Daily #daneish Test

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 62:39:44
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  • 17. See it, Own it, Solve it

    23/09/2021 Duração: 03min

    Wake up & BEE amaZing and Grab Your Daily #DANEish and Turn Positivity Into Possibility. Are you a problem solver. Solving problems can turn a possibility into positivity. The next time you see a problem, something that need to be fixed use SOS - See it, Own it, Solve it. Identify the problem, own the problem and determine a solution. Be a problem solver.  Launching soon: October 2021 - CSS Academy January 2022- Club Confidential Dane Boyle, MS, CPT Changing the World One Woman at a Time | Life Coach | Personal Trainer | Business Owner |www.daneboyle.com --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/dane-boyle/support

  • 16. The Man In The Arena

    22/09/2021 Duração: 06min

    Wake up & BEE amaZing and Grab Your Daily #DANEish and Turn Positivity Into Possibility  The (Wo)Man In The Arena It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. - Theodore Roosevelt  Launching soon: October 2021 - CSS Academy January 2022- Club Confidential  Dane Boyle, MS, CPT Changing the Worl

  • 15. What do you appreciate about yourself?

    21/09/2021 Duração: 03min

    Wake up & BEE amaZing and Grab Your Daily #DANEish and Turn Positivity Into Possibility. Self esteem begins with loving who you are, accepting who you are, and appreciating your strengths. If you can’t appreciate who you are, you’ll never have good self-esteem. Ask yourself this simple, yet powerful question: Do I love myself? If the answer is, “No,” that needs to change. Today! If you want to be comfortable, you absolutely MUST approve of yourself. It doesn’t matter what others think, it matters what YOU think about you. So let’s begin by taking time to appreciate yourself. This is the foundation of self-esteem. Action: Get out a piece of paper. Write down TEN things you appreciate about yourself. This doesn’t need to be overcomplicated. Are you good at spreadsheets? Cooking? Do you have a good sense of humor? Do you do well with kids? Do you manage finances well? Are you empathetic? You MUST come up with at least ten things you like about yourself. No shortcuts! If you can keep going, com

  • 14. 5 Positive Thoughts to Energize Your Day

    20/09/2021 Duração: 02min

    Wake up & BEE amaZing and Grab Your Daily #DANEish and Turn Positivity Into Possibility. "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily." Zig Ziglar 1) Mondays are a great day to focus on what we GET TO do instead of what we HAVE TO do. Life is a gift, not an obligation. 2) There's nothing more powerful than a humble person with a warrior spirit who is driven by a bigger purpose. Be that person today. 3) Failure is not meant to define you, it’s meant to refine you. Remember, sometimes you have to lose a goal to find your destiny. 4) Don’t let the negativity bring you down today. Focus on the positive. This doesn’t mean we ignore the challenges, it means we work to overcome them. We rise above the drama. We don’t listen to the lies of fear and doubt. We choose to be a positive influence on those around us. 5) Three things you control every day are your ATTITUDE, your EFFORT and your ACTIONS. It doesn’t matter what others are doing or who

  • 13. If it doesn't challenge you it doesn't change you

    17/09/2021 Duração: 11min

    Wake up & BEE amaZing and Grab Your Daily #DANEish and Turn Positivity Into Possibility. You have the power to make things better or worse, and the choice is yours. Change your life one choice at a time. You have the power to create the life you really want. You must believe that you have the power to make things better, take action, and move forward despite any and all obstacles. Things to know today: You are what you become pursuing your goals! You are meant to do hard things! Hard work always pays off! If it was easy everyone would do it! Don’t stop! Never stop! Dream big, dream often and dream out loud! Conquer one goal and then set another! Today is the most important day of your life!!! Never waste a heartbeat  ! Extra effort is the key to success! Just start!!! If you can accomplish your dreams alone, they are to small! It’s what you become working toward achieving your goals is what ultimately what changes you!! If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you! Doe

  • 12. It's time to create your future self

    16/09/2021 Duração: 15min

    Wake up & BEE amaZing and Grab Your Daily #DANEish and Turn Positivity Into Possibility.  Your Future Self is about creating the life that you want. Think big! This is not a time to think small or put limits on yourself. Where will you be in three years? What do you want your life to look like by then? Listen in to learn how to create your future self. It's time to take action. The possibilities are endless.  Does your self-esteem need a SERIOUS boost? GREAT news! In just 5 days, you can grow in self-esteem in ways you never thought possible. This your invitation to join in the 5 Day Self-Esteem Challenge. It  will guide you through simple actions you can take every day that will increase both your confidence and self-esteem. And it’s absolutely FREE. Registration is now open!  So are you in? Yes, I’m In! Dane Boyle, MS, CPT Changing the World One Woman at a Time | Life Coach | Personal Trainer | Business Owner |www.daneboyle.com --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/dane-boyl

  • 11. Forgiveness sets you FREE!

