The Australian Council for the Defence of Government Schools (DOGS) looks at public education and separation of church and state.
Matters of church and state, inequality is a feature of the Australian education system.
09/05/2020Matters of Church and State- Turnbull's memoir references the duplicitous and unaccountable 'needs' based funding, exposing the arrogance of the church. Bigger mortgages do NOT mean you are disadvantaged. Pell's knowing involvement with relocating predators and the Catholic church's refusal to be accountable for anything. Inequality is a feature of Australian education system. Janet Albrechtson's eugenics-like valuation of human lives: all lives are not WORTH the same!
Advances of BILLIONS in funding to private schools- no mention of any special treatment for public schools.
02/05/20202 press releases! Advances of BILLIONS in funding to private schools- no mention of any special treatment for public schools. 80% of disadvataged students attend state schools, 90% of indigenous children attend public schools yet the insecure private education BUSINESSES continue to demand billions of taxpayer dollars. U.S.- movement to ban the inequitable charter schools system. No state schools= NO ECONOMYState Schools Relief- organisation attempting to aid public schools-
Public schools are now, more than ever, a community hub, while the virus exposes the dodgy business practices of private schools.
25/04/2020Public schools are now, more than ever, a community hub, while the virus exposes the dodgy business practices of private schools. How private IS private when the public keep paying again and again, with private schools gouging recurrent taxpayers funds. U.S. Education Secretary DeVos is dedicated to destroying the public system as the Public Education Network and Diane Ravitch send an open letter to V.P. Biden calling for the elimination of the federal charter school program.Great State School if the Week- East Lodden P-12
Teachers asked to put their lives on the line, why is the public system considered dispensable?
18/04/2020Teachers asked to put their lives on the line- Morrison using public school teachers as glorified babysitters. Public school teachers at the front line of growing inequalities, growing concern for disadvantaged students. Public school teachers are indispensable to the wellbeing of our nation. Private schools scramble to guarantee ongoing funding, despite falling enrolments. Thank you for your patience with our production capabilities- we are now set up to produce our weekly DOGS program remotely ergo can podcast the available audio. Unfortunately, podcasts of the past 3 DOGS programs will not be available until we can access the station again. Apologies for any inconvenience, weekly press releases are available, as usual, from our website.
The dangerous stupidity of constant assessment, the history of the 'test' and the federal government's private schools slush fund
14/03/2020The dangerous stupidity of constant assessment. Tehan THREATENS children with tests so he can say he's doing his job. Almost $20 billion of RECURRENT funding to private schools and now the 'Choice and Affordability' fund!The history of the 'test', from industrialisation to I.Q. tests.Great State School of the Week- Hornsby Girls
Over 80% of disavantaged students go to public schools and 90% of disadvantaged schools are PUBLIC.
07/03/2020As the new funding model comes out, the Federal government decides to give more cash to Private schools with NO mention of public schools, passing the buck to the State governments. More than 1 in 3 children do not have access to the necessary infrastructure to succeed in education. This tells the kids- your government does not care about you. The MYTH of Equality. Funding exacerbating the disparity between private and public schools with non-government sector schools getting a $3.4 Billion boost, while public schools get NOTHIING. Over 80% of disavantaged students go to public schools and 90% of disadvantaged schools are PUBLIC. Philanthropy is NO WAY to run an education system! This generation is LESS well educated than the previous generation and that is a national disgrace.Great State School of the Week- ALL 90% of our Disadvantaged Public Schools
Global privatisation of BASIC education, Justice Kirby on Discrimination bill and much more
29/02/2020The global privatisation of Basic education and Diane Ravitch's book "Slaying Goliath: The Passionate Resistance to Privatization and the Fight to Save America's Public Schools". Justice Michael Kirby on the religious discrimination bill. Many religious people agree that this bill is a bad idea and agree that it is dangerous.Great State School of the Week- Bobin Primary School,
Huge increases to private school funding, St Kevin's defending the indefensible, mandatory reporting and much more
22/02/2020Last word on statistics- new figures (R.O.G.S.) show huge funding increases to private schools and cuts to public schools as R.O.G.S. overestimates spending on public schools. St Kevin's College supporting paedophiles DURING the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse! Mandatory reporting of abuse and the law. Federal and state funding.Great State School of the Week- Auburn High
How is it that in Australia private schools get so much public money? A look at the functional processes that allow this disparity plus much more
15/02/2020Part 2 of Lies, damned lies and statistics with the Report On Government Services. Analysing numbers and people/funding processes- how is it in Australia that private schools get so much public money?- the functional processes that allow this disparity- while the public sector is still responsible for the majority of Australian children. Plus the Catholic Education Office justifies why they can't tell us where all the government funding for schools actually ends up.Great State School of the Week- Frankston State High
Australia's bifurcated education system- one for the rich and one for the poor
08/02/2020Statistics showing income disparity widening. Funding increases to private schools DOUBLED while every state has CUT funding to public schools. A public school student is worth 28% of a private school student according to the Australian government. Australia's bifurcated education system- one for the rich and one for the poor. A look at the education system in Dehli. Our OECD report is F for Fail- needs improvement!Great State School of the Week- Bendigo Special Developement
To educate a child in a CIVILISED nation is NOT an act of charity but an investment- education is a fundamental RIGHT of a child.
