Artisan Angela - Lessons On Self Coaching

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 63:51:50
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Artisan Angela shares weekly lessons from Self Coaching Scholars Class through The Life Coach School


  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 58, Spending Money to Stop Over-drinking

    05/02/2020 Duração: 28min

    This episode I discuss common beliefs that society has when we seek help to stop over-drinking. Such as 'we shouldn't have to pay' to get help with our alcohol consumption.Or that people like me are taking advantage of people with addiction.I also discuss how when you do decide to pay for help with this issue you must be willing to look at the total transformation available and that it's an investment into your mental health and life versus a per session transaction.The episode is controversial and that's ok. I am not here to make friends I am here to help badass women change their lives. I know what investments into your life can do, personally. And it's worth every single penny that you every put into it.Request a 20-minute consultation by clicking the link below.

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 057, Interview with client Laurie

    30/01/2020 Duração: 44min

    Do you want to hear a story of someone who changed everything when she applied what I teach to her life, got coached, and permanently stopped over-drinking?My client Laurie is an example of what is possible when you show up for yourself and decide that you will solve the over-drinking issue.Laurie was committed. Laurie dedicated herself to doing the work even when she 'didn't feel like it,' even when her brain told her she never finished what she started, even when her brain told her it would be hard. Laurie recognized that even though her brain had all sorts of objections that she was going to do it anyway. And now Laurie is reaping the benefits of showing up for herself in spite of what her brain threw at her.I love you, Laurie, thank you so much for being brave and open with your story and experience. I know that this is just the beginning for you and thank you for trusting me to be your coach.Do you want results like Laurie? Request a FREE 20-minute phone call with me and I'll let you know your specific p

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 056, Listener Q+A [Response to AA, Sleep, Family Support]

    24/01/2020 Duração: 29min

    Tune in this week as I answer listener questions that range from how to address friends and family that believe AA is the only way, how to get your family to support your desire to drink less, sleeping issues and more!Interested in joining my small coaching program, Stop Over-drinking and Start Living?Click here to apply:

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 55, How to FINISH what you START

    15/01/2020 Duração: 24min

    ***I need your help! If you are an avid listener to the podcast please go to iTunes and LEAVE A REVIEW. *** Every week for 2 full years I have been developing FREE, AMAZING, LIFE CHANGING CONTENT with no advertising.. if you love it and it has helped you please leave a glowing 5-star review. Do it now. Thanks! How to FINISH what you START. Have you started a diet before and fallen off 1 month in? Have you tried to cut back on alcohol or sugar or starting a new exercise routine but find yourself right back in your old ways after a few weeks? You must listen to this episode. I'm teaching you how to finish what you start and make this year the year you actually accomplish your goals. Also, there is an awesome worksheet I created to go with the episode so you can actually apply what I'm teaching instead of just listen. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE WORKSHEET.*Ready to learn more and apply to join my small group coaching program?*Click here.

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 54, Interview with Client Kate, More Money, Weight loss and more

    08/01/2020 Duração: 37min

    Happy 2020!You must tune in to this episode where I interview my client Kate. Kate hired me to coach her exactly one year ago. Kate wanted to lose weight and ended up doing that (27lbs!) plus so much more. Listen to how Kate changed her thoughts that lead to more money, a new job, weight loss, going back to school and more.Wanna be like Kate?Apply to join me in my new coaching program by clicking here:

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 53, Belief

    31/12/2019 Duração: 15min

    Friends start 2020 with the belief you CAN stop over-drinking!Tune in to this episode and learn how you can generate a BELIEF that you will tackle this issue.Grab a pen and paper and get ready.This episode can change everything for you!Happy New Year!Apply to join my 6-month coaching program by clicking HERE.