    15/09/2021 Duração: 07min

    Wake up & BEE amaZing and Grab Your Daily #DANEish and Turn Positivity Into Possibility. Registration is now open! Does your self-esteem need a SERIOUS boost? GREAT news! In just 5 days, you can grow in self-esteem in ways you never thought possible. This your invitation to join in the 5 Day Self-Esteem Challenge. It  will guide you through simple actions you can take every day that will increase both your confidence and self-esteem. And it’s absolutely FREE. So are you in? Yes, I’m In! I want to talk about Forgiveness today and how it relates to you moving forward to success! Forgiveness sets you FREE! The leaping off point for any healthy lifestyle starts with forgiveness. You can't successfully move forward in life and create a healthy body, mind and spirit if you are living with guilt, resentment or regret. Is there someone or something you need to forgive so you can move forward with your life and your healthy and wellness goals? It could be a person, an event, a failed business, a lost dream or a

  • 10. 10 tips for improving your self-esteem

    14/09/2021 Duração: 08min

    Wake up & BEE amaZing and Grab Your Daily #DANEish and Turn Positivity Into Possibility. Join Trainer Dane for your daily dopamine hit of positivity to possibility! In a nutshell, self-esteem is your opinion of yourself and your abilities. It can be high, low or somewhere in-between. While everyone occasionally has doubts about themselves, low self-esteem can leave you feeling insecure and unmotivated. Listen in I share some tips to improve your self-esteem. 1. Be nice to yourself 2. You do you 3. Get movin’ 4. Be a Try-er 5. Remember that everyone makes mistakes 6. Control the controllable 7. Do what makes you happy 8. Celebrate the small stuff 9. Be a friend 10. You are the product of the 5 people you surround yourself with most I have put together something that I think can REALLY help you. It’s called: The 5 Day Self-Esteem Challenge Reserve your spot: http://bit.ly/IMALLINSELFESTEEM It’s a totally FREE 5 day challenge that will help significantly grow in self-esteem. Every day you’ll receive both a r

  • 9. I am free of self-limiting beliefs

    13/09/2021 Duração: 06min

    Free yourself of self-limiting beliefs. Your challenge is to entertain beliefs that that are self-nurturing. I know that beliefs can drive behavior. Shine your positive light into the world. Entertain ideas that are in line with who you truly are. Cultivate and nurture your talents. Be confident because you know your strengths.  Choose to believe in yourself, even during challenging times.  Your self-esteem will thank you. #MondayMindset My dream is to make sure this young girl, 8 years old, my granddaughter, grows up to be a strong confident woman that shines her light into the world with so much self esteem that it empowers other women to do the same. Can I let you in on something? A LOT of people I know struggle with low self-esteem. And it’s really sad. They don’t love themselves. They feel unworthy, and they go through life with a cloud hanging over their head. They really don’t like anything about themselves. Is this you? Do you feel the same way? I put together something that I think can REAL

  • 8. Pinochle of Excellence

    10/09/2021 Duração: 08min

    Wake up & BEE amaZing and Grab Your Daily #DANEish and Turn Positivity Into Possibility.  Registration is now open! Does your self-esteem need a SERIOUS boost? GREAT news! In just 5 days, you can grow in self-esteem in ways you never thought possible. This your invitation to join in the 5 Day Self-Esteem Challenge. It  will guide you through simple actions you can take every day that will increase both your confidence and self-esteem. And it’s absolutely FREE. So are you in? Yes, I’m In!  How are you today? Steve will forever share his answer, "Pinnacle of Excellence!" #ChampagneFriday is a chance to celebrate your week, our week. You work hard and DAMN IT I challenge you to play harder. Stand up, raise your glass and celebrate with me. Celebrate your sweat and hard work this week!  Send me an IG message and share your successes with me! Celebrate life!  Thank you for joining me, Trainer Dane and transmuting positivity into positivity. Please share this episode with 3 people. I

  • 7. What would you do if you couldn't fail?

