Mark Levin Audio Rewind

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 3652:09:03
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Mark Levin is one of the hottest properties in Talk radio today. He is also one of the leading authors in the conservative political arena. Mark's radio show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM time slot. Mark's latest book, Plunder and Deceit, debuted at number one on the New York Times Best-Seller list. When your books are endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands. In a short period of time, Mark has become one of the most listened to local radio Talk show hosts in the nation.


  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/1/21

    02/12/2021 Duração: 01h53min

    On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, does the Mississippi abortion law violate the federal constitution? If it doesn't, then the Roe V. Wade decision can be weakened. Even Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has acknowledged that their basis for Roe v. wade was not rooted in the Constitution. The 14th Amendment freed the slaves and has nothing to do with abortion. It is not a right to privacy to murder a child in a woman's womb. Even if the Supreme Court finds that these laws can't be upheld federally, states will still have the right to authorize them. Then, the Solicitor General argued that viability was central to one's 'right' to abortion. Associate Justice Clarence Thomas questioned where such a right is found in the U.S Constitution. Later, Anthony Fauci announces the first Omicron variant case which emerged in San Francisco, CA, and the infected individual was fully vaccinated. Fauci still can't find an answer to why border crossers are being admitted into the country without testing or vaccinations. Afte

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/30/21

    01/12/2021 Duração: 01h57min

    On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, WPHT Oost Rich Zeoli fills in for Mark. Smash and grab looters are robbing stores with impunity in big liberal cities across the US. Some professors have suggested that calling this activity "looting" is somehow racist, arguing that these crimes are being committed as an act of social justice (organized robbery) because the system failed urban communities of color. Then, Chris Cuomo has been suspended by CNN for new revelations from the New York State Attorney General that he used his influence as a TV host to gather information on the accusers of his brother, then-Governor Andrew Cuomo. This is just another example of how the media covers for Democrats. Later, Omicron hasn't even arrived in the U.S and the Governor of New York has already suspended elective surgeries. Anthony Fauci, the megalomaniac hero of the left, doubles down on the Omicron variant and claims that he represents "science" as he attacks Sen. Ted Cruz and Republicans in the process. Afterward, it could be the e

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/29/21

    30/11/2021 Duração: 01h57min

    On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the Biden Administration, the public education system, and the media are sabotaging and betraying the people of this country. The American Marxists work together to politicize science for their own benefit. Democrats in the White House are crippling the American fossil fuel industry while inflation continues rising.  All while blue-collar energy workers and their families bear the initial brunt of it. Then, climate change is profound junk science that wages war against capitalism, private property, and American individualism. This pursuit is propelled by the financial interests that follow reports of climate catastrophe, whether it's accurate or not. Later, climate change, COVID, and Critical Race Theory are all designed to scare you and they should. Now there's Omicron. A variant that even the Doctor that discovered it says causes mild symptoms.  Moreover, the President of South Africa says there will be no travel bans or lockdowns. Afterward, Critical Race Theory continues creep

  • The Best of Mark Levin - 11/27/21

    27/11/2021 Duração: 01h06min

    On the Best of Levin, it's amazing how our government doesn't work. They impeached Trump twice with no high crimes or misdemeanors, and with the help of collaborators within the establishment tried to eliminate Trump from Washington. These same bureaucrats, and the Biden family, have played nice with China while mortgaging the future of American Citizens and they've never been investigated for it. Then, these problems are perpetuated by the rejection of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King's idea of a color-blind society from the Marxists that promote critical race theory and MSNBC hosts smear and trash White people and this country's founding. Attorney David Schoen, who defended President Trump in his impeachment calls in to discuss the charges against his current client Steve Bannon. Schoen says that Bannon is being treated very differently from many others charged similarly. There's no reason for the price of fuel to be going up. But, President Biden is now saying that fuel companies need to be investigated

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/26/21

    27/11/2021 Duração: 01h59min

    On Friday's Mark Levin Show, Brian Mudd of WJNO fills in for Mark. There's a new variant of Covid called Omicron and President Joe Biden inspires no confidence except for discussing more vaccines. The "Faucists" of the world favor lockdowns and don't seem to get it, but Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has created a roadmap to handle Covid really well, and many other state governors can learn from it. Also, historically the most liberal voters are the youth, but their positions change as their tax payments increase and they earn more and start families. However, voters aged 18-34 are currently the least happy with Biden, giving him a 69% disapproval rating. This is backlash from the youth is likely due to vaccine mandates and restriction of freedom. Afterward, the body politic must reject absurdity. America needs a Reagan revolution of conservative thinkers to push back on the left's bad policies. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/25/21

