Soul Soup With Dr. Janette Freeman

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 49:03:23
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Each podcast is created to inspire, uplift, and transform through meditation, internal processes and inspirational messages from Dr. Janette or other guests. Each session is designed to be a full experience of heart opening transformation.


  • The Map of Consciousness - Choose More Clearly from the Higher Self

    23/07/2018 Duração: 44min

    Your Map of Consciousness In this lesson, you will be given a map- so that you can clearly see, how your different emotional states are a clue to your vibrational alignment with your conscious choices (what you want!) or unconscious programming (what you don’t want.) You will be guided in a meditation to assist you to a place of choice faster, and a vibrational alignment with your chosen

  • Your Source Code Revealed on the Path of Happiness & Spiritual Awakening

    16/07/2018 Duração: 35min

    "Your Sacred Source Code Revealed"In this lesson you will begin to see how your Source Code can quicken your awakening and begin to give you back your authority for creating more peace and happiness. You will be given the First Source Code Meditation. That mind! That busy, repetitive mind. We’ve heard- ‘your thoughts create your reality,’ but those thoughts! They are hard to manage. Those thoughts are creating the perceptions, emotions and behaviors that create your life experience, but they are…Imperfect at best… Repetitive…They are conditioned.And- the whole process is mostly unconscious. It’s a program within a program. We’re unconsciously writing and rewriting software programs that don’t work well.Is there another way?Is there help for us?Most of us have struggled with personal transformation efforts. It takes a lot of effort to change the river of programming.Without a moment’s notice we can be triggered into a sea of emotions, running a trip and not really even aware of ‘what happened?’There has to be

  • The "I AM Source Code " Spiritual Mastery Class One

    09/07/2018 Duração: 29min

    In this Soul Soup’s Spiritual Mastery Class, you will be introduced to the I Am Source Code teachings, practices, meditations and affirmations to massively RAMPPPP UP your spiritually empowered life!  In this week's class, You will learn:What is Spiritual Awakening and why it’s necessary for the empowered life.Discover why spiritual awakening is necessary in order to experience happiness, peace and true freedom from mental and human suffering.  Access your Source Code to revvv it up!All donations will receive the free audio download meditation: I Am Essential Self meditation.  It will be sent soon after receiving any donation to The Oneness Center non 

  • Freedom through Choosing to Listen to the Voice of the Higher Self

    02/07/2018 Duração: 35min

    Manifesting in life is a direct result to living in the higher vibrations of positivity, love, faith, courage, joy and freedom.  Many times, though we listen to the voice of fear which continues to create more of that in life.  We can make a new choice.  The biggest freedom of choice we have is to listen to the inner voice of faith and operate from that place. This talk will talk about this and then take you in a meditative process.Which voice will you choose to listen to? The loud voice of worry, or the voice of faith, strength, courage?  Learn how to hear the quiet voice of faith when loud voices dominate, and how to choose it more often! Claim your freedom, and experience a spiritual process to give you back more of your choices!Soul Soup provides a little food for your soul and warmth for your heart!  A Live Spiritual Webinar www.soulsoup.onlineKeys to Happiness for free processes and meditations Donations:

  • Access Inner Fulfillment and Manifest Fulfilling Circumstances - Path of Happiness - Leaving depression behind

    24/06/2018 Duração: 39min

    Soul Soup with Dr. Janette Freeman provides a little food for your soul and warmth for your heart!  A Live Spiritual Webinar aired Sunday mornings - Register to come on each week! www.soulsoup.onlineThis program really leads you into the experience of tapping into your true fulfillment Source.  The true path of happiness in an inside journey.  Learn to work from the inside out.  Want more fulfilling relationships, work, life with purpose? Quit waiting for someone else to give it to you. Find it within yourself and then manifest the fulfilling life. This show really helps you to get started to do that. There is a spiritual process to release all attachments and responsibilities off other people, places and things in order to manifest from your strength, center and Higher Self. Keys to Happiness Program for free processes and meditations

  • 3 Keys to Happiness - From depression to happiness - the spiritual approach

    19/06/2018 Duração: 33min

    This session talks about the journey of spiritual awakening and the dark nights of the soul that are a part of the journey. its too easy to get stuck there, but the goal is to move through it.This important teaching gives you very pertinent information to embrace your journey but keep moving and start using your Divine power and the law of attraction to move you forward!There is also a powerful spiritual activation process and treatment. Soul Soup provides a little food for your soul and warmth for your heart! A Live Spiritual Webinar aired Sunday mornings -Register to come on each week! Keys to Happiness Program  

  • From Where you are to Where you Want to Be!

