Hidden Truth: Las Vegas Shooter

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 258:18:38
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Welcome to Hidden Truth, a new weekly series which dives deeply into controversial and unresolved issues of our time to discover the truth, irrespective of politics, religion, or agenda. Las Vegas Shooter investigates the October 1, 2017 Las Vegas Shooting, the largest mass shooting in American history. It has been months since terror struck the Vegas strip, yet we still do not know how it was done or why.Conspiracy theories abound. The FBI promises a report by October, but we intend to find the answers now through in-depth interviews of those closest to the truth.Website: http://hiddentruthshow.com/las-vegas-shooter/


  • S E46: We Now Know China Created Covid, But Why?

    18/02/2021 Duração: 59min

    Virtually all now agree that Covid-19 came from an experimental lab in China. What is still a mystery is how or why it leaked out. Patrick Wood Is the author of “Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation” and the founder and director of “Citizens for Free Speech.”  He says it is very likely that Covid is an experimental bioweapon, and that the leak was intentional. He explains why China would do such a thing, and the deep connections between China, U.S. politicians, and Big Tech.Support Hidden Truth Show by going to http://www.patreon.com/hiddentruthshow and pledging just $5/month and receive access to Jim and special content and a Hidden Truth cap!Website: http://www.hiddentruthshow.comFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/hiddentruthshowInstagram: http://www.instagram.com/hiddentruthshow

  • S E45: Will Covid Restrictions Ever End?

    11/02/2021 Duração: 01h39s

    It has been almost a year since we interviewed constitutional law attorney Mark Meuser about the legality of Covid restrictions. Incredibly, not much has changed. He reports that the only way to gain back our freedom is through the courts. In California, there may an additional option: A recall of Governor Newsom later this year with his successor immediately reversing the shutdown. Support Hidden Truth Show by going to http://www.patreon.com/hiddentruthshow and pledging just $5/month and receive access to Jim and special content and a Hidden Truth cap!Website: http://www.hiddentruthshow.comFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/hiddentruthshowInstagram: http://www.instagram.com/hiddentruthshow

  • S E44: Sex Trafficking at the Super Bowl

    05/02/2021 Duração: 47min

    It is so prolific that advocacy groups target the Super Bowl to take down traffickers and rescue victims. Nita Belles heads such a group. She is the founder of http://www.Inourbackyard.org and author of a book about trafficking of the same name. She reports that females involved in the sex industry are actually victims of traffickers. She also addresses Jeffrey Epstein, whom she says was in fact a sex trafficker.Support Hidden Truth Show by going to http://www.patreon.com/hiddentruthshow and pledging just $5/month and receive access to Jim and special content and a Hidden Truth cap!Website: http://www.hiddentruthshow.comFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/hiddentruthshowInstagram: http://www.instagram.com/hiddentruthshow

  • S E43: The End of History: SF Cancels Washington and Lincoln

    01/02/2021 Duração: 56min

    San Francisco politicians vote to ban naming schools after the father of our country or the freer of the slaves. What is going on? How did we get here and where is this going? Joshua Mitchell is a professor of political science at Georgetown University and author of “American Awakening: Identity Politics and Other Afflictions of Our Time.” He explains this is all part of a dangerous utopian movement which seeks nothing less than the “end of history.”Support Hidden Truth Show by going to http://www.patreon.com/hiddentruthshow and pledging just $5/month and receive access to Jim and special content and a Hidden Truth cap!Website: http://www.hiddentruthshow.comFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/hiddentruthshowInstagram: http://www.instagram.com/hiddentruthshow

  • S E42: Libya’s Gaddafi: World’s Most Bizarre Dictator

    25/01/2021 Duração: 01h02min

    He led a brutal dictatorship as the world watched for 40 years. He was murdered by his people 10 years ago after the Obama/Biden backed NATO invasion. The country has been in chaos ever since, with terrorists and Middle East powers fighting over its control. The disaster is now back in Biden’s lap. Few know the story more intimately than Esther Kofod, author of “The Libyan,” about her husband who worked directly for Gaddafi and with the CIA, and led the party that replaced him. Her stories are fascinating and shocking.Support Hidden Truth Show by going to http://www.patreon.com/hiddentruthshow and pledging just $5/month and receive access to Jim and special content and a Hidden Truth cap!Website: http://www.hiddentruthshow.comFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/hiddentruthshowInstagram: http://www.instagram.com/hiddentruthshow

  • S E41: Violence on the Left and Right: Which is Worse?

