Ajahn Anan Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 358:32:11
  • Mais informações



Translations of Dhamma talks given by Ajahn Anan, a disciple of Ajahn Chah and abbot of Wat Marp Jan Monastery in Thailand. For more information, visit www.watmarpjan.org/en.


  • How to Purify Negative Kamma

    24/11/2021 Duração: 16min

    In this talk, Ajahn Anan explains the correct method to purify negative kamma in line with the teachings of the Buddha.

  • Our Inner and Outer Bodies

    23/11/2021 Duração: 28min

    We have a coarse outer body that all people can see, but we also have a subtle inner body that is invisible to our eyes. This is the body of our minds, and it’s important for us to develop this one to be higher and better. To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7pm - 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).

  • Seeing the World for What It Is

    22/11/2021 Duração: 38min

    In this talk, Ajahn Anan explains how the world is completely composed of conventions. When our minds understand this, they can put the world down and abide above it. To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7pm - 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).

  • Samatha, Vipassanā & the Highest Happiness

    21/11/2021 Duração: 29min

    In many places they teach to focus solely on vipassanā (insight), but really, in the initial stages, every aspect of the practice is samatha (tranquility). When we develop this way of bringing our hearts to peace, then investigating reality, we'll realize the highest happiness that the Buddha himself gained. To listen to most recent talks, you can visit our YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/ajahnanan To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Live sessions everyday from 7pm to 9pm. Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).

  • Unification of Mind for Liberation of Mind

    20/11/2021 Duração: 14min

    The five hindrances obstruct peace of mind, samadhi. And having gained samadhi, one must be careful not to misunderstand this peace as awakening and enlightenment. One practises samadhi for the sake of seeing clearly the nature of reality, that all phenomena are anicca, dukkha, and anatta. This insight is capable of liberating the mind from all suffering. To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7pm - 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).

  • Nature is Always Teaching Us

    19/11/2021 Duração: 15min

    2021.10.28 | Is there anything constant in this world? Inconstancy is the only constant thing here. Nature is always trying to teach us this lesson, and the important thing is that we take it to heart. To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7pm - 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).

  • Nowhere for Dust to Alight

    18/11/2021 Duração: 11min

    2021.10.27 | Dust alighting on a mirror is a simile for sense impressions alighting on the mind. As long as we have a mirror or mind, then we must constantly clean it. With the understanding of not-self, however, we see clearly with wisdom, and there is nowhere for dust to alight. To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7pm - 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).

  • Choosing a Path Through Life

    17/11/2021 Duração: 17min

    The decisions we make are very important; they're what make the difference between heaven and hell. Those with intelligence will pick the way to genuine happiness and peace: the Noble Path.

  • The Permanent Destruction of Defilement

    16/11/2021 Duração: 24min

    2021.10.26 | In the beginning of the practice, we must endure many things and develop many qualities, but as we carry on, the practice eventually gains momentum. Here, it's fun to meditate as we know that we are steadily cutting away at the defilements until they are forever gone. To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7pm - 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).

  • Where Can We Find Peace?

    15/11/2021 Duração: 24min

    2021.10.25 | Where can we go to find peace? We may stay in a forest or a cave and flee from disturbing sights and sounds, and this can be useful to bring energy to our minds. But we can't flee forever. So, in order to find true peace, we must develop wisdom that allows us to understand and let go of all sense impressions. To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7pm - 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).

  • Where all 84,000 Teachings of the Buddha Gather

    14/11/2021 Duração: 21min

    Every teaching that the Buddha gave gathers into the single point of seeing form, feeling, perception, mental formations and sense consciousness as inconstant.

  • The Ebb and Flow of Worldly Winds

    13/11/2021 Duração: 23min

    2021.10.23 | With the recent ending of the rains retreat, we can reflect on the origin story for the Kathina ceremony. We also reflect on the impermanence of worldly Dhammas, external harmony, and the internal harmony of sila, samadhi, and panya in the mind that leads to liberating insight. To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7pm - 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).

  • The Wisdom that Gives Us Freedom

    12/11/2021 Duração: 19min

    2021.10.11 | All of us currently have mindfulness, samadhi and wisdom, but for the most part it's in a form that is useful for our work and studies, but ineffective for insight into truth. In order to gain this insight, we must walk along the path that the Buddha taught, until we are able to transcend the world and reach freedom from all suffering. To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7pm - 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).

  • About Jhana

    11/11/2021 Duração: 17min

    2021.10.10 | The 16 Brahma realms of form correspond to the 4 form jhanas, and the upper five levels are the Pure Abodes for Anagamis. If we practise without ceasing, then we are all capable of realizing jhana and insight knowledge. In the beginning, however, we must patiently endure the proliferating mind, increasing our samadhi and reducing kilesas gradually. To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7pm - 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).

  • Watching the Movements of the Mind

    10/11/2021 Duração: 26min

    As Ajahn Anan teaches in this talk, every aspect of the practice gathers together in the qualities of mindfulness and clear comprehension. If we can bring our minds to stillness and hold awareness over them, then as they start to move, liberating wisdom will arise in our hearts. To listen to most recent talks, you can visit our YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/ajahnanan To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Every day 7-9 p.m. Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT + 7).

  • Mindfulness, Peace & Wisdom

    09/11/2021 Duração: 16min

    It’s important to try to keep our mindfulness steady and even throughout the day. If we can do this, our minds will easily settle into peace. Once they are established in calm, wisdom arises which is able to solve all our problems. To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7pm - 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).

  • Cooling Down a Hot Heart

    08/11/2021 Duração: 09min

    On the occasion of Thai New Year, Ajahn Anan gave this talk about how to relieve the heat of our bodies and also the heat within our hearts. To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7pm - 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).

  • The Precious Gift of a Human Birth

    07/11/2021 Duração: 29min

    With a human birth, we have an excellent opportunity to cultivate goodness. All the other beings—animals, hungry ghosts, and even devas—wish for a rebirth in this state. So, while we have it, we should make the most of it by creating merit, practicing meditation and understanding. To listen to most recent talks, you can visit our YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/ajahnanan To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Every day 7-9 p.m. Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT + 7).

  • The Buddha is Still Here

    06/11/2021 Duração: 22min

    When we see the Dhamma, we see the Buddha, and our heart is Sangha. We see that the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha are actually one. When we see clearly like this, no doubts are left in the heart. To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7pm - 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).

  • Blessings We Are Born with and Blessings We Strive For

    05/11/2021 Duração: 21min

    2021.10.09 | Some people are born with more innate talents than others. They learn and excel quickly in various fields. This is due to past efforts they have made. Whether we are born with a little or a lot of past merits and skills, we put forth effort in the present to see the Dhamma. To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7pm - 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).

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