Lead To Win With Michael Hyatt

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 224:04:55
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Short-term wins are easy. Sustained achievement is another story. On Lead to Win join New York Times bestselling author Michael Hyatt and discover how current research combines with timeless wisdom for lasting success. From personal productivity to personal development, self-leadership to team leadership, and intentionality to influence, get the insights and tools you need to win at work and succeed at life.


  • 7 Must-Have Tools for Remote Work

    07/04/2020 Duração: 31min

    You want to stay productive while working at home, but it’s not easy! There are challenges in team communication, collaboration, conferencing, and document sharing. And? You’ve got to set up an entirely new workspace. It’s challenging. And, especially at first, exhausting. We’ve got help. Based on nearly a decade of working remotely and leading remote teams, we’ve got the tools you need to stay productive. With these recommendations, you can stop fumbling around for solutions and get your team back to work right now. In this episode, you’ll discover— How to simplify team communication and avoid lost conversations The difference between synchronous and asynchronous tools What you can do to automate tasks and processes and save time Tips on maximizing your video conferencing experience with your team and clients Simple solutions for sharing and collaborating on documents and files Suggestions for staying focused when your kids (or other people) are making noise This episode of Lead to Win is brought to you

  • BONUS: How to Be Resilient in Tough Times

    02/04/2020 Duração: 35min

    As a leader, you are your company’s single greatest asset. While you’re guarding your health against the coronavirus, you must also deal with the stress and responsibility of running a business. It’s tough! This crisis threatens the mental and emotional resiliency of you and your team.  Given the stress we’re under, how is it even possible to keep your emotional balance? It is, and we’ve got expert advice to help you do just that. On this episode, we’re joined by Amy Alexander, LMFT, executive director of The Refuge Center for Counseling. She shares five self-care tips to help you and your team cope with the stress and emotion of this crisis.    In this episode you’ll discover— The variables that can affect how you respond to the current crisis—and what to do about it What happens when you slip outside of your “window of tolerance” Practical tips for calming anxiety and recalibrating One of the worst things you can be doing as a leader in troubled times Strategies for how we can care for ourselves throughout

  • Why Vision Matters in Crisis

    31/03/2020 Duração: 33min

    As a leader, you’ve thought a lot about where to take your business in the next year. But major disruptions—like the coronavirus crisis—can upend your vision. It’s a disorienting time, and it’s tempting to just hunker down and try to survive. Is it even possible to have a vision for the future right now? Yes, it is. We’ve weathered crises before, including the Great Recession. Based on our experience in leading a large company through tough times, we believe your vision matters now more than ever. In this episode, we’ll tell you why. And we’ll offer a practical method for clarifying your vision, even in times of uncertainty. In this episode, you’ll discover— Why vision is needed more than ever during these troublesome times What you can’t afford to do when you experience fear as a leader Tips on getting into the right headspace for visioneering Questions you can ask yourself about what you want life on the other side of the crisis to look like Suggestions on how you can care for your team and show them yo

  • BONUS: Why You Should Still Be Charging for Your Products

    26/03/2020 Duração: 26min

    You’ve probably noticed the trend in the last week of businesses offering products or services for free to help out during the COVID-19 crisis. I applaud the impulse, but there’s a fatal flaw in the logic—the economy depends on people creating value and other people recognizing that value and willingly paying for it. Now is the time to pivot, innovate, and leverage every ounce of your creativity to survive and thrive as a company. That’s good for your business, your customers, your employees, your community, and the economy at large. Today, we’re going to give you three solid reasons why you need to be charging for your products and services, especially now. In this episode, you’ll discover— The positives and negatives of giving away your products for free during times of crisis How you can help alleviate the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy Examples of times when generosity got in the way of transformation What giving things away won’t do for you How to provide lasting hope, recover

  • How to Balance Remote Work and Family Life

    24/03/2020 Duração: 43min

    The opportunity to work from home sounds great! But the reality of being forced to make that shift on short notice can be stressful. Add to that the school closings, work-from-home spouses, and the general uncertainty of the times. It’s nerve wracking! You may be wondering how to keep your sanity, let alone keep your focus. We’ve got help. Our company started as an all-remote team. And before the COVID-19 crisis, we still operated on a hybrid model, with all employees working from home part of the time. We’ve got a quick set of clear, simple actions you can take to keep your focus at work and your family intact. In this episode, you’ll discover— Tips from members of the Michael Hyatt and Company team on their experience with working remotely Suggestions for adjusting your rituals to accommodate alternate schedules The importance of continued connection with friends and loved ones How to intentionally create structure for you and your family The importance of finding a quiet space to focus on your work How

