Warrior Week

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 90:40:49
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Every week co-hosts Garrett J White and Sam Falsafi share in a weekly discussion known as Parables from the Pit insights from Wake Up Warrior in what is known as Warrior Week exclusively for men.  Join them as they teach tools that have taken men down to the pits of hell within themselves in order to learn how to  let go and grow by liberating themselves.


  • From Chaos to Panic | Warrior Week | Ep 023

    14/06/2018 Duração: 01h08min

    Coach Sam Falsafi has a conversation with Warrior Week 37 graduate Chad Ulmer. Parable #1: The Pit Chad grew up in a small town in Iowa where he lived a pretty sheltered life. He joined the Marines to get out of that situation and served for four years. Once he left the Marines, he married rather quickly. Eight years later, he got divorced and eventually remarried. With every step, he was burying himself deeper and deeper into his pit. "I was in a very bad place and my marriage was falling apart. I felt dismissed and rejected on a daily basis with my wife. This all came to a head before our six year anniversary where I imploded and nearly ended everything in my life in just one hour. At this point, Garrett popped into my head, and that night I contacted Coach Sam." QUESTION: What's coming up for you as you listen to Chad's story? Parable #2: The Gap Chad: It's one dimensional in the military: to kill or not to kill. You learn to listen and obey, you give 110%, and then they say "good luck" when you get

  • She Was There All Along | Warrior Week | Ep 022

    07/06/2018 Duração: 01h03min

    Coach Sam Falsafi has a conversation with Warrior Week graduate and Kajabi co-founder, Travis Rosser. Parable #1: The Encounter Travis is the co-founder of the multi-million dollar company, Kajabi. Back in 2012 when he was reviewing all the videos that were coming through the system, he stumbled upon Garrett J White. As is the experience of many, Travis couldn't pull himself away from Garrett's videos and found himself drawn to his message. "It was so appealing how raw he was and how he spoke such clarity and strength." Within a few months, Travis met Garrett at a Frank Kern event where they had a brief conversation and exchanged numbers. Within two months, Travis called Garrett and found himself in the middle of one of the most honest conversations he had ever had. "On that call, he predicted my divorce and made all sorts of bold statements.  It was like he was asking me what if I could have more in my life? It scared the shit out of me." QUESTION: Describe your first encounter with Garrett. Parable #2:

  • Two Shots of Truth | Warrior Week | Ep 021

    31/05/2018 Duração: 01h03min

    Join Coach Sam Falsafi and Micheal Widmore as they expose lies, remove masks, and tell the real, raw truth in this week's riveting episode of Parables from the Pit. Parable #1: The Envelope Michael: May 16, 2017. I walked into our apartment and told my fiancé that I had rented another place and was moving out. She didn't fight me over the decision, but stayed calm and handed me an envelope she had been saving for my birthday, still three weeks away. She felt impressed to give it to me at that moment. Inside was a ticket to WarriorCon 1. I first met Garrett a couple of years earlier at a real estate event I was hosting. He was our first instructor where, over a six-hour period, we watched how he radically changed the lives of 24 realtors. Imagine American Idol - I was Ryan Seacrest and my fiance was one of the judges. The night of receiving the envelope, my fiancé looked at me and said, "I think Garrett can help us." I canceled my new lease that night. QUESTION: What date has life-altering significance for

  • Stop Pretending You Are Not Hurt | Parables from the Pit | Ep 020

    24/05/2018 Duração: 01h02min

    Coach Sam Falsafi and Jason Smith have a conversation about the Voice in this week's episode of Parables from the Pit, where Jason shares his story and journey after receiving news that is both life-shattering and life-altering. Parable #1: When Will You Hear Me? Coach Sam: The Voice had been trying to get your attention: first with a whisper, then a knock on your door, then you got bruised and beat up with a baseball bat. But you still didn't listen, so it dropped a nuclear bomb on you that created a massive interruption in your life. Everything had to burn to ashes in order for the fucking Phoenix to be reborn. Jason: In my first marriage, I was in a pit that lasted for years. It was the kind of pit where you sedated and told yourself you were going to be happy, no matter what. One day, I came home and found a note on the counter from my wife saying that she had left me and the kids. The nuclear bomb had been dropped. QUESTION: Think back to a time when the Voice came whispering and then knocking at your

