Barely Audible Whisper

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 42:36:51
  • Mais informações



Real. Fake. News.


  • A Pacakage More Stimulating Than the Government Stimulus Package

    28/03/2020 Duração: 41min

    In our second tele-recorded we: Explor thee extraordinary mediocrity of the Stimulus Package Celebrate Senator Kelly Loeffler's extraordinary (and not at all corrupt) good luck Teach Gen Z how to not suck Parody Frank Sanatra (Opposite of Gen Z) Look at the connection between racism and germaphobia Debate social isolation with cat sounds and fart noises And we laugh at that guy who got poisoned by listening to Trump    

  • Cover Your Mouth When You Laugh

    22/03/2020 Duração: 35min

    Welcome to the safest, least human contacty podcast we've ever done.  Tele-recorded on Zoom and devoid of all human contact, but not human laughter. Enjoy (But for God's sake cover your mouth when you laugh)

  • Democratic Primary aka The Great Whte Whittleing

    09/03/2020 Duração: 39min

    This week: The American Government sucks at pandemics. A badly acted bad actor can't get work as an actor. Pete Amy drop out. Trump sucks even more at Middle East peace than most. Chris Matthews' "Hardball" And The Great White Whittling

  • Comedy for the Quarentined

    29/02/2020 Duração: 35min

    This week: Trump thinks Coronavirus is a Mexican beer. We get invade by a Michael Bloomberg campaign ad Trump goes to India (Which probably also thinks is a Mexican beer) Harvey Weinstein gets kind of sort of justice Trump fires the Director of National Intelligence for directing national intelligence And a quarantined correspondent descends into madness

  • Glamorizing The RUle of Law With David Bowie

    23/02/2020 Duração: 40min

    This week: The ghost of Robin Leach explores Trump's unpardonable pardons Stephen Miller got married, which I think is in one of the bad parts of the Bible The Oregonian plan for a Greater Idaho We debate Bernie Sanders Judges bang gavels And we Glamorize The Rule of Law

  • We're Fucked

    15/02/2020 Duração: 39min

    This week: Elizabeth Warren has a plan for everything (except winning) America becomes a Banana Republic Texas sues California for discriminating against their discrimination Harvey Weinstein's lawyer tries her best "Hookers for Jesus" doesn't mean what men named Jesus hoped it meant And We're fucked

  • Holy Shit It's Our 100th Episode

    10/02/2020 Duração: 42min

    HOLY SHIT IT'S OUR 100TH EPISODE: The State of the Union sucks, like Kyle Shanahan with a 4th quarter lead but the State of Our podcast is strong like Mitt Romney's hair gel. Also Brian McCann is a cheater.  The Iowa Caucus was insane. And President Trump is basically the Emperor.   Happy 100th to us.  

  • Danger! Danger! Danger!

    01/02/2020 Duração: 38min

    This weeks episode is all about impeachment (almost) we barely touched on some other things the way Trump barely thought through his Israeli peace plan, and yet somehow we still worked harder on our jokes about his Israeli peace plan than he worked on the Israeli peace plan. 

  • Trump's Shitty Lawyers Sure Are Lucky The Trial is Rigged

    27/01/2020 Duração: 39min

    This week we give Trump the trial the Senate won't, Unsurprisingly Trump did something dumb and offensive on MLK Day We explore the illogical logic of Republican logic Gun rights dudes have small penises John Bolton's crazy ass And Trump's shitty lawyers sure are lucky the trial's rigged

  • The Technocratic Adventures of Nancy Pelosi Super Speaker and Other Impeachment Prayers

    20/01/2020 Duração: 38min

    This week, we try and make the procedural wrangling of technical government process rules seem interesting. Speaking of government processes the entire government of Russia just quit. Speaking of Russia, Trump may have been using a delusional alcoholic other than Rudy Giuliani in his Ukraine scheme. Speaking of old people Bernie and Warren are bickering like my grandparents used to And President Trump tried to make bribery legal. (seriously)  

  • How Many Iranian Assassaniations Does it Take to Kick Impeachment Out of the News Cycle?