  • BONUS: 3 Actions to Lead Through Today’s Crisis

    19/03/2020 Duração: 40min

    The COVID-19 crisis has created a lot of uncertainty for business leaders. Nearly every business has been affected, some drastically. Many are dealing with a drop-off in sales, learning to manage remote teams, and tremendous instability. It’s frightening, exhausting, and really shakes your confidence. Here’s help. Having led businesses through crises before, including the Great Recession, we’ve learned what it takes to navigate tough times. We’ll share three basic actions that boost your confidence to face the current reality and find new opportunities for your business. You’ll be transported from fear and reactivity to become balanced, confident, and optimistic, yes, even now! In this episode you will— Discover the three aspects of crisis that you must recognize. See why self-awareness and self-care are so vital during this time. Learn why thoroughly assessing the threat leads to confidence in dealing with it. Gain tips for mitigating threats to your business. Identify opportunities you may not have s

  • 3 Ways to Inspire Your Team

    17/03/2020 Duração: 24min

    As a leader, you have a vision for the future. It’s clear. It’s practical. And you know it will make a huge impact. There’s just one problem: nobody’s buying it. When you communicate your vision, all you get are shrugs and blank stares. How frustrating! Based on our decades of experience and that of thousands of our coaching clients, we’ve learned exactly how to get people excited about your vision. You must make it inspiring. And we can show you how. Weave these four motivational keys into your vision statement, and it will be more than just clear or practical. It will motivate your team to jump on board and generate instant momentum toward your future. In this episode you will discover— The driving force behind nearly every aspect of building a successful organization. How to ask the right questions so you can create the impact you desire. The value of considering what “isn’t” and knowing what to do with that realization. Why exponential change is better than incremental change. The one thing you need t

  • 3 Challenges in Managing Change

    10/03/2020 Duração: 31min

    Has this ever happened to you? You’re excited about a new project or initiative, and you can’t wait to share it with your team. But when you do, you see nothing but crossed arms and blank stares. They’re not hostile. But they’re not sharing your enthusiasm either. What gives? Based on our experience in several businesses—large and small—we’ve learned some things about introducing change. There are three distinct challenges you must overcome to enroll your team in the future. In this episode, we’ll show you what they are, and how to blow past them. You’ll go from wondering if you’re really on the right track to feeling confident and empowered about the future. In this episode you will— Understand why change is necessary in any growing business. Learn the top three things people fear when encountering change. Find out the two (competing) needs that all of your team members have. Gain a powerful strategy for rolling out change in an organization. See the very best way to handle pushback on change proposal

  • 4 Ways to Make Reading Fun Again

    03/03/2020 Duração: 33min

    As a leader, you know you should be developing a consistent reading habit, but you struggle to prioritize reading. Here’s the good news—the problem isn’t what you’re reading, it’s how and why you’re reading. In today’s episode, Michael and Megan identify four purposes for reading. If you adopt them, you’ll fall in love with reading again. You’ll be swimming in new ideas and feel on top of your game.  In this episode, you’ll discover:   Why comprehension and retention are not the most important goals when reading How many books Michael, Megan, & Larry read each year (you might be surprised!) Suggestions for capturing ideas when you’re listening to audiobooks The impact of reading on your social life and relationships Why you need to read books that you may not necessarily agree with Pros and cons of physical, ebook, and audio formats One thing leaders absolutely must have (that reading provides) For full show notes, visit www.leadto.win.  This episode of Lead to Win is brought to you by the Vision Grade

  • How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

    25/02/2020 Duração: 36min

    In this episode, we’re going to talk about something that’s very important for leadership—public speaking. Many leaders—probably most—are terrified of doing it. Unfortunately, as a leader, you really can’t avoid it. You are expected to speak at team meetings, presentations, even outside events, but most people feel really inadequate and underprepared. We’re going to solve that for you with three actions you can take to finally conquer your fear of public speaking. In fact, this may grow to become something you actually enjoy. In this episode you’ll discover— The one shift that radically changed Michael’s approach to public speaking. Practical steps for rewriting your mental scripts. How to use music as a psychological trigger to prepare yourself for speaking. Suggestions for finding the support you need to succeed in this area. The role anxiety plays in our performance, and how to manage it. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not