  • Sedation, Signals, and Sobriety | Parables from the Pit |Ep 019

    17/05/2018 Duração: 01h13min

    Coach Sam Falsafi welcomes Russ Perry to the podcast where they have an in-depth and enlightening conversation about making and keeping commitments and building strong foundations; they explore the importance of being receptive to signals in one's life and share their experiences surrounding sobriety and marriage. Parable #1: The Phone Call At the young age of 22, Russ received a phone call that would ultimately change the course of his life. At the time, he would soon be graduating from college and was laying the foundation for his future, which included a commitment to work in Australia. Seven months prior, Russ had met a young woman at a college party, they had had a brief exchange, and had gone their separate ways with no connection or communication. While growing up, the topic of scarcity was prevalent in Russ's single-parent household. This fueled him to make a commitment to always provide for his family, and where the lack of money would never be an issue as it had always been for Russ. That commitme

  • Four Dimensional IRONMAN |Parables from the Pit | Ep 018

    10/05/2018 Duração: 01h05min

    Coach Sam Falsafi welcomes Cullen Talley to the podcast in this week’s episode of Parables from the Pit. Parable #1: Grumpy Men Wearing Masks Cullen: You put out so much energy faking it around people in business and in public that by the time you are around your family, you are exhausted, you let your guard down and it all comes out on them. Nothing's left in the container except leftover shit for your family. Coach Sam: I used to give myself permission to snap at my family. It was ok for me to be grumpy at home because that was the standard. But not at the airport, in business meetings, with clients, at the gym, or even at Starbucks. You learn to mask like a pro in public, then when you get home you remove that mask and put on the mask of a fuckin liar. QUESTION: In what ways do you resonate with this conversation? Parable #2: Searching For Significance Before Warrior, Coach Sam approached the future with the attitude of "I guess we'll see what happens." He was conditioned to put work above everything e

  • Let Me Tell You Who I Am | Parables from the Pit | Ep 017

    03/05/2018 Duração: 01h02min

    Coach Sam's guest in this week's episode of Parables from the Pit is Thomas Mifsud. They engage in a riveting conversation on the topics of children, relationships, and how one's life can drastically change once they start telling the fucking truth and listening to the Voice. Parable #1: It's All a Lie Leading up to his first experience with Warrior, Thomas had been watching the Warrior videos for eighteen months. The messages of the videos resonated with him on a deep level, almost as if they were screaming out to him, and he felt compelled to pick up his phone and make the call. At WarriorX after his life was cracked open and exposed, he had the realization that he was living a false realty, a lie; that his life consisted of bullshit stories that he had made up. From the outside looking in, his life seemed awesome, like he had it all. But in all actuality, he was dying on the inside. QUESTION: Where in your life are you living a lie and pretending all is well? How is that working for you? Parable #2: Sep

  • The DEVINE seeks the DEVINE | Parables from the Pit | Ep 016

    26/04/2018 Duração: 01h20min

    Parable #1: An Unexpected Catalyst Walking into the Warrior experience was like walking into pure fucking chaos. We’re thrown in with 120 other guys not knowing up from down and suddenly find ourselves on a webinar with Coach Sam who is coming at us with fire and a fire hose all at the same time. I sat there thinking what the fuck is this? Who is this guy and what is he doing to me right now? Warrior Week was the biggest catalyst in my life for transformation that I have ever experienced. I’m a spiritual man and have been through many transformational experiences, but nothing like Warrior Week. It was there that I received clear messages and gifts from the Voice that altered the direction of my life and marriage. QUESTION: Where have you experienced transformation in the face of chaos? Parable #2: In the Darkness I Found Light Most of us are afraid to go to the darkness of the Pit, yet it was in the Pit where I began to see clearly. I saw my wife and I saw what I had done to her. Most of the time I was bli

