Mark Levin Audio Rewind

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 3652:09:03
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Mark Levin is one of the hottest properties in Talk radio today. He is also one of the leading authors in the conservative political arena. Mark's radio show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM time slot. Mark's latest book, Plunder and Deceit, debuted at number one on the New York Times Best-Seller list. When your books are endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands. In a short period of time, Mark has become one of the most listened to local radio Talk show hosts in the nation.


  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/8/22

    09/02/2022 Duração: 01h55min

    On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Republicans can never advance the cause of liberty as long as political thugs like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, or his carbon copy cronies are in power. He's done nothing to advance the conservative movement. How often has McConnell appeared on conservative media outlets? He hasn't, he exploits the grassroots Constitutional base for their election while resenting what they stand for. The media rarely attacks these Senate Republicans because they work hand in glove with the media. Has McConnell called for the impeachment of President Biden? Of course not, he's a Svengali that makes raw brash power-grabs to replace conservatives with moderates that he can control. Then, January 6th was not a violent insurrection. The only person that was killed was shot by the Capitol Police. Therefore, Democrats within the media and their partners in the Republican Party like McConnell, Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, have to lie and twist the truth to include people that died from natural

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/7/22

    08/02/2022 Duração: 01h57min

    On Monday's Mark Levin Show, if America isn't careful, we will lose the country to the self-aggrandizing elites that use democracy to destroy democracy and use the law to destroy the law. Our ally Israel is a democracy yet their law enforcement and judicial systems have been politicized to go after political rivals. Israeli police used spyware called Pegasus to spy on Benjamin Netanyahu's family, government colleagues, and journalists covering him before any investigations were even launched. This threat to the civil society is the greatest threat facing us today. Then, the left within the media has embraced Mike Pence for saying that he disagreed with President Trump that he could send the electoral ballots back to the states. The media has inaccurately portrayed this as Pence picking the next president - it's not. It was simply Pence's interpretation of his authority under the Constitution over whether he even had such authority. Later, Convention of States CEO Mark Meckler calls in to discuss a big upcomin

  • The Constitution And Elections Explained

    08/02/2022 Duração: 32min

    On February 1st Mark Levin explained elections and judicial review stated in Marbury versus Madison. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • The Best of Mark Levin - 2/5/22

    05/02/2022 Duração: 58min

    On the Best of Mark Levin, the question of whether the Vice President can serve as a tie-breaker on a Supreme Court nominee has been asked. This likely won't happen or even be necessary as the RINO republicans will probably support President Biden's nomination. A tie-breaker vote is highly questionable in the confirmation of a jurist with a lifetime appointment that the VP's boss had nominated. Any justice confirmed by the VP's tie-breaker would likely always be viewed as illegitimate. Biden's weakness and mental deterioration have invited our enemies to become more aggressive toward the United States and our allies. In 1994 Ukraine relinquished its nuclear weapons in exchange for the U.S, Russia, and England to provide security assurances under the Budapest memorandum. Some say that this is not the U.S's problem. By that logic, was Poland our problem? Did Russia develop hypersonic missiles to attack Ukraine? Of course not, they developed them for use against the U.S. Then, Trump said Biden's reckless withdra

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/4/22

    05/02/2022 Duração: 01h57min

    On Friday's Mark Levin Show, Mr. Call Screener and ‘This Is America’ podcast host, Rich Valdes fills in for Mark Levin. There is an information war going on, and we were warned about it by none other than Ronald Reagan. The media is leading this charge, constantly covering for President Biden after a year of lying about Donald Trump, proving they are the enemy of the people. Also, things are out so of control in New York City that Biden had to visit and blame lack of funding among other things. This comes after years of the pro-crime Left's push to defund police. Crime rates are skyrocketing thanks to liberal policies and lawless District Attorneys, especially in NYC, where two officers were recently murdered. The left has abandoned blue-collar workers.  Later, parents need to keep standing up for their children and speaking up at school board meetings. Teaching our kids to be ashamed of their skin color cannot take place in our classrooms. Finally, the White House is reporting on a Russian false flag attack

