Derek Prince Legacy Radio International

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 6:58:56
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The days of missing solid Bible teaching because of your hectic work and family schedule are gone forever. You can now carry the same trusted Derek Prince Legacy Radio daily broadcast with you wherever you go.Take Derek's insightful Bible teaching with you to the gym, for a walk, or even to the grocery store. Its your choice! Listen wherever and whenever you want as often as you want.Subscribe today for FREE and never miss another life-changing message.


  • Gifts of the Spirit (6)


    Tthe nature of the healing that is spoken about here, Derek tells us, is the healing power of God channeled through the one who ministers the gift into the body of the one who is sick. Healing is directly related to sickness-where there is no sickness, there is no need of healing. So, healing is God's divine, supernatural power, channeled through a human believer, into the body of the one who is sick.

  • Gifts of the Spirit (5)


    Today Derek begins teaching us about the "Power Gifts" as he discusses The Gift of Faith. Lots of information, you'll want to take notes. And lots of illustrations both from the Bible and his own life are used in this comprehensive study on the gifts of the spirit.

  • Gifts of the Spirit (4)


    Derek defines "discerning of spirits" as the ability to recognize, identify and distinguish between various kinds of spirits that confront us. In this connection we need to bear in mind that the Christian ministry is a ministry in the spiritual realm. Ephesians 6:12 says we are not fighting enemies of flesh and blood or persons with bodies, but we are arrayed against an evil spiritual kingdom, spirits of wickedness. So it's essential that we are equipped to handle our spiritual enemies.

  • Gifts of the Spirit (3)


    Today we are going to take a dramatic look at how the word of knowledge was used in the New Testament church, and in Derek's own life as well. How important it is for us to honor the gifts God has given us and yield to these gifts in our personal lives.

  • Gifts of the Spirit (2)


    The gifts of the Holy Spirit can logically be divided up into three groups each containing three gifts: three gifts of revelation, three gifts of power, and three vocal gifts. Today Derek speaks about the first of the gifts of revelation, the word of wisdom. Derek brings us to the Scripture to see how this manifestation of the Holy Spirit works in life.

  • Gifts of the Spirit (1)


    Today, Derek begins a new series on the gifts of the Spirit. Any questions you may have about this subject are sure to be answered this week as he teaches line upon line and precept upon precept. You'll not only be thoroughly informed, but you'll also be entirely engaged he shares from his extensive experience and many interesting personal stories this week.

  • What God's Word Will Do for You (10)


    In today's message, Derek talks about how God's Word is our judge. Many people don't like to think about judgment, but the fact of the matter is that judgment is a part of God's total dealing with the human race. Furthermore, in the last resort, the final judge is God Himself. This is clearly presented throughout the whole Bible. Someday we will all have to answer to God.

  • What God's Word Will Do for You (9)


    Derek shares in the ways in which God's Word is our mirror. When we look into the Word of God, it shows us not our outward, external features, but what we really are inside. It's our mirror.

  • What God's Word Will Do for You (8)


    God's Word is the means by which we can cleanse and sanctify ourselves; that is, to make us holy. God's ultimate purpose goes beyond simply making us pure and separating us from sin. His ultimate purpose is to make us share in His own holiness.

  • What God's Word Will Do for You (7)


    Is there a way to lead a pure life in today's world? It often seems almost inevitable that we'll be involved in immorality and various forms of impurity. But the psalmist says that a young person can keep his or her way pure. How? If we follow the principles that are laid down for us in the Word of God.

  • What God's Word Will Do for You (6)


    God's Word is the source of mental illumination. Derek explains how it penetrates our minds like a ray of light and dispels the darkness that has been produced by our alienation from God; and how, just as there is no substitute for light in the physical realm, so there is no substitute for God's Word in the spiritual realm.

  • What God's Word Will Do for You (5)


    God's Word also provides for your physical body. Through His Word, God offers us healing and health for our physical body. How? Scripture says, that God's Word did three things for the people who cried out to Him. It says He saved them, He healed them, and He delivered them from their destruction.

  • What God's Word Will Do for You (4)


    Derek explains how God's Word provides suitable spiritual nourishment for the new life that has been produced in us by the new birth. This nourishment comes in various forms based on the stage of our spiritual development: first, milk for new-born babes; then bread for those who are growing up; finally, solid food, or a complete diet, for those who are mature.

  • What God's Word Will Do for You (3)

    21/02/2024 Duração: 11min

    God's Word in you can produce the greatest miracle that any human being can ever experience-the new birth. Derek explains that God's Word is like a seed received into our hearts. The Holy Spirit brings forth out of that seed a completely new kind of life-imperishable, eternal, divine.

  • What God's Word Will Do for You (2)

    21/02/2024 Duração: 11min

    Derek discusses the first specific result that God's Word will produce in us-that is, faith. Scripture says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. The three successive phases: first, God's Word; second, you hear it; and third, as you hear it and receive it, it imparts to you faith.

  • What God's Word Will Do for You (1)


    God's word is alive, energetic, penetrating. That God's Word and God's Spirit, working together, contain in them the total creative power of God. The results God's Word produces in us depends on the way we respond to it.

  • Relationship with God's People (5)

    14/02/2024 Duração: 11min

    Today's topic is such a solemn and serious subject, that Derek brings to you a special word of warning regarding conduct that undermines covenant. God's demands for covenant commitment as the basis for relationship are clearly set forth in Scripture, as Derek will bring to light.

  • Relationship with God's People (4)

    14/02/2024 Duração: 11min

    In today's message Derek speaks about the distinctive New Testament ordinance or sacrament that symbolizes and perpetuates a special lifestyle. God's people over the centuries have adopted various names for this: the Eucharist, Communion, the Lord's Supper, or the Breaking of Bread.

  • Relationship with God's People (3)

    14/02/2024 Duração: 11min

    Entering into covenant with others brings us into a distinctive new lifestyle. In New Testament Greek, the the word koinonia is used to describe this lifestyle. In most English Bibles, this word is translated "fellowship" or "sharing in a common life."

  • Relationship with God's People (2)


    There never was a valid covenant without a sacrifice and a sacrifice represents the death of the one who makes the covenant. A person enters into covenant through his own death. This is not merely established in the Old Testament, but carried on into the New.

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