We are a passionate church that exists to MOVE people closer to God and closer to others.Located // Pleasanton, CA // Bay Area
Surrender Your Seat - 9/2/18
02/09/2018 Duração: 29minSurrender Your Seat - 9/2/18 by FOUNTAIN CHURCH
Faith in Focus - 8/12/18 - Hidden Way Series Pt. 3
12/08/2018 Duração: 48min#fountainpleasanton #movecloser #fulldisplaynotfullstory #focusoncreator
Fight of Faith - 8/5/18 (Guest Spkr James Delgado)-Hidden Way-Part 2
05/08/2018 Duração: 43min#fountainpleasanton #movecloser #hiddenway #demontrationnotproclamation
Get Back In The Game - 6/24/18 (Chris Ametrano)
24/06/2018 Duração: 37min#fountainpleasanton #movecloser #gameoverisgameonforGod
Tug Of War - 6/17/18 (game over series)
17/06/2018 Duração: 38min#fountainpleasanton #movecloser #gameover #deathtocomparison #comparisoniswicked
Death of Comparison - 6/10/18 (game over series)
10/06/2018 Duração: 40min#fountainpleasanton #movecloser #gameover #idontthinkso #butifyousayso
A Second Chance - 6/3/18 (game over series)
03/06/2018 Duração: 41min#fountainpleasanton #movecloser #godofsecondchances #jonahtheprophet
Control Zone - 5/20/18 (game over series)
20/05/2018 Duração: 40min#fountainpleasanton #movecloser #gameover #comfortzone #controlzone #gideonmightywarrior
The Plan & The Promise - 5/13/18 (game over series)
13/05/2018 Duração: 41min#fountainpleasanton #movecloser #mothersday2018 #gameover #Godsgameon
Hoping Against Hope - 5/6/18 (Guest Spkr Dr. Jay Leroux)
06/05/2018 Duração: 24min#fountainpleasanton #movecloser #abraham #prophetic
Fake Followers - 4/29/18 (The Problem with God)
06/05/2018 Duração: 35min#fountainpleasanton #movecloser #apologetics
Can the Bible be Trusted? - 4/15/18 (The Problem of God series)
15/04/2018 Duração: 43min#fountainpleasanton #movecloser #heartofGod #breathed #inspired
Are You There - 4/8/18 (The Problem of God series)
08/04/2018 Duração: 43min#fountainpleasanton #movecloser #doesGodexist #PoG
Jesus In My Place - 4/1/18 (Easter Sunday)
01/04/2018 Duração: 46min#fountainpeople #movecloser #easterpleasanton #keytolifeinjesus #surrender #letgoofyourtree
Don't Forget Your Well - 3/25/18 (Raised to Life Series)
25/03/2018 Duração: 44min#fountainpleasanton #movecloser #servethecity #truthhastotell #designedformission
Don't Forget - 3/18/18 (Raised to Life series)
18/03/2018 Duração: 39min#fountainpleasanton #movecloser #familyinChrist #rememberthecost #itspersonal
It's Not You, It's My Focus - 3/11/18 (it's me series)
18/03/2018 Duração: 41minIt's Not You, It's My Focus - 3/11/18 (it's me series) by FOUNTAIN CHURCH
Communicating For A Change - 2/25/18 (it's me Series)
25/02/2018 Duração: 48min#fountainpleasanton #movecloser #checkthelayers #checkthebarriers #xyz
Pour It Out - 2/18/18 (it's me series)
18/02/2018 Duração: 43min#fountainpleasanton #movecloser #selfishnessisemptiness #covenantnotacontract
Hot Mess - 2/11/18 (it's me series)
11/02/2018 Duração: 40min#fountainpleasanton #movecloser #itsme #itsnotyou #rhythmofrepentance #conflict