  • DOG is GOD Spelled Backward | Parables from the Pit | Ep 015

    19/04/2018 Duração: 01h07min

    In this week's episode, Coach Sam Falsafi welcomes Warrior Week 37 graduate Mattie Leto, a chiropractor who specializes in adjusting animals. We discover Mattie's childhood pain and how suppressing that pain has caused him to doubt himself in many areas of his life despite the great success he has experienced.  Parable #1: The Trap of Sedation Mattie had already achieved much in his life, yet found himself falling into a rut of sedation time and time again. He wondered what it would take for that cycle to finally end. The story of his mother’s suicide when he was 11 years haunted him for years and he feared he would end up just like her. In a moment when he felt he had to drastically change his life, Garrett's voice from a video Mattie had seen the previous year came into his head. That day an email also arrived from Garrett inviting him to watch a movie about Warrior Book. When the link didn't work, he emailed back and Garrett is the one who responded saying, "I don't know what your fucking problem is. It

  • Loneliness of False Leadership | Parables from the Pit | Ep 014

    12/04/2018 Duração: 01h10min

    Welcome to the Warrior Week podcast with your host Coach Sam Falsafi. This week Sam welcomes guest Sebastian Huynh - the man who never belonged anywhere. They discuss his colorful and diverse background, explore racism, reveal the deep pain and isolation Sebastian has experienced in his life, delve into the world of drugs, prison, gangs and the Mexican mafia, share his unique spiritual journey and his jolting wake up call in the depths of the Pit at Warrior Week. Parable #1: Identity and Purpose Sebastian came to America with his German Catholic step father and began attending Catholic school as the only non white, non German student. Through the years he tested every religion as he sought for deeper meaning and purpose in life. He experienced Atheism for a season where he was angry at God: Fuck God. If there is a God, why didn’t he give me a dad? Why did I have multiple step fathers? Why am I always a minority? While in prison, he found his home in Christianity. QUESTION: What is the pain from Sebastian t

  • Two Men, One God | Parables from the Pit | Ep 013

    05/04/2018 Duração: 01h11min

    Blake Bourque joins Coach Sam as they discuss the amazing set of circumstances that brought Blake to Warrior, which brought an energy of alpha yet honest men that have learned to not be saviors to others, but leaders instead. IN THIS WEEK'S EPISODE....   Parable #1: Pigs Don't Know They Stink The energy of Wake Up Warrior resonated with Blake and he was attracted to the fact that men were willing to be honest, no matter what. He had been living as a liar amongst liars for so long and was tired of stinking like a pig because pigs don't know they stink.  His encounter was unlike anything he had ever experienced in all his years in Corporate America and he wondered, "Could this be home? Have I found my people?" Blake: The Holy Spirit was bringing me to a place where my whole body was being crushed. Everything in my personal and business life was gone - everything. So when Warrior found me via someone sending me a link to a video, six minutes into it when I saw Garrett on stage saying "stop fucking lying," I wa

  • Live Now | Parables from the Pit | Ep 012

    29/03/2018 Duração: 01h01min

    The Kosher Warrior, Dr Adam Splaver,  joins Coach Sam in this week's episode to talk about the most incomprehensible experience a man will ever have to go through. The message of Warrior was completely against most of his cultural and spiritual beliefs, but Dr Splaver's leadership within the Orthodox Jewish community and as a cardiologist in the medical community was in actuality a merging of multiple beliefs to help him deal with the pain of his wife's illness.   Parable #1: What's Your Story? Dr. Adam Splaver's journey into Warrior began when his interest was piqued by the ads showing up in his Facebook feed. Although the experience of Warrior spoke to him, as a leader inside the Orthodox Jewish community and a highly respected Cardiologist in the medical community, he was nervous as to how these two traditional worlds might collide with the message of Warrior. The biggest issues he had were the stories he was telling himself. He wondered,"What the fuck am I doing as religious cardiologist going into a pr

