Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

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  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 568:25:50
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  • Episode 294- Timing Is Everything- Scream (The 1996 Oh-riginal)

    15/10/2019 Duração: 01h02min

    Okay, *NOW* the Joker miniseries is over. And so it's time to get back to the business of getting back to business. In this week's adventure, Magnus launches a four-part series about Halloween'ish-related movies. Basically, these are movies Magnus can kinda sorta maybe tie in to the Halloween season in some way or another. Some are a better fit than others, admittedly. And in today's show, it's all about Scream. Some love it, some hate it, some read introductory blurbs about podcast episodes. But no matter which camp you fall into, this is the greatest episode ever of any podcast ever always and forever world without end amen (until the next episode of TMPR, that is). Homage is paid, remembrances are remembered and a great time was had by all. So what more do you want? Start listening right now before Ghostface or Father Death or whatever the killer is called this week accidentally calls you by mistake but decides to poke you with his kitchen knife anyway.

  • Trentus Magnus Jabs Reality- What You F'ing Deserve- JOKER- First Impressions

    13/10/2019 Duração: 33min

    Just kidding! *THIS* is the end of the Joker miniseries. I guess it makes sense to wrap up a miniseries about Joker comic books in the lead-up to the film's release with some discussion about the film itself. So here we go!

  • Trentus Magnus Jabs Reality- Welling + Durance In The Arrowverse

    21/09/2019 Duração: 01h14min

    Smallville is kinda sorta back in a way maybe from a certain point of view. Yes indeed, Tom Welling and Erica Durance will be appearing in the Crisis On Infinite Earths Arrowverse crossover. And is it any wonder that Magnus and special guest star Dave Atteberry both have a little sumthin-sumthin to say about that?

  • Episode 291- The Return Of The Joker (No, Not That One)- Batman #450-#451

    17/09/2019 Duração: 01h16min

    The Joker miniseries continues as Magnus takes a long, fond look back at The Return Of The Joker. No, not that one. This is a two-part story published in Batman #450-#451 back in 1990. There have been a lot of stories where the Joker returns, it seems. And of all the stories where the Joker ever returned... this is one of them. So what more do you need? Start listening right now before the Joker comes to your house, goes full Single White Female on you and tries to take over your life. I mean, how much would that suck, right?

  • Trentus Magnus Jabs Reality- JOKER- The Critical Response So Far

    15/09/2019 Duração: 22min

    Look, let's cut the crap, it's not like you had anything better to do anyway. So start listening right now!

  • Episode 290- The Joker's Crime Costumes- Batman #63

    10/09/2019 Duração: 01h06min

    In this week's adventure, Magnus launches a miniseries all about Joker comics. If the timing here seems a little suspicious, what with the JOKER movie coming soon... well, that would be because it was all quite completely intentional. To that end, the comic book going under the microscope this week is Batman #63. Specifically, a little story titled 'The Joker's Crime Costumes'. What happens when the Joker takes a page out of Batman's book and begins using customized costumes to commit crimes? Well, answering that question right here would defeat the entire point of listening to the show, wouldn't it? Speaking of which... what more do you need? Start listening right now before the Joker disguises himself as your mailman and robs your house and stuff.

  • Episode 289- Ryfun Loves The M2- Spider-Girl #02-#03 (With Scott Ryfun Of D4G Fame!)

    03/09/2019 Duração: 01h24min

    Promises are important. When you make them, you have to keep them. And in this week's adventure, Magnus *FINALLY* pays off a promise he made to Scott Ryfun of D4G fame four years ago. Yes indeed, boys and girls, this is a coda to the 2015 megaseries entitled Women In Comics, wherein Magnus read a bunch of comics starring female characters. Memories are recounted, comparisons made and it would be safe to say that both Magnus and Scott Ryfun of D4G fame come away from this experience as better men. It's a safe guess anyway. I mean, honestly, who even knows with those two, amirite? So what more do you want? Start listening right now before Peter Parker tells you how disappointed he is in you.

  • Episode 288- Another Season 04 Commentary- Knight Rider- Killer K.I.T.T.

    27/08/2019 Duração: 58min

    In this week's adventure, Magnus sits down to record another Knight Rider commentary. Because it's just been too long since there was any Knight Rider discussion on this show, hasn't it? Yes, it has. And this time around, the discussion is all about Killer K.I.T.T. from season 04. Along the way, Magnus manages to surprise even himself with his knowledge of the show in general and season 04 in particular. So what more do you need? Download this episode right now or else some maniac will hack your car and program it to run you over.

  • Erperserd 287- Er Vury Mergners Ernahversury- Magnus Celebrates Six Years (Ernd Feerdberk!)

    20/08/2019 Duração: 01h20s

    It was on this day six years ago that your humble narrator launched this podcast. And in this week's adventure, Magnus takes a moment to offer a preview of coming attractions. After that comes nipples, neon and Joel Schumacher's Batman. And to wrap the whole thing up, it's time to bash through some feedback. So what are you waiting for? Download this episode right now before Ahnuld breaks into your house and makes some ice puns.

  • Episode 286- Loosey-Goosey- Iron Man- Ten'ish Years Later (With Scott Gardner!)