    10/06/2018 Duração: 15min

    From Where you are to where you want to be!What's the best thing to do when you're not where you want to be? There's this challenge, maybe its a job you don't like, or a relationship- or lack of one, health or some issue...You are desiring, moving, wanting, praying, meditating, taking action..You are trying to 'create' the new....But the old is so IN YOUR FACE.You can't help thinking about it. Even though you try to be 'positive and hopeful,' those nagging thoughts, complaints and well....This is all a part of your journey of spiritual awakening...The difference is, NOW you are willing to look at your outer circumstances as a result of your inner circumference... And you NOW know that you need to 'work' on the inner expansion if you want an outer change.There's help.There's things you can do.  

  • The Power of Making Intelligent Decisions!

    07/06/2018 Duração: 39min

    Soul Soup with Dr. Janette FreemanIf you have woken up to the fact that you are in this spiritual awakening journey, you have glimpse and beautiful experiences, but just as quickly- you are slapped back into the suffering of being an asleep human- when this happens, you are smack dab in the ‘clearing’ phase and I want to help you through it.This episode talks about the power of Infinite Intelligence to work intelligently through you- or unintelligently- through you as fear, worry and resentment. Which will it be? Its up to you! Make intelligent decision today to live from the Higher Self in more beauty, abundance and joy!http://www.onenessmember.comWatch live

  • Always Do Your Best - from The Four Agreements

    27/05/2018 Duração: 29min

    Lesson 4 from The Four Agreements with Dr Janette Freeman.Always do your best in this moment is enough.  This lesson is on really living in the present moment, doing your best and then letting it go without attachment.   Learn to stay in the present moment. Let this moment be enough, and show up and be your best in this moment. Its a very freeing idea when you just start over in any moment. There is also a process to clear past pain and future anxieties and create and bring into this moment the wonderful energies of past joy, passion and abundance and the future hopes of joy, passion and abundance and bring the energy into this moment. powerful!   

  • Don't Make Assumptions - Self Love & Self Respect Spiritual Process

    22/05/2018 Duração: 23min

    From out of Don Miguel Ruiz’ book, The Four Agreements:"All of the sadness and drama you have lived in your life was rooted in making assumptions and taking things personally."Rather than making assumptions we must learn to communicate clearly through asking questions.In this episode we look at the underlying reasons one doesn't ask clarifying questions and experiences suffering in relationships is a lack of self love or respect.  When we love and respect ourselves, we want to ask questions so that we don't hang around in 'wondering what that meant?'The process is a spiritual healing and activation at the level of the higher self to activate greater self love and self respect.

  • Don't Take Anything Personally from The Four Agreements

    13/05/2018 Duração: 33min

    May 13 In Sunday's Sip: 'DON'T TAKE ANYTHING PERSONALLY'With Dr. Janette FreemanFrom out of Don Miguel Ruiz’ book, The Four Agreements:"As you make a habit of not taking anything personally, you won't need to place your trust in what others do or say. You will only need to trust yourself to make responsible choices."As we begin to live more from the Higher Self, and trust that voice, we are free to follow it and not be led into suffering by being thrown around emotionally by the voices of others and your own little self.PROCESS: The energetic healing will clear some old agreements that no longer serve you, and give you the opportunity to make new agreements that will be more in alignment with your Higher Self.Soul Soup on Sunday at 9 am (PST) Register here and then simply LOG IN at 9:00 on Sunday!You can register here:http://www.soulsoup.onlineDonation Based - All for more information on personal coaching and counseling

  • Making New Agreements from the Higher Self

    07/05/2018 Duração: 44min

    What agreements have you unconsciously made and kept? Which ones don't serve you any more? In today's episode we will make some NEW agreements at the level of the Higher Self. Join me from Cabo- in my 'vacay' consciousness and share the love!From out of Don Miguel Ruiz’ book, The Four Agreements:“Out of the thousands of agreements we have made- the most important agreements are ones made with self."PROCESS: The energetic healing will clear some old agreements that no longer serve you, and give you the opportunity to make new agreements that will be more in alignment with your Higher Self.www.soulsoup.onlinewww.janettefreeman.comDonation Based - All welcome

  • 3 KEYS to More Love in Your Life - The Spiritual Approach...

    30/04/2018 Duração: 38min

    You do these three things and you will start to have miracles in your life, because you’re putting first things first.  You are creating at the energetic realm first and massive love can abide and express  It will mirror at the right time in form.1.   LOVE THE SOURCE FIRST.  This happens through what we think about most… 2.  Connect and develop a relationship with your spirit team. They are always with you even if you are not conscious of their presence.  Enjoy them, they are an enormous asset.3.   Stay connected to your I Am line – your connection to Love.  Mirror in you what you want in the worldIn the spiritual activation process, you will work with your higher self, your angelic spirit team to energetic healing and set up the newer vibrations of love, trust, safety and receiving love.  When its cleared and accessed in the Higher Realms it can manifest more quickly on the outer life. Work at the Higher Levels and experience more love now.Soul Soup on Sunday at 9 am (PST) Register here and then simply LOG I

