhoney

    14/06/2020 Duração: 01h38min

    In this week's adventure, Magnus goes there.

  • Episode 324- Radio Free Isengard- RIP Christopher Tolkien & Amazon Show Update

    08/06/2020 Duração: 54min

    In this week's adventure, Magnus eulogizes Christopher Tolkien, likely the biggest JRR Tolkien fan in the world and second biggest contributor to JRR Tolkien's legacy (behind Prof. Tolkien himself). After that, it's time for some conspiracy theorizing related to the Amazon show... much of which is somewhat out of date in our post-COVID world, but what can you do? Finally comes the mystery box. Special thanks to long time listener and long time friend of the show Mark Kalmbach for sending this box. Much appreciated, man!

  • Episode 323- These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry, Pt. 12- Fictional Cosmology- Spawn #04

    01/06/2020 Duração: 01h04min

    In this week's adventure, Magnus wraps up These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry concludes as the curtain rises on Spawn #04. It's Spawn vs. Violator as the two rivals duke it out for reasons that aren't terribly clear because it was the 90's and the focus is primarily on the amazing art. After that, Magnus switches gears and works through some feedback. See, boys and girls? He really is getting caught up with the feedback. Next week, it'll be time for a mystery box. So what more do you want to hear? Start listening before the Violator decides you don't need your heart after all.

  • Episode 322- These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry, Pt. 11- My So-Called Life- Spawn #03

    25/05/2020 Duração: 01h01min

    In this week's adventure, These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry is nearly over as Magnus takes a deep dive into Spawn #03. Answers are beginning to get revealed, there's some fighting and more cool art than you can shake a stick at. As if that wasn't enough, the 90's references go far beyond just the title of this week's episode. Once all that's finished, it's time for some more listener feedback! So what more do you want to hear? Start listening right now before you have to disguise yourself to talk to your wife.

  • Trentus Magnus Jabs Reality- #ReleaseTheSnyderCut- Magnus + Rebecca Are Completely Gobsmacked

    24/05/2020 Duração: 01h23min

    #ReleaseTheSnyderCut is officially a thing now. And so Magnus once again joins forces with Supergirl Radio's Rebecca Johnson to reflect on where fandom has been with this film as well as the possibilities of Zack Snyder's Justice League. It's happening! So start listening now before somebody replaces you with Joss Whedon.

  • Episode 321- These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry, Pt. 10- Spawn Doesn't Want To Be White- Spawn #02

    18/05/2020 Duração: 01h23min

    In this week's adventure, These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry continues with the deep dive into Spawn. Specifically, Spawn #02. The thick plottens as Spawn continues questioning his identity, his history and the nature of the deal that he made. Also, Magnus once again pores over Todd McFarlane's art. After that, Fanboyimus Prime checks in with more listener feedback this week. See? Magnus really is getting caught up on all the outstanding feedback that's been piling up for years and years now. So what else can there possibly be? Start listening right now before Malebolgia decides to offer you a deal too.

  • Episode 320- These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry, Pt. 09- They're A Greek Chorus- Spawn #01

    11/05/2020 Duração: 01h14min

    In this week's adventure, Magnus begins slowly wrapping up the These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry by gabbing to virtually no end about Spawn #01. Yes indeedy, Magnus pores over every detail of the art, lamenting what happened to the spirit that crafted the gorgeous art of this issue and also offering some meaningful critiques about some other elements of the issue. After that, it's time to work through some more listener feedback as Magnus continues getting caught up on the gigantic backlog of outstanding emails. But the backlog isn't as gigantic as it used to be. So what more do you need to hear? Start listening right now before your heart gets torn out by the Violator.

  • Trentus Magnus Jabs Reality- Empire Forty Years Later- Magnus + Ryfun Salute The Finest Sequel

    05/05/2020 Duração: 01h45min

    In today's adventure, Magnus joins forces with Scott Ryfun to talk about The Empire Strikes Back. Well, talk about lots of things! But primarily the discussion is all about Empire Yes yes yes, Magnus basically guaranteed he'd never do an episode about the original trilogy. But this was a rare opportunity to talk about Empire from an unusual angle at the perfect time and other excuses Magnus is making to excuse (somewhat) going back on his word (from a certain point of view). No, rly, the timing truly was perfect. Just ask Scott! Speaking of Scott, he announces news of a tease of a preview of a potential announcement, possibly in the near future (maybe).

  • Episode 319- These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry, Pt. 08- Action, Action And More Action- Savage Dragon #04 (Listener Feedback!)

    04/05/2020 Duração: 01h12min

    In this week's adventure, Magnus wraps up the Dragon's participation with the These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry megaseries by talking (and talking) (and talking some more!) (srsly, Magnus won't shut up already) about The Savage Dragon #04. As to whether or not more issues of The Savage Dragon will ever be covered... well, maybe. But don't hold your breath. In other news, the feedback bonanza continues this week with Magnus stretching the mail sack open, nice and wide, and addressing yet more emails from listeners this week. So what else is there? Start listening right now before etc.

  • Episode 318- These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry, Pt. 07- An Unqualified Success- Savage Dragon #03 (Listener Feedback!)