  • Michael and Megan Answer Your Questions

    18/02/2020 Duração: 27min

    Leaders are expected to have the answers. But sometimes they need to get insight from other leaders to stay on top of their game. In this episode, we reached out to our Instagram audience for their most pressing questions for Michael and Megan. They bring practical solutions to the problems many leaders face, based on more than 30 years of business experience. In this episode you’ll discover— The one significant change Michael and Megan would make in their work life if they could go back and do it over again. Suggestions for finding a job at a place like Michael Hyatt and Company. How to stand out in the workplace and rise in your organization. Tips for adjusting your morning and evening rituals when you’re traveling or on an alternate schedule. Whether or not you should ask your employer for a different position that you are more passionate about. How to determine if you should fire a toxic client. Advice on giving difficult feedback and maintaining mutual respect. Have We Seen You on Instagram? If not, we

  • How to Defuse Conflict Before It Begins

    11/02/2020 Duração: 40min

    We don’t know anybody who loves interpersonal conflict. It’s uncomfortable, and it brings up a ton of negative emotions. Most of us try to avoid conflict whenever possible. Even as a leader, you may wonder, “Do I really have to have this hard conversation?” Here’s some good news. Conflict can actually be an opportunity for growth, not just a problem to solve. That happens when you learn how to engage with others—not just attack or defend. Based on a lifetime of dealing with difficult situations, we’ve identified five steps to help you face up to conflict.  Try this! You’ll instantly untangle that knot in your stomach and see how a hard conversation can become a win for you and for others. Best of all, you’ll have another solid tool in your leadership toolbox.  In this episode you will— Learn what it means to “hold space” for others, a key listening skill.  Gain practical tips for having difficult conversations.  Identify the one reaction that will both disarm conflict and redeem your relationship with the ot

  • 4 Steps to Generate Clear Vision

    04/02/2020 Duração: 29min

    As a leader, you know you need a vision for your business. And you want to generate that vision so you can communicate it to your team. There’s just one problem. You don’t know how! Is vision some mystical thing that comes down from the mountain? Do you need to get away to the desert? It’s confusing! You might even conclude that you just don’t get the “vision thing.” Good news: we’ve been leading with vision for decades, and we have totally demystified the subject of generating your vision for the future. We’ll outline that process in four steps that you can begin taking today.  When you do, you’ll realize that you do have a vision. And you can articulate it for yourself and your team. You’ll gain instant confidence in your ability to lead. And you’ll be well on  your way to creating the roadmap to your future.  This episode of Lead to Win is brought to you by The Focused Leader 1-Day Intensive to focus your achievement with clear goals and smarter productivity. Find out more at leadto.win/focusedleader. In t

  • 4 Strategic Benefits of Having a Vision

    28/01/2020 Duração: 33min

    As a leader, you know you’re responsible for the vision of your company. And you have one—sort of. It exists in the back of your head, but it’s really hard to get it down on paper. There never seems to be enough time to do it. And, when it comes right down to it, you’re not all that sure why it matters. It’s hard enough to keep your business going from day to day. Who has time for navel gazing? If there’s one thing we’ve learned with over 50 years of combined business experience, it’s that vision matters! Rather than thinking of it as another task on your list. Start to see vision as a tool for creating the future you desire. In this episode, we’ll show you four ways that having a clear vision gives you a strategic advantage over your competition. When we’re done, you’ll know exactly how important this process is, and you’ll be dying to turn off the podcast and start writing a vision script of your own! Here’s what you’ll get from this episode— Get a simple, practical definition of vision. Find out why

  • How to Solve Your Turnover Problem

    21/01/2020 Duração: 29min

    To lead a growing business, you need a strong team. But finding and keeping talent is a challenge. Sometimes it seems that good people leave faster than you can hire them. You’ve added all the perks you can think of, but nothing will stop the revolving door.  Why does staffing have to be so hard?  Our decades of experience have taught us that staffing, like everything else in business, boils down to one thing: vision.  You need to stop looking at the secondary causes of turnover, and address the underlying problem. Either you don’t have a vision, or your team does not understand it.  Don’t worry, we’ve identified three clear steps to getting your team rallied around your vision. Take these actions, and you’ll see turnover decrease and engagement skyrocket. You feel new energy in your business. And you find good people begging to join your team.  In this episode, you will—  Learn the real root cause of turnover.  Find out why this problem is particularly acute for managing millennials.  Identify the three ste