    13/08/2019 Duração: 01h17min

    In this week's loosey-goosey adventure, a starving Magnus is joined by a talkative Scott Gardner of Two True Freaks fame for a loosey-goosey chat about Iron Man... kinda sorta maybe approximately ten'ish years later or so. It's all very loosey-goosey, boys and girls. And it's about Iron Man! So what more do you need? Start listening right away before someone plucks your artificial heart of your chest.

  • Episode 285- On Leather Wings- Batman: The Animated Series Commentary (With Listener Feedback!)

    06/08/2019 Duração: 57min

    In this week's adventure, Magnus does a commentary for 'On Leather Wings', arguably the greatest episode of Batman- The Animated Series there ever was. After that's over, your humble narrator realizes that there are still some more minutes to fill before calling it a day. So it's time to stretch open the ol' mail sack nice and wide. What's not to like? Start listening right now before you drink the wrong thing and accidentally transform into a gigantic mutant bat or something.

  • Episode 284- Magnus Talks About Smallville- Sainted Season 07 Part 01- Bizarro (Or "How Magnus Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Smallville Again")

    30/07/2019 Duração: 01h52min

    In this week's adventure, Magnus FINALLY returns to Smallville to begin the deep dive on the sainted season 07. Why is it sainted? What makes it so awesome? Why can't Magnus ever shut about this sainted season 07? Those questions and many others will begin to be answered starting in this very episode. Also in this very episode, Smallville fans enter the final laps of Smallville Phase 2. Big changes are coming in the future. But that's in the future. But that's not all! Also in this very episode (is it time to trademark that phrase?), Magnus receives a donation (which could be construed as a bribe in some foreign jurisdictions) from a long time listener and friend of the show. So as things stand, Magnus spends an hour and change talking about 'Bizarro', the sainted season 07's premiere. So start listening right now before Bizarro decides to go SWF on your life.

  • Episode 283- Magnus Vs. The People Vs. George Lucas

    23/07/2019 Duração: 59min

    In this week's adventure, Magnus takes a quick look back at Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace on (or at least near) its twentieth anniversary and a much longer, much more critical look back at The People Vs. George Lucas on (or at least near) its ninth anniversary. Fifty-nine and a half minutes of non-stop awesome is just a click away. So what are you waiting for? Start listening now before Obi-Wan saws you in half with a lightsaber or something.

  • Trentus Magnus Jabs Reality- Magnus Gets Triggered To Kingdom Come

    21/07/2019 Duração: 23min

    Blandon is coming back to play Superman for the Arrowverse's Crisis On Infinite Earths crossover. And Magnus is something other than happy about that. Listener discretion is advised. The Surgeon General was tempted to add a label to this episode with a warning that nobody anywhere at any time should listen to this show. But His Excellency won on appeal. So here's the episode.

  • Episode 282- June 23- Batman '89 Thirty Years Later

    16/07/2019 Duração: 59min

    In this week's adventure, Magnus reminisces on June 23, 1989, the day life changed forever. Just think, boys and girls. On June 22, 1989, there was still a chance that Magnus might've turned out normal. But not after June 23. June 23 is the moment when everything changed. And Batman '89 was how everything changed. Yes indeed, what we have here is a geek's origin story. So what more do you need? Start listening right now before Jack Nicholson comes to your house and acts weird.

  • Episode 281- Rokk Rocks (And So Does Laurel)- Legion Of Super-Heroes vol. 04 #07 (Five Years Later)

    09/07/2019 Duração: 01h05min

    In this week's adventure, Magnus Lad concludes his trek through the Five Years Later era with Legion Of Super-Heroes #07. Well, concludes it for the time being, at least. As a series, this iteration of the Legion hasn't really been defined by explosive action sequences. But it would be fair to say that this issue features a ton of action, fights, explosions and all that good stuff. But newcomers will also see first hand why Rokk is awesome as he fights the real battle in this issue using only words. So what more do you want? Get to listening immediately or else Mordru transforms you into a functioning toilet or something.

  • Episode 280- Into The Glorithverse- Legion Of Super-Heroes vol. 04 #06 (Five Years Later)

    02/07/2019 Duração: 01h18min

    In this week's adventure, INTO THE GLORITHVERSE! Yes indeedy, the retcons are over (for now) as Magnus Lad continues his trek through the Five Years Later era with Legion Of Super-Heroes #06. Among other things, this issue gives us the first appearance of Laurel Gand. Or it's the return of Laurel Gand, from a certain point of view. Either way, we'll be seeing more of her later. The first splash page of the entire series up to now can also be found here. All this and more in today's futuristic episode! So what are you waiting for? Start listening now before Laurel decides to beat the snot out of you.

  • Episode 279- Into The Mordruverse- Legion Of Super-Heroes vol. 04 #05 (Five Years Later)

    25/06/2019 Duração: 01h05min

    In this week's adventure, INTO THE MORDRUVERSE! Yes indeedy, Magnus Lad continues his trek through the Legion Of Super-Heroes Five Years Later era. You see, boys and girls, your humble host has been podcasting for quite a few years now. Quite a few years, indeed. And never once has he ever fallen asleep while recording. Until this episode, that is. Listen close and see if you can spot the fateful moment. And be thankful that he was only talking about comics rather than driving a car, operating heavy farm machinery or voting.

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