    19/01/2021 Duração: 51min

    The Left defended violence when it occurred in the wake of the George Floyd death, but now they are the loudest voices condemning it and defending the police. On the Right you hear some making excuses for the Capitol break in after they condemned the violence over the summer. Might both sides realize their hypocrisy and come together for the good of our nation? We talk to Judd Dunning, a former radical leftist who seeks to convert others with his new book, 13 1/2 Reasons Why NOT To Be A Liberal: And How to Enlighten Others.Support Hidden Truth Show by going to http://www.patreon.com/hiddentruthshow and pledging just $5/month and receive access to Jim and special content and a Hidden Truth cap!Website: http://www.hiddentruthshow.comFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/hiddentruthshowInstagram: http://www.instagram.com/hiddentruthshow

  • S E40: Who was Behind the Attack on the Capitol?

    12/01/2021 Duração: 50min

    Was it riled up Trump supporters or Antifa? And why were the Capitol police caught off guard? Our guest is Gary Jackson, a behavioral psychologist who has worked for the U. S. Secret Service and the CIA. He has extensive experience in counterterrorism and counterintelligence, and is the author of “Surviving Mass Victim Attacks.” He says the attack most certainly included people who infiltrated the crowd.Support Hidden Truth Show by going to http://www.patreon.com/hiddentruthshow and pledging just $5/month and receive access to Jim and special content and a Hidden Truth cap!Website: http://www.hiddentruthshow.comFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/hiddentruthshowInstagram: http://www.instagram.com/hiddentruthshow

  • S E39: The Converted Marxist NYU Professor

    04/01/2021 Duração: 56min

    Michael Rectenwald was a Professor of Global Liberal Studies at NYU and a proud Marxist. He was in very good company there. But he became disillusioned when the school embraced “safe spaces,” “cancel culture,” and censorship of dissenting voices. He began studying economics and realized the utopian dream is actually very dangerous. When he renounced Marxism and the campus culture, he was ostracized by fellow professors and ultimately pushed out. In his new book, Thought Criminal, he provides dire warnings as to where all of this could lead.Support Hidden Truth Show by going to http://www.patreon.com/hiddentruthshow and pledging just $5/month and receive access to Jim and special content and a Hidden Truth cap!Website: http://www.hiddentruthshow.comFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/hiddentruthshowInstagram: http://www.instagram.com/hiddentruthshow

  • S E38: Christmas Special: The Real Story of Jesus’ Birth

    21/12/2020 Duração: 01h06s

    To celebrate the Christmas season we have an expert on the birth of Jesus. What were the politics in Judea at the time? Why were people expecting the birth of the Messiah? Why did “wise men” believe the baby Jesus was him? What did an out-of-wedlock birth mean at the time and what caused Mary and Joseph to move to Bethlehem? Perhaps no one has researched these questions more deeply than Tim Keyes. Tim is the writer and producer of “God Save the King,” a new documentary that tracks the birth of Jesus as it historically would have happened.http://www.godsavetheking.orghttps://www.parables.tv/series/god-save-the-king/Support Hidden Truth Show by going to http://www.patreon.com/hiddentruthshow and pledging just $5/month and receive access to Jim and special content and a Hidden Truth cap!Website: http://www.hiddentruthshow.comFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/hiddentruthshowInstagram: http://www.instagram.com/hiddentruthshow

  • S E34: Are Our Children Learning U.S. History?