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 51, Life Coaching for Over-drinking + My New Program details

    17/12/2019 Duração: 46min

    What IS life coaching to stop over-drinking?This episode I go into specifics to what life coaching is to stop over-drinking. Such as what we do, how we make progress, how we make permanent changes specifically to change our relationship with alcohol.This episode will help you understand if you are a good fit for life coaching to stop over-drinking.I also do a general recap on WHY we over-drink, WHY it's hard to cut back and how I can specifically help you change your relationship with alcohol forever.I'm also sharing the details of my new coaching program, Stop Over-drinking and Start Living. >>CLICK HERE TO APPLY TO JOIN THE PROGRAM

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 050, Why we DON’T Stop Over-drinking

    12/12/2019 Duração: 20min

    If you haven't stopped over-drinking and have all the best intentions to stop the cycle you MUST listen to this episode. We haven't stopped over-drinking because of a few repetitive thoughts you are likely having.  I identify them and then we look at these thoughts and see the truth about them and how to think differently so that you CAN stop over-drinking.*********************************************************Link to register for my Q&A Call where I'm sharing how you can work with me in January 2020, click >>HERE

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 049, Surrendering, Friend or Foe

    04/12/2019 Duração: 17min

    I want to discuss surrendering with you today. Many of my clients have had family members in AA or read literature on AA. Alcohol issues touch most families' lives. So the concept of surrounding yourself to be powerless when it comes to alcohol is a concept that a lot of you might be familiar with.I am discussing how surrendering doesn't mean giving your power away.My idea of surrendering always leaves you 100% in control and power.Register for my 2020 Coaching Info Session by clicking HERE.

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 48, DESIRE

    27/11/2019 Duração: 16min

    DESIRE a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen. DESIRE shows up in all areas of our lives.  We have desire for food, sex, alcohol, to exercise, to want a new job, to want a new mate, to want a new house. It’s important to understand desire especially if you are someone who over-drinks. If you are over-drinking than you have an over-desire for alcohol. Basically you want it too much. And you are the only one that can know if you want it too much. Everyone is different. If you are only drinking one glass of wine a night but really struggle with not doing that then you have over-desire. Over-desire is a desire that is so strong that it drives you to take actions that you really don’t want to be doing. Like over-drinking. Some people have an over-desire for sex or an over-desire to spend money and shop. You know if you have an over-desire if you feel like you can’t control it.This episode I'm discussing how desire is created and how you can create a desire for

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 047, How to Enjoy the Holidays without Over-drinking

    20/11/2019 Duração: 31min

    I turned my most popular online class into a podcast. Tune in this week and learn how you can set yourself up for success this holiday season. You don't have to over-drink and overeat this holiday.  You can have fun and enjoy yourself WITHOUT over-indulging. You can leave 2019 better than it started, it's not too late.Last chance to request a FREE consultation!>>Click here

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 046, Success Risk

    14/11/2019 Duração: 16min

    This week on the podcast I’m talking about risk when we look at investing in our selves to solve a personal issue like over-drinking. So many of you don’t want to invest because it’s a risk.  You might not have used this word before but if you have thoughts like, it might not work or I don’t want to spend more money on another program that won’t work or I can probably do it on my own, I don’t need to pay for it, then you aren't willing to risk the investment. The truth is we take bigger more costly risks every day but the difference is that we BELIEVE the benefits outweigh the risks. Tune in to learn what you are RISKING when you don't invest in yourself. Request a 30-minute consultation by clicking HERE:Link to Ryan Bingham click HERE.Link to Jamestown Revival click HERE.

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 45, Life coaching vs Therapy

    06/11/2019 Duração: 18min

    What is life coaching to solve over-drinking? I’m going to tell you what this means and then I’m going to tell you how it’s different than a counselor or therapy for this issue. Not better, just different.Life coaching helped me stop over-drinking and lose weight permanently and now I help women do the same using skills and tools as a certified life coach.Tune in to hear my perspective on the difference in life coaching vs. therapy.>>Click here

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 044, Does it Feel Like Love?

    30/10/2019 Duração: 09min

    Does it feel like LOVE?Learn what answering this question means when you are moving towards pouring a glass of wine or getting a bowl of chips.Love for yourself is allowing your feelings. It's honoring your commitments. It's having boundaries with food and alcohol.Loving yourself is not eating whatever you want and pouring the 2nd, 3rd and 4th glass of wine.Request the FREE 30-minute consultation by clicking Get on my calendar now if you want the private one on one support from me. I'm changing my program in January and will not be offering the exclusive private support that I am now.