    27/04/2020 Duração: 57min

    In this week's adventure, Magnus is beyond the halfway point of These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry, which is a megaseries all about the early offerings from Image Comics. This week, the discussion revolves around Savage Dragon #03. Which makes some sense because last week's episode revolved around Savage Dragon #02. One thing must follow another. Or one thing must lead to another. Or something. Things! You know? Series creator Erik Larsen does quite a bit of world-building, narrative advancement and character development. All that while also working in plenty of action and fights and stuff blowing up. As if that wasn't enough, Magnus continues getting caught up on feedback. And in this week's feedback section, Fanboyimus Prime has quote a lot to say about the Comics Code. So what more is there to say? Start listening right now before Dart pays you a visit wearing her skintight outfit, making you forget about whatever you were doing before she arrived. You don't want to forget stuff

  • Episode 317- These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry, Pt. 06- Everything That Makes Comics Great- Savage Dragon #02 (Listener Feedback!)

    20/04/2020 Duração: 01h13min

    In this week's adventure, Magnus continues the These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry by putting Savage Dragon v2 #02 under the microscope. The Dragon pays a visit to New York and bumps into the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This being the 90's, there's a case of mistaken identity followed by a fight, before they form "an uneasy alliance" and fighting a common enemy. Seriously, you can make a drinking game out of the number of times "uneasy alliance" pops up in the solicits for team-up issues. Try it some time, if you don't believe. So what are you waiting for? Start listening right now before the Turtles mistake you for somebody and beat the crap out of you.

  • Episode 316- These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry, Pt. 05- Dirty Harry With Superpowers- Savage Dragon #01 (Listener Feedback!)

    13/04/2020 Duração: 01h22min

    In this week's adventure, Magnus continues the megaseries These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry. This time around, the spotlight falls on The Savage Dragon v2 #01. It's a rather big change of pace from WildC.A.T.s. Separate and apart from that, Magnus continues getting caught up on listener feedback as well. So what more do you want to know? Start listening right now before the Dragon beats you up with a pair of chainsaws.

  • Trentus Magnus Jabs Reality- Nosferatu- The Oh-riginal + The Remake

    12/04/2020 Duração: 37min

    Magnus watches Nosferatu, the horror classic from 1922, and Nosferatu The Vampyre, the horror classic remake from 1979. And then, y'know, he talks about them a little bit.

  • Episode 315- These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry, Pt. 04- Metal Face On- WildC.A.T.s #04 (Listener Feedback!)

    06/04/2020 Duração: 53min

    In this week's adventure, Magnus wraps up the WildC.A.T.s portion of These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry by talking about WildC.A.T.s #04. Storylines are analyzed, characters are studied, art is pored over and a good time is had by all. In addition to that, Magnus also continues making headway through the crazy amount of unread feedback by responding to TWO emails. So what more do you want? Start listening right now before you get attacked by a horde of evil Daemonites.

  • Episode 314- These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry, Pt. 03- Transformers In Spandex! WildC.A.T.s #03 (Listener Feedback!)

    30/03/2020 Duração: 01h09min

    In this week's adventure, Magnus takes a fond look back at WildC.A.T.s #03 as the These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry proceeds apace. Not that the "industry" needs any help getting disrupted at the moment. Stakes get raised, pouches get filled and women dress scantily as the battles ensue. After all that, it's time for some more listener feedback! Yes indeed, boys and girls, Magnus is trying like crazy to get caught up on feedback. There is feedback this week and there will be feedback in the weeks to come. So, what are you waiting for? Crank that male gaze up to 11 and start listening right now before Youngblood decides they want to have a word with you too.

  • Episode 313- These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry, Pt. 02- Directed By John Woo- WildC.A.T.s #02 (Listener Feedback!)

    23/03/2020 Duração: 01h13min

    In this week's adventure, the These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry continues as Magnus plots a course through WildC.A.T.s #02. Ante gets upped, stakes get raised, metaphors get used, comparisons to John Woo get used and the male gaze is gloriously unavoidable. So what more do you need? Start listening right now before Void gives you a migraine like poor John Tyrell.

  • Episode 312- These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry, Pt. 01- Smothered By Spaghetti- WildC.A.T.s #01

    16/03/2020 Duração: 01h07min

    In this week's adventure, Magnus launches These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry, an epic 12-part megaseries dedicated to some of the early offerings of Image Comics from the 1990s. Are you ready for tons of pouches? Do you need more well-endowed female characters? Then these are the comics for you! So crank up your cherished male gaze and take in WildC.A.T.s #01! What more do you need? Start listening right now before Zealot pokes you with her sword!

  • Episode 311- Marinating In The Juices Of Your Imagination- The Fanboy Lexicon

    09/03/2020 Duração: 01h25min

    In this week's adventure, Magnus doesn't talk about comics, movies or TV shows. At least, not those things specifically. Rather, it's time to lay down some concrete definitions of some words that the media and even some fans have completely mutilated. Let's see the record straight.

  • Episode 310- I Still Don't Get It- Considering X-Men- Dark Phoenix Again (Listener Feedback!)

    02/03/2020 Duração: 01h07min

    It's been a long time since X-Men- Dark Phoenix came and went from theaters. There's no getting around it, the movie flopped. And in this week's adventure, Magnus reiterates that he doesn't fully understand why.

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