Us Of Ed

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 78:04:35
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Ed Blakely has served in different capacities under a succession of presidential administrations, has guided government policy on urban planning and is a widely cited academic. My name is Sean Britten, and each week, Ed and I have a chat about whats the latest news out of the United States, talking everything politics, planning and policy from sea to shining sea.


  • Trump's doublethink and final, most essential command

    26/07/2018 Duração: 15min

    "Now it's Iran, before it was North Korea. These are all-, a person who has a very short attention span and has a great need for enthusiastic applause behind him no matter what the cost." Somehow, impossibly, Donald Trump's scandals continue to stack up this far into his presidency, with Russia and the NRA, hush money for affairs, and surreal totalitarian comments making headlines this week. Not even an all-caps near-declaration of war with Iran could distract from the circus. Attempting to wrap our heads around it along with talk on Rod Rosenstein, $12 billion in aid for farmers, and Trump finally concerned by Russia election interference... on behalf of Democrats.

  • Trump's backroom dealings with Russia and Putin

    19/07/2018 Duração: 18min

    "You, Russia, bring peace in Syria, and we let you have the Ukraine. That's the deal that's on the table." Fallout from Trump's tricky turns of phrase following his meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin. Are we missing the bigger picture of Trump's business dealings with Russia? And what ominous 'verbal agreements' did the president make that Russians now want to hold the Americans to? Also talking Puerto Rico, Obama stepping up to the plate for Democrats, and the latest in the Russia and Manafort investigations.

  • Hurricane Trump strikes NATO then on to the UK

    13/07/2018 Duração: 13min

    "Mr Trump won, this tough talk got tough action." Donald Trump caught other NATO members by surprise this week but is there a method to the madness? He's also travelling through the UK and set to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin next week. Meanwhile, is Brett Kavanaugh's nomination the best deal the Democrats can get, and they should take it while they can? Also talking China tariffs, another swing at Obamacare, a rise in hate crimes, and a bizarre American aversion to breastfeeding.

  • Trump Administration's Battle Royale

    06/07/2018 Duração: 16min

    "This would be the most outrageous, and perhaps the most dangerous thing that Trump could do." Scandal-ridden EPA Head Scott Pruitt is the latest Trump appointee to resign, a reflection of the eat or be eaten inner nature of the current government that does not seem likely to improve. Meanwhile, a proposal to pull the US out of the World Trade Organization threatens global markets and markets within the US that are already left wanting. Also talking Mexico's new president, Obamacare keeps on keeping on, Russian interference and the fallout from the Capital Gazette shooting.

  • Donald Trump's law of the land

    29/06/2018 Duração: 15min

    "Truth of the matter is this is a violation of the Constitution... The President cannot receive any emoluments, which is a big word, while he is in office." Victory in the Supreme Court for Trump and news the Justice Anthony Kennedy will be retiring means Republicans get another pick on the bench. Meanwhile, news that 38 Trump trademarks have been approved in China and that The Trump Organization refuses to share how much its receiving in foreign revenue with Congress means American interests could be for sale at bargain prices. Also talking family separations, Russia, North Korea, some roundly criticised remarks from Maxine Waters, and a potential Trump visit to Australia.

  • Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free

    20/06/2018 Duração: 14min

    "The US might well be accused of a crime against humanity." Far from a shining city upon a hill, the United States has been seen this week as home to acts of needless cruelty thanks to the Trump administration's asylum seeker policies. President Trump has denied responsibility and furthermore pulled the US out of the UN Human Rights Council in a troubling move for human rights abuses around the globe. Also talking trade war with China, Paul Manafort's prison blues and the latest in the Mueller investigation.

  • Enemies into friends, friends into enemies

    14/06/2018 Duração: 16min

    "Something can start from there, where there was nothing before."  Donald Trump has brought his special brand of negotiation to the summit with Kim Jong-un and come away with a win despite a concession on US / South Korea war games. What worked, and what would Barack Obama or other predecessors have done differently? His diplomacy was less stellar at the G7 summit in Canada and immediately after, mindlessly attacking allies and pulling for Russia. Also talking Ohio's voter purge, the GOP's split on immigration, and a case study for moderate Republicans in Mark Sanford.

