Derek Prince Legacy Radio International

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 6:58:56
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The days of missing solid Bible teaching because of your hectic work and family schedule are gone forever. You can now carry the same trusted Derek Prince Legacy Radio daily broadcast with you wherever you go.Take Derek's insightful Bible teaching with you to the gym, for a walk, or even to the grocery store. Its your choice! Listen wherever and whenever you want as often as you want.Subscribe today for FREE and never miss another life-changing message.


  • Walking Through the Land of God's Promises (10)


    In America today, well-adjusted, polite, considerate children are considered an anomaly. Listen as Derek dives full force into the Word and brings out truths that can transform your relationship with your children, and bring peace into your home.

  • Walking Through the Land of God's Promises (9)


    Today Derek is going to help us understand how to make one of the most important choices that face us in life, "How to Find the Right Husband or Wife." Today's message is jam-packed, so let's get right to it, and you may want to grab a pen and paper and take notes today...

  • Walking Through the Land of God's Promises (8)


    For today's teaching, Derek turns to the book of Ephesians to establish certain standards of conduct for employees that the New Testament clearly lays down. The words are addressed to slaves (or in modern terms, we could say "servants" or "employees." What responsibility do we have in experiencing favor on the job?

  • Walking Through the Land of God's Promises (7)


    Derek helps us to see that if we delight ourselves in the Lord, really seeking to please the Lord and find our satisfaction in Him, then He will give us the desires of our heart. How does this happen? By the Holy Spirit He implants in our hearts the desires He wants to fulfill. Then our desires become godly rather than self-centered and self-pleasing.

  • Walking Through the Land of God's Promises (6)


    Today, Derek helps us understand how to gain wisdom for every situation in our lives. Learn that the key to obtaining the wisdom is to locate the appropriate promises of God's Word and then fulfill the conditions that give you the right to receive those promises.

  • Walking Through the Land of God's Promises (5)


    You can enjoy true peace of mindThrough Jesus, we have received reconciliation with God. Once we were at war with Almighty God, but repentance brings us back into that close relationship. Because of the sinless perfection of Jesus, He was able to purchase our release. Now God is on our side.

  • Walking Through the Land of God's Promises (4)


    If you're plagued by mental torment, don't miss this message!In the world today there are ever-increasing, never diminishing pressures far too numerous to even mention. They can make you feel rejected and lonely because others don't seem to be troubled by what troubles you. As you listen today you will hear Derek explain how to close the door on that pressure.

  • Walking Through the Land of God's Promises (3)


    Do you really need to be "born again"?For those of you who have been saved, this message is a great reminder about your position as a child of God. For those of you have not yet made Jesus the Lord of your life, you'll hear how to be "born again." God loves you and He has made a way for you to be part of His family.

  • Walking Through the Land of God's Promises (2)


    The entrance into spiritual life, is through forgiveness received from God.Perhaps you've wondered: How do I know what is actually considered a sin? Or maybe you're not sure what to do if you sin. Or maybe you've questioned, "How can I be sure God will forgive me?" Listen today and find out the answers to all these questions and more as Derek explains "How to Receive God's Forgiveness."

  • Walking Through the Land of God's Promises (1)


    Like Joshua, learn how to enter your own personal promised land!Using the biblical character as his pattern, Derek Prince points out how the promises given to Joshua can apply to any Christian. If we will not let the Word of God depart from our mouth, if we will meditate on it, and if we will practice it, then we will be prosperous and have good success.

  • How To Find God's Plan For Your Life (5)


    Once we come together with other believers in committed relationship, functioning in our place in the body, we see that we must be suitably equipped to be effective. Spiritual gifts are given by God to be our equipment and they follow logically as part of our calling.

  • How To Find God's Plan For Your Life (4)


    If we wish to find God's plan for our lives, we eventually realize that, as individuals, we are incomplete. We must become a committed member in the Body of Christ in order to function in accordance with God's purpose. Joined with other members, we can work together to fulfill God's plan.

  • How To Find God's Plan For Your Life (3)


    In finding God's plan for your life, the first step is being born again in Christ. The second step is presenting your body to God as a living sacrifice. Then, when those steps are taken, God begins to renew your mind-to change the whole way you think. His will is unfolded in three successive phases: it is good, then acceptable, and finally perfect.

  • How To Find God's Plan For Your Life (2)


    The Bible is so practical, so down-to-earth. So, when we're looking to find out what God's plan for our life is, where does the application start? It starts with our body. God asks that we present this body of ours to Him as a living sacrifice.

  • How To Find God's Plan For Your Life (1)


    Perhaps you've never understood that God has a plan for your life. Or you may have an inner awareness that God has a claim on your life and a task for you to fulfill but you don't know how to discover what it is. So you feel frustrated and unfulfilled. Derek presents practical steps to discover God's plan for your life.

  • Restoration (15)

    15/05/2024 Duração: 11min

    Today, Derek talks about our response to the nation of Israel…the part we as individuals play as end-time prophecy unfolds. One of our major responsibilities as believers is to pray for Israel and Jerusalem. Derek pointed out this is the only way to for peace to be established in the world.

  • Restoration (14)

    15/05/2024 Duração: 11min

    God’s principles are always the same. He is going to re-gather Israel based on a covenant. The covenant will establish a new relationship of God to Israel as a husband. And it will bring Israel into a direct personal relationship with God where no mediator is needed.

  • Restoration (13)

    15/05/2024 Duração: 11min

    Summary: Today we look at the process of restoration for Israel. We see how biblical prophecy not only predicts the re-gathering of Israel, but it also gives very accurate pictures of how that re-gathering will be accomplished. What a tremendous teaching.

  • Restoration (12)

    15/05/2024 Duração: 11min

    Today we look at the process of restoration for Israel. We see how biblical prophecy not only predicts the re-gathering of Israel, but it also gives very accurate pictures of how that re-gathering will be accomplished. What a tremendous teaching.

  • Restoration (11)

    15/05/2024 Duração: 11min

    As Derek has explained during this series, that very fact that restoration is needed indicates that the things to be restored have not been in their right place and condition. And, today he will deal primarily with the “Restoration of Israel” and talk about specifically about “prophecies” concerning the nation of Israel.

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