Weekly sermons delivered at Lutheran Church of the Resurrection in Prairie Village, KS
Episode 197 Jesus' People
20/02/2025 Duração: 11minIf we want to see God’s work in the world… if we want to see God’s miracles in life… We have only to look in the places where nobody else is looking… and at the people nobody else respects. There we will see him -- God’s messiah – coming with power – for us– Just as God did in Nazareth.
Episode 196: The First Sign -- Water Into Wine
20/01/2025 Duração: 16minSermon on John 2:1-12 where Jesus turns water into wine.
Episode 195: Loving God and Neighbors
03/11/2024 Duração: 15minJesus tells us the greatest commandment is to love God with our whole being and to love our neighbors as ourselves. He didn't say it was easy.
Episode 194: Refusing to Be Silenced
27/10/2024 Duração: 19minBartimaeus and Malala refuse to be silenced -- and are blessed.
Episode 193: Words that Bring Change
10/09/2024 Duração: 12minJesus tries to take a vacation and meets a woman whose words challenge his prejudice and change his vision of ministry. Sermon on Mark 7:24037
Episode 191: Choose Your God
29/08/2024 Duração: 16minJoshua challenges us to choose which god we will serve. Sermon on Joshua 24:1-25
Episode 190: A Beautiful Life
29/08/2024 Duração: 14minSermon on Ephesians 4:25-5:2 Life in the Body of Christ
Episode 189: Critics and Prophets
17/07/2024 Duração: 15minSermon on Amos 7:7-15 and Mark 16:18-49 The need for critics and honest criticism and a call to more responsible politics.
Episode 188: Truth
04/06/2024 Duração: 22minA sermon on the call of Samuel (I Sam. chapter 3) and our call to honesty and to tell our leaders the truth--especially when it's not what they want to hear.
Episode 187: A Love Story
02/04/2024 Duração: 14minGod's love, mercy and forgiveness transforms and heals us. Share the good news!
Episode 186: Learning When to Say "No"
05/02/2024 Duração: 12minJesus looks to God for his mission and shows us how to say "no" to the trap of pleasing everyone else.
Episode 185: Demons be Gone!
05/02/2024 Duração: 16minJesus casts a demon out of a man in a synagogue. We have our own "demons" but Jesus can cast them out, too.
Episode 184: Mary the Magdalene
05/02/2024 Duração: 14minThere were also many women who followed Jesus and were his disciples in the same way as the "12 apostles"--but their stories and contributions were minimized during the process of the canonization of the Holy Bible and by early Gospel writers. Today, I lift up the voice and experience of Mary from Magdal/Migdal.
Episode 182: Ready or Not, Here I Come!
11/12/2023 Duração: 07minGod is determined to be with us and nothing will stand in God's way. The Lord is coming!
Episode 181: We have Hope!
03/12/2023 Duração: 11minOur hope is founded on the reliability of God's Word. Signs of hope abound!
Episode 180: Christ the King Crucified
26/11/2023 Duração: 13minChrist the King Sunday 2023Text: Matthew 25:31-46
Episode 179: Avoiding the Trap
23/10/2023 Duração: 19minJesus' enemies try to force him to choose between two narrow positions on an issue--but he chooses to answer in a way that acknowledges the complexity of life. We must maintain our allegiance to God while at the same time navigating the realities of this world.
Episode 178: God's Banquet is for Everyone!
16/10/2023 Duração: 19minA sermon addressing the war between Israel and Gaza. The text is Matthew 22:1-14