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/3/22

    04/02/2022 Duração: 01h58min

    On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, WREC Radio Host Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark. Then-candidate Biden and the media trashed President Trump as being unhinged when he targeted drone strikes killing terrorist leaders. Today the media is conspicuously quiet as President Biden ordered a strike killing an ISIS leader as well as six others including children. Then, Russia planned to stage and film a false attack to blame Ukraine and fabricate a reason to invade Ukraine. However, the media largely ignored it despite the White House exposing Putin's plot. Later, Speaker Pelosi is silencing American athletes from voicing their opinions against communist China while at the Olympic games. Pelosi was once a critic of China's abusive policies but softened her position once her family made lots of money from Chinese investments. FBI Christopher Wray told NBC News that the Chinese Communist Party has been extremely aggressive in spying on American institutions. Yet the FBI didn't advise the White House to not participate in t

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/2/22

    03/02/2022 Duração: 01h57min

    On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, WPHT Host Rich Zeoli fills in for Mark. President Biden is sending thousands of troops to Europe for what might be WWIII with Russia. Subsequently, the Army has confirmed that it will begin firing soldiers who don't get vaccinated. The same way that the left is trying to get rid of ‘controversial’ podcasts, they're trying to get rid of you, and me, and now our soldiers too. No restaurants, public places, or even service to this nation for the unvaccinated. This is a mistake. Then, Democrats have stopped American energy production and the production of American labor. In many states, unemployment has been extended. There are more jobs each day and the government is creating conditions to make the masses dependent on government handouts. Later, a university in Colorado has now created a hotline for students injured by a negative free speech event. This will create a generation of cry-baby snowflakes that are being coddled for hearing words that they didn't like. That is what fuel

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/1/22

    02/02/2022 Duração: 01h57min

    On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, the founders warned against an activist court. Where is judicial review in the Constitution? It's not. This power exercised by the Supreme Court known as judicial review started in Marbury versus Madison. Jefferson noted that declaring what the law is, has more influence than every other branch of government. This practice contravenes the Constitution and is an authority given to the Court by itself, not by the framers or We The People. Then, some who advocate for judicial review reject the notion that then VP Pence lacked the authority to send the electoral college votes back to their respective states. The constitution specifically points out that it is the state legislatures that decide and to ignore that would be a violation of the federal Constitution. Pseudo-conservative, leftists in the media, and the Democrats fail to realize that this was the real insurrection. Later, Brandon Straka and his attorney Bill Esayli join the show to tell his story of getting arrested after gi

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/31/22

    01/02/2022 Duração: 01h54min

    On Monday's Mark Levin Show, there are various parallels between "The Children's Story" by James Clavell and how Marxist ideology is permeating the American classroom. The left targets children to indoctrinate them in government schools. People are heralded for following leftist ideology, but if you reject J6, Critical Race Theory, and other Marxist poison then you're labeled a hate-filled, white supremacist. Just like Joe Rogan and Aaron Rodgers have been targeted for daring to challenge the ruling class, our own children are being trained to bow down to the state instead of almighty God. This is isn't 'progress' it's about control. Then, Whoopi Goldberg denies racist comments about the Holocaust because she denies the hatred towards Jews. Whoopi says that it was about hatred toward mankind, but not about race, per see. Later, Communist activist Angela Davis was also on Good Morning America posing as a political analyst discussing why Biden's pick must be a communist-sympathizing Black woman. Yet, it was Bid

  • The Best of Mark Levin - 1/29/22

    29/01/2022 Duração: 01h03min

    On the Best of Mark Levin, in the 1950's there were isolationists on the right and radicals on the far left, and today we have a similar dynamic. Within the conservative movement, there are pro-Russia activists that think Vladimir Putin isn't so bad. Putin is working very closely with Xi in China. Biden's weakness and mental deterioration have invited our enemies to become more aggressive toward the United States and our allies. In 1994 Ukraine relinquished its nuclear weapons in exchange for the U.S, Russia, and England to provide security assurances under the Budapest memorandum. Some say that this is not the U.S's problem. By that logic, was Poland our problem? Then, Democrats insist on destroying the voting system in the name of voting rights. One more lie to gain political power under the guise of preventing, what they call, the death of democracy. Later, do you really think America is as bad as the Democrats and President Biden say it is? Do you really believe that their defense of voting rights is genu

