Mark Levin Audio Rewind

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 3652:09:03
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Mark Levin is one of the hottest properties in Talk radio today. He is also one of the leading authors in the conservative political arena. Mark's radio show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM time slot. Mark's latest book, Plunder and Deceit, debuted at number one on the New York Times Best-Seller list. When your books are endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands. In a short period of time, Mark has become one of the most listened to local radio Talk show hosts in the nation.


  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/17/22

    18/01/2022 Duração: 01h53min

    On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, a jihadi anti-Semetic terrorist got into our country through a travel visa despite being under surveillance and took hostages at a Texas synagogue. The radical Islamist demanded the release of "Lady Al Quaeda" Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani prisoner being held in a nearby federal prison. Interestingly, the FBI's initial response claimed that the attack was not an anti-semitic in nature, although they amended that narrative soon after. The reckless immigration policies of the Biden Administration put Americans in danger. Then, CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) attacks the talk radio industry but defended and advocated for the release of Aafia Siddiqui. CAIR has enormous influence with members of Congress, the FBI, and the DOJ. Later, Direct TV, a subsidiary of AT&T like CNN, is removing One America News from their service. We should be encouraged to choose how to spend our money and speak out against this type of censorship, not support it. Afterward, Democrats aim to destr

  • The Best of Mark Levin - 1/15/22

    15/01/2022 Duração: 49min

    On the Best of Mark Levin, a radical group focused on the secession of Puerto Rico, opened fire inside the US Capitol Building shooting 4 US Congressmen in 1954. The Weather Underground set off a bomb at the Capitol in 1971. In May of 1972 leftwing terrorists set off a bomb outside the State Department. Democrats, however, will not call these attacks an insurrection or the biggest threat to democracy, will they? Speaker Nancy Pelosi is concealing information regarding her culpability for the security breach at the Capitol on January 6th, 2020. Our Congress trashes the Constitutional system and seeks to change the Constitution by appointing radical judges and by legislation, instead of by proposing amendments. The January 6 Committee’s agenda is clear, it’s to prevent Donald Trump from ever serving as President again, it has nothing to do with legislative inquiry. It's the left that uses phony TV experts to repeatedly paint Trump as an evil dictator despite having any proof. It is the Democrats that celebrate

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/14/22

    15/01/2022 Duração: 01h47min

    On Friday's Mark Levin Show, Nancy Pelosi's son Paul Jr. is connected to several companies investigated by the FBI and the media is barely reporting on it. One of the biofuel companies even defrauded investors. Paul Jr is frugal but nowhere near being strapped for cash. A special counsel's criminal investigation into all of the Pelosi's dealings is definitely warranted. Then, the democrat party is devouring Americanism with American Marxism and they're using issues that are irrelevant to the American people to do it. All the Democrats do is offer empty promises, not solutions. Later, President Biden and company don't have answers to our problems because they cause our problems. Their entire reason for being is to advance their ideology, they don't care if you have to suffer for a while. This is how the Marxist works and why they make empty promises like healthcare is a right. Just ask our veterans in the Veterans Administration if healthcare is a right. Afterward, Brent Bozell, founder of MRC and author of "S

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/13/22

    14/01/2022 Duração: 01h51min

    On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) got it right when they struck down President Biden's unconstitutional federal vaccine mandate enforced by OSHA, and got it totally wrong on the healthcare case where SCOTUS ruled that healthcare workers in facilities receiving federal funds may keep their mandates in place. Later, Senator Mike Lee joins the show to discuss the 84 million Americans who were victorious in today's Supreme Court decision. Lee added that the Democrats are happy to take whatever they want to gain power. If Democrats succeed in destroying the filibuster, they will change election laws to make sure Democrats win and they will pack the court too. Then, the Department of Justice has indicted the founder of the Oath Keepers and 10 others with seditious conspiracy. Even this charge does not meet the legal standard to define January 6th, 2020 as an insurrection. The founder of the Oath Keeper is on record saying, "All I see Trump doing is complaining. I see no

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/12/22

    13/01/2022 Duração: 01h48min

    On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, do you really think America is as bad as the Democrats and President Biden say it is? Do you really believe that their defense of voting rights is genuine when they altered our electoral system via lawsuits and gubernatorial executive orders for mail-in voting to help Biden and their fellow Democrats win in 2020? Yet it's the Democrats who embrace members like Jaime Raskin, whose father was a revolutionary founded the Institute for Policy Studies, an anti-American communist front group. Then, Democrats challenged the 2000 and 2004 elections and many claimed that George W. Bush and Donald Trump were not their presidents. They claimed that there was ballot fraud and irregularities with voting machines, yet the media did not censor them, kick them off social media, or claim they were attacking democracy. Democrats also fought for the filibuster saying it would be a doomsday for democracy if the rule were changed. Later, Inflation is at its highest rate in nearly 40 years ago when