    26/11/2021 Duração: 01h55min

    On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, we bring you the best Of Mark Levin.  The media is thoroughly and grotesquely racist, antisemitic, and Marxist. Darryl Edward Brooks Jr has been charged with the slaughter of 5 and the injuries of 40 children and adults he allegedly ran over at a Christmas parade. Brooks is a career criminal with a listing on Arizona's sex offender registry and his motivation remains to be seen. Then, these problems are perpetuated by the rejection of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King's idea of a color-blind society from the Marxists that promote critical race theory and MSNBC hosts smear and trash White people and this country's founding.  Later, self-defense predates the U.S Constitution and Kyle Rittenhouse was rightfully found not guilty. A non-violent protester was killed in the riot on January 6th and the left within the media called that an insurrection. Yet, Democrats will defend the violent rioters instead of the law-abiding citizen. The radicals on the left don't believe in a jury sy

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/24/21

    25/11/2021 Duração: 01h59min

    On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, WMAL radio host Larry O'Connor fills in for Mark. All three men charged with the murder of Ahmaud Aubery have been found guilty by a jury of their peers. This case shows that our justice system works, it’s not systemically racist. The white men that shot and killed a young black man were held accountable for their crimes. Despite the media's warped and perverted view of justice and obsession with the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict, the system worked. Then, President Biden is single-handedly damaging the economy and all the Democrats care about is retaining power. If it means lying about everything, they will do it. The media is just as complicit in covering things up and toeing the line for the Democrats in Washington. Later, if you have children in the public school system you have seen the impact of Biden and the impact of your school board. Our whole system is built on the premise of divesting power from the federal government, especially in your neighborhood. Afterward, the recen

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/23/21

    24/11/2021 Duração: 01h53min

    On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, no news is good news when it comes to the elite American media machine, which is similar to state-run media pushing the propaganda of the communist Chinese government on CCTV says Habi Zhang. Then, according to the Tennessee Star, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, election records were destroyed faster than the state law requires. Multiple videos show officials flippantly getting rid of election information. This reinforces an email from Christina Iacono read by this program in November of 2020 highlighting votes that could not be counted and ballots that had chain of custody issues. These issues were ignored by the U.S Attorney of Pennsylvania and the Attorney General's Office, yet Bill Barr claimed that no such issues were raised or brought to the Department of Justice. So why didn't the DOJ conduct an investigation? Later, in a massive ruse, NYC moves allow non-citizens to vote. This will eventually open the door for non-citizens to vote in state and federal elections as well. Wi

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/22/21

    23/11/2021 Duração: 01h55min

    On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the media is thoroughly and grotesquely racist, antisemitic, and Marxist. Darryl Edward Brooks Jr has been charged with the slaughter of 5 and the injuries of 40 children and adults he allegedly ran over at a Christmas parade. Brooks is a career criminal with a listing on Arizona's sex offender registry and his motivation remains to be seen. Then, these problems are perpetuated by the rejection of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King's idea of a color-blind society from the Marxists that promote critical race theory and MSNBC hosts smear and trash White people and this country's founding. Later, the Civil War was fought to end slavery in the United States and what the media is pushing is antithetical to that history. Afterward, law professor and author Randy Barnett joins the show to discuss his new book "The Original Meaning of the 14th Amendment." Barnett explains that many cases of abuse ensued as a result of poorly interpreting the Constitution, particularly the 14th Amendment.

  • The Best of Mark Levin - 11/20/21

    20/11/2021 Duração: 01h05min

    On the Best of Mark Levin, author Bill O'Reilly calls in to highlight the importance of his upcoming tour with former President Trump, reflecting on historical importance matters. When then-AG Eric Holder got caught running the "Fast and Furious" gun-running scandal he declined to respond to Congressional subpoenas and he was only held in contempt. Columnist Julie Kelly calls in with an update on the pretrial detention of the January 6th political prisoners. It's nonsensical to think that the FBI was not involved since the FBI had so many informants inside of these various groups. It's interesting to note that AG Garland wouldn't comment on this when questioned in Congress. Was this attack actually instigated by the feds? The prosecutors in the Kyle Rittenhouse case have become an instrument of the rioters and looters. Similarly, the U.S Department of Justice has become an agency that goes after the President of the United States and journalists like James O’Keefe. The American Marxists have conquered a signi