  • 3 Essentials for Executive Moms

    14/01/2020 Duração: 37min

    As a leader, you thrive on the challenges of running your business. But if you also happen to be a wife and a mom, you feel pulled in another direction. It seems that whenever you’re at work, you’re thinking at home. And when you’re home, you don’t feel fully present either. You may wonder why you can’t seem to get it together, like so many “Super Moms.” Here’s the truth: Super Mom is a fictional creature. Every successful leader who is also a mom must navigate the challenges of this unique role. And you can!  We’ll show you how to quit trying to “do it all” and get clarity on the things that really matter to you. When you do, the weight of those unrealistic expectations will fall away. You’ll find be super-focused when at work, and fully present at home.  Here’s a preview of this episode.  Why this topic is valuable for men too, also for women who are not moms.  Why being a professional mom is different from being a professional dad.  The most dangerous myth that working moms struggle with.  The forces tha

  • A 2020 Special Announcement

    09/01/2020 Duração: 18min

    As a high achiever, you’re highly focused on goal setting. The Full Focus™ system is the ideal tool to help you accomplish big goals. Today, we’re proud to offer you the next-level support and and advice you need to get the most from your Full Focus Planner. Compass is a membership site designed exclusively for Full Focus Planner users to help them make daily, weekly, and monthly progress on their goals all year long. To activate your membership, visit https://compass.fullfocusplanner.com/join/. Inside this episode, we’ll tell you about— Live Weekly Preview Session, so you can add the power of accountability to get your Weekly Preview done every week. Live Monthly Masterclass Sessions where you can learn new skills and get your questions answered from Full Focus Coaches. Live Quarterly Preview Party, which is a live-stream event where our coaches guide you through the Quarterly Preview with expert tips and giveaways Online Portal to Log, Track, and Share Goals—so you’ll never lose visibility on y

  • What’s Missing from Your Goal Achievement Toolbox?

    07/01/2020 Duração: 28min

    High achievers thrive on goal setting. So you probably get revved up at the start of a new year or quarter. But the busyness of daily life can drain that enthusiasm quickly. You’re using all the tools you have to keep yourself focused and motivated. But sometimes, it just doesn’t seem to be enough. What’s the secret to staying focused and motivated all year long? Your problem isn’t a lack of discipline. It may simply be a lack of community. Community support is the secret weapon of the highest achievers. By sharing your goals with others, you gain a support community, affirmation, and valuable insights. There’s no need to struggle alone! In this episode, we’ll show you the amazing value of having a community of like-minded goal setters around you. Try this, and you’ll wind up achieving more goals than ever before. Here’s a peek of this episode. Why you need support more than you need accountability. How we discovered the value of being in a support community. Why accountability often backfires. The diff

  • #051: How to Fix New Year’s Resolutions (Encore)

    31/12/2019 Duração: 31min

    All of us, especially leaders, want to make positive change in our lives. But we’ve tried and failed many times. Today, we’ll show you why New Year’s resolutions are a flawed system, and how to set achievable personal goals instead. You can avoid that sick feeling every January, and create a new habit or achievement that will change your life for good. For more, visit leadto.win.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

  • How to Do One-on-One Meetings

    24/12/2019 Duração: 37min

    Leaders are often great solo achievers. But to be a truly great leader, you need to lead a great team. We’ve noticed that some leaders give too little attention to team members. Others smother them with communication and requests for updates. It’s challenging to find the right level of interaction to keep a team on track. Based on decades of team leadership, we’ve developed a communication rhythm that guarantees your team members are well motivated, well-resourced, and highly productive. Using this structure for personal contact, you’ll move from responding to problems to resourcing your team for success. And your own band width will increase as your team becomes more engaged and independent than ever before. Here’s what’s ahead in this episode. Two extremes leaders may default to when leading teams. The consequence of either micromanaging or abdicating leadership. Why leading teams is such a challenge for many leaders. The most common mistakes in conducting one-on-one meetings. How often and how long

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