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/11/22

    12/01/2022 Duração: 01h53min

    On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, as was shared on this program last year the letter from the National School Boards Association (NSBA) was an inside job. New information from a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request reveals that Education Secretary Miguel Cardona appears to have solicited the letter from the NSBA comparing concerned parents to domestic terrorists and using the Department of Justice to investigate them using the Patriot Act. The Department of Justice has now established a Domestic Terrorist Unit. Then, in addition to bare grocery shelves, the cereal boxes at the supermarket are promoting gender fluidity and the left's woke attack on your children. Similarly, the left maintains that there was absolutely no fraud in the 2020 elections. It is a known fact that Marc Elias led a group of lawyers to extra-constitutionally change voting laws. It is also a known fact that Mark Zuckerberg funneled $400 million to a bunch of front groups to influence the 2020 election. Later, President Biden hypocritica

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/10/22

    11/01/2022 Duração: 01h56min

    On Monday's Mark Levin Show, Mr. Call Screener and ‘This Is America’ podcast host, Rich Valdes fills in for Mark Levin. The notion of destroying America to build her back better is non-negotiable. We don't destroy which we love, and that's what President Biden and the left want to do as if that's a possibility. The seeds of radicalism were planted long ago by people like Saul Alinsky, and we see leftist radicals everywhere today, even in the Supreme Court with Justice Sonia Sotomayor. The communists know that Americans just want to be left alone, and they use that against us. Also, nobody fact-checks Biden and his lies, yet the left and the media want to fact-check every single thing about COVID. The CDC is finally admitting that obesity is a key factor in people dying with COVID now that the popularity of the pandemic has shifted. How much control are we going to give to government? Is it We The People in charge or They The Government? Later, Mayor Lori Lightfoot is getting called out for endless school clos

  • The Best of Mark Levin - 1/8/22

    08/01/2022 Duração: 52min

    On the Best of Mark Levin, the left will subpoena all of Donald Trump's children, and anyone else they can to cover up for Speaker Pelosi's dereliction of duty to keep the Capitol building safe. They will pretend that Trump is the greatest threat since the Civil War, but it's the Democrat Party and Pelosi that is the greatest threat to democracy. This country has seen 4 presidents assassinated, it's seen Black people prevented from voting because of Democrat Jim Crow laws, and yet the Democrats will try and trick you into believing that whatever they say is the biggest threat to democracy. What the Democrats have done to the Constitution and the presidency during Trump's term is the biggest affront to this republic's history. Then, a radical group focused on the secession of Puerto Rico, opened fire inside the US Capitol Building shooting 4 US Congressmen in 1954. The Weather Underground set off a bomb at the Capitol in 1971. In May of 1972 leftwing terrorists set off a bomb outside the State Department. Demo

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/7/22

    08/01/2022 Duração: 01h53min

    On Friday's Mark Levin Show, does the president have the right to impose vaccine mandates on the American People? Of course, the President and the federal government don't have this authority, but that didn't stop the Democrats from producing a workaround to attempt to mandate them. In oral arguments to determine this very question at the Supreme Court, Justice Sonia Sotomayor made incoherent claims that simply weren't true, making her case for OSHA requirements in the workplace. Judges shouldn't make health policy; they should interpret the law. Then, Justice Sam Alito made an argument for the unprecedented particularity of the OSHA policy which potentially impacts workers in the name of safety. In fact, the Spanish Flu of 1918 scared people in much the same way but America did not see these types of mandates. Although we did see high numbers of vaccine injuries following the Spanish Flu. Later, Big tech shuts down debate from experts with opposing viewpoints. Discussion on the efficacy of vaccines is not pe