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/19/21

    20/11/2021 Duração: 01h57min

    On Friday's Mark Levin Show, self-defense predates the U.S Constitution and Kyle Rittenhouse was rightfully found not guilty today. A non-violent protester was killed in the riot on January 6th and the left within the media called that an insurrection. Yet, Democrats will defend the violent rioters instead of the law-abiding citizen. The radicals on the left don't believe in a jury system as was proved by the prosecutors in this case who were willing to undermine the Constitution to get a scalp for their cause. Then, President Biden alluded to the notion that Rittenhouse was a White supremacist. These are grounds for an effective lawsuit against the President for defaming Rittenhouse. The media is still trying to inject racial narratives and the 2nd Amendment into this case's verdicts because that's all that propagandists know how to do. Later, Congressman Jim Jordan calls in with his reaction to the House's passage of Biden's Build Back Better bill and his new book "Do What You Said You Would Do: Fighting fo

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/18/21

    19/11/2021 Duração: 01h57min

    On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, it's amazing how our government doesn't work. They impeached Trump twice with no high crimes or misdemeanors, and with the help of collaborators within the establishment tried to eliminate Trump from Washington. These same bureaucrats, and the Biden family, have played nice with China while mortgaging the future of American Citizens and they've never been investigated for it. Then, there's no reason for the price of fuel to be going up. But, President Biden is now saying that fuel companies need to be investigated for price gouging. This kind of demagoguery works because Americans have been conditioned to hate the oil companies. Even though Biden canceled the Keystone pipeline and stopped drilling in Anwar. Biden is blaming private companies for the ports and trucking delays as well. These problems are caused by regulations that strangle the industry. The left believes that all problems are the responsibility of the individual and never the fault of the government or the America

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/17/21

    18/11/2021 Duração: 01h59min

    On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, WREC Radio Host Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark. Prosecutors withheld exculpatory video evidence in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, acting as if he was presumed guilty until he could prove his innocence. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time will never eliminate one's right to protect their life after being chased and attacked. The biased media and prosecutors can't help but infuse politics into everything as they ignore the truth and slander Rittenhouse. The prosecution smeared Rittenhouse for exercising his right to remain silent. The gun charge was dropped because he was over-charged, yet the media claims he was a vigilante. Don Lemon says that although the Judge was following the law, he didn't quite like how he said things. Later, Congress discovered that the FBI created a threat-tag for 'threats' to school board meetings. Liberal media started targeting conservative opposition back in the Obama administration, and now targeting parents seems to be the priority for the Att

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/16/21

    17/11/2021 Duração: 01h55min

    On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, there's still no verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, but CNN and MSNBC aren't covering the story as much as the other networks. Instead, they've kicked their propaganda into overdrive with former Republicans turned analysts falsely claiming that a white vigilante ran around Kenosha gunning people down. These are not news operations, they're propaganda operations. Then, Chris Christie is getting orders from the Washington Post and the Bush Family, he's no Reagan conservative. The Bush family, specifically Neil Bush, has interesting ties to companies linked to China via a space symposium sponsored by the Bush China Foundation. The left wants a soft military and China sees this. Later, Mark recalls his early days at the Action Agency in the Reagan Administration and discovered boxes of Saul Alinksy's book "Rules for Radicals" that were paid for by tax dollars and passed out to the public by the leftists within the government. These radicals remain interspersed in our society toda

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/15/21

    16/11/2021 Duração: 01h55min

    On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the prosecutors in the Kyle Rittenhouse case have become an instrument of the rioters and looters. Similarly, the U.S Department of Justice has become an agency that goes after the President of the United States and journalists like James O’Keefe. The American Marxists have conquered a significant element of our culture and these institutions that we would've thought would resist, have not. Like law enforcement and intelligence agencies, the U.S military is pushing critical race theory as part of an overall Marxist movement to propagandize. Even local institutions are being nationalized insofar as they are advancing the left's racist, ideological agenda which includes unconstitutional vaccine mandates. Then, MSNBC's Tiffany's Cross attacks truck drivers claiming that the white drivers cut off the black drivers. Cross's suggestion that truckers are racists does not sit well with truckers of all races and genders across America. Later, Buzzfeed maintains that because the FBI opened