  • Dad, I Just Need You to Lead | Parables from the Pit | Ep 011

    22/03/2018 Duração: 01h04min

    From the outside looking in, Dr Michael Buffington looked like he a man that was living the perfect life. That is, until he discovered how much he was still lacking because he was not leading from within the home. Dr Buffington joins Coach Sam on this week's podcast to discuss the significance that no matter where we're at in life, we can always improve, and the most crucial place to focus that in is as a father and at home. Parable #1: A Crack In the Armor Dr. Buffington: From all outward standards and appearances, I had always been a good guy doing good things throughout my life, falling into the mode of doing what I thought everyone wanted me to do. Within the first 5-10 minutes of Warrior Week 27, reality began to shift for me where the cracks in my armor were immediately exposed and a drastically different perspective was quick to end up on my doorstep. Coach Sam: If most of your life you are caught up with being a good man vs being good at being a good man, you are pretty much a well behaved fucking s

  • Going to War for My Wife | Parables from the Pit | Ep 010

    15/03/2018 Duração: 01h02min

    In this week's episode, Warrior Week 28 Graduate Andy Carter is joining Coach Sam to talk about possibilities beyond the Pit and making choices that can alter the destiny of your marriage and children. Parable #1: Co-signing Bullshit Many people want to avoid collision and are reeled in by those that will tell them what they want to hear, who will co-sign on their comfort zone and on something that doesn't hurt. Warrior Week allows men to be exposed to their current reality of life, feel the pain, allowing that pain to give them the power, path, and possibility of becoming a better version of themselves in all areas of their life. Andy's path to Warrior Week began two years ago. He was a successful entrepreneur living a pack of lies inside a superficial bullshit land where no one had the guts to call him out on his shit. He was broken, lost and ready for change, having gone from being a problem solving Producer and Creator to a numbed out, drunken shell of the man he used to be. QUESTION: What are you seein

  • I Knew He Would Come | Parables from the Pit | Ep 009

    08/03/2018 Duração: 01h07min

    Your host Sam Falsafi has Warrior Guest Kevin Voisin join him this week in speaking about the impact that one's word has on their loved ones. There's great power between men when they're willing to share the power of learning how to be spiritual, and that all comes through listening to the Voice within and then acting on it.   Parable #1: Broken and Unspoken Coach Sam: So many men feel that their freedom has been violated: the freedom to feel, be and live. Yes, we have the basic freedoms here in this country, but there are a lot of men that are not free in their heart. They ask themselves questions like: Why did I get married? Am I even real inside this relationship? Why does this seem like it's a program that I need to be part of?  Life goes on for them and they pretend that one day things will be good for them. Kevin: When I first saw the videos for Warrior Week, I was trying to copy them for my business. But in order to copy them, I had to watch them. Three minutes into the video, I’m fucking crying and I

  • The Voice Within | Parables from the Pit | Ep 008

    01/03/2018 Duração: 01h02min

    In today's podcast, your host Sam Falsafi and Warrior Guest Jesse Ewell discuss the Warrior's Blueprint for Leadership - how it all begins with becoming a Leader within one's own home. Jesse has learned how to do this along with Sam through listening to the Voice within, which some may know it as the Spirit, intuition, or that gut feeling.    Parable #1: You Will Fuck Up Jesse’s path to Warrior began with some videos posted on Facebook by some of his fitness buddies. He found himself compelled to view the videos in secret, like someone watching porn. During the application process, Jesse waited over three hours to have a phone interview with Garrett, thinking that the waiting game was some sort of a Warrior test. A follow up phone call from Sam over two months later revealed they had fucked up. Jesse learned from his wife's counselor that she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, stemming from her fear of communicating her feelings to Jesse. Sam, having fucked up with his wife during a recent fight, had a