    15/12/2020 Duração: 56min

    A battle is raging in America about what to teach about America’s founding and founders. The left seeks to diminish the greatness of America’s founding because slavery was permitted. At the center of the battle over how to teach our children about our history is UCLA Professor Gary Nash, a Pulitzer prize finalist and author of over 20 books, including “Race and Revolution.” He led a group which wrote the nation’s first National History Standards almost 30 years ago. At the time he was lambasted for trying to re-write our history, but now acknowledges the movement to “cancel” U.S. history has gone too far.Support Hidden Truth Show by going to http://www.patreon.com/hiddentruthshow and pledging just $5/month and receive access to Jim and special content and a Hidden Truth cap!Website: http://www.hiddentruthshow.comFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/hiddentruthshowInstagram: http://www.instagram.com/hiddentruthshow

  • S E23: EXCLUSIVE: Air Force Academy Produces Black Lives Matter Video

    08/12/2020 Duração: 51min

    Wokeness and critical race theory have now infiltrated US military academies. Lt. General Rod Bishop is leading a group of Air Force Academy alums who are alarmed by a video made by the Academy’s football coaches wherein they repeatedly state, “Black Lives Matter,” and regurgitate BLM propaganda, such as, “Black lives are not treated as equal in our society,” and one must be an “anti-racist.” Despite the group’s protests, the Academy refuses to take down the video, and the Secretary of the Air Force determined there is nothing wrong with the video. So, they are taking their fight to the media.Support Hidden Truth Show by going to http://www.patreon.com/hiddentruthshow and pledging just $5/month and receive access to Jim and special content and a Hidden Truth cap!Website: http://www.hiddentruthshow.comFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/hiddentruthshowInstagram: http://www.instagram.com/hiddentruthshow

  • S E22: White House Insider: Biden Aided Son Hunter in his Shady Foreign Dealings

    23/11/2020 Duração: 01h23min

    Mike McCormick was a White House Stenographer for three Presidential administrations. He was assigned to Joe Biden for four years, travelling with him on Air Force II all over the world. In this new book, “Joe Biden Unauthorized,” reveals inside information about the real Joe Biden. He flew with Biden and Hunter on their infamous trip to China, as well as on trips to Ukraine and to Russia to meet with Putin. He claims that it was Biden himself who brokered the deal to get his son on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma, and Obama knew about it but was unable to stop him.Support Hidden Truth Show by going to http://www.patreon.com/hiddentruthshow and pledging just $5/month and receive access to Jim and special content and a Hidden Truth cap!Website: http://www.hiddentruthshow.comFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/hiddentruthshowInstagram: http://www.instagram.com/hiddentruthshow

  • S E21: Why Did Mark Zuckerberg Give $400M to Help Count Votes?

    17/11/2020 Duração: 01h03min

    Zuckerberg claims he was concerned about the welfare of poll workers, but one critic called the donation “an insidious, coordinated, and stealth campaign to manipulate this year’s elections.” We talk to Gerard Lameiro, an author, political analyst, and expert on election forecast modeling to discuss this and other reports of suspicious election conduct.Support Hidden Truth Show by going to http://www.patreon.com/hiddentruthshow and pledging just $5/month and receive access to Jim and special content and a Hidden Truth cap!Website: http://www.hiddentruthshow.comFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/hiddentruthshowInstagram: http://www.instagram.com/hiddentruthshow

  • S E20: Was the Election Stolen?

    10/11/2020 Duração: 46min

    Longtime author and radio show host Lowell Ponte warned before the election that mail in voting would result in huge vote count issues and, likely, fraud. One week after the election, Ponte’s prediction appears to be coming true. He explains what is going on and where things are headed.Support Hidden Truth Show by going to http://www.patreon.com/hiddentruthshow and pledging just $5/month and receive access to Jim and special content and a Hidden Truth cap!Website: http://www.hiddentruthshow.comFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/hiddentruthshowInstagram: http://www.instagram.com/hiddentruthshow

  • S E19: Post-Election Violence: Do You Need a Gun?

    02/11/2020 Duração: 01h03min

    Cities are preparing for post-election rioting and looting. Dr. John Lott is the author of More Guns, Less Crime. He makes the case that more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens makes us all safer.  (Notice how the looters target stores, but not homes where owners may be armed.) He also provides insight on whether tougher gun laws would have stopped the Las Vegas shooting.Support Hidden Truth Show by going to http://www.patreon.com/hiddentruthshow and pledging just $5/month and receive access to Jim and special content and a Hidden Truth cap!Website: http://www.hiddentruthshow.comFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/hiddentruthshowInstagram: http://www.instagram.com/hiddentruthshow

  • S E18: Retired US General: “Wrong Joe, Laptop is NOT Russia Disinformation!”