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/6/22

    07/01/2022 Duração: 01h53min

    On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, the leadership of the Democrat party that supported the Klan, did nothing to stop lynching and created Jim Crow laws came together to disrespect the citizens and reject the Constitution on January 6. They disgustingly compared the Capitol riot to Pearl Harbor and the 9/11 attacks. Sadly, what we're seeing with the press is party journalism. A media that is focused on advancing their political agenda instead of reporting the facts. They've made it their mission to destroy Donald Trump and everything related to him because he represents the hard-working people of this great country. The Marxist revolution is devouring every aspect of our culture and they don't care who they dispirit or what they destroy in the process. Then, no members of Congress were hurt in the capitol riot, yet the media seems to omit that as they chant in unison on a purported attack on democracy. In his speech, President Biden said, that his critics only "obey the law when it's convenient" forgetting that he

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/5/22

    06/01/2022 Duração: 01h54min

    On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, January 6th, 2020 wasn't the best day in the history of our republic, but it sure wasn't the worst. Democrats can't make the case that there was a violent terrorist attack on January 6th because it would lead back to Nancy Pelosi. The media is pushing this narrative, along with Critical Race Theory, the unceasing attacks on all things Donald Trump, and the unequal justice that we saw in the Russian collusion hoax. It's the left that uses phony TV experts to repeatedly paint Trump as an evil dictator despite having any proof. It is the Democrats that celebrate the attacks on police officers while supporting lawlessness in minority neighborhoods, promote the censorship of parents in public education and advance transgender policies in public schools rather than focus on educating children academically. Then, for those that have visited the battlefields of the U.S Civil War and in Arlington National Cemetery, they know that the vast majority of those that died are White Christian

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/4/22

    05/01/2022 Duração: 01h54min

    On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is concealing information regarding her culpability for the security breach at the Capitol on January 6th, 2020. Our Congress trashes the Constitutional system and seeks to change the Constitution by appointing radical judges and by legislation, instead of by proposing amendments. The January 6 Committee’s agenda is clear, it’s to prevent Donald Trump from ever serving as President again, it has nothing to do with legislative inquiry. Then, Adam Schiff should be disbarred for his public behavior. But that's not stopping the January 6 Committee from requesting the cooperation of Sean Hannity in their partisan smear job. This is all about politics and the destruction of press freedom so they can eventually define who is a journalist and who isn't. Later, Democrats are trying to win the midterms by redistricting; adding Democrat seats in Republican states. They are also abusing the Civil Rights Division of the US Department of Justice to use litigation to achiev

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/3/22

    04/01/2022 Duração: 01h54min

    On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the left will subpoena all of Donald Trump's children, and anyone else they can to cover up for Speaker Pelosi's dereliction of duty to keep the Capitol building safe. They will pretend that Trump is the greatest threat since the Civil War, but it's the Democrat Party and Pelosi that is the greatest threat to democracy. This country has seen 4 presidents assassinated, it's seen Black people prevented from voting because of Democrat Jim Crow laws, and yet the Democrats will try and trick you into believing that whatever they say is the biggest threat to democracy. What the Democrats have done to the Constitution and the presidency during Trump's term is the biggest affront to this republic's history. Then, a radical group focused on the secession of Puerto Rico, opened fire inside the US Capitol Building shooting 4 US Congressmen in 1954. The Weather Underground set off a bomb at the Capitol in 1971. In May of 1972 leftwing terrorists set off a bomb outside the State Department. De

  • The Best of Mark Levin - 1/1/22

    01/01/2022 Duração: 43min

    On the Best of Mark Levin, this January 6th committee is so insidious that Adam Schiff went as far as to doctor the transcripts of text messages from Mark Meadows's phone to misrepresent the facts during a congressional hearing considering a criminal referral to hold a former White House Chief of Staff in contempt of Congress. The NFL is supporting social change and defunding our police. China is infiltrating American college campuses through Beijing-controlled Confucius Institutes. China is a dangerous enemy that must not be taken lightly. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/31/21

    01/01/2022 Duração: 01h45min

    On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, we bring you the Best of Mark Levin. Kathleen Landerkin, the foul-mouthed Deputy Warden of the DC jail housing January 6th detainees, must be thrilled to mistreat the 'white racist’ inmates at her facility. According to a recent report, these detainees are suffering because of the Deputy Warden's political bias. Afterward, the U.S military is employing Gender Advisers to advance the leftwing culture within the military. Later, the public's pressure on Congress has succeeded in killing the provision to allow women to be drafted for war. The Build Back Better plan has been blunted and the radical element of the Democrat Party is now attacking Sen. Joe Manchin for holding the line thus far against the far left. Also, a faculty member at NYU says that transsexual liberation in and of itself is ineffective, but that the overall movement is about a communist revolution to abolish society as it currently exists. This sub-American Marxist movement is a force to be reckoned with because th