    09/09/2021 Duração: 09min

    Wake up & BEE amaZing and Grab Your Daily #DANEish and Turn Positivity Into Possibility. Join me, Trainer Dane, to get your daily dopamine hit of positivity to possibility! If you knew you couldn't fail, what would you do? It seems like a big, scary question - but keep listening.  Thank you for joining me, Trainer Dane and transmuting positivity into positivity. Please share this episode with 3 people. It’s on each of us to spread positivity and empowerment and shine our light into the world. Be the dealer of positivity, hope and possibility! Remember to tell those you love them and never assume they know. Go be amaZing! Stay tune for my 5 Day Self Esteem Challenge. Registration opens September 10, 2021. Trainer Dane Life Coach | Personal Trainer | Business Owner |www.daneboyle.com --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/dane-boyle/support

  • 6. SeaWorld Changed My Life

    08/09/2021 Duração: 08min

    SeaWorld Changed My Life Wake up & BEE amaZing and Grab Your Daily #DANEish and Turn Positivity Into Possibility. Join me, Trainer Dane, to get your daily dopamine hit of positivity to possibility! It's #WhatsUpWednesday...DM me a 2 word check-in on IG on how your week in going. I will personally answer you back. What's the best that can happen? Hear how a day at SeaWorld changed my life and I bet my dad never new.  Thank you for joining me, Trainer Dane and transmuting positivity into positivity. Please share this episode with 3 people. It’s on each of us to spread positivity and empowerment and shine our light into the world. Be the dealer of positivity, hope and possibility! Remember to tell those you love them and never assume they know. Now go be amaZing! Stay tune for my 5 Day Self Esteem Challenge. Registration opens September 10, 2021. Trainer Dane, Life Coach | Personal Trainer | Business Owner |www.daneboyle.com #WhatsUpWednesday --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/dane-boyle/sup

  • 5. Never let emotion dictate your success

    07/09/2021 Duração: 04min

    Wake up & BEE amaZing and Grab Your Daily #DANEish and Turn Positivity Into Possibility. Join me, Trainer Dane, to get your daily dopamine hit of positivity to possibility! Listen on Spotify anchor or wherever get your podcast fix! Now get up, get out and go be amaZIng! Thank you for joining me, Trainer Dane and transmuting positivity into positivity. Please share this episode with 3 people. It’s on each of us to spread positivity and empowerment and shine our light into the world. Be the dealer of positivity, hope and possibility! Remember to tell those you love them and never assume they know. Now go be amaZing! Stay tune for my 5 Day Self Esteem Challenge. Registration opens September 10, 2021. Trainer Dane Life Coach | Personal Trainer Business Owner www.daneboyle.com #TrainerTipsTuesday --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/dane-boyle/support

  • 4. #MondayMindset

    06/09/2021 Duração: 03min

    Wake up & BEE amaZing and Grab Your Daily #DANEish and Turn Positivity Into Possibility. Join me, Trainer Dane, to get your daily dopamine hit of positivity to possibility! Listen on Spotify anchor or wherever get your podcast fix! Now get up, get out and go be amaZIng!  Is there something you want out of life? A goal? Something you wish you had or would like to achieve? But you’re not quite sure how to make it happen. Well - Your answer in the ‘HOW to get it’ is right here. SCHEDULE IT.  Choose the date for when you WILL achieve your goal. Schedule it! And then figure out all the small steps you need to take along the way in order to get your goal … and schedule all of those steps too. Stop just wanting. Stop dreaming. Stop the waiting. Pick a date for when it IS going to happen. Just decide. Get out your calendar … make a note on your phone … on a post it note or piece of paper. WRITE IT DOWN. Write down & commit to the end date goal. And get clear on the schedule of steps to take along th

  • 3. Celebrate Life!