  • Care Less to Care More! Heal Co-Dependent Relationships

    22/04/2018 Duração: 36min

    Care Less to Care More!  Heal Co-Dependent Relationships!One of the biggest challenges for most of us in caring too much about what other's think, do and say- to the degree we doubt our own light.Or, we give and give, out of some sort of need to be needed...Or, we put too much attention on someone else and crave to be wanted...Or we focus on our needs being met by someone, some experience or some thing.All of these human conditions surely speak to a need to receive from the outer what we havn't met in the inner.  And that, my friend leads to suffering.I call it horizontal awareness...Looking outside of ourselves horizontally-rather than inside of us vertically (to our Higher Self.) In this episode, we'll do a powerful spiritual activation process to HOOK back up deeply and energetically to our own Source of everything... and then work with three relationships and unhook from them and hook them into their own higher self. The Higher Self will do a powerful healing, and set everyone free to be themselves.www.on

  • Connect to Your Own Yellow Brick Road (Your Higher Self)

    15/04/2018 Duração: 41min

    Dr. Janette Freeman shares some teachings on connecting to your own inner Higher Self (I Am) and access your own inner guidance, Divine Intelligence, Love and Courage.Spiritual Process:  You will be guided to connect to your own Higher Self and access intelligence, guidance, love and courage.www.soulsoup.onlinewww.janettefreeman.comTo donate to the show: 

  • The ONE Thing You Must Know to Make Your Journey Heroic - Hero's Journey Part 1

    09/04/2018 Duração: 41min

     "The One Thing You Must Know to Make Your Journey Heroic" You are on a journey called life and ultimately, you are here waking up spiritually, mentally and emotionally. Will it be heroic, or will you always be waiting for something else to happen first?  On today's episode, there is a piece of the puzzle, a skill, something you must know that will clear the path for you.  Learn and practice it and you will gain greater clarity, guidance and support.Did you know you are the hero in your own life story? What kind of story is it? All great stories have similar elements- Stories tell of the struggle to breathe new life into a dead land, the death of the soul and its resurrection, the search for the beloved, the great wound that turns one into a great healer. What stage of your journey are you in? What do you need as the missing piece to help you into the next stage? What knowledge, team, friends or support is necessary now? What will help you overcome your present challenges and rise up and claim your success, a

  • Out of the Darkness, Into the Light

    02/04/2018 Duração: 37min

    This episode talks about the power of spiritual transformation to move us from our darkness into the Light.  All healing and true transformation is a spiritual movement to higher consciousness.  This talk moves you from darkness, to hope, to the light of a brand new day.Everyone must learn to embrace their own 'transformational' experiences which require a death and a letting go in order to move into the new beginnings waiting for them.  Move now from the old into the new!The healing meditatitive process takes you into the Higher Self and initiates a spiritual healing created by your own higher self.  It is a powerful healing activation through releasing all darkness and moving up high into the light of the Divine Bliss.   Register and join us live on Sundays...    Thank you for any donations to the show

  • Clearing the Old to Make Room for the New

    26/03/2018 Duração: 44min

    Soul Soup, Dr. Janette FreemanThe negative experiences that you have been through could be holding you back. You may not even be aware of it or if you are aware, you could feel stuck in a cycle. This talk, then powerful PROCESS will do a CLEARING to help you release the past for good! Episode Notes:Here are three important elements that help us to let go:1.  Acceptance of what is for now.  When we can accept the past unconditionally (see steps 1 and 2) then we can let it go.  Accepting something unconditionally doesn't mean that we accept that it was good or even socially or personally acceptable, but it is accepting that something happened.  You can allow the past to be what it was and release it.  We can't change the past, we can only learn from the past and move forward.  When we can accept things how they are, we can make new choices from a more intelligent and present state of mind. 2. Get the gift.  Is it possible to harvest some good out of the situation, maybe its just a lesson that you got that will

  • From "Wanting" to "BEING"

    19/03/2018 Duração: 43min

    Dr. Janette Freeman shares from the Sunday morning Live Show a discourse on how to change your energy to have a change in your life.  When desiring, many times the energy is actually the fear based 'wanting,' which pushes away your good rather than attracting it.  Learn how to go to the energy of BEING by connecting to your Higher Self and living from the having and being that is associated with being centered in your true Self.  In addition there is a HYPNO PROCESS,  a guided meditation to take you directly to your Higher Self, infuse the connection and download the qualities of Being that you desire, such as joy, abundance, happiness, connection, love, creativity,   Register Here online to join the show live Sunday mornings at 9:00 am PST.www.janettefreeman.comDONATE TO THE SHOW tax deductible donation. 

  • Developing the "I AM Lucky" Mindset with Meditate Process

    12/03/2018 Duração: 35min

    Learn how to stand in the "I Am Lucky" Mindset by going spiritually higher.  See what "lucky" people have in common.In the Process you will be guided into the Higher Self to access your Team and pull in all support in order to flow in life with support, connection and Divine  Listen live sunday mornings at 9 am   Receive free meditation download - sign up on email list.Donate to

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