  • Leading from the Heart | Parables from the Pit | Ep 006

    15/02/2018 Duração: 01h02min

    In this week's episode Warrior Guest Gus Van Dender joins Sam on the call talking about the importance of recognizing one's purpose in life. The best way to do that is through listening to the heart instead of the caution that the head is constantly saying to keep us safe. Growth within one's own purpose doesn't occur until we are willing to take the leap into following our heart instead.    Parable #1: When in the Deepest of Pits, Light Comes From Unexpected Sources Gus was deep in the pit - his business, marriage, spirit and health were completely broken. His estranged wife's 'chance' meeting with Garrett and a group of men writing in their journals on the beaches of Laguna created a curiosity on her part and, unbeknownst to Gus, would set the wheels in motion for his journey into the brotherhood of Warrior. While in the midst of his deepest pain and agony, a surge of hope arrives in a surprise text from his wife, with no other words written except a link to 'Wake Up Warrior.' This leads to a six hour mara

  • Be The Dad | Parables from the Pit | Ep 005

    08/02/2018 Duração: 01h14min

     In This Week's Episode....   Your host Sam Falsafi has Warrior Guests Troy Hoffman on the call to discuss the intensity and focus of Warrior Week, becoming exposed to what it was that he truly wants in life.   Parable #1: All the Single Ladies...Here's a Single Man Warrior Guest Troy Hoffman shares the impact of his Pit on today's call with Sam Falsafi, first being exposed to multiple experiences of Warrior Week about building a life with someone, being single at the time and seeking more within his personal relationships. The exposure that occurred was that this lack of personal relationships was showing across the board that Troy wasn't dedicated to anything in his life, bringing a tougher commitment of holding himself to a higher standard. QUESTION: What is the purpose behind considering change and transformation in your life, based off of where you're currently at and where you want to go? What are your current metrics within your Core 4 (Body, Being (Spirituality), Balance (Family), Business)?   Parab

  • Presence Over Perfection | Parables from the Pit | Ep 004

    01/02/2018 Duração: 01h05min

    In This Week's Episode....   Your host Sam Falsafi has Warrior Guest Nick Long on the call to discuss how everything in his life as a married entrepreneur is affected by his ultimate purpose, which is what he refers to as his WHY, which is his family.   Parable #1: Not Finding Fruit in Rabbit Holes Today's Warrior Guest Nick Long shares how he was searching for more over two years ago, told that he needed to check out Wake Up Warrior, and after nearly 4 hours of rabbit holes and videos, he made the phone call with Sam, in which even the price of the ticket didn't dissuade him from doing what he knew he needed to do by attending Warrior Week. Everyone wants to invest in the business instead of within themselves first, and yet as a business owner, you're the tip of the spear and need to learn to be willing to take risks on yourselves.   QUESTION: Where have you had to give permission to yourself to spend money on your own personal development?   Parable #2: The Facts of the Truth The truth becomes our inte

  • Father and Son | Parables from the Pit | Ep 003

    25/01/2018 Duração: 01h10min

    In This Week's Episode.... Your host Sam Falsafi has Warrior Guests on the call to discuss how important it is to stop fucking lying, and the first person to start with is ourselves.   Parable #1: Dark Periods of Fog and Stuck In the Same Motions After watching some Warrior marketing videos, Rusty Rahm wanted to learn more until he had a phone interview with Sam shortly after he contacted him, feeling darkness on the inside even though everything on the outside looked ideal, not knowing how to get out of the fog that he had within. This effected his son Christian into escaping from reality and choosing to be disconnected with sedations in order to escape the Pain, in which neither one of them knew where to find a solution.   QUESTION: Where do you have pain in your life that you don't have a solution for?   Parable #2: The Process of The Shift The Pain behind the Stories becomes part of the process of The Shift that is required within us all, and for Rusty, being the owner of so many businesses he wasn't

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