    03/09/2021 Duração: 07min

    Wake up & BEE amaZing and Grab Your Daily #DANEish and Turn Positivity Into Possibility. Join me, Trainer Dane, to get your daily dopamine hit of positivity to possibility! Listen on Spotify anchor or wherever get your podcast fix! Now get up, get out and go be amaZIng! #ChampagneFriday is a chance to celebrate your week, our week. You work hard and DAMN IT I challenge you to play harder. Stand up, raise your glass and celebrate with me. Celebrate your sweat and hard work this week! Send me an IG message and share your successes with me! Celebrate life! Thank you for joining me, Trainer Dane and transmuting positivity into positivity. Please share this episode with 3 people. It’s on each of us to spread positivity and empowerment and shine our light into the world. Be the dealer of positivity, hope and possibility! Remember to tell those you love them and never assume they know. Now go be amaZing! Stay tune for my 5 Day Self Esteem Challenge. Registration opens September 10, 2021. Trainer Dane Life Coach

  • 2. Say "wow" instead of "how"

    02/09/2021 Duração: 07min

    Wake up & BEE amaZing and Grab Your Daily #DANEish and Turn Positivity Into Possibility. Join me, Trainer Dane, to get your daily dopamine hit of positivity to possibility! Listen on Spotify anchor or wherever get your podcast fix! Now get up, get out and go be amaZIng! The next time someone shares their dream with you say, "wow" instead of "how" and watch them light up. It's a simple change, but if you ask "how" that might be the seed of doubt that could extinguish their hopes and dreams.  Thank you for joining me, Trainer Dane and transmuting positivity into positivity. Please share this episode with 3 people. It’s on each of us to spread positivity and empowerment and shine our light into the world. Be the dealer of positivity, hope and possibility! Remember to tell those you love them and never assume they know. Now go be amaZing! Stay tune for my 5 Day Self Esteem Challenge. Registration opens September 10, 2021. Trainer Dane Life Coach | Personal Trainer Business Owner www.daneboyle.com #though

  • 1. I could be like everyone else

    01/09/2021 Duração: 03min

    Wake up & BEE amaZing and Grab Your Daily #DANEish and Turn Positivity Into Possibility.  Join me, Trainer Dane, to get your daily dopamine hit of positivity to possibility!   Listen on Spotify anchor or wherever get your podcast fix! Now get up, get out and go be amaZIng! I want to help you build confidence, self care and self esteem.  That's why I was put on this earth. I believe we should work toward having the healthiest body we can, but I also believe we should fill our minds, souls with personal development and commUNITY.  I believe we should be challenged and look into the future and chase our dreams. I belive dreams don't have an expiration date. I believe when the workout is over the work has just begun.  It's going to set your mind right and with your health anything is possible.  I believe we should surround ourselves with people that push us.  Listen in to hear more about how not to be like everyone else. Thank you for joining me, Trainer Dane and transmuting

  • 4 | Have You Created the Life You Love?

    29/06/2021 Duração: 27min

    Having a Life Plan brings focus and determination to your life. After all, if you’re looking at your Life Plan occasionally, you’ll be more likely to follow through with your plans and achieve life goals.  Listen in to write your own Life Plan. When you see this plan clearly laid out before you, you’ll be exhilarated, stimulated, and look forward to living the life you truly desire.  Finally, write the steps you’ll take to achieve your wants/goals. Write your answers and send them to me at dane@daneboyle.  You’ve got your Life Plan! Keep it all close by and learn how to write your Vivid Vision.   I’m Trainer Dane | Life Coach | Certified Personal Trainer | Motivational Speaker | Podcaster | Veteran | daneboyle.com --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/dane-boyle/support

  • 3| How to Get Up When the Alarm Goes Off

    22/06/2021 Duração: 11min

    When the Alarm Goes Off When the alarm clock first wakes you each morning, do you have difficulty getting out of bed immediately? Do you usually find yourself pressing the snooze button, rolling over, and going back to sleep? Well, you're not alone. Most people do this. But imagine if you could get up every morning right when the alarm went off. You'd have an extra ten or twenty minutes in every day, or maybe more. How would you like to hear your alarm, turn it off, take a nice deep breath, and then get right out of bed?   I’m Trainer Dane | Life Coach | Certified Personal Trainer | Motivational Speaker | Podcaster | Veteran | trainerdane.com --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dane-boyle/message


    15/06/2021 Duração: 21min

    Feeling positively about your body can be very challenging. The media presents us with people blessed with perfect bodies, further enhanced with Photoshop.  It can be easy to compare yourself to an unattainable physique and then feel bad about the cards you've been dealt. However, a healthy and attractive body can come in many shapes and sizes. You can have a healthy body image regardless of your current situation! Everyone deserves a healthy body image.  Listen in and learn to love our body!  I’m Trainer Dane | Life Coach | Certified Personal Trainer | Motivational Speaker | Podcaster | Veteran | trainerdane.com --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dane-boyle/message

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