  • The Best of Mark Levin - 11/13/21

    13/11/2021 Duração: 59min

    On the Best of Mark Levin, in typical reprobate fashion, Joe Scarborough attacked the judge in the Kyle Rittenhouse case for chastising the rogue prosecutor after he impinged on Rittenhouse's Constitutional rights. Mob rule pushed the media and the prosecution to rush these charges instead of gathering the facts and witnesses. Now the prosecution is angling for a mistrial since their star-witness blew it. Former White House Trade Advisor, Peter Navarro, calls in to discuss his new book "In Trump Time: My Journal of America’s Plague Year." Navarro shared personal anecdotes of his years in the Trump Administration and how he witnessed the media lie by omission on various occasions including regarding the coronavirus. President Biden attempted to silence free speech by nominating Gigi Sohn to the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) to control the airwaves and destroy conservative talk radio. Sohn says she will shackle broadband providers and censor Fox News by preventing cable providers from carrying the netw

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/12/21

    13/11/2021 Duração: 01h57min

    On Friday's Mark Levin Show, the National School Board Association did, in fact, collude with the White House before that memo calling parents domestic terrorists was issued. This program made the prescient state that there was coordination with the NSBA and the White House calling the letter an "inside job" at that time. Now on November 12th, 2021 its been confirmed that the NSBA has been actively engaged with several executive branch agencies. It is also believed that the DOJ had a hand in writing the memo. Then, Hawk Newsome, the head of Black Lives Matter of Greater New York City has declared that there will be arson and bloodshed in the streets if the NYPD's anti-crime task force is reinstated by the incoming Mayor Eric Adams. While there's no repercussion for the BLM leader, Steve Bannon was indicted for rejecting an overreaching subpoena from a partisan congressional committee obsessed with Donald Trump. How many presidents and their staff has this happened to? The Democrat party of Jim Crow remains a

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/11/21

    12/11/2021 Duração: 01h52min

    On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the American Marxist doesn't celebrate Veterans Day or even America for that matter. Defunding the military budget, and supporting the damage caused by the Democrat Party does not support the sacrifice that these men and women invested in our country. This program thanks all veterans and stands with them every single day. Then, in typical reprobate fashion, Joe Scarborough attacked the judge in the Kyle Rittenhouse case for chastising the rogue prosecutor after he impinged on Rittenhouse's Constitutional rights. Mob rule pushed the media and the prosecution to rush these charges instead of gathering the facts and witnesses. Now the prosecution is angling for a mistrial since their star-witness blew it. This is the problem with mob rule. Later, the media is so thoroughly corrupt when they push an agenda instead of the truth. Professor Richard Weaver saw it coming, and highlighted the media's use of targeted personal attacks and mischaracterizations because there is no context. Th

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/10/21

    11/11/2021 Duração: 01h56min

    On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, Kyle Rittenhouse should have never been charged with murder of any kind. When charging someone with murder a prosecutor should move slowly and carefully; Rittenhouse was charged with homicide within 36-48 hours. This was clearly self-defense but the media wants to villainize him. If Rittenhouse would not have defended himself while being attacked he might be dead. The prosecution's actions bordered on contempt and earned a scolding from the judge. Prosecutors ridiculed Rittenhouse for exercising his fifth amendment right immediately following his arrest and trying to taint the jury with unrelated comments that the judge had precluded from the case. Then, there is a problem with justice in America and just as we saw it with Donald Trump, we're seeing it with Kyle Rittenhouse. The Congressional committee entirely selected by Nancy Pelosi and their lawyers and judges saying that President Biden is best equipped to assert executive privilege over documents from the Trump Administra

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/9/21

    10/11/2021 Duração: 01h55min

    On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, President Biden attempted to silence free speech by nominating Gigi Sohn to the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) to control the airwaves and destroy conservative talk radio. Sohn says she will shackle broadband providers and censor Fox News by preventing cable providers from carrying the network. If confirmed, Sohn will likely end free speech on the airwaves unless patriots speak up. Then, in March of 2017 when this program deduced from publicly available reports that candidate Trump had been spied on, we were attacked yet it turned out to be true. Despite the top intelligence and law enforcement officials being aware of these false claims they still injected them into their spheres of influence. Newly declassified memos show that current National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan delivered some of this false information to then-President Obama and others in the White House. This whole scheme was hatched by Hillary Clinton, the Obama Administration, and the Democrat National C

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