01/02/2020Foundational tenets of U.S. democracy- the separation of church from the state- the fundamental principle upon which the U.S. was built is being compromised - Espinoza Vs Montana. NO functional separation of church and state in Australia AT ALL. Education system in Canada is now leaping ahead of Australia. Article by Darren Walker, Ford Foundation- 'Charity won't fix inequity, only structural changes will". Charity is no cure for poverty. To educate a child in a CIVILISED nation is NOT an act of charity but an investment- education is a fundamental RIGHT of a child.Great State School of the Week- Chirnside Park Primary
A.G. reports, funding rorts , pork-barrelling sports and much more
25/01/2020Auditor General reports and funding rorts. Pork-barrelling of sports grants and the Bridget McKenzie matter."NEEDS" based policy is overtly GREEDS based policy.Book review- Diane Ravitch's "Slaying Goliath- The Passionate Resistance to Privatisation and the Fight to Save America's Public Schools".Why we have public schools in the first place- a brief history of public education in Australia- and the FIRST time we stopped funding to private schools. "If more than 10% of children in a society are educated in private schools, it can no longer call itself a democracy."Great State School of the Week- Ogilvie Girls State High School in
Sophistry of Religious discrimination bill plus a State Schools Aid agency
18/01/2020Meg Wallace's 'Sophistry of Religious Discrimination"- about priveling one religon. Separation of religion from the mechanics of running a country- in Australia and the U.S.. Sue Karzis from State Schools Reflief (Victoria) talks abo0ut this unique organisation assisting state school. See more at or contact locally on 87698450Great State School of the Week- Sale College in East
A brief history of education in our constitution, our federal Government's approach to what CAN be taught in schools and much more
11/01/2020A brief history of education in the Australian constitution. Our Federal government's approach to what CAN be taught in schools... Also, why DON'T churches pay taxes and rates?
The educational gulf is widening, constitution ignored in religious bill, "back to basics" the problem, not the solution.
04/01/2020Australian constitution is ignored (Sect,116) as government legislates for the furtherment of a particular religion. In the U.S. strikes over private school vouchers. "Back to basics" approach has become the problem, not the solution as the educationa gulf is widening.Great State School of the Week- Clifton Creek Primary School in Gippsland, which burnt down over the school
SUMMER SPECIAL- Encore of our School Climate Change Rally Special
28/12/2019SUMMER SPECIAL- Encore of our School Climate Change Rally Special
The 'fantasy' that private schools save the government money! and much more
21/12/2019The 'fantasy' that private schools save the government money- Tehan's own thinktank queries where all the funding goes, as Australian students no longer even reach the OECD average in mathematics. Teachers and teacher training. The situation in Chile. U.S.'s Devos wastes millions on charter schools that will never be built.Great State School of the Week- Box Hill
The DOGS predictions about the consequences of state aid are sadly coming true
14/12/2019The DOGS predictions about the consequences of state aid are sadly coming true after 60 years of funding private education - segregation, loss of standards, loss of accountability and more. State aid undermines democratic institutions and is disastrous to our democracy. EVERYONE loses when schools are segregated. The MYTHOLOGISING of the Goulburn Catholic School strike in the 60s. Vocational training and educational RORTS abundant, yet noone has been charged with any fraudulent
PISA shows Australian students are 3 and 1/2 years BEHIND their international peers
07/12/2019Part 2 of 'The Real Cost of Private Education' by Thomas Orren. AFL and Private schools- 4 times more likely to get picked in the AFL draft of you are from one of eleven elite schools- the egalitarian nature of football is nowa myth, no longer a game for the PEOPLE. PISA shows Australian students are 3 and 1/2 years BEHIND their international peers in maths and sciences. The results are a wake-up call however they said that 4 years ago. And the 4 years before that. And the four years before that..Great State School SYSTEM of the Week-
The REAL cost of private education, education and AFL plus much more
30/11/2019Part 1 of analysis of 'The Real Cost Of Private Education' article by Thomas Orren. AFL and eduation- how private schools have taken over the AFL. Venture capitalists find that private schools in Australia are a HUGE money maker. $ = morals for capitalists.Great State School of the Week- Bicheno Primary