Fbcj Solid Youth
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 466:12:13
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This podcast contains messages from the SOLID Youth Ministry at the First Baptist Church of Jackson in Massillon, OH.
Undefiled - Summer Camp: 5 Signs You're Dating the Wrong Person (Pastor Scott Brown)
27/06/2023 Duração: 01h07minTUESDAY AM: https://fbcjsolidyouth.wordpress.com/2023/06/27/undefiled-summer-camp-5-signs-youre-dating-the-wrong-person-pastor-scott-brown/ As the world is seeking to corrupt us and make us defiled, God has given us red flags from his word to look for when choosing a potential mate.
Undefiled - Summer Camp: Are You a Limited-Edition Christian? (Pastor Scott Brown)
27/06/2023 Duração: 50minMONDAY PM: https://fbcjsolidyouth.wordpress.com/2023/06/27/undefiled-summer-camp-are-you-a-limited-edition-christian-pastor-scott-brown/ The more scarce an item is, the more value it has. Are you living pure and undefiled, or are you selling yourself cheap? What type of a believer are you: 1) Saved, 2) Disciple, or 3) Christian?
Undefiled - Summer Camp: 3 Qualities You Need Before Marriage (Pastor Scott Brown)
27/06/2023 Duração: 01h23minMONDAY AM SESSION: https://fbcjsolidyouth.wordpress.com/2023/06/27/undefiled-summer-camp-3-qualities-you-need-before-marriage-pastor-scott-brown/ There’s no area that Satan wants us to be defiled in more than in our relationships. If we’re going to stay clean in this crooked and perverse world, we must remember we don’t attract what we want, we attract what we are.
Pruning Branches, pt 2 of 2
19/06/2023 Duração: 55minIf last week pertained to the areas of our life that are not bringing glory to God, this week is all about the areas that are. What does God expect of fruitful branches? The answer is found in the same verse as last week (John 15:2). The question now presents itself: why prune (purge) fruitful branches?
Pruning Branches, pt 1 of 2
12/06/2023 Duração: 51minDead, Damaged, or Diseased...Today we take a gut-punch look at the state of the vineyard that we all live in. This one hits closer to home for all of us, no matter how the last 50 weeks of your life have gone. Do not miss this time of introspection as we evaluate which areas of our life are not bringing forth fruit.
Biblical Relationships: The Marriage Panel (with special guests)
05/06/2023 Duração: 57minToday we conclude Biblical Relationships with a panel of married guests: Adam & Hannah Lallathin, Jaret & Sophia Martin, and John-Mark & Miranda Ziegler. They'll share their stories of how they met, knew that each other was the one for them, when it was right to date/be married, conflict resolution skills, and how they keep that spark and "young love" alive.
Biblical Relationships: Trent & Taylor Mars Testimony
29/05/2023 Duração: 47minToday kicked off the first half of our conclusion to the Biblical Relationships study as we heard the testimony of a young married couple who started dating in high school. Tune in to listen to their heart and heed the counsel given!
Q&A Session 15: The Tower of Babel, pt 2 of 2 - Future and Present Application
25/05/2023 Duração: 01h16min(fbcjsolidyouth.wordpress.com for PowerPoint slides - You're gonna need 'em!). Tonight we close out our Q&A series by reviewing the historical application of the Tower of Babel before looking at the Doctrinal and Devotional. We then conclude by asking "what are we supposed to do with all of these answers?". Make sure you have ears to hear on this one!
Biblical Relationships: Something to Work Towards
22/05/2023 Duração: 46minWe're coming to a close in our study on biblical relationships, and while we won't spend much time on this, the topic of marriage provides us with a template to work towards. As you'll soon see, the responsibilities of a husband and wife can be applied to your daily walk with the Lord regardless of where you stand in the dating realm.
Q&A Session 14: The Tower of Babel, pt 1 of 2
18/05/2023 Duração: 01h08min*PowerPoint slides also available at fbcjsolidyouth.wordpress.com* The real question asked by one of our students pertaining to this topic will be kept a "Mystery" (pun intended, IYKYK) until the end of the lesson. Tonight we dive into the governmental, religious, and spiritual nature of the Tower from a historical application as we seek to understand it's builder, his religion, and how it affected the entire world.
Biblical Relationships: Guidelines While Dating - Spiritual Growth
15/05/2023 Duração: 52minWe've focused these last two weeks on what NOT to do in a relationship, now it's time to take a look at some practical guidelines that will help both parties grow while dating.
Q&A Session 13: Loch Ness, Megalodon, & Atlantis; When did the Sign gifts cease and how do we know?
11/05/2023 Duração: 01h09minDid (do??) these creatures exist? Were there lost civilizations? You may know that the apostolic sign gifts are not for today, but would you be able to walk somebody through the Bible and show them the reason why?
Biblical Relationships: Guidelines While Dating - Emotional Stability
08/05/2023 Duração: 49minNot only do you need to keep yourself pure physically, but emotions out of control can sometimes be just as deadly to a relationship. This message will cover some practical steps from the Word of God to help ensure our emotions don't get the better of us or our dating relationship.
Q&A Session 12: What does the Bible say about UFO's & Aliens?
04/05/2023 Duração: 01h09minFor the first time ever, we're making our PowerPoint presentations available on the same website as our study sheets. You can find both here within an hour after the podcast is posted: fbcjsolidyouth.wordpress.com
Q&A Session 11: What parts of the OT do we still follow? Modesty? What technically is Legalism?
27/04/2023 Duração: 01h03minWhile you may think you have the answers to some, you might be surprised to find what the Bible really has to say about these subjects. The Holy Spirit once again has threaded all three of these questions together. We also finish last week's discussion on the Great Pyramid.
Biblical Relationships: Guidelines While Dating - Sexual Purity
24/04/2023 Duração: 51minMankind has always had a sex problem all throughout the Bible. We can't think that we're immune in the most perilous time in history (2 Timothy 3:1). If you're convinced you're ready to date, you better make sure that your members are mortified (Colossians 3:5).
Q&A Session 10: Rapture in the Springtime? Why is the Euphrates currently drying up? What's up with the Great Pyramid?
20/04/2023 Duração: 01h02minTonight was loaded...and each question bleeds into the next. Buckle up, buckaroo!
Biblical Relationships: Knowing who to date, pt 2 of 2
17/04/2023 Duração: 49minWe conclude the character qualities of a person you should date from our study in Genesis 24. The key emphasis being on the word "character". We'll see from the Bible that this all important virtue must take precedence over everything else when it comes to dating.
Q&A Session 9: What are the 4 rivers of Eden & Did Noah's flood cause the continental drift of Pangaea?
13/04/2023 Duração: 52minDo we know what the rivers flowing out of Eden are and is there any significance to it? Was there one big supercontinent at one point, and if so, did Noah's flood cause the split? Never would I think that these questions would generate such fun and enthusiastic dialogue among the group.
Biblical Relationships: Knowing who to date, pt 1 of 2
10/04/2023 Duração: 46minAfter last week's message on knowing who not to date (regarding both the lost AND saved), we're now looking at what the Bible has to say as it pertains who to date. We'll be diving straight into Genesis 24 for our foundation as we cover two pivotal points out of four.