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/30/21

    31/12/2021 Duração: 01h53min

    On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, WMAL radio host Larry O’Connor fills in for Mark. The Democrats, media, and their partners in pop culture have made a shift in their view of the pandemic. They've slashed the quarantine duration and have softened their language, and are starting to sound like Trump did in March of 2020. The leftist elites were happy to impose draconian rules on you while they enjoyed private maskless dinners. Now that their own people are rejecting the restrictions of the Democrat Medical Complex, their partners in the Democrat Media Complex are spreading their new softened message. Later, the left uses the fine print to go after your kids. The Medical Industrial Complex wants you to grandparents to live in fear and go without seeing their grandchildren. Afterward, some of the tactics employed today are eerily reminiscent of the Chinese cultural revolution. Tactics like encouraging children to turn in their parents if they violate covid protocols or chastise them for having white privilege. Lear

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/29/21

    30/12/2021 Duração: 01h53min

    On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, WREC Radio Host Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark. Do the Chinese communist media and US media still see things differently? The Chinese publicly shamed individuals for violating pandemic protocols and broadcast it on their state-sponsored media. Here in the United States, the media has portrayed unvaccinated persons visiting or protesting at a fast-food restaurant as "Anti-vaxxers invade Burger King." Then, the attack on parents continues as left-wing politicians and teacher unions believe parents should have no say in their kids' education. Democrats said that Critical Race Theory isn't real. They said it isn't taught in the classroom, yet they mobilized federal law enforcement to add a threat tag on parents that protested at school board meetings treating them like domestic terrorists and arresting them. Later, if you vaccinate your child against this virus you are an unfit parent. There is zero evidence of children getting a severe case of covid. Despite the media's claim that

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/28/21

    29/12/2021 Duração: 01h53min

    On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, Radio Host Brian Mudd of WJNO fills in for Mark. It's only been 11 months but it seems like a much longer time with Biden at the helm. Perhaps it's because he's managed to mess up so much so quickly. Biden's net disapproval rate has now spread to 20 states that he won in 2020 and as of this week he's polling worse than Kamala Harris. There are only five states that still approve of Biden's agenda. Also, even younger voters are jumping off of Biden's ship with an approval rating of only 29% amongst voters between 18-34 years old. This is an extremely rare finding for a Democrat and is the lowest approval for any age range in the Marist poll. This presents a unique opportunity for Republicans in 2022 for a generational change. Later, voter fraud remains a focus for law enforcement across the country with thousands of pending cases of various types of voter fraud. The lack of prosecution is due to ideological opposition of democrat prosecutors, who refuse to enforce the law. Gov. Ro

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/27/21

    28/12/2021 Duração: 01h53min

    On Monday's Mark Levin Show, Radio Host Brian Mudd of WJNO fills in for Mark. Kamala Harris and the Democrats are focused on doing what they can to win in 2022, but shifting gears away from Build Back Better might not be enough. Kamala admitted that her biggest failure has been staying in DC more than she should have. The squad is pushing Biden to implement the Build Back Better bill by Executive Order instead of going through Congress like he's supposed to. Desperate Democrats do desperate things. Later, are you laser-focused on winning the midterms next year? Teachers' unions are part of the problem and members need to decide whether they want to contribute to the left, whether it be wittingly or unwittingly. Meanwhile, the CDC has cut the quarantine time to only 5 days and will blame this on 'following the science' but it's nothing more than a political decision by the Democrats, just like requiring young children to get the vaccine is. Afterward, despite the media narrative there actually are convictions

  • The Best of Mark Levin - 12/25/21

    25/12/2021 Duração: 55min

    On the Best of Mark Levin, so many American corporations have become so wildly unpatriotic as many hedge funds invest in communist China as do so many sports teams and news networks. Incidentally, communist China is also subsidized in the Build Back Better bill and offers a sweetheart deal for labor unions but not for employees in the private sector. Russia is expanding aggressively and will likely invade Ukraine again. Iran is months away from having a nuclear weapon and is prepared to go to war. President Biden is not prepared for the coming conflict. A Wall Street Journal poll shows Hispanic voters are evenly split between parties and split between backing Donald Trump and President Biden. It’s all about economics. A lot of people who have come to America have suffered through socialism or autocracies. They see what's happening now and reject it. There is no reason for Congress to have Trump's taxes; he’s a private citizen. You don't see Congress subpoenaing other former presidents as part of their legisla

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