    26/10/2020 Duração: 42min

    At the debate, Joe Biden insisted that the Russians are behind anything found on the Hunter Biden laptop. That does not fly, according to retired Lt. General Rod Bishop, who says he has personal knowledge of the origins of the laptop. The General is a friend of the computer shop owner’s family and as such they reached out to him for advice. The laptop had been in the hands of the FBI for many months, yet the emails showing that Joe Biden had in fact met with Burisma despite claiming he had not had apparently not made their way to the President or the public. The General helped get the information into the hands of Fox News, which allowed it to immediately verify the story when the New York Post first ran it.  Support Hidden Truth Show by going to http://www.patreon.com/hiddentruthshow and pledging just $5/month and receive access to Jim and special content and a Hidden Truth cap!Website: http://www.hiddentruthshow.comFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/hiddentruthshowInstagram: http://www.instagram.com/hiddentr

  • S E17: Biden Laptop: THIS is What They Don’t Want You to Know

    22/10/2020 Duração: 52min

    America’s elites have conspired to pull off perhaps the greatest cover up in American history. Corporate America, Silicon Valley, Billionaires, and the Media have come together to squash what should have been the biggest “October Surprise” in the history of Presidential elections: Hunter Biden’s forgotten laptop. It winds up in the hands of the FBI, with compromising and potentially illegal pictures and evidence proving that Joe Biden lied about his dealings with Ukraine while Vice President and that he has worked with his son to profit off of what was likely multiple foreign relationships. Daniel Greenfield is a Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, a prolific journalist for Front Page Magazine, and the author of a recent detailed account of the scandal.Support Hidden Truth Show by going to http://www.patreon.com/hiddentruthshow and pledging just $5/month and receive access to Jim and special content and a Hidden Truth cap!Website: http://www.hiddentruthshow.comFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/hidden

  • S E14: What “Equality” Meant to America’s Founders

    19/10/2020 Duração: 52min

    Robert Curry is the author of “Common Sense Nation: Unlocking the Forgotten Power of the American Idea,” and on the Board of the Claremont Institute. He says that Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the leftist progressives have perverted the Founders’ meaning of equality. While the Founders proclaimed we are all “created equal,” progressives want to use government control to make us all have equality in all aspects of life: wealth, health, happiness, etc. It is a utopian view which history has shown always results in authoritarian control. The true radicals, Curry maintains, were the Founders, who created a society that for the first time said that your lineage does not matter. We are all born independent and free.Support Hidden Truth Show by going to http://www.patreon.com/hiddentruthshow and pledging just $5/month and receive access to Jim and special content and a Hidden Truth cap!Website: http://www.hiddentruthshow.comFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/hiddentruthshowInstagram: http://www.instagram.com/hidden

  • S E16: COVID: Why They Want Us to “Listen to the Scientists”

    12/10/2020 Duração: 01h09min

    According to Patrick Wood, it is all about power and control. Wood is a leading critic of so-called “Sustainable Development,” the “Green Economy,” and “Agenda 21.” He is the author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation. He is also an expert on the elitist Trilateral Commission and their self-proclaimed “New International Economic Order,” and he is the Founder and Executive Director of “Citizens for Free Speech.”Support Hidden Truth Show by going to http://www.patreon.com/hiddentruthshow and pledging just $5/month and receive access to Jim and special content and a Hidden Truth cap!Website: http://www.hiddentruthshow.comFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/hiddentruthshowInstagram: http://www.instagram.com/hiddentruthshow

  • S E13: Can Christianity Save America?

    05/10/2020 Duração: 50min

    Covid-19, riots, gun violence, police brutality, wildfires, unemployment, polarization and globalization. America is clearly in peril in a way not seen since WWII. How do we come together again as Americans to share in a common purpose? Dr. Steve Turley, an internationally recognized scholar, speaker, and author, says a return to Christianity is the answer.Support Hidden Truth Show by going to http://www.patreon.com/hiddentruthshow and pledging just $5/month and receive access to Jim and special content and a Hidden Truth cap!Website: http://www.hiddentruthshow.comFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/hiddentruthshowInstagram: http://www.instagram.com/hiddentruthshow

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