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/28/22

    29/01/2022 Duração: 01h51min

    On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the constitutional case for the 2020 election in Pennsylvania that was brought by Greg Teufel and Julie Levin scored a victory today in the state's Commonwealth Court. The court ruled that the practice of no-excuse mail-in ballots, put in place by Democrats right before the 2020 election was unconstitutional. This case was initially dismissed outright by the U.S Supreme Court despite being meritorious. Attorney Greg Teufel joins the show to discuss his big win for liberty. This is a real David versus Goliath story. The law Teufel challenged (Act 77) included expanded mail-in voting and absentee voting in a manner that was unconstitutional. Teufel argued that the doctrine of latches did not apply in this case and won. The case now heads to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court for appeal. Then, as more and more officers are shot at by criminals, the widow of slain NYPD Officer Jason Rivera spoke at his funeral and called out the pro-crime progressive prosecutors that fail to keep people s

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/27/22

    28/01/2022 Duração: 01h52min

    On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, three more cops were shot, this time in Houston. The number of police shot is breaking records and some incidents involve illegal aliens. Cops are under attack and getting sued for simply doing their jobs. The southern border is not secure, gangs and drugs are getting into the country and innocent lives are paying the price. The Marxist movement is creating this violence. The media hates whatever gets in their way and that's why they provide cover for the anti-police crowd that they promote on their platforms. Democrats will support rioters, but they won't support the police. Who is going to hold the media and the Democrat party to account? This program will lead an effort to impeach Joe Biden, the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Attorney General of the United States over this open border. Then, the question of whether the Vice President can serve as a tie-breaker on a Supreme Court nominee has been asked. This likely won't happen or even be necessary as the RINO republic

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/26/22

    27/01/2022 Duração: 01h53min

    On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, following the resignation of Justice Stephen Breyer, President Biden has said that he will nominate the first Black woman to be the next Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. The practice of hiring someone based on race or sex has been found to be unlawful for schools, businesses, and others but when Biden does it it’s no longer a problem. The perverse ideology of American Marxism has crept into every facet of our government including the judiciary. Then, Anthony Fauci has famously flip-flopped on the mask issue multiple times and now he's getting called out in a new ad by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Fauci's lack of commitment is shielded from the public by those in the media that carry water for the Democrats. Later, in response to a guest's comment about racism being a war, MSNBC host Tiffany Cross said, " everybody needs to pick up a weapon and get involved because this is for the safety and lasting of the country.” Afterward, author Julie Kelly calls in to discuss how

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/25/22

    26/01/2022 Duração: 01h53min

    On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, the race is on between the U.S and the Chinese to retrieve America's most advanced stealth fighter jet which has reportedly slid off the deck of a U.S Navy aircraft carrier in the South China Sea. U.S officials are concerned about China salvaging the aircraft before they do, to have a sample of the Navy's most elite warplane. Then, many are concerned with why America should do anything with Ukraine. If the U.S ignores its responsibility to defend Ukraine under the Budapest Memorandum of Security Assurances of 1994 it would be violating its part of the treaty. Plus, America's enemies will take note that the U.S has become weak. Later, contrary to the media, all science is not decided within 5 buildings in Washington, DC. Anthony Fauci is not the only doctor in America yet he acts like it. There was no peer-reviewed scientific data to discontinue therapeutics in yet Fauci and the FDA recklessly closed monoclonal treatment sites for citizens in Florida.  Fauci claims that the therap

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/24/22

    25/01/2022 Duração: 01h54min

    On Monday's Mark Levin Show, in the 1950's there were isolationists on the right and radicals on the far left, and today we have a similar dynamic. Within the conservative movement, there are pro-Russia activists that think Vladimir Putin isn't so bad. Putin is working very closely with Xi in China. Biden's weakness and mental deterioration have invited our enemies to become more aggressive toward the United States and our allies. In 1994 Ukraine relinquished its nuclear weapons in exchange for the U.S, Russia, and England to provide security assurances under the Budapest memorandum. Some say that this is not the U.S's problem. By that logic, was Poland our problem? Did Russia develop hypersonic missiles to attack Ukraine? Of course not, they developed them for use against the U.S.  Then, it's imperative that the United States begin producing automobile chips and semiconductors outside of China since making so much of our critical components is a national security threat. This would lower the overall cost of