    11/01/2020 Duração: 38min

    This week's episode is all about Iran; where the Trump administration crammed so many lies and blunders into a 6 day was like any other 6 day period for them...except this time they almost started WWIII.

  • Penis Shaped Russian Propaganda in Sunglasses

    06/01/2020 Duração: 34min

    I'm especially proud of this long form episode of "Barely Audible Whisper" which takes a hilarious look at the cartoon penis shaped Russian propaganda banana in sun glasses that could be the thing that destroys American democracy.   (Wish I was kidding)     

  • Impeachment Carols

    13/12/2019 Duração: 24min

    This Week: Turns out Ivanka Trump & Christopher Steele had a "friendly relationship;" so obviously we made a soap opera The IG report about the FBI investigation into Trump turned up important findings that weren't about Trump, so obviously those were missed A Christmas song about 12 things Trump isn't being impeached for (but should be) Attorney General Barr says a bunch of bullshit And Newt Gingrich rebrands the sotry of the 1st Christmas   

  • We Quit Defaming Deving Nunes Because the Truth is Bad Enough

    09/12/2019 Duração: 32min

    This week: A bunch of a nonsensical southern gibberish aka Doug Collins defense of Trump. We interview Sociopathic AI robot Mar Zuckerberg Democrats dumb down their impeachment report Georgia's terrible new senator is still better than Doug Collins Devin Nunes has a 3 way (phone conversation) And it turns out poor people are less poor when they have money

  • Trump Throws the Trump Train Under the Trump Bus

    23/11/2019 Duração: 25min

    This Week: Trump Ruins a children's song Chick-Fil-A: Just as delicious: slightly less homophobic Trying to teach Devin Nunes history is more like the Inquisition than the Inquisition is like impeachment Trump goes to the hospital because ???? And Prince Andrew tries to say words

  • "Barely Audible Whisper" Presents: Rudy Giuliani in: "Entirely Too Audible Screaming"

    18/11/2019 Duração: 32min

    This week: Attempted crime is evidently no longer a crime   If physicists are so smart, how come they don't know what really constitutes a crisis? Steven Miller is still a racist.  The Catholic Church is still molesting children More Democrats are running for president And Rudy Giuliani has a podacast  

  • More in Our Ongoing Effort to Get Sued By Devin Nunes

    11/11/2019 Duração: 33min

    This week: President, and con artist, Trump's spiritual adviser, and con artist, gets a job at the Whitehouse. We defame Devin Nunes as part of our on going effort to be sued by Devin Nunes Democrats win but Republicans refuse to concede, the Kentucky preview of 2020 Lindsay Graham whines like one of those Tennessee Williams' characters you can tell he wrote about somebody he personally didn't like Impeachment transcripts get a cowriting credit And Brexit is still all out of "Orrrrrderrrrrr."

  • Mitt Romney: The Movie

    28/10/2019 Duração: 30min

    This Week: A Best Selling Parenting Author Goes to Jail For College Admissions Scandal Hillary's Emails Turn Out to be less of a National Security Threat Than That Nigerian Prince Jared Kushner: Give Me Money Republicans try and start a riot And: Mitt Romney The Movie 

  • Quid Pro Quo Daddio

    21/10/2019 Duração: 36min

    This Week:   Turkey has 50(ish) American nuclear weapons Shep Smith has just enough integrity to have more integrity than Fox News Mick Mulvaney tries to "play it cool" Nerds talk about nerd stuff Kim Jong Un mounts a white stead And Rudy Giuliani is...bear with us it's complicated

  • The President of the United States is not Andy Fucking Kaufman

    12/10/2019 Duração: 34min

    This week: We conduct an academic investigation into the economics of the lap dance Andy Kaufman explains the difference between performance art comedy and being President of the United States The Ecuadorian President moves the capitol Trump continues to be a dick to immigrants American soldiers in Syria try and decipher Trump's orders And Trump awards the Medal of Freedom to a former Attorney General almost as corrupt as the current Attorney Genral

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