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 043, Breaking the Cycle Part 2

    23/10/2019 Duração: 13min

    How to Break the Cycle - Part 2 is about how to break the cycle when you have a plan or a program you are working on and you have previously decided that you weren’t going to drink or eat after dinner and you find yourself wanting to. I’m going to teach you how to not eat or drink when you hadn’t planned to and in the moment you really want to. If you haven’t listened to Part 1 please do that first. You need to have that background before learning what to do in the moment when you said you weren’t going to do something and are now struggling.Request a FREE 30-minute consultation by clicking HERE.

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 042, Breaking the Cycle Part 1

    16/10/2019 Duração: 13min

    Learn how to break the auto-repeat cycle of over-drinking and overeating. Part 1 is understanding how our thoughts play into the auto-repeat cycle. Thoughts like: ‘I can’t break the cycle.’  OR ‘I don’t know how to break the cycle of over-drinking or overeating.’ I'm going to show you that these types of thoughts create more of the same result you have now.Do you do this?Say you will do something (usually it’s for ourselves, like start a diet, stop over-drinking, exercise, journal, meditate, wake up early, read a book, watch a video) And then not do it?If you keep telling yourself you will do something and then not do it and that is frustrating for you, tune and I'll help you break that cycle.REQUEST a FREE 30-minute consultation by clicking >>HERE

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 041, Repetitive Thought Patterns

    09/10/2019 Duração: 16min

    Repetitive thought patterns show up in all areas of our lives, especially when it comes to our personal development, health or individual finances. The same thoughts ‘I’ll do it tomorrow’ show up when we think about cleaning out that closet or looking at our finances or creating a meal plan or prepping our food for the week right? So, when we are on the crux of making a big decision to go all-in on cutting back on our drinking and you think ‘I’ll do it in 6 months when I’m ready’ or ‘I’ll start next month’ or ‘I don’t have time’ they are the same thoughts you have when you are in the moment with the desire to eat or drink.Right? How often have you said 'I'll start tomorrow' or 'I'll do it later.?' You'll want to tune in so you can identify repetitive thought patterns in your own life that aren't helping you achieve your goals.>>Click here

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 040, Mastermind Lessons Part 3, Massive Action

    02/10/2019 Duração: 16min

    Corrine Crabtree, certified master coach and the host of Losing 100lbs with Phit and Phat, presented at our annual Mastermind meeting.  She spoke about massive action and what is required to reach your goals. She asked us to identify in one of two categories: Big Ass Action people or Half Ass Action people. Big ass action people think a little about their goal, and they start thinking about all the things to try and do and planning when they will do it and then they do what they planned. Half ass action people think obsessively about goals, spend a lot of time reading and researching but little time is spent on what they will do or planning what they will do and actually doing it. Tune in to see how you can step into big ass action to reach your goals to stop over-drinking. >>Click here to request 30-minute consultation

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 039, Mastermind Lessons Part 2, Feelings

    25/09/2019 Duração: 19min

    I learned how an emotion physically can move my body.Just like a baby moves her body when someone she recognizes walks in the room and she gets excited, the baby starts kicking her feet, wiggling her butt, flapping her hands and rocking back and forth.. can you picture this? Anyway, the baby FEELS the emotion of excitement and it’s so intense her body moves. She can't talk but is showing her excitement with her body.Well, as adults we lose this connection with our emotions and our body. We might notice it if we get really angry and feel like throwing something or yelling at our kids or if someone surprises us and we are so happy to see them we might jump up and down with excitement. But these events are so few and far between and we don’t even think about why we are moving we just do.You can learn how an emotion moves your body and when you do this it can catapult you into massive action.Request 30-minute consult by clicking HERE.Email me if you want to attend the LIVE event in Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill at a

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 038, Mastermind Lessons, Part 1 – Thoughts

    18/09/2019 Duração: 12min

    When working on new thoughts to have ‘you have to commit to the thought before it will do anything for you.' I'm going to teach you how to create new thoughts and then how you commit to them so that they have the power they need to change everything.Also, if you are interested in the LIVE in-person workshop email me and type 'live event' in the subject line: Request a FREE consultation by click here:

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