  • The Best of Mark Levin - 1/22/22

    22/01/2022 Duração: 01h20min

    On the Best of Mark Levin, Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States, joins the show to give his first reaction to President Biden's 2nd press conference of his Presidency. Trump said he really wants Biden to do well if he can. Trump commented on Biden's weakness indicating that he expected Vladimir Putin to take advance into Ukraine. Trump also mentioned that there was no vaccine hesitancy during his Administration, surmising that the American people simply don't trust Biden because of his initial anti-vaccine rhetoric. Then, Trump said Biden's reckless withdrawal from Afghanistan is the lowest moment in the history of our country. Trump criticized the 2020 election as a third world election adding that Democrats must be stopped from conducting a federal takeover of US elections. Nancy Pelosi's son Paul Jr. is connected to several companies investigated by the FBI and the media is barely reporting on it. One of the biofuel companies even defrauded investors. Paul Jr is frugal but nowhere near

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/21/22

    22/01/2022 Duração: 01h53min

    On Friday’s Mark Levin show, America is only about 20 years behind other countries that have embraced autocratic policies to eliminate cars and single-family homes in suburban neighborhoods. Suburbs will be threatened by urban planning and zoning changes by American Marxists so that they can control highly populated areas with video surveillance and social credit scores. The radical left will soon have people thinking that it's racist to even own a single-family home. Then, Congress can only conduct investigations for legislative functions and oversight, not for law enforcement purposes. The January 6th select committee is operating beyond its Constitutional authority. The judiciary has become weak and feckless allowing Washington Bureaucrats to use the same Houdini tricks they used to ignore the egregious Constitutional violations of the 2020 election. Later, Democrats have failed to eliminate the filibuster however many of them have reversed course. In 2017 so many of these same critiques defended the filib

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/20/22

    21/01/2022 Duração: 01h50min

    On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, Big Tech, Big Media, former and current Speakers of the US House of Representatives, The Bush's, the Trudeau's, the Biden's, and the corporatists in America are in the pocket of Chinese leader Xi Jing Ping. The Founders discussed the idea of a unicameral Congress, and it was rejected in favor of a bicameral system focused on individual liberty because the more autocratic the government could become it would. Then, if the media were honest, they'd call out Congress for their January 6th sham committee. They would call out President Biden for his Bolshevik stance on dividing the country over the Jim Crow 2.0 act that they claim is about voting rights. Biden and the Democrat party are lighting fuses and instigating ill will with their lies that Republicans are making it harder for minorities to vote. Later, it's interesting that public school children aren't taught about the 15 high-ranking officials of the Nazi bureaucracy met in Berlin to hatch “The organizational, logistical and

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/19/22

    20/01/2022 Duração: 01h55min

    On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States, joins the show to give his first reaction to President Biden's 2nd press conference of his Presidency. Trump said he really wants Biden to do well if he can. Trump commented on Biden's weakness indicating that he expected Vladimir Putin to take advance into Ukraine. Trump also mentioned that there was no vaccine hesitancy during his Administration, surmising that the American people simply don't trust Biden because of his initial anti-vaccine rhetoric. Then, Trump said Biden's reckless withdrawal from Afghanistan is the lowest moment in the history of our country. Trump criticized the 2020 election as a third world election adding that Democrats must be stopped from conducting a federal takeover of US elections. Later, in breaking news, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has just issued a decision to deny Trump's request for executive privilege on records that might pertain to January 6th; Every justice exce

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/18/22

    19/01/2022 Duração: 01h49min

    On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, the framers spent 5 months in Pennsylvania figuring out how to form a government since the Articles of Confederation were a failure. The new nation was in debt and states were unfairly levying taxation on one another. Enter the founding of the Constitution by well-read men who understood the fall of Rome and were informed by their predecessors and contemporaries like John Locke, Montesquieu, and Sir Edmund Burke. They had challenges over slavery, mob rule, representation in Congress, and many other issues of where they reached compromise but agreed that the federal government should not have plenary power of election, but rather that the states should. Then, the Democrat party is the party of the KKK, racism, and segregation. They were that way during the civil war, and they are that way today. Chuck Schumer and his razor-thin majority will peddle every lie they can to convince people that the Democrats' voting bill does something more than weaken a citizen's right to vote. Later

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