  • Blue Tsunami, a force of nature or a washout?

    08/06/2018 Duração: 13min

    "It looks like the good guys won this one, and will have a good chance in the regular election."  This week's primaries were the biggest bunch of elections we'll see until November, so what should we take away from the results? Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort is headed to prison on witness tampering charges relating back to the Mueller investigation. What might he go to save his own skin. Also talking North Korea, tough tariffs on American allies, and Donald Trump's bizarre and petty snub to Superbowl winners the Philadelphia Eagles.

  • Off and running in the 2018 congressional races

    31/05/2018 Duração: 21min

    "This is an example of the two faces of America right now." A punch-drunk GOP, weary from internal division and Trump scandals, faces off against a chipper but at times just as divided, and plausibly overconfident Democratic party as the 2018 congressional races begin. Ed talks potential pitfalls for both parties as well as 1,475 missing migrant kids and Trump's refusals to take responsibility. Also, North Korea, Puerto Rico, and the latest bizarre developments between the White House and the Russia investigation.

  • Trump cornered and desperate for a win

    25/05/2018 Duração: 17min

    "The North Koreans need a deal, and if they don't get a deal with the United States they'll get a deal with China that would blow the United States out of the water, so this is a very difficult game to play." The space on Trump's mantel reserved for a Nobel Peace Prize may remain bare for some time yet, with the administration pulling out of talks with North Korea following aggressive rhetoric from the hermit nation. China may be able to help with the US/China trade war in ceasefire, but what will be their ultimate price? Also talking Iran, Michael Cohen's pay-for-play with the Trump presidency, the Santa Fe shooting, and will Stormy Daniels and Michael Avenatti take down Trump before Robert Mueller?

  • Peace a long way off for Trump, America and the world

    16/05/2018 Duração: 17min

    "It's really a senseless act that's harmed a lot of people, and done no political good for the United States or the world."  Bloodshed in Gaza over the new US embassy in Jerusalem, but nothing but congratulations and some eyebrow-raising claims of Israeli restraint from Trump and his administration. Meanwhile, North Korea backs off from talks and a Chinese trade delegation arrives in Washington but offers little room for negotiation. Also talking Gina Haspel, more women than ever getting involved in US politics, and charges likely for Michael Cohen.

  • Iran a done deal, what's the fallout for the Middle East and North Korea?

    10/05/2018 Duração: 18min

    "If you're going to say I'm against things that Obama did, what are you doing? The only thing [Trump has] done is the tax bill, all the government agencies are in shambles, it looks like most of the candidates are in shambles, so what has he done?" In spite of the pleading of allies and no evidence that Iran hadn't held up their end, US President Donald Trump has scrapped the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. It's a move that undercuts American bargaining power especially in the upcoming North Korea denuclearisation talks, so why do it? The spectre of nukes in the Middle East hasn't been enough to totally distract from new revelations in the Stormy Daniels saga, however, with confirmed reports Trump lawyer Michael Cohen took $500,000 from a Russian billionaire with ties to Putin. And against advice, the Trump administration is moving to expel 300,000 legal migrants from US soil in a such a way that could increase unrest and illegal immigration.

  • Donald Trump Jr on his way to prison

    03/05/2018 Duração: 15min

    "The Russians were looking for somebody to deal with, they started messing around with these guys. There's no collusion there because they were so stupid the Russians couldn't deal with them." Good news out of the Korean Peninsula, although how far can anyone trust Kim Jong-un? South Korean President Moon Jae-in thinks Donald Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his part in the result but back at home the news is nowhere near as positive for the American president. Trump is short on options for the Iran deal, rambling and raving on Fox and Friends, and beset by Robert Mueller's investigation. Is the cover-up worse than the crime on Russian collusion? And could it see the President's eldest son trading Armani for a bright orange jumpsuit?

  • US needs allies in Asia, but Australia taken for granted

    26/04/2018 Duração: 14min

    "The relationship is stable, Australia and the United States have a lot to gain together, the ambassador is symbolic but not that important." Donald Trump hosted his first state visitor French President Emmanuel Macron this week and things were chummy except on the topic of the Iran Deal, and it could have far-reaching implications including for North Korea. Australia has been left feeling rejected after the man tipped to become US ambassador is headed for South Korea instead, so what does it mean for the two countries relations? Ed joins us from Chicago to talk these topics as well as the Waffle House shooting in Nashville, South China Sea, evangelicals plans for the 2018 midterms and the latest insult for the EPA.

  • World War III postponed, but Syria and North Korea remain treacherous

    19/04/2018 Duração: 20min

    "I want to think positively about this, that Pompeo actually is paving the way for something that will look like an agreement, that the Chinese would support."  Having backed a loser in Assad, Russia wants out but how to leave gracefully? Talking military strikes in Syria and Mike Pompeo in North Korea, as well as the passing of Barbara Bush, First Lady to one president and mother of another. Also, Charlie Dent, the latest in the fallout from the Michael Cohen raid, and are Democrats too focused on the possibility of impeaching Trump?

  • Tweets fired over Syria but so far no missiles

    13/04/2018 Duração: 18min

    "The Russians have something on Trump. Trump knows the game is almost up and they'll probably release it so he has less and less reason to do anything for the Russians. And the Russians have less and less reason to do anything for him." Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has announced he will joins nearly thirty (so far) House Republicans that will decline to seek re-election in the 2018 midterms, what's the big picture for Republicans. Meanwhile, after more than a year of refusing to criticise Vladimir Putin or Russia, Trump has gone from zero to sixty on sabre-rattling in Syria. Also talking the Trade Pacific Partnership, trade with China, tax and the FBI raid on Trump lawyer Michael Cohen.

  • SPECIAL: MLK's legacy and the issues of Black America

    05/04/2018 Duração: 49min

    "I first met Martin Luther King when he was preaching in Los Angeles, raising money for the movement..." In honor of the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr's assassination, Ed talks about his own meetings with MLK and his recollections of the 'Bloody Sunday' Selma march, as well as the fragmentation of black America and MLK's legacy. In part two of the special, Ed and Sean discuss all the issues facing black America today including police brutality and rates of incarceration, family, unemployment, as well as black America's voting rights and role in the democratic process.

  • Keep Calm But Don't Just Carry On

    29/03/2018 Duração: 19min

    "Easter's coming up, people have risen from the dead, [Trump] may as well."  Is it really time to panic? The appointment of Fox News firebrand John Bolton to the position of Trump's National Security Advisor has some people doing just that. We look at the latest addition to Team Trump, as well as the Stormy Daniels interview, Russia, and the record-breaking March for Our Lives in Washington DC. Speaking of broken records, Republicans are leaving the House of Reps in 2018 in larger numbers than ever before. And Ed shares his thoughts on a study saying only one-third of African-Americans, nationwide, have confidence in the police.

  • A Storm(y) on the horizon for Donald Trump

    22/03/2018 Duração: 15min

    "Trump can't win this, he really can't win, he's just looking for time." Another week, another high profile firing. Does Trump giving the boot to Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe constitute obstruction of Justice? And if so, where is the Republican Party? Also talking Cambridge Analytica, election results in Russia, death for drug dealers, and what exactly Stormy Daniels is angling to get out of the Trump affair allegations...

  • Another one bites the dust, Rex routed, who's next?

    16/03/2018 Duração: 14min

    "[The White House] is the worst place on the planet to work, you don't know who's going to get you. Will it be Trump? Will it be Kelly? Will it be somebody else? You just can't tell, so who's next?" Rex Tillerson is the latest high profile figure ousted from the Trump administration, fired via tweet. As the White House becomes even more dog-eat-dog, who will be next? Also speaking about plans for talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and fallout from the poisoning attack on a British-Russian double agent and his daughter. Could there be some